function check_chart_public($id, $callback) { $chart = ChartQuery::create()->findPK($id); $loggedUser = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); if ($chart) { $user = $chart->getUser(); if ($user->isAbleToPublish()) { if ($chart->isPublic() || $user == $loggedUser) { call_user_func($callback, $user, $chart); } else { if ($chart->_isDeleted()) { error_chart_deleted(); } else { error_chart_not_published(); } } } else { // no such chart error_not_allowed_to_publish(); } } else { // no such chart error_chart_not_found($id); } }
public function controller($app) { $plugin = $this; $app->get('/gallery(/?|/by/:key/:val)', function ($key = false, $val = false) use($app, $plugin) { disable_cache($app); $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $curPage = $app->request()->params('page'); if (empty($curPage)) { $curPage = 0; } $perPage = 60; $filter = !empty($key) ? array($key => $val) : array(); try { $charts = ChartQuery::create()->getGalleryCharts($filter, $curPage * $perPage, $perPage); $total = ChartQuery::create()->countGalleryCharts($filter); } catch (Exception $e) { // make sure bogus input for the filter doesn't kill the site $charts = array(); $total = 0; } $page = array('charts' => $charts, 'byvis' => $plugin->nbChartsByType(), 'key' => $key, 'val' => $val); add_pagination_vars($page, $total, $curPage, $perPage); add_header_vars($page, 'gallery'); $app->render('plugins/' . $plugin->getName() . '/gallery.twig', $page); }); }
function if_is_admin($callback) { $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); if ($user->isAdmin()) { call_user_func($callback); } else { error('access-denied', 'need admin privileges.'); } }
/** * checks if a chart is writeable by the current user (or guest) * * @param chart_id * @param callback the function to be executed if chart is writable */ function if_chart_is_writable($chart_id, $callback) { $chart = ChartQuery::create()->findPK($chart_id); if (!empty($chart)) { $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $res = $chart->isWritable($user); if ($res === true) { call_user_func($callback, $user, $chart); } else { error('access-denied', $res); } } else { error('no-such-chart', ''); } }
public function users($app, $page) { $page = array_merge($page, array('title' => __('Users'), 'q' => $app->request()->params('q', ''))); $sort = $app->request()->params('sort', ''); $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); function getQuery($user) { global $app; $sort = $app->request()->params('sort', ''); $query = UserQuery::create()->leftJoin('User.Chart')->withColumn('COUNT(Chart.Id)', 'NbCharts')->groupBy('User.Id')->filterByDeleted(false); $q = $app->request()->params('q'); if ($q) { $query->where('email LIKE "%' . $q . '%" OR name LIKE "%' . $q . '%"'); } if (!$user->isSysAdmin()) { $query->filterByRole('sysadmin', Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); } switch ($sort) { case 'name': $query->orderByName('asc'); break; case 'email': $query->orderByEmail('asc'); break; case 'charts': $query->orderBy('NbCharts', 'desc'); break; case 'created_at': default: $query->orderBy('createdAt', 'desc'); break; } return $query; } $curPage = $app->request()->params('page', 0); $total = getQuery($user)->count(); $perPage = 50; $append = ''; if ($page['q']) { $append = '&q=' . $page['q']; } if (!empty($sort)) { $append .= '&sort=' . $sort; } add_pagination_vars($page, $total, $curPage, $perPage, $append); $page['users'] = getQuery($user)->limit($perPage)->offset($curPage * $perPage)->find(); $app->render('plugins/admin-users/admin-users.twig', $page); }
function check_chart_writable($id, $callback) { $chart = ChartQuery::create()->findPK($id); if ($chart) { $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); if ($chart->isWritable($user) === true) { call_user_func($callback, $user, $chart); } else { // no such chart error_chart_not_writable(); } } else { // no such chart error_chart_not_found($id); } }
