function form ($form) { $db =& DB::get(); $purchasetable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchase::$table); $next = $db->query("SELECT auto_increment as id FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() AND table_name='$purchasetable' LIMIT 1"); $Order = $this->Order; $Order->_2COcart_order_id = date('mdy').'-'.date('His').'-'.$next->id; // Build the transaction $_ = array(); // Required $_['sid'] = $this->settings['sid']; $_['total'] = number_format($Order->Cart->Totals->total,$this->precision); $_['cart_order_id'] = $Order->_2COcart_order_id; $_['vendor_order_id'] = $this->session; $_['id_type'] = 1; // Extras if ($this->settings['testmode'] == "on") $_['demo'] = "Y"; $_['fixed'] = "Y"; $_['skip_landing'] = "1"; $_['x_Receipt_Link_URL'] = $this->settings['returnurl']; // Line Items foreach($this->Order->Cart->contents as $i => $Item) { // $description[] = $Item->quantity."x ".$Item->name.((!empty($Item->optionlabel))?' '.$Item->optionlabel:''); $id = $i+1; $_['c_prod_'.$id] = 'ecart_pid-'.$Item->product.','.$Item->quantity; $_['c_name_'.$id] = $Item->name; $_['c_description_'.$id] = !empty($Item->option->label)?$Item->$Item->option->label:''; $_['c_price_'.$id] = number_format($Item->unitprice,$this->precision); } $_['card_holder_name'] = $Order->Customer->firstname.' '.$Order->Customer->lastname; $_['street_address'] = $Order->Billing->address; $_['street_address2'] = $Order->Billing->xaddress; $_['city'] = $Order->Billing->city; $_['state'] = $Order->Billing->state; $_['zip'] = $Order->Billing->postcode; $_['country'] = $Order->Billing->country; $_['email'] = $Order->Customer->email; $_['phone'] = $Order->Customer->phone; $_['ship_name'] = $Order->Customer->firstname.' '.$Order->Customer->lastname; $_['ship_street_address'] = $Order->Shipping->address; $_['ship_street_address2'] = $Order->Shipping->xaddress; $_['ship_city'] = $Order->Shipping->city; $_['ship_state'] = $Order->Shipping->state; $_['ship_zip'] = $Order->Shipping->postcode; $_['ship_country'] = $Order->Shipping->country; return $form.$this->format($_); }
/** * Shopping constructor * * @todo Change table to 'shopping' and update schema * * @return void **/ function __construct () { // Set the database table to use $this->_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('shopping'); // Initialize the session handlers parent::__construct(); // Queue the session to start add_action('init',array(&$this,'init')); }
function attach_download($id) { if (!$id) { return false; } $db = DB::get(); $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Asset::$table); $db->query("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE parent='{$this->id}' AND context='price' AND datatype='download'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$table} SET parent='{$this->id}',context='price',datatype='download' WHERE id='{$id}'"); do_action('attach_product_download', $id, $this->id); return true; }
function categories_meta_box ($Product) { $db =& DB::get(); $category_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Category::$table); $categories = $db->query("SELECT id,name,parent FROM $category_table ORDER BY parent,name",AS_ARRAY); $categories = sort_tree($categories); if (empty($categories)) $categories = array(); $categories_menu = '<option value="0">'.__('Parent Category','Ecart').'…</option>'; foreach ($categories as $category) { $padding = str_repeat(" ",$category->depth*3); $categories_menu .= '<option value="'.$category->id.'">'.$padding.esc_html($category->name).'</option>'; } $selectedCategories = array(); foreach ($Product->categories as $category) $selectedCategories[] = $category->id; ?> <div id="category-menu" class="multiple-select short"> <ul> <?php $depth = 0; foreach ($categories as $category): if ($category->depth > $depth) echo "<li><ul>"; ?> <?php if ($category->depth < $depth): ?> <?php for ($i = $category->depth; $i < $depth; $i++): ?> </ul></li> <?php endfor; ?> <?php endif; ?> <li id="category-element-<?php echo $category->id; ?>"><input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" value="<?php echo $category->id; ?>" id="category-<?php echo $category->id; ?>" tabindex="3"<?php if (in_array($category->id,$selectedCategories)) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> class="category-toggle" /><label for="category-<?php echo $category->id; ?>"><?php echo esc_html($category->name); ?></label></li> <?php $depth = $category->depth; endforeach; ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++): ?> </ul></li> <?php endfor; ?> </ul> </div> <div> <div id="new-category" class="hidden"> <input type="text" name="new-category" value="" size="15" id="new-category-name" /><br /> <select name="new-category-parent"><?php echo $categories_menu; ?></select> <button id="add-new-category" type="button" class="button-secondary" tabindex="2"><small><?php _e('Add','Ecart'); ?></small></button> </div> <button id="new-category-button" type="button" class="button-secondary" style="margin-top:10px;" tabindex="2"><?php _e('Add New Category','Ecart'); ?></button> </div> <?php }
/** * Interface processor for the customer editor * * Handles rendering the interface, processing updated customer details * and handing saving them back to the database * * @return void **/ function editor () { global $Ecart,$Customer; $db =& DB::get(); if ( !(is_ecart_userlevel() || current_user_can('ecart_customers')) ) wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); if ($_GET['id'] != "new") { $Customer = new Customer($_GET['id']); $Customer->Billing = new Billing($Customer->id,'customer'); $Customer->Shipping = new Shipping($Customer->id,'customer'); if (empty($Customer->id)) wp_die(__('The requested customer record does not exist.','Ecart')); } else $Customer = new Customer(); if (empty($Customer->info->meta)) remove_meta_box('customer-info','ecart_page_ecart-customers','normal'); $purchase_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchase::$table); $r = $db->query("SELECT count(id) AS purchases,SUM(total) AS total FROM $purchase_table WHERE customer='$Customer->id' LIMIT 1"); $Customer->orders = $r->purchases; $Customer->total = $r->total; $countries = array(''=>' '); $countrydata = Lookup::countries(); foreach ($countrydata as $iso => $c) { if (isset($_POST['settings']) && $_POST['settings']['base_operations']['country'] == $iso) $base_region = $c['region']; $countries[$iso] = $c['name']; } $Customer->countries = $countries; $regions = Lookup::country_zones(); $Customer->billing_states = array_merge(array(''=>' '),(array)$regions[$Customer->Billing->country]); $Customer->shipping_states = array_merge(array(''=>' '),(array)$regions[$Customer->Shipping->country]); include(ECART_ADMIN_PATH."/customers/editor.php"); }
