protected function getSelect($table, $what = "*", QueryBuilderWhere $where = NULL, $limit = array(), $groupBy = array(), $orderBy = array())
     if (strlen($table) < 1) {
         throw new DbControlException("Ilegal parameter table. Must be NOT-NULL string.");
     if (strlen($what) < 1) {
         throw new DbControlException("Ilegal parameter what. Must be NOT-NULL string.");
     if (!is_array($limit)) {
         throw new DbControlException("Ilegal parameter limit. Must be array.");
     if (!is_array($groupBy)) {
         throw new DbControlException("Ilegal parameter groupBy. Must be array.");
     if (!is_array($orderBy)) {
         throw new DbControlException("Ilegal parameter groupBy. Must be array.");
     if ($where instanceof QueryBuilderWhere) {
         $whereString = $this->getWhereStringByObject($where);
     // groupByString
     $groupByString = "";
     if (count($groupBy) < 1) {
         $groupByString = "";
     } else {
         foreach ($groupBy as $columnName) {
             $groupByString .= strlen($groupByString) > 0 ? ", " : "";
             $groupByString .= reset(self::getQuotesColumnName()) . "{$columnName}" . end(self::getQuotesColumnName()) . "";
         $groupByString = "GROUP BY {$groupByString}";
     // orderByString
     $orderByString = $this->getOrderByStringByArray($orderBy);
     $orderByStringReverse = $this->getOrderByStringByArray($orderBy, true);
     // limitString
     $limitString = "";
     switch (count($limit)) {
         case 0:
         case 2:
         case 1:
             $limit = array(0, current($limit));
             throw new DbControlException("Ilegal parameter limit!");
     $outTmp = "{$what} FROM " . reset(self::getQuotesTableName()) . "{$table}" . end(self::getQuotesTableName()) . " {$whereString} {$groupByString} {$orderByString}";
     // LIMIT clause emulation for MSSQL
     * 	- SELECT emp_id,lname,fname FROM employee LIMIT 20,10
     * select * from (
     			 select top 10 emp_id,lname,fname from (
     			    select top 30 emp_id,lname,fname
     			    from employee
     			   order by lname asc
     			 ) as newtbl order by lname desc
     			) as newtbl2 order by lname asc
     if (count($limit) > 0) {
         $limitOffset = reset($limit);
         $limitLimit = end($limit);
         /* check table count */
         $sqlCountNoLimit = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . reset(self::getQuotesTableName()) . "{$table}" . end(self::getQuotesTableName()) . " {$whereString} {$groupByString}";
         $dbControl = new DbControl($this->task);
         $countNoLimit = $dbControl->initiateQuery($sqlCountNoLimit)->count;
         $limitLimit = $limitOffset + $limitLimit > $countNoLimit ? $limitOffset > $countNoLimit ? 0 : $countNoLimit - $limitOffset : $limitLimit;
         $out = "SELECT * FROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT TOP " . $limitLimit . " {$what} FROM (" . "SELECT TOP " . ($limitOffset + $limitLimit) . " {$outTmp}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS order_tmptable1 {$orderByStringReverse}" . ") AS order_tmptable2 {$orderByString}";
     } else {
         $out = "SELECT {$outTmp}";
     return $out;