public function init() { $plugin = $this; // hook into chart publication DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::GET_CHART_ACTIONS, function () use($plugin) { // no export possible without email $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); if ($user->getEmail() == '') { return array(); } return array('id' => 'export-image', 'title' => __("Export to static image for printing", $plugin->getName()), 'icon' => 'print'); }); // provide static assets files $this->declareAssets(array('export-image.js', 'export-image.css'), "|/chart/[^/]+/publish|"); // hook into job execution DatawrapperHooks::register('export_image', array($this, 'exportImage')); }
function user_charts($app, $user, $key, $val) { $curPage = $app->request()->params('page'); $q = $app->request()->params('q'); if (empty($curPage)) { $curPage = 0; } $perPage = 12; $filter = !empty($key) ? array($key => $val) : array(); if (!empty($q)) { $filter['q'] = $q; } $charts = ChartQuery::create()->getPublicChartsByUser($user, $filter, $curPage * $perPage, $perPage); $total = ChartQuery::create()->countPublicChartsByUser($user, $filter); $page = array('charts' => $charts, 'bymonth' => nbChartsByMonth($user), 'byvis' => nbChartsByType($user), 'bylayout' => nbChartsByLayout($user), 'bystatus' => nbChartsByStatus($user), 'key' => $key, 'val' => $val, 'search_query' => empty($q) ? '' : $q, 'mycharts_base' => '/mycharts'); if (DatawrapperSession::getUser()->isAdmin() && $user != DatawrapperSession::getUser()) { $page['user2'] = $user; $page['mycharts_base'] = '/admin/charts/' . $user->getId(); $page['all_users'] = UserQuery::create()->filterByDeleted(false)->orderByEmail()->find(); } add_header_vars($page, 'mycharts'); add_pagination_vars($page, $total, $curPage, $perPage, empty($q) ? '' : '&q=' . $q); $app->render('mycharts.twig', $page); }
<?php //GET route $app->get('/login', function () use($app) { disable_cache($app); if (DatawrapperSession::getUser()->isLoggedIn()) { $app->redirect('/'); } $page = array('title' => 'Datawrapper', 'pageClass' => 'login', 'noHeader' => true, 'noFooter' => true, 'noSignup' => true); add_header_vars($page, ''); $app->render('login-page.twig', $page); }); //GET route $app->get('/setup', function () use($app) { disable_cache($app); if (DatawrapperSession::getUser()->isLoggedIn() || UserQuery::create()->filterByRole(array('admin', 'sysadmin'))->count() > 0) { $app->redirect('/'); } $page = array('title' => 'Datawrapper', 'pageClass' => 'setup', 'noHeader' => true, 'noFooter' => true, 'noSignup' => true, 'auth_salt' => DW_AUTH_SALT); add_header_vars($page, ''); $app->render('setup.twig', $page); }); /* * endpoint for final setup script */ $app->post('/setup', function () use($app) { $data = json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); // check that there is no admin user yet (only true right after setup) if (UserQuery::create()->count() == 0) { $user = new User(); $user->setCreatedAt(time());
function get_theme_js($theme, $themeJS) { $all = ''; $org = DatawrapperSession::getUser()->getCurrentOrganization(); if (!empty($org)) { $org = '/' . $org->getID(); } else { $org = ''; } $keys = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PUBLISH_STORAGE_KEY); if (is_array($keys)) { $org .= '/' . join($keys, '/'); } foreach ($themeJS as $js) { if (substr($js, 0, 7) != "http://" && substr($js, 0, 8) != "https://" && substr($js, 0, 2) != '//') { $all .= "\n\n\n" . file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . 'www' . $js); } } $all = jsminify($all); $theme_js_md5 = md5($all . $org); $theme_path = 'theme/' . $theme['id'] . '-' . $theme_js_md5 . '.min.js'; return array($theme_path, $all); }