function delete() { $db = DB::get(); // Delete record $id = $this->{$this->_key}; // Delete related discounts $discount_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Discount::$table); if (!empty($id)) { $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM {$discount_table} WHERE promo='{$id}'"); } if (!empty($id)) { $db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->_table} WHERE {$this->_key}='{$id}'"); } else { return false; } }
function unstock() { if (!$this->inventory) { return; } global $Shopp; $db = DB::get(); // Update stock in the database $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Price::$table); $db->query("UPDATE {$table} SET stock=stock-{$this->quantity} WHERE id='{$this->price}' AND stock > 0"); // Update stock in the model $this->option->stock -= $this->quantity; // Handle notifications $product = $this->name . ' (' . $this->option->label . ')'; if ($this->option->stock == 0) { return new ShoppError(sprintf(__('%s is now out-of-stock!', 'Shopp'), $product), 'outofstock_warning', SHOPP_STOCK_ERR); } if ($this->option->stock <= $Shopp->Settings->get('lowstock_level')) { return new ShoppError(sprintf(__('%s has low stock levels and should be re-ordered soon.', 'Shopp'), $product), 'lowstock_warning', SHOPP_STOCK_ERR); } }
function images_meta_box($Category) { $db =& DB::get(); $Images = array(); if (!empty($Category->id)) { $asset_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Asset::$table); $Images = $db->query("SELECT id,src,properties FROM {$asset_table} WHERE context='category' AND parent={$Category->id} AND datatype='thumbnail' ORDER BY sortorder", AS_ARRAY); } ?> <ul id="lightbox"> <?php foreach ($Images as $i => $thumbnail) { $thumbnail->properties = unserialize($thumbnail->properties); ?> <li id="image-<?php echo $thumbnail->src; ?> "><input type="hidden" name="images[]" value="<?php echo $thumbnail->src; ?> " /> <div id="image-<?php echo $thumbnail->src; ?> -details"> <img src="?shopp_image=<?php echo $thumbnail->id; ?> " width="96" height="96" /> <div class="details"> <input type="hidden" name="imagedetails[<?php echo $i; ?> ][id]" value="<?php echo $thumbnail->id; ?> " /> <p><label>Title: </label><input type="text" name="imagedetails[<?php echo $i; ?> ][title]" value="<?php echo $thumbnail->properties['title']; ?> " /></p> <p><label>Alt: </label><input type="text" name="imagedetails[<?php echo $i; ?> ][alt]" value="<?php echo $thumbnail->properties['alt']; ?> " /></p> <p class="submit"><input type="button" name="close" value="Close" class="button close" /></p> </div> </div> <button type="button" name="deleteImage" value="<?php echo $thumbnail->src; ?> " title="Delete category image…" class="deleteButton"><img src="<?php echo SHOPP_PLUGINURI; ?> /core/ui/icons/delete.png" alt="-" width="16" height="16" /></button></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> <input type="hidden" name="category" value="<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> " id="image-category-id" /> <input type="hidden" name="deleteImages" id="deleteImages" value="" /> <div id="swf-uploader-button"></div> <div id="swf-uploader"> <button type="button" class="button-secondary" name="add-image" id="add-image" tabindex="10"><small><?php _e('Add New Image', 'Shopp'); ?> </small></button></div> <div id="browser-uploader"> <button type="button" name="image_upload" id="image-upload" class="button-secondary"><small><?php _e('Add New Image', 'Shopp'); ?> </small></button><br class="clear"/> </div> <p><?php _e('The first image will be the default image. These thumbnails are out of proportion, but will be correctly sized for shoppers.', 'Shopp'); ?> </p> <?php }
/** * Deletes the record associated with this object */ function delete() { $db = DB::get(); $id = $this->{$this->_key}; if (empty($id)) { return false; } // Delete from categories $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table); $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM {$table} WHERE product='{$id}'"); // Delete prices $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Price::$table); $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM {$table} WHERE product='{$id}'"); // Delete specs $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Spec::$table); $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM {$table} WHERE product='{$id}'"); // Delete images/files $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Asset::$table); // Delete images $images = array(); $src = $db->query("SELECT id FROM {$table} WHERE parent='{$id}' AND context='product' AND datatype='image'", AS_ARRAY); foreach ($src as $img) { $images[] = $img->id; } $this->delete_images($images); // Delete product downloads (but keep the file if on file system) $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM {$table} WHERE parent='{$id}' AND context='product'"); // Delete record $db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->_table} WHERE {$this->_key}='{$id}'"); }
/** * lookups () * Provides fast db lookups with as little overhead as possible */ function lookups($wp) { $db =& DB::get(); // Grab query requests from permalink rewriting query vars $admin = false; $download = isset($wp->query_vars['shopp_download']) ? $wp->query_vars['shopp_download'] : ''; $lookup = isset($wp->query_vars['shopp_lookup']) ? $wp->query_vars['shopp_lookup'] : ''; // Admin Lookups if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == "shopp-lookup") { $admin = true; $image = $_GET['id']; $download = $_GET['download']; } if (!empty($download)) { $lookup = "download"; } if (empty($lookup)) { $lookup = isset($_GET['lookup']) ? $_GET['lookup'] : ''; } switch ($lookup) { case "purchaselog": if (!defined('WP_ADMIN') || !is_user_logged_in() || !current_user_can('manage_options')) { die('-1'); } $db =& DB::get(); if (!isset($_POST['settings']['purchaselog_columns'])) { $_POST['settings']['purchaselog_columns'] = array_keys(array_merge($Purchase, $Purchased)); $_POST['settings']['purchaselog_headers'] = "on"; } $this->Flow->settings_save(); $format = $this->Settings->get('purchaselog_format'); if (empty($format)) { $format = 'tab'; } switch ($format) { case "csv": new PurchasesCSVExport(); break; case "xls": new PurchasesXLSExport(); break; case "iif": new PurchasesIIFExport(); break; default: new PurchasesTabExport(); } exit; break; case "customerexport": if (!defined('WP_ADMIN') || !is_user_logged_in() || !current_user_can('manage_options')) { die('-1'); } $db =& DB::get(); if (!isset($_POST['settings']['customerexport_columns'])) { $Customer = Customer::exportcolumns(); $Billing = Billing::exportcolumns(); $Shipping = Shipping::exportcolumns(); $_POST['settings']['customerexport_columns'] = array_keys(array_merge($Customer, $Billing, $Shipping)); $_POST['settings']['customerexport_headers'] = "on"; } $this->Flow->settings_save(); $format = $this->Settings->get('customerexport_format'); if (empty($format)) { $format = 'tab'; } switch ($format) { case "csv": new CustomersCSVExport(); break; case "xls": new CustomersXLSExport(); break; default: new CustomersTabExport(); } exit; break; case "receipt": if (!defined('WP_ADMIN') || !is_user_logged_in() || !current_user_can('manage_options')) { die('-1'); } if (preg_match("/\\d+/", $_GET['id'])) { $this->Cart->data->Purchase = new Purchase($_GET['id']); $this->Cart->data->Purchase->load_purchased(); } else { die('-1'); } echo "<html><head>"; echo '<style type="text/css">body { padding: 20px; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; }</style>'; echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . SHOPP_TEMPLATES_URI . "/shopp.css' type='text/css' />"; echo "</head><body>"; echo $this->Flow->order_receipt(); if (isset($_GET['print']) && $_GET['print'] == 'auto') { echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function () { window.print(); window.close(); }</script>'; } echo "</body></html>"; exit; break; case "zones": $zones = $this->Settings->get('zones'); if (isset($_GET['country'])) { echo json_encode($zones[$_GET['country']]); } exit; break; case "shipcost": @session_start(); $this->ShipCalcs = new ShipCalcs($this->path); if (isset($_GET['method'])) { $this->Cart->data->Order->Shipping->method = $_GET['method']; $this->Cart->retotal = true; $this->Cart->updated(); $this->Cart->totals(); echo json_encode($this->Cart->data->Totals); } exit; break; case "category-menu": echo $this->Flow->category_menu(); exit; break; case "category-products-menu": echo $this->Flow->category_products(); exit; break; case "spectemplate": $db = DB::get(); $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Category::$table); $result = $db->query("SELECT specs FROM {$table} WHERE id='{$_GET['cat']}' AND spectemplate='on'"); echo json_encode(unserialize($result->specs)); exit; break; case "optionstemplate": $db = DB::get(); $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Category::$table); $result = $db->query("SELECT options,prices FROM {$table} WHERE id='{$_GET['cat']}' AND variations='on'"); if (empty($result)) { exit; } $result->options = unserialize($result->options); $result->prices = unserialize($result->prices); foreach ($result->options as &$menu) { foreach ($menu['options'] as &$option) { $option['id'] += $_GET['cat']; } } foreach ($result->prices as &$price) { $optionids = explode(",", $price['options']); foreach ($optionids as &$id) { $id += $_GET['cat']; } $price['options'] = join(",", $optionids); $price['optionkey'] = ""; } echo json_encode($result); exit; break; case "newproducts-rss": $NewProducts = new NewProducts(array('show' => 5000)); header("Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8"); echo shopp_rss($NewProducts->rss()); exit; break; case "category-rss": $this->catalog($wp); header("Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8"); echo shopp_rss($this->Category->rss()); exit; break; case "download": if (empty($download)) { break; } if ($admin) { $Asset = new Asset($download); } else { $db = DB::get(); $pricetable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchase::$table); $pricetable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Price::$table); $assettable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Asset::$table); require_once "core/model/Purchased.php"; $Purchased = new Purchased($download, "dkey"); $Purchase = new Purchase($Purchased->purchase); $target = $db->query("SELECT target.* FROM {$assettable} AS target LEFT JOIN {$pricetable} AS pricing ON AND target.context='price' WHERE{$Purchased->price} AND target.datatype='download'"); $Asset = new Asset(); $Asset->populate($target); $forbidden = false; // Purchase Completion check if ($Purchase->transtatus != "CHARGED" && !SHOPP_PREPAYMENT_DOWNLOADS) { new ShoppError(__('This file cannot be downloaded because payment has not been received yet.', 'Shopp'), 'shopp_download_limit'); $forbidden = true; } // Account restriction checks if ($this->Settings->get('account_system') != "none" && (!$this->Cart->data->login || $this->Cart->data->Order->Customer->id != $Purchase->customer)) { new ShoppError(__('You must login to access this download.', 'Shopp'), 'shopp_download_limit', SHOPP_ERR); header('Location: ' . $this->link('account')); exit; } // Download limit checking if ($this->Settings->get('download_limit') && $Purchased->downloads + 1 > $this->Settings->get('download_limit')) { new ShoppError(__('This file can no longer be downloaded because the download limit has been reached.', 'Shopp'), 'shopp_download_limit'); $forbidden = true; } // Download expiration checking if ($this->Settings->get('download_timelimit') && $Purchased->created + $this->Settings->get('download_timelimit') < mktime()) { new ShoppError(__('This file can no longer be downloaded because it has expired.', 'Shopp'), 'shopp_download_limit'); $forbidden = true; } // IP restriction checks if ($this->Settings->get('download_restriction') == "ip" && !empty($Purchase->ip) && $Purchase->ip != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { new ShoppError(__('The file cannot be downloaded because this computer could not be verified as the system the file was purchased from.', 'Shopp'), 'shopp_download_limit'); $forbidden = true; } do_action_ref_array('shopp_download_request', array(&$Purchased)); } if ($forbidden) { header("Status: 403 Forbidden"); return; } if ($Asset->download($download)) { $Purchased->downloads++; $Purchased->save(); do_action_ref_array('shopp_download_success', array(&$Purchased)); exit; } break; } }
