<?php //Require security helper functions require_once 'authenticator.php'; require_once 'database-queries.php'; //Secured content, redirect unauthenticated users $authenticator = new AuthenticatorHelper(); $databaseQueries = new DatabaseQueries(); if (!$authenticator->isAdmin()) { header('Location: /index.php?not-admin=yes'); } switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'home': header('Location: index.php'); break; case 'topic': header('Location: topic.php?topic=' . $databaseQueries->getChallenge('topic_challenge')['topic_id']); break; case 'image-page': header('Location: image.php?image=' . $databaseQueries->getChallenge('image_challenge')['image_id']); break; case 'about': header('Location: about.php'); break; case 'profile': header('Location: profile.php?username='******'username']); break; case 'sitemap': header('Location: sitemap.php'); break; case 'login':
<?php require_once 'database-queries.php'; require_once 'upload.php'; $databaseQueries = new DatabaseQueries(); $uploadImage = new UploadHelper(); include 'header.php'; if ($_POST) { // Setting the $_POST data to $data for sticky form $data = $_POST; if (array_key_exists('bio', $data)) { $databaseQueries->addBio($data); } elseif (array_key_exists('submit_image', $data)) { $uploadImage->uploadImage($_FILES); } elseif (array_key_exists('delete', $data)) { $table = $data['table']; $id['id'] = $data['id']; die(var_dump($data)); if ($databaseQueries->removePun($table, $id)) { $message = "Pun deleted"; header('Location: /home.php?message=' . $message); } } elseif (array_key_exists('edit', $data)) { header('Location: /edit-pun.php?table=' . $data['table'] . '&id=' . $data['id']); } } if ($_GET) { if ($_GET['rating'] == 'up') { $databaseQueries->ratePun(); } elseif ($_GET['rating'] == 'down') { $databaseQueries->ratePun();