function add_header_vars(&$page, $active = null) { // define the header links global $app; $config = $GLOBALS['dw_config']; if (!isset($active)) { $active = explode('/', $app->request()->getResourceUri()); $active = $active[1]; } $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $headlinks = array(); if ($user->isLoggedIn() || empty($config['prevent_guest_charts'])) { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/chart/create', 'id' => 'chart', 'title' => __('Create Chart'), 'icon' => 'pencil'); } if ($user->isLoggedIn() && $user->hasCharts()) { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/mycharts/', 'id' => 'mycharts', 'title' => __('My Charts'), 'icon' => 'signal'); } else { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/gallery/', 'id' => 'gallery', 'title' => __('Gallery'), 'icon' => 'signal'); } if (isset($config['navigation'])) { foreach ($config['navigation'] as $item) { $link = array('url' => str_replace('%lang%', substr(DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(), 0, 2), $item['url']), 'id' => $item['id'], 'title' => __($item['title'])); if (!empty($item['icon'])) { $link['icon'] = $item['icon']; } $headlinks[] = $link; } } // language dropdown if (!empty($config['languages'])) { $langDropdown = array('url' => '', 'id' => 'lang', 'dropdown' => array(), 'title' => __('Language'), 'icon' => 'font'); foreach ($config['languages'] as $lang) { $langDropdown['dropdown'][] = array('url' => '#lang-' . $lang['id'], 'title' => $lang['title']); } if (count($langDropdown['dropdown']) > 1) { $headlinks[] = $langDropdown; } } if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { $shortenedMail = $user->getEmail(); $shortenedMail = strlen($shortenedMail) > 18 ? substr($shortenedMail, 0, 9) . '...' . substr($shortenedMail, strlen($shortenedMail) - 9) : $shortenedMail; $headlinks[] = array('url' => '#user', 'id' => 'user', 'title' => $shortenedMail, 'icon' => 'user', 'dropdown' => array(array('url' => '/account/settings', 'icon' => 'wrench', 'title' => __('Settings')), array('url' => '#logout', 'icon' => 'off', 'title' => __('Logout')))); if ($user->isAdmin()) { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/admin', 'id' => 'admin', 'icon' => 'fire', 'title' => __('Admin')); } } else { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '#login', 'id' => 'login', 'title' => __('Login / Sign Up'), 'icon' => 'user'); } foreach ($headlinks as $i => $link) { $headlinks[$i]['active'] = $headlinks[$i]['id'] == $active; } $page['headlinks'] = $headlinks; $page['user'] = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $page['language'] = substr(DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(), 0, 2); $page['locale'] = DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(); $page['DW_DOMAIN'] = $config['domain']; $page['DW_VERSION'] = DATAWRAPPER_VERSION; $page['DW_CHART_CACHE_DOMAIN'] = $config['chart_domain']; $page['ADMIN_EMAIL'] = $config['email']['admin']; $page['config'] = $config; $page['invert_navbar'] = substr($config['domain'], -4) == '.pro'; $uri = $app->request()->getResourceUri(); $plugin_assets = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PLUGIN_ASSETS, $uri); if (!empty($plugin_assets)) { $plugin_js_files = array(); $plugin_css_files = array(); foreach ($plugin_assets as $files) { if (!is_array($files)) { $files = array($files); } foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file, -3) == '.js') { $plugin_js_files[] = $file; } if (substr($file, -4) == '.css') { $plugin_css_files[] = $file; } } } $page['plugin_js'] = $plugin_js_files; $page['plugin_css'] = $plugin_css_files; } if (isset($config['piwik'])) { $page['PIWIK_URL'] = $config['piwik']['url']; $page['PIWIK_IDSITE'] = $config['piwik']['idSite']; if (isset($config['piwik']['idSiteNoCharts'])) { $page['PIWIK_IDSITE_NO_CHARTS'] = $config['piwik']['idSiteNoCharts']; } } if ($config['debug']) { if (file_exists('../.git')) { // parse git branch $head = file_get_contents('../.git/HEAD'); $parts = explode("/", $head); $page['BRANCH'] = ' (' . trim($parts[count($parts) - 1]) . ')'; } } }