function smart ($options=array()) { $this->slug = self::$_slug; global $Ecart; $Cart = $Ecart->Order->Cart; $tagtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Tag::$table); $catalogtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table); // Use the current product if available if (!empty($Ecart->Product->id)) $this->product = $Ecart->Product; // Or load a product specified if (isset($options['product'])) { if ($options['product'] == "recent-cartitem") // Use most recently added item in the cart $this->product = new Product($Cart->Added->product); elseif (preg_match('/^[\d+]$/',$options['product']) !== false) // Load by specified id $this->product = new Product($options['product']); else $this->product = new Product($options['product'],'slug'); // Load by specified slug } if (empty($this->product->id)) return false; // Load the product's tags if they are not available if (empty($this->product->tags)) $this->product->load_data(array('tags')); if (empty($this->product->tags)) return false; $tagscope = ""; if (isset($options['tagged'])) { $tagged = new Tag($options['tagged'],'name'); if (!empty($tagged->id)) { $tagscope .= (empty($tagscope)?"":" OR ")."catalog.parent=$tagged->id"; } } foreach ($this->product->tags as $tag) if (!empty($tag->id)) $tagscope .= (empty($tagscope)?"":" OR ")."catalog.parent=$tag->id"; if (!empty($tagscope)) $tagscope = "($tagscope) AND catalog.type='tag'"; $this->tag = "product-".$this->product->id; $this->name = __("Products related to","Ecart")." "".stripslashes($this->product->name)."""; $this->uri = urlencode($this->tag); $this->controls = false; $exclude = ""; if (!empty($this->product->id)) $exclude = " AND != {$this->product->id}"; $this->loading = array( 'columns'=>'count(DISTINCT'.$tagscope.',100,0)) AS score', 'joins'=>"LEFT JOIN $catalogtable AS catalog ON LEFT JOIN $tagtable AS t ON AND", 'where'=>"($tagscope) $exclude", 'orderby'=>'score DESC' ); if (isset($options['order'])) $this->loading['order'] = $options['order']; if (isset($options['controls']) && value_is_true($options['controls'])) unset($this->controls); }
function query ($request=array()) { $db =& DB::get(); if (empty($request)) $request = $_GET; if (!empty($request['start'])) { list($month,$day,$year) = explode("/",$request['start']); $starts = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); } if (!empty($request['end'])) { list($month,$day,$year) = explode("/",$request['end']); $ends = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); } $where = "WHERE IS NOT NULL AND IS NOT NULL "; if (isset($request['status']) && !empty($request['status'])) $where .= "AND status='{$request['status']}'"; if (isset($request['s']) && !empty($request['s'])) $where .= " AND (id='{$request['s']}' OR firstname LIKE '%{$request['s']}%' OR lastname LIKE '%{$request['s']}%' OR CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) LIKE '%{$request['s']}%' OR transactionid LIKE '%{$request['s']}%')"; if (!empty($request['start']) && !empty($request['end'])) $where .= " AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(o.created) >= $starts AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(o.created) <= $ends)"; $purchasetable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchase::$table); $purchasedtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchased::$table); $offset = ($this->set*$this->limit); $c = 0; $columns = array(); foreach ($this->selected as $column) $columns[] = "$column AS col".$c++; $query = "SELECT ".join(",",$columns)." FROM $purchasedtable AS p LEFT JOIN $purchasetable AS o ON $where ORDER BY o.created ASC LIMIT $offset,$this->limit"; $this->data = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY); }
/** * Ecart 1.1.0 upgrades * * @since 1.1 * * @return void **/ function upgrade_110 () { $db =& DB::get(); $meta_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('meta'); $db->query("DELETE FROM $meta_table"); // Clear out previous meta // Update product status from the 'published' column $product_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('product'); $db->query("UPDATE $product_table SET status=CAST(published AS unsigned)"); // Set product publish date based on the 'created' date column $db->query("UPDATE $product_table SET publish=created WHERE status='publish'"); // Update Catalog $catalog_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('catalog'); $db->query("UPDATE $catalog_table set parent=IF(category!=0,category,tag),type=IF(category!=0,'category','tag')"); // Update specs $meta_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('meta'); $spec_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('spec'); $db->query("INSERT INTO $meta_table (parent,context,type,name,value,numeral,sortorder,created,modified) SELECT product,'product','spec',name,content,numeral,sortorder,now(),now() FROM $spec_table"); // Update purchase table $purchase_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('purchase'); $db->query("UPDATE $purchase_table SET txnid=transactionid,txnstatus=transtatus"); // Update image assets $meta_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('meta'); $asset_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('asset'); $db->query("INSERT INTO $meta_table (parent,context,type,name,value,numeral,sortorder,created,modified) SELECT parent,context,'image','processing',CONCAT_WS('::',id,name,value,size,properties,LENGTH(data)),'0',sortorder,created,modified FROM $asset_table WHERE datatype='image'"); $records = $db->query("SELECT id,value FROM $meta_table WHERE type='image' AND name='processing'",AS_ARRAY); foreach ($records as $r) { list($src,$name,$value,$size,$properties,$datasize) = explode("::",$r->value); $p = unserialize($properties); $value = new StdClass(); if (isset($p['width'])) $value->width = $p['width']; if (isset($p['height'])) $value->height = $p['height']; if (isset($p['alt'])) $value->alt = $p['alt']; if (isset($p['title'])) $value->title = $p['title']; $value->filename = $name; if (isset($p['mimetype'])) $value->mime = $p['mimetype']; $value->size = $size; error_log(serialize($value)); if ($datasize > 0) { $value->storage = "DBStorage"; $value->uri = $src; } else { $value->storage = "FSStorage"; $value->uri = $name; } $value = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($value)); $db->query("UPDATE $meta_table set name='original',value='$value' WHERE id=$r->id"); } // Update product downloads $meta_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('meta'); $asset_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('asset'); $query = "INSERT INTO $meta_table (parent,context,type,name,value,numeral,sortorder,created,modified) SELECT parent,context,'download','processing',CONCAT_WS('::',id,name,value,size,properties,LENGTH(data)),'0',sortorder,created,modified FROM $asset_table WHERE datatype='download' AND parent != 0"; $db->query($query); $records = $db->query("SELECT id,value FROM $meta_table WHERE type='download' AND name='processing'",AS_ARRAY); foreach ($records as $r) { list($src,$name,$value,$size,$properties,$datasize) = explode("::",$r->value); $p = unserialize($properties); $value = new StdClass(); $value->filename = $name; $value->mime = $p['mimetype']; $value->size = $size; if ($datasize > 0) { $value->storage = "DBStorage"; $value->uri = $src; } else { $value->storage = "FSStorage"; $value->uri = $name; } $value = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($value)); $db->query("UPDATE $meta_table set name='$name',value='$value' WHERE id=$r->id"); } // Update promotions $promo_table = DatabaseObject::tablename('promo'); $records = $db->query("UPDATE $promo_table SET target='Cart' WHERE scope='Order'",AS_ARRAY); $FSStorage = array('path' => array()); // Migrate Asset storage settings $image_storage = $this->Settings->get('image_storage_pref'); if ($image_storage == "fs") { $image_storage = "FSStorage"; $FSStorage['path']['image'] = $this->Settings->get('image_path'); } else $image_storage = "DBStorage"; $this->Settings->save('image_storage',$image_storage); $product_storage = $this->Settings->get('product_storage_pref'); if ($product_storage == "fs") { $product_storage = "FSStorage"; $FSStorage['path']['download'] = $this->Settings->get('products_path'); } else $product_storage = "DBStorage"; $this->Settings->save('product_storage',$product_storage); if (!empty($FSStorage['path'])) $this->Settings->save('FSStorage',$FSStorage); // Preserve payment settings // Determine active gateways $active_gateways = array($this->Settings->get('payment_gateway')); $xco_gateways = (array)$this->Settings->get('xco_gateways'); if (!empty($xco_gateways)) $active_gateways = array_merge($active_gateways,$xco_gateways); // Load 1.0 payment gateway settings for active gateways $gateways = array(); foreach ($active_gateways as $reference) { list($dir,$filename) = explode('/',$reference); $gateways[] = preg_replace('/[^\w+]/','',substr($filename,0,strrpos($filename,'.'))); } $where = "name like '%".join("%' OR name like '%",$gateways)."%'"; $query = "SELECT name,value FROM wp_ecart_setting WHERE $where"; $result = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY); require_once(ECART_MODEL_PATH.'/Lookup.php'); $paycards = Lookup::paycards(); // Convert settings to 1.1-compatible settings $active_gateways = array(); foreach ($result as $_) { $active_gateways[] = $_->name; // Add gateway to the active gateways list $setting = unserialize($_->value); // Parse the settings // Get rid of legacy settings unset($setting['enabled'],$setting['path'],$setting['billing-required']); // Convert accepted payment cards $accepted = array(); if (isset($setting['cards']) && is_array($setting['cards'])) { foreach ($setting['cards'] as $cardname) { // Normalize card names $cardname = str_replace( array( "Discover", "Diner’s Club", "Diners" ), array( "Discover Card", "Diner's Club", "Diner's Club" ), $cardname); foreach ($paycards as $card) if ($cardname == $card->name) $accepted[] = $card->symbol; } $setting['cards'] = $accepted; } $this->Settings->save($_->name,$setting); // Save the gateway settings } // Save the active gateways to populate the payment settings page $this->Settings->save('active_gateways',join(',',$active_gateways)); // Preserve update key $oldkey = $this->Settings->get('updatekey'); if (!empty($oldkey)) { $newkey = array( ($oldkey['status'] == "activated"?1:0), $oldkey['key'], $oldkey['type'] ); $this->Settings->save('updatekey',$newkey); } $this->roles(); // Setup Roles and Capabilities }
function query ($request=array()) { $db =& DB::get(); if (empty($request)) $request = $_GET; if (!empty($request['start'])) { list($month,$day,$year) = explode("/",$request['start']); $starts = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); } if (!empty($request['end'])) { list($month,$day,$year) = explode("/",$request['end']); $ends = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); } $where = "WHERE IS NOT NULL "; if (isset($request['s']) && !empty($request['s'])) $where .= " AND (id='{$request['s']}' OR firstname LIKE '%{$request['s']}%' OR lastname LIKE '%{$request['s']}%' OR CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) LIKE '%{$request['s']}%' OR transactionid LIKE '%{$request['s']}%')"; if (!empty($request['start']) && !empty($request['end'])) $where .= " AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.created) >= $starts AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.created) <= $ends)"; $customer_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Customer::$table); $billing_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Billing::$table); $shipping_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Shipping::$table); $offset = $this->set*$this->limit; $c = 0; $columns = array(); foreach ($this->selected as $column) $columns[] = "$column AS col".$c++; $query = "SELECT ".join(",",$columns)." FROM $customer_table AS c LEFT JOIN $billing_table AS b ON LEFT JOIN $shipping_table AS s ON $where ORDER BY c.created ASC LIMIT $offset,$this->limit"; $this->data = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY); }
/** * Renders the recent orders dashboard widget * * @since 1.0 * * @return void **/ function orders_widget ($args=null) { global $Ecart; $db = DB::get(); $defaults = array( 'before_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '', 'widget_name' => '', 'after_title' => '', 'after_widget' => '' ); if (!$args) $args = array(); $args = array_merge($defaults,$args); if (!empty($args)) extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP ); $statusLabels = $this->Settings->get('order_status'); echo $before_widget; echo $before_title; echo $widget_name; echo $after_title; $purchasetable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchase::$table); $purchasedtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchased::$table); $Orders = $db->query("SELECT p.*,count( as items FROM $purchasetable AS p LEFT JOIN $purchasedtable AS i ON GROUP BY i.purchase ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 6",AS_ARRAY); if (!empty($Orders)) { echo '<table class="widefat">'; echo '<tr><th scope="col">'.__('Name','Ecart').'</th><th scope="col">'.__('Date','Ecart').'</th><th scope="col" class="num">'.__('Items','Ecart').'</th><th scope="col" class="num">'.__('Total','Ecart').'</th><th scope="col" class="num">'.__('Status','Ecart').'</th></tr>'; echo '<tbody id="orders" class="list orders">'; $even = false; foreach ($Orders as $Order) { echo '<tr'.((!$even)?' class="alternate"':'').'>'; $even = !$even; echo '<td><a class="row-title" href="'.add_query_arg(array('page'=>$this->pagename('orders'),'id'=>$Order->id),admin_url('admin.php')).'" title="View "Order '.$Order->id.'"">'.((empty($Order->firstname) && empty($Order->lastname))?'(no contact name)':$Order->firstname.' '.$Order->lastname).'</a></td>'; echo '<td>'.date("Y/m/d",mktimestamp($Order->created)).'</td>'; echo '<td class="num">'.$Order->items.'</td>'; echo '<td class="num">'.money($Order->total).'</td>'; echo '<td class="num">'.$statusLabels[$Order->status].'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody></table>'; } else { echo '<p>'.__('No orders, yet.','Ecart').'</p>'; } echo $after_widget; }
