저자: Stuart Dallas (stuart@3ft9.com)
예제 #1
 public function consume($filter)
     // Save the filter
     $this->filter = $filter;
     $definition = new \DataSift_Definition(new \DataSift_User(DATASIFT_USERNAME, DATASIFT_API_KEY), $filter->csdl);
     // Create the consumer
     $consumer = $definition->getConsumer(\DataSift_StreamConsumer::TYPE_HTTP, $this);
     // And start consuming (this will block)
예제 #2
  * Subscribe this endpoint to a Definition.
  * @param DataSift_Definition $definition The definition to which to subscribe.
  * @param string              $name       A name for this subscription.
  * @return DataSift_PushSubscription      The new subscription.
  * @throws DataSift_Exception_InvalidData
  * @throws DataSift_Exception_AccessDenied
  * @throws DataSift_Exception_APIError
 public function subscribeDefinition($definition, $name)
     return $this->subscribeStreamHash($definition->getHash(), $name);
예제 #3
    public function onDisconnect($consumer)
        echo 'Disconnected' . PHP_EOL;
     * Called when the consumer stops for some reason.
     * @param DataSift_StreamConsumer $consumer The consumer sending the event.
     * @param string $reason The reason the consumer stopped.
     * @return void
    public function onStopped($consumer, $reason)
        echo PHP_EOL . 'Stopped: ' . $reason . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// Authenticate
echo "Creating user...\n";
$user = new DataSift_User(USERNAME, API_KEY);
// Create the definition
$csdl = 'interaction.content contains "football"';
echo "Creating definition...\n  {$csdl}\n";
$definition = new DataSift_Definition($user, $csdl);
// Create the consumer
echo "Getting the consumer...\n";
$consumer = $definition->getConsumer(DataSift_StreamConsumer::TYPE_HTTP, new EventHandler());
// And start consuming
echo "Consuming...\n--\n";
echo "Finished consuming\n\n";
예제 #4
 public function testGetDPUBreakdownOnInvalidDefinition()
     $def = new DataSift_Definition($this->user, testdata('invalid_definition'));
     $this->assertEquals($def->get(), testdata('invalid_definition'));
     $response = array('response_code' => 400, 'data' => array('error' => 'The target interactin.content does not exist'), 'rate_limit' => 200, 'rate_limit_remaining' => 150);
     try {
         $this->fail('CompileFailed exception expected, but not thrown');
     } catch (DataSift_Exception_InvalidData $e) {
         // Check the error message
         $this->assertEquals($e->getMessage(), $response['data']['error']);
     } catch (DataSift_Exception_APIError $e) {
         $this->fail('APIError: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('Unhandled exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')');
예제 #5
    // Read it from stdin
    $csdl = '';
    while (!feof(STDIN)) {
        $csdl .= fread(STDIN, 4096);
$csdl = trim($csdl);
if (strlen($csdl) == 0) {
    die("CSDL is empty\n\n");
// Authenticate
echo "Creating user...\n";
$user = new DataSift_User(USERNAME, API_KEY);
// Create the definition
echo "Creating definition...\n";
$definition = new DataSift_Definition($user, $csdl);
// Get the DPU. This will compile the definition, so we catch potential
// errors from that.
echo "Getting DPU...\n";
try {
    $dpu = $definition->getDPUBreakdown();
} catch (DataSift_Exception_CompileFailed $e) {
    die("CSDL compilation failed: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n");
// Format the DPU details for output in a table
$dputable = array();
$maxlength = array('target' => strlen('Target'), 'times used' => strlen('Times used'), 'complexity' => strlen('Complexity'));
foreach ($dpu['detail'] as $tgt => $c) {
    $maxlength['target'] = max($maxlength['target'], strlen($tgt));
    $maxlength['times used'] = max($maxlength['times used'], strlen(number_format($c['count'])));
    $maxlength['complexity'] = max($maxlength['complexity'], strlen(number_format($c['dpu'], 2)));
예제 #6
 public function testGetBuffered()
     $def = new DataSift_Definition($this->user, testdata('definition'));
     $response = array('response_code' => 200, 'data' => array('hash' => testdata('definition_hash'), 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'dpu' => 10), 'rate_limit' => 200, 'rate_limit_remaining' => 150);
     $this->assertEquals($def->get(), testdata('definition'), 'Definition string not set correctly');
     $response = array('response_code' => 200, 'data' => array('stream' => array('Test interaction 1', 'Test interaction 2'), 'hash' => testdata('definition_hash'), 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'dpu' => 10), 'rate_limit' => 200, 'rate_limit_remaining' => 150);
     $interactions = $def->getBuffered();
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($interactions), 'Failed to get buffered interactions');
예제 #7
 * for full details.
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
// Include the DataSift library
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/datasift.php';
// Include the configuration - put your username and API key in this file
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
// Authenticate
echo "Creating user...\n";
$user = new DataSift_User(USERNAME, API_KEY);
// Create the definition
$csdl = 'interaction.content contains "football"';
echo "Creating definition...\n  {$csdl}\n";
$definition = new DataSift_Definition($user, $csdl);
// Get buffered interactions until we've had 10
echo "Getting buffered interactions...\n--\n";
$num = 10;
$from_id = false;
do {
    $interactions = $definition->getBuffered($num, $from_id);
    foreach ($interactions as $interaction) {
        echo 'Type: ' . $interaction['interaction']['type'] . "\n";
        echo 'Content: ' . $interaction['interaction']['content'] . "\n--\n";
        $from_id = $interaction['interaction']['id'];
    if ($num > 0) {
        // Sleep for 10 seconds before trying to get more
        echo "Sleeping...\n";