$app->get('/account/?', function () use($app, $pages) { $app->redirect('/account/' . $pages[0]['url'] . '/'); }); // redirect to settings $app->get('/settings/?', function () use($app) { $app->redirect('/account'); }); $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $context = array('title' => $page['title'], 'gravatar' => md5(strtolower(trim($user->getEmail()))), 'pages' => $pages, 'active' => $page['url'], 'user' => $user); add_header_vars($context, 'account'); $app->get('/account/' . $page['url'] . '/?', function () use($app, $context, $page) { $u = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); if ($u->isSysAdmin()) { if ($app->request()->get('uid') != null) { $u = UserQuery::create()->findPk($app->request()->get('uid')); if ($u) { $context['user'] = $u; $context['notme'] = $u != DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $context['gravatar'] = md5(strtolower(trim($u->getEmail()))); // update links to other pages for ($i = 0; $i < count($context['pages']); $i++) { $context['pages'][$i]['params'] = '?uid=' . $u->getId(); } } } } call_user_func_array($page['controller']($app, $context), func_get_args()); }); } });
<?php //GET route $app->get('/login', function () use($app) { //disable_cache($app); if (DatawrapperSession::getUser()->isLoggedIn()) { $app->redirect('/'); } $page = array('title' => 'Datawrapper', 'pageClass' => 'login', 'noHeader' => true, 'noFooter' => true, 'noSignup' => true); add_header_vars($page, ''); $app->render('login-page.twig', $page); }); //GET route $app->get('/setup', function () use($app) { //disable_cache($app); if (DatawrapperSession::getUser()->isLoggedIn() || UserQuery::create()->count() > 0) { $app->redirect('/'); } $page = array('title' => 'Datawrapper', 'pageClass' => 'setup', 'noHeader' => true, 'noFooter' => true, 'noSignup' => true, 'auth_salt' => DW_AUTH_SALT); add_header_vars($page, ''); $app->render('setup.twig', $page); }); /* * endpoint for final setup script */ $app->post('/setup', function () use($app) { $data = json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); // check that there is no admin user yet (only true right after setup) if (UserQuery::create()->count() == 0) { $user = new User(); $user->setCreatedAt(time());
public static function load() { if (defined('NO_SESSION')) { $plugins = PluginQuery::create()->distinct()->filterByEnabled(true)->filterByIsPrivate(false)->find(); } else { $plugins = self::getUserPlugins(DatawrapperSession::getUser()->getId()); } $not_loaded_yet = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (!isset(self::$loaded[$plugin->getId()])) { $not_loaded_yet[] = $plugin; } } $could_not_install = array(); $init_queue = array(); $load_plugin = function ($plugin) use(&$init_queue) { $plugin_path = ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $plugin->getName(); // first if this plugin uses composer, require the autoloader if (file_exists($plugin_path . '/vendor/autoload.php')) { require_once $plugin_path . '/vendor/autoload.php'; } if (file_exists($plugin_path . '/plugin.php')) { require_once $plugin_path . '/plugin.php'; // init plugin class $className = $plugin->getClassName(); $pluginClass = new $className(); } else { $pluginClass = new DatawrapperPlugin($plugin->getName()); if (file_exists($plugin_path . '/init.php')) { $pluginClass->injectInitFunction(function ($plugin) use($plugin_path) { include_once $plugin_path . '/init.php'; }); } } // then, lets also load the libraries required by this lib // this is DEPRECATED, all new plugins should use the autoload // method using composer or similar foreach ($pluginClass->getRequiredLibraries() as $lib) { require_once $plugin_path . '/' . $lib; } $init_queue[] = $pluginClass; return $pluginClass; }; while (count($not_loaded_yet) > 0) { $try = $not_loaded_yet; $not_loaded_yet = array(); while (count($try) > 0) { $plugin = array_shift($try); $id = $plugin->getId(); $deps = $plugin->getDependencies(); unset($deps['core']); // ignore core dependency $can_load = true; if (is_array($deps)) { foreach ($deps as $dep => $version) { if (!isset(self::$loaded[$dep])) { // dependency not loaded $can_load = false; if (!file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $dep) || isset($could_not_install[$dep])) { // dependency does not exists, not good $could_not_install[$id] = true; } break; } } } if (isset(self::$loaded[$id]) && self::$loaded[$id]) { // plugin already loaded by now continue; } if ($can_load) { // load plugin self::$loaded[$id] = true; self::$instances[$id] = $load_plugin($plugin); } else { if (!isset($could_not_install[$id])) { $not_loaded_yet[] = $plugin; // so try next time } } } } // now initialize all plugins while (count($init_queue) > 0) { $pluginClass = array_shift($init_queue); $pluginClass->init(); } }