function categories_meta_box($Product) { $db =& DB::get(); $category_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Category::$table); $categories = $db->query("SELECT id,name,parent FROM {$category_table} ORDER BY parent,name", AS_ARRAY); $categories = sort_tree($categories); if (empty($categories)) { $categories = array(); } $categories_menu = '<option value="0" rel="-1,-1">' . __('Parent Category', 'Shopp') . '…</option>'; foreach ($categories as $category) { $padding = str_repeat(" ", $category->depth * 3); $categories_menu .= '<option value="' . $category->id . '" rel="' . $category->parent . ',' . $category->depth . '">' . $padding . $category->name . '</option>'; } $selectedCategories = array(); foreach ($Product->categories as $category) { $selectedCategories[] = $category->id; } ?> <div id="category-menu" class="multiple-select short"> <ul> <?php $depth = 0; foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($category->depth > $depth) { echo "<li><ul>"; } ?> <?php if ($category->depth < $depth) { ?> <?php for ($i = $category->depth; $i < $depth; $i++) { ?> </ul></li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <li id="category-element-<?php echo $category->id; ?> "><input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" value="<?php echo $category->id; ?> " id="category-<?php echo $category->id; ?> " tabindex="3"<?php if (in_array($category->id, $selectedCategories)) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> class="category-toggle" /><label for="category-<?php echo $category->id; ?> "><?php echo $category->name; ?> </label></li> <?php $depth = $category->depth; } ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { ?> </ul></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <div id="new-category"> <input type="text" name="new-category" value="" size="15" id="new-category" /><br /> <select name="new-category-parent"><?php echo $categories_menu; ?> </select> <button id="add-new-category" type="button" class="button-secondary" tabindex="2"><small><?php _e('Add', 'Shopp'); ?> </small></button> </div> <?php }
/** * Loads promotions applicable to this shopping session if needed * * @since 1.1 * * @return void **/ function load () { $db = &DB::get(); // Already loaded if (!empty($this->promotions)) return true; // Use an offset amount as a buffer to account for how // MySQL's UNIX_TIMESTAMP() converts the datetime to a // UTC-based timestamp from the Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 epoch // We use 43200 to represent 12-hours (UTC +/- 12 hours) and // add 1 to account for the default amount set in the promotion editor $offset = 43200 + 1; $_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Promotion::$table); $query = "SELECT * FROM $_table WHERE (target='Cart' OR target='Cart Item') AND status='enabled' -- Promo must be enabled, in all cases AND ( -- Promo is not date based ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) <= $offset AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends) <= $offset ) OR -- Promo has start and end dates, check that we are in between ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) > $offset AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends) > $offset AND (".time()." BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends)) ) OR -- Promo has _only_ a start date, check that we are after it ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) > $offset AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends) <= $offset AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) < ".time()." ) OR -- Promo has _only_ an end date, check that we are before it ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) <= $offset AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends) > $offset AND ".time()." < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends) ) ) ORDER BY target DESC"; $this->promotions = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY); }
function RelatedProducts($options = array()) { global $Shopp; $tagtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Tag::$table); $catalogtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table); // Use the current product if available if (!empty($Shopp->Product->id)) { $this->product = $Shopp->Product; } // Or load a product specified if (isset($options['product'])) { if ($options['product'] == "recent-cartitem") { // Use most recently added item in the cart $this->product = new Product($Shopp->Cart->contents[$Shopp->Cart->data->added]->product); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d+]$/', $options['product'])) { // Load by specified id $this->product = new Product($options['product']); } else { $this->product = new Product($options['product'], 'slug'); } // Load by specified slug } if (empty($this->product->id)) { return false; } // Load the product's tags if they are not available if (empty($this->product->tags)) { $this->product->load_data(array('tags')); } if (empty($this->product->tags)) { return false; } $tagscope = ""; if (isset($options['tagged'])) { $tagged = new Tag($options['tagged'], 'name'); if (!empty($tagged->id)) { $tagscope .= (empty($tagscope) ? "" : " OR ") . "catalog.tag={$tagged->id}"; } } foreach ($this->product->tags as $tag) { if (!empty($tag->id)) { $tagscope .= (empty($tagscope) ? "" : " OR ") . "catalog.tag={$tag->id}"; } } $this->tag = "product-" . $this->product->id; $this->name = __("Products related to", "Shopp") . " "" . stripslashes($this->product->name) . """; $this->slug = self::$_slug; $this->uri = urlencode($this->tag); $this->smart = true; $this->controls = false; $exclude = ""; if (!empty($this->product->id)) { $exclude = " AND != {$this->product->id}"; } $this->loading = array('columns' => 'count(DISTINCT' . $tagscope . ',100,0)) AS score', 'joins' => "LEFT JOIN {$catalogtable} AS catalog ON LEFT JOIN {$tagtable} AS t ON AND", 'where' => "({$tagscope}) {$exclude}", 'orderby' => 'score DESC'); if (isset($options['show'])) { $this->loading['limit'] = $options['show']; } if (isset($options['pagination'])) { $this->loading['pagination'] = $options['pagination']; } if (isset($options['order'])) { $this->loading['order'] = $options['order']; } if (isset($options['controls']) && value_is_true($options['controls'])) { unset($this->controls); } }