public static function load() { $plugins = PluginQuery::create()->filterByEnabled(true); if (!defined('NO_SESSION')) { $user_id = DatawrapperSession::getUser()->getId(); if (!empty($user_id)) { $plugins->where('Plugin.Id IN (SELECT plugin_id FROM plugin_organization WHERE organization_id IN (SELECT organization_id FROM user_organization WHERE user_id = ?))', $user_id)->_or(); } $plugins = $plugins->where('Plugin.IsPrivate = FALSE'); } $plugins = $plugins->find(); $not_loaded_yet = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (!isset(self::$loaded[$plugin->getId()])) { $not_loaded_yet[] = $plugin; } } $could_not_install = array(); if (!function_exists('load_plugin')) { function load_plugin($plugin) { $plugin_path = ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $plugin->getName() . '/plugin.php'; if (file_exists($plugin_path)) { require $plugin_path; // init plugin class $className = $plugin->getClassName(); $pluginClass = new $className(); } else { $pluginClass = new DatawrapperPlugin($plugin->getName()); } // but before we load the libraries required by this lib foreach ($pluginClass->getRequiredLibraries() as $lib) { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $plugin->getName() . '/' . $lib; } $pluginClass->init(); return $pluginClass; } } while (count($not_loaded_yet) > 0) { $try = $not_loaded_yet; $not_loaded_yet = array(); while (count($try) > 0) { $plugin = array_shift($try); $id = $plugin->getId(); $deps = $plugin->getDependencies(); unset($deps['core']); // ignore core dependency $can_load = true; if (is_array($deps)) { foreach ($deps as $dep => $version) { if (!isset(self::$loaded[$dep])) { // dependency not loaded $can_load = false; if (!file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $dep) || isset($could_not_install[$dep])) { // dependency does not exists, not good $could_not_install[$id] = true; } break; } } } if (isset(self::$loaded[$id]) && self::$loaded[$id]) { // plugin already loaded by now continue; } if ($can_load) { // load plugin self::$loaded[$id] = true; self::$instances[$id] = load_plugin($plugin); } else { if (!isset($could_not_install[$id])) { $not_loaded_yet[] = $plugin; // so try next time } } } } }
function add_header_vars(&$page, $active = null, $page_css = null) { if (!function_exists('header_nav_hook')) { function header_nav_hook(&$headlinks, $part) { $links = DatawrapperHooks::execute('header_nav_' . $part); if (!empty($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { $headlinks[] = $link; } } } } // define the header links global $app; $config = $GLOBALS['dw_config']; if (!isset($active)) { $active = explode('/', $app->request()->getResourceUri()); $active = $active[1]; } if (!isset($config['prevent_guest_charts'])) { $config['prevent_guest_charts'] = false; } if (!isset($config['prevent_guest_access'])) { $config['prevent_guest_access'] = false; } $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $headlinks = array(); if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/chart/create', 'id' => 'chart', 'title' => __('New Chart'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-plus'); } header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'create'); if (isset($config['navigation'])) { foreach ($config['navigation'] as $item) { $link = array('url' => str_replace('%lang%', substr(DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(), 0, 2), $item['url']), 'id' => $item['id'], 'title' => __($item['title'])); if (!empty($item['icon'])) { $link['icon'] = $item['icon']; } $headlinks[] = $link; } } if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) { header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'logged_out_nav'); } header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'custom_nav'); // language