function upgrade() { global $Shopp, $table_prefix; $db = DB::get(); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'; // Check for the schema definition file if (!file_exists(SHOPP_DBSCHEMA)) { die("Could not upgrade the Shopp database tables because the table definitions file is missing: " . SHOPP_DBSCHEMA); } ob_start(); include SHOPP_DBSCHEMA; $schema = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Update the table schema $tables = preg_replace('/;\\s+/', ';', $schema); dbDelta($tables); $this->setup_regions(); $this->setup_countries(); $this->setup_zones(); $this->setup_areas(); $this->setup_vat(); // Update the version number $settings = DatabaseObject::tablename(Settings::$table); $db->query("UPDATE {$settings} SET value='" . SHOPP_VERSION . " WHERE name='version'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM {$settings} WHERE name='data_model' OR name='shipcalc_lastscan"); return true; }
/** * Interface processor for the product list manager * * @return void **/ function products ($workflow=false) { global $Ecart; $db = DB::get(); if ( !(is_ecart_userlevel() || current_user_can('ecart_categories')) ) wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); $defaults = array( 'pagenum' => 1, 'per_page' => 500, 'id' => 0, 's' => '' ); $args = array_merge($defaults,$_GET); extract($args,EXTR_SKIP); $pagenum = absint( $pagenum ); if ( empty($pagenum) ) $pagenum = 1; if( !$per_page || $per_page < 0 ) $per_page = 20; $start = ($per_page * ($pagenum-1)); $filters = array(); // $filters['limit'] = "$start,$per_page"; if (!empty($s)) $filters['where'] = " LIKE '%$s%'"; else $filters['where'] = "true"; $Category = new Category($id); $catalog_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table); $product_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Product::$table); $columns = " AS cid,,c.priority,"; $where = "c.parent=$id AND type='category'"; $query = "SELECT $columns FROM $catalog_table AS c LEFT JOIN $product_table AS p ON WHERE $where ORDER BY c.priority ASC, ASC LIMIT $start,$per_page"; $products = $db->query($query); $count = $db->query("SELECT count(*) AS total FROM $table"); $num_pages = ceil($count->total / $per_page); $page_links = paginate_links( array( 'base' => add_query_arg( array('edit'=>null,'pagenum' => '%#%' )), 'format' => '', 'total' => $num_pages, 'current' => $pagenum )); $action = esc_url( add_query_arg( array_merge(stripslashes_deep($_GET),array('page'=>$this->Admin->pagename('categories'))), admin_url('admin.php') ) ); include(ECART_ADMIN_PATH."/categories/products.php"); }
function load_tags($limits = false) { $db = DB::get(); if ($limits) { $limit = " LIMIT {$limits[0]},{$limits[1]}"; } else { $limit = ""; } $tagtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Tag::$table); $query = "SELECT t.*,count(sc.product) AS products FROM {$this->_table} AS sc LEFT JOIN {$tagtable} AS t ON WHERE sc.tag != 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC{$limit}"; $this->tags = $db->query($query, AS_ARRAY); return true; }
function __construct ($parent=false,$context='product',$type=false,$sort='sortorder') { $this->_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(self::$table); $params = array( 'parent' => $parent, 'context' => $context ); if ($type !== false) $params['type'] = $type; if ($parent !== false) $this->load($params); }
/** * Retrieves the number of orders in each customized order status label * * @return void **/ function status_counts () { $db = DB::get(); $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Purchase::$table); $labels = $this->Settings->get('order_status'); if (empty($labels)) return false; $status = array(); $r = $db->query("SELECT status AS id,COUNT(status) AS total FROM $table GROUP BY status ORDER BY status ASC",AS_ARRAY); foreach ($labels as $id => $label) { $_ = new StdClass(); $_->label = $label; $_->id = $id; $_->total = 0; foreach ($r as $state) { if ($state->id == $id) { $_->total = (int)$state->total; break; } } $status[$id] = $_; } return $status; }
function system () { global $Ecart; if ( !(current_user_can('manage_options') && current_user_can('ecart_settings_system')) ) wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); add_action('ecart_storage_module_settings',array(&$this,'storage_ui')); if (!empty($_POST['save'])) { check_admin_referer('ecart-settings-system'); if (!isset($_POST['settings']['error_notifications'])) $_POST['settings']['error_notifications'] = array(); $this->settings_save(); // Reinitialize Error System $Ecart->Errors = new EcartErrors($this->Settings->get('error_logging')); $Ecart->ErrorLog = new EcartErrorLogging($this->Settings->get('error_logging')); $Ecart->ErrorNotify = new EcartErrorNotification($this->Settings->get('merchant_email'), $this->Settings->get('error_notifications')); $updated = __('Ecart system settings saved.','Ecart'); } elseif (!empty($_POST['rebuild'])) { $db =& DB::get(); $assets = DatabaseObject::tablename(ProductImage::$table); $query = "DELETE FROM $assets WHERE context='image' AND type='image'"; if ($db->query($query)) $updated = __('All cached images have been cleared.','Ecart'); } if (isset($_POST['resetlog'])) $Ecart->ErrorLog->reset(); $notifications = $this->Settings->get('error_notifications'); if (empty($notifications)) $notifications = array(); $notification_errors = array( ECART_TRXN_ERR => __("Transaction Errors","Ecart"), ECART_AUTH_ERR => __("Login Errors","Ecart"), ECART_ADDON_ERR => __("Add-on Errors","Ecart"), ECART_COMM_ERR => __("Communication Errors","Ecart"), ECART_STOCK_ERR => __("Inventory Warnings","Ecart") ); $errorlog_levels = array( 0 => __("Disabled","Ecart"), ECART_ERR => __("General Ecart Errors","Ecart"), ECART_TRXN_ERR => __("Transaction Errors","Ecart"), ECART_AUTH_ERR => __("Login Errors","Ecart"), ECART_ADDON_ERR => __("Add-on Errors","Ecart"), ECART_COMM_ERR => __("Communication Errors","Ecart"), ECART_STOCK_ERR => __("Inventory Warnings","Ecart"), ECART_ADMIN_ERR => __("Admin Errors","Ecart"), ECART_DB_ERR => __("Database Errors","Ecart"), ECART_PHP_ERR => __("PHP Errors","Ecart"), ECART_ALL_ERR => __("All Errors","Ecart"), ECART_DEBUG_ERR => __("Debugging Messages","Ecart") ); // Load Storage settings $Ecart->Storage->settings(); // Build the storage options menu $storage = array(); foreach ($Ecart->Storage->active as $module) $storage[$module->module] = $module->name; $loading = array("ecart" => __('Load on Ecart-pages only','Ecart'),"all" => __('Load on entire site','Ecart')); if ($this->Settings->get('error_logging') > 0) $recentlog = $Ecart->ErrorLog->tail(500); include(ECART_ADMIN_PATH."/settings/system.php"); }