dropdown if (!empty($config['languages'])) { $langDropdown = array('url' => '', 'id' => 'lang', 'dropdown' => array(), 'title' => strtoupper(substr(DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(), 0, 2)), 'icon' => false, 'tooltip' => __('Switch language')); foreach ($config['languages'] as $lang) { $langDropdown['dropdown'][] = array('url' => '#lang-' . $lang['id'], 'title' => $lang['title']); } if (count($langDropdown['dropdown']) > 1) { $headlinks[] = $langDropdown; } } header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'languages'); if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { $headlinks[] = 'divider'; $username = $user->guessName(); if ($username == $user->getEmail()) { $username = strlen($username) > 18 ? substr($username, 0, 9) . '…' . substr($username, strlen($username) - 9) : $username; } else { if (strlen($username) > 18) { $username = substr($username, 0, 16) . '…'; } } $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/account/profile', 'id' => 'account', 'title' => '<img style="height:22px;position:relative;top:-2px;border-radius:7px;margin-right:7px" src="//' . md5(strtolower(trim($user->getEmail()))) . '?s=44&d=mm" /><b>' . htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</b>'); if ($user->hasCharts()) { // mycharts $mycharts = array('url' => '/mycharts/', 'id' => 'mycharts', 'title' => __('My Charts'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-bar-chart-o', 'dropdown' => array()); foreach ($user->getRecentCharts(9) as $chart) { $mycharts['dropdown'][] = array('url' => '/chart/' . $chart->getId() . '/visualize#tell-the-story', 'title' => '<img width="30" src="' . ($chart->hasPreview() ? $chart->thumbUrl(true) : '') . '" class="icon" /> ' . '<span>' . strip_tags($chart->getTitle()) . '</span>'); } $mycharts['dropdown'][] = 'divider'; $mycharts['dropdown'][] = array('url' => '/mycharts/', 'title' => __('All charts')); $headlinks[] = $mycharts; } header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'mycharts'); // the place where settings used to be header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'settings'); } else { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '#login', 'id' => 'login', 'title' => $config['prevent_guest_access'] ? __('Login') : __('Login / Sign Up'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-sign-in'); } if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { $headlinks[] = array('url' => '#logout', 'id' => 'signout', 'icon' => 'fa fa-sign-out', 'justicon' => true, 'tooltip' => __('Sign out')); } header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'user'); // admin link if ($user->isLoggedIn() && $user->isAdmin() && DatawrapperHooks::hookRegistered(DatawrapperHooks::GET_ADMIN_PAGES)) { $headlinks[] = 'divider'; $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/admin', 'id' => 'admin', 'icon' => 'fa fa-gears', 'justicon' => true, 'tooltip' => __('Admin')); } header_nav_hook($headlinks, 'admin'); if (DatawrapperHooks::hookRegistered(DatawrapperHooks::CUSTOM_LOGO)) { $logos = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::CUSTOM_LOGO); $page['custom_logo'] = $logos[0]; } foreach ($headlinks as $i => $link) { if ($link == 'divider') { continue; } $headlinks[$i]['active'] = $headlinks[$i]['id'] == $active; } $page['headlinks'] = $headlinks; $page['user'] = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $page['language'] = substr(DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(), 0, 2); $page['locale'] = DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(); $page['DW_DOMAIN'] = $config['domain']; $page['DW_VERSION'] = DATAWRAPPER_VERSION; $page['ASSET_DOMAIN'] = $config['asset_domain']; $page['DW_CHART_CACHE_DOMAIN'] = $config['chart_domain']; $page['SUPPORT_EMAIL'] = $config['email']['support']; $page['config'] = $config; $page['page_css'] = $page_css; $page['invert_navbar'] = isset($config['invert_header']) && $config['invert_header'] || substr($config['domain'], -4) == '.pro'; $page['noSignup'] = $config['prevent_guest_access']; $page['alternative_signins'] = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::ALTERNATIVE_SIGNIN); $page['footer'] = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_FOOTER); $uri = $app->request()->getResourceUri(); $plugin_assets = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PLUGIN_ASSETS, $uri); if (!empty($plugin_assets)) { $plugin_js_files = array(); $plugin_css_files = array(); foreach ($plugin_assets as $assets) { if (!is_array($assets)) { $assets = array($assets); } foreach ($assets as $asset) { $file = $asset[0]; $plugin = $asset[1]; if (substr($file, -3) == '.js') { $plugin_js_files[] = $file . '?v=' . $plugin->getVersion(); } if (substr($file, -4) == '.css') { $plugin_css_files[] = $file . '?v=' . $plugin->getVersion(); } } } $page['plugin_js'] = $plugin_js_files; $page['plugin_css'] = $plugin_css_files; } if (isset($config['piwik'])) { $page['PIWIK_URL'] = $config['piwik']['url']; $page['PIWIK_IDSITE'] = $config['piwik']['idSite']; if (isset($config['piwik']['idSiteNoCharts'])) { $page['PIWIK_IDSITE_NO_CHARTS'] = $config['piwik']['idSiteNoCharts']; } } if ($config['debug']) { if (file_exists('../.git')) { // parse git branch $head = file_get_contents('../.git/HEAD'); $parts = explode("/", $head); $branch = trim($parts[count($parts) - 1]); $output = array(); exec('git rev-parse HEAD', $output); $commit = $output[0]; $page['BRANCH'] = ' (<a href="' . $commit . '">' . $branch . '</a>)'; } } }
$user->setResetPasswordToken($token); $user->save(); $protocol = get_current_protocol(); $passwordResetLink = $protocol . '://' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain'] . '/account/reset-password/' . $token; include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/templates/password-reset-email.php'; dw_send_support_email($user->getEmail(), __('Datawrapper: You requested a reset of your password'), $password_reset_mail, array('name' => $user->guessName(), 'password_reset_link' => $passwordResetLink)); ok(__('You should soon receive an email with further instructions.')); } else { error('login-email-unknown', __('The email is not registered yet.')); } }); /* * endpoint for re-sending the activation link to a user */ $app->post('/account/resend-activation', function () use($app) { $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser(); $token = $user->getActivateToken(); if (!empty($token)) { // check how often the activation email has been send // we don't want to send it too often in order to prevent // mail spam coming from our server $r = ActionQuery::create()->filterByUser($user)->filterByKey('resend-activation')->find(); if (count($r) > 2) { error('avoid-spam', str_replace('%support_email%', $GLOBALS['dw_config']['email']['support'], __('You already resent the activation mail three times, now. Please <a href="mailto:%support_email%">contact an administrator</a> to proceed with your account activation.'))); return false; } // remember that we send the email Action::logAction($user, 'resend-activation', $token); // send email with activation key $domain = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain']; $protocol = get_current_protocol();
public function getConfig() { if (isset($GLOBALS['dw_config']['plugins'][$this->getName()])) { $cfg = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['plugins'][$this->getName()]; } else { $cfg = array(); } // apply organization-specific custom configuration $org = DatawrapperSession::getUser()->getCurrentOrganization(); if (!empty($org)) { $pd = PluginDataQuery::create()->filterByPlugin($this->getPluginOM())->where('PluginData.Key LIKE ?', 'custom_config/' . $org->getId() . '/%')->find(); foreach ($pd as $c) { $k = explode('/', $c->getKey()); $k = explode('.', $k[2]); if (count($k) == 1) { $cfg[$k[0]] = $c->getData(); } else { if (count($k) == 2) { $cfg[$k[0]][$k[1]] = $c->getData(); } else { if (count($k) == 3) { $cfg[$k[0]][$k[1]][$k[2]] = $c->getData(); } else { if (count($k) == 4) { $cfg[$k[0]][$k[1]][$k[2]][$k[3]] = $c->getData(); } } } } } } return $cfg; }