/** * Interface processor for the promotions list manager * * @return void **/ function promotions () { global $Ecart; $db = DB::get(); if ( !(is_ecart_userlevel() || current_user_can('ecart_promotions')) ) wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); require_once("{$Ecart->path}/core/model/Promotion.php"); $defaults = array( 'page' => false, 'deleting' => false, 'delete' => false, 'pagenum' => 1, 'per_page' => 20, 's' => '' ); $args = array_merge($defaults,$_GET); extract($args,EXTR_SKIP); if ($page == "ecart-promotions" && !empty($deleting) && !empty($delete) && is_array($delete)) { foreach($delete as $deletion) { $Promotion = new Promotion($deletion); $Promotion->delete(); } } if (!empty($_POST['save'])) { check_admin_referer('ecart-save-promotion'); if ($_POST['id'] != "new") { $Promotion = new Promotion($_POST['id']); } else $Promotion = new Promotion(); if (!empty($_POST['starts']['month']) && !empty($_POST['starts']['date']) && !empty($_POST['starts']['year'])) $_POST['starts'] = mktime(0,0,0,$_POST['starts']['month'],$_POST['starts']['date'],$_POST['starts']['year']); else $_POST['starts'] = 1; if (!empty($_POST['ends']['month']) && !empty($_POST['ends']['date']) && !empty($_POST['ends']['year'])) $_POST['ends'] = mktime(23,59,59,$_POST['ends']['month'],$_POST['ends']['date'],$_POST['ends']['year']); else $_POST['ends'] = 1; if (isset($_POST['rules'])) $_POST['rules'] = stripslashes_deep($_POST['rules']); $Promotion->updates($_POST); $Promotion->save(); do_action_ref_array('ecart_promo_saved',array(&$Promotion)); $Promotion->reset_discounts(); if ($Promotion->target == "Catalog") $Promotion->build_discounts(); // Force reload of the session promotions to include any updates $Ecart->Promotions->reload(); } $pagenum = absint( $pagenum ); if ( empty($pagenum) ) $pagenum = 1; if( !$per_page || $per_page < 0 ) $per_page = 20; $start = ($per_page * ($pagenum-1)); $where = ""; if (!empty($s)) $where = "WHERE name LIKE '%$s%'"; $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Promotion::$table); $promocount = $db->query("SELECT count(*) as total FROM $table $where"); $Promotions = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table $where",AS_ARRAY); $status = array( 'enabled' => __('Enabled','Ecart'), 'disabled' => __('Disabled','Ecart') ); $num_pages = ceil($promocount->total / $per_page); $page_links = paginate_links( array( 'base' => add_query_arg( 'pagenum', '%#%' ), 'format' => '', 'total' => $num_pages, 'current' => $pagenum )); include("{$Ecart->path}/core/ui/promotions/promotions.php"); }
function loadby_dkey ($key) { $db = &DB::get(); require_once(ECART_MODEL_PATH."/Purchased.php"); $pricetable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Price::$table); $Purchased = new Purchased($key,"dkey"); if (!empty($Purchased->id)) { // Handle purchased line-item downloads $Purchase = new Purchase($Purchased->purchase); $record = $db->query("SELECT download.* FROM $this->_table AS download LEFT JOIN $pricetable AS pricing ON WHERE$Purchased->price AND download.context='price' AND download.type='download' LIMIT 1"); $this->populate($record); $this->expopulate(); $this->purchased = $Purchased->id; } else { // Handle purchased line-item meta downloads (addon downloads) $MetaDownload = new MetaObject(array( 'context' => 'purchased', 'type' => 'download', 'name' => $key )); $this->load($MetaDownload->value); $this->purchased = $MetaDownload->parent; } $this->etag = $key; }
function shopp_settings_js($dir = "shopp") { $db =& DB::get(); $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Settings::$table); $settings = $db->query("SELECT name,value FROM {$table} WHERE name='base_operations'", AS_ARRAY); foreach ($settings as $setting) { ${$setting->name} = $setting->value; } $base_operations = unserialize($base_operations); $path = array(PLUGINDIR, $dir, 'lang'); load_plugin_textdomain('Shopp', join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path)); ob_start(); include "ui/behaviors/settings.js"; $file = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); header("Content-type: text/javascript"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=settings.js"); header("Content-Description: Delivered by WordPress/Shopp " . SHOPP_VERSION); header("Content-length: " . strlen($file)); echo $file; exit; }
/** * Loads all categories for the product list manager category filter menu * * @return string HTML for a drop-down menu of categories **/ function category ($id) { $db = DB::get(); $catalog = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table); $category = DatabaseObject::tablename(Category::$table); $products = DatabaseObject::tablename(Product::$table); if ($id == "catalog-products") { $results = $db->query("SELECT, FROM $products AS p ORDER BY ASC",AS_ARRAY); } else $results = $db->query("SELECT, FROM $catalog AS catalog LEFT JOIN $category AS cat ON = catalog.parent AND catalog.type='category' LEFT JOIN $products AS p ON WHERE'$id' ORDER BY ASC",AS_ARRAY); $products = array(); $products[0] = __("Select a product…","Ecart"); foreach ($results as $result) $products[$result->id] = $result->name; return menuoptions($products,0,true); }
/** * Determines the stock level of the line item * * @since 1.1 * * @return int The amount of stock available **/ function getstock () { $db = DB::get(); $stock = apply_filters('ecart_cartitem_stock',false,$this); if ($stock !== false) return $stock; $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Price::$table); $ids = array($this->priceline); if (!empty($this->addons)) foreach ($this->addons as $addon) $ids[] = $addon->id; $result = $db->query("SELECT min(stock) AS stock FROM $table WHERE 0 < FIND_IN_SET(id,'".join(',',$ids)."')"); if (isset($result->stock)) return $result->stock; return $this->option->stock; }
/** * Deletes the record associated with this object */ function delete () { $db = DB::get(); $id = $this->{$this->_key}; if (empty($id)) return false; // Delete from categories $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table); $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM $table WHERE product='$id'"); // Delete prices $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Price::$table); $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM $table WHERE product='$id'"); // Delete images/files $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(ProductImage::$table); // Delete images $images = array(); $src = $db->query("SELECT id FROM $table WHERE parent='$id' AND context='product' AND type='image'",AS_ARRAY); foreach ($src as $img) $images[] = $img->id; $this->delete_images($images); // Delete product meta (specs, images, downloads) $table = DatabaseObject::tablename(MetaObject::$table); $db->query("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM $table WHERE parent='$id' AND context='product'"); // Delete record $db->query("DELETE FROM $this->_table WHERE $this->_key='$id'"); }