예제 #1
  * Redirect user to gateway payment form, using HTTP 'Location:' header or UI::RedirectPOST($host, $values);
  * @param float $amount Purchase amount
  * @param Order $order Order object
  * @param array $post_values Array of fields, posted back by your payment form. Array keys are equal to field names you returned in IPaymentModule::GetPaymentForm()
  * @return void
 public function RedirectToGateway(Order $order, $post_values = array())
     $host = "https://merchant.webmoney.ru/lmi/payment.asp";
     $params = array('LMI_PAYMENT_NO' => $order->ID, 'LMI_PAYEE_PURSE' => $this->Config->GetFieldByName('Purse')->Value, 'LMI_PAYMENT_AMOUNT' => number_format($order->GetBillingTotal(), 2, '.', ''), 'LMI_PAYMENT_DESC' => $order->Description, 'LMI_SIM_MODE' => $this->Config->GetFieldByName('TestPaymentSuccess')->Value ? '0' : '1', 'LMI_RESULT_URL' => CONFIG::$IPNURL);
     if ($post_values['return_url']) {
         $params['LMI_SUCCESS_URL'] = $post_values['return_url'];
     UI::RedirectPOST($host, $params);
예제 #2
		* Send postback to PayPal server
		* @return string $res
		private final function PostBack($request)
			$params = array(
								"Method" 		=> "order_synchro",
								"Identifier"	=> $this->Config->GetFieldByName("MerchantIdentifier")->Value,
								"Usrname"		=> $this->Config->GetFieldByName("Username")->Value,
								"Pwd"			=> $this->Config->GetFieldByName("Password")->Value,
								"tnxid"			=> $request['tnxid'],
								"checksum"		=> $request['checksum'],
								"parity"		=> $request['parity']
			$req = http_build_query($params);	

			$postback_url = "https://www.monsterpay.com/secure/components/synchro.cfc?wsdl&{$req}";
			Log::Log(sprintf("Sending Postback: %s", $postback_url), E_USER_NOTICE);
			return @file_get_contents($postback_url);
예제 #3
		 * Redirect user to gateway payment form, using HTTP 'Location:' header or UI::RedirectPOST($host, $values);
		 * @param float $amount Purchase amount
		 * @param int $orderid Order ID. Can be used as an unique identifier.
		 * @param string $payment_for Human-readable description of the payment
		 * @param array $post_values Array of fields, posted back by your payment form. Array keys are equal to field names you returned in IPaymentModule::GetPaymentForm()
		 * @return void
		public final function RedirectToGateway(Order $order, $post_values = array())
			$host = ($this->Config->GetFieldByName("isdemo")->Value == 1) ? "www.ips.net.cn/ipay/test_ipayment.asp" : "www.ips.com.cn/ipay/ipayment.asp";
			$data = array(
							"mer_code"		=> $this->Config->GetFieldByName("merch_code")->Value,
							"billno"		=> $this->Config->GetFieldByName("merch_code")->Value.substr(time(), -6),
							"amount"		=> number_format($order->GetBillingTotal(), 2, '.', ''),
							"date"			=> date("Ymd"),
							"currency"		=> $post_values["Currency"],
							"merchanturl"	=> CONFIG::$IPNURL,
							"lang"			=> $post_values["Lang"],
							"attach"		=> $order->ID,
							"retencodetype"	=> 2,
							"orderencodetype" => 1,
							"rettype"		=> 0

			$data["signmd5"] = md5($data["billno"].$data["amount"].$data["date"].$this->Config->GetFieldByName("password")->Value);
			UI::RedirectPOST("http://{$host}", $data);
예제 #4
		* Send postback to PayPal server
		* @return string $res
		private final function PostBack($request)
			// read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd'
			$req = 'cmd=_notify-validate';
			foreach ($request as $key => $value) 
				$value = urlencode(stripslashes($value));
				$req .= "&{$key}={$value}";
			// post back to PayPal system to validate
			$header .= "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n";
			$header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
			$header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n";
			// open socket
			$host = ($this->Config->GetFieldByName("isdemo")->Value == 1) ? "www.sandbox.paypal.com" : "www.paypal.com";
			$fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
			if (!$fp)
				return false;
				//Push response
				@fputs($fp, $header . $req);
				// Read response from server
				while (!feof($fp)) 
					$res = @fgets($fp, 128);
				// Close pointer
				@fclose ($fp);
				return $res;
예제 #5
		function deleteContact () {
			$title = 'Delete one of your contacts.';
			try {
				$dataTemplate = array(
					'name' => 'Harald Frøland',
					'street1' => 'Rådhusgata 1-3',
					'street2' => 'Akersgaten 42 (H-blokk)',
					'pc' => 'NO-8005',
					'city' => 'Bodø',
					'sp' => 'Nordland',
					'cc' => 'NO',
					'email' => $this->testConf->GetFieldByName('RealEmail')->Value,
					'voice' => '+22.123456',
					'fax' => '+22.123457'				
				$contact = $this->registry->NewContactInstanceByGroup('generic');
				$resp = $this->module->CreateContact($contact);
				$contact->CLID = $resp->CLID;
				$resp = $this->module->DeleteContact($contact);
				$this->assertTrue($resp->Succeed(), $title);
			} catch (RegistryException $e) {
예제 #6
		 * This method is called when user submits a payment form. 
		 * @param float $amount Purchase amount
		 * @param int $orderid Order ID. Can be used as an unique identifier.
		 * @param string $payment_for Human-readable description of the payment
		 * @param array $post_values Array of fields, posted back by your payment form. Array keys are equal to field names you returned in IPaymentModule::GetPaymentForm()
		 * @return bool True if payment succeed or false if failed. If payment is failed and you return false, $this->GetFailureReason() will also be called.
		public final function ProcessPayment(Order $order, $post_values = array())
			$this->OrderID = $order->ID;
			// Generate Merchant Reference
			$merchant_reference = "REF ".implode("", explode(" ", microtime()));
			// Amount in cents.
		    $amount = (int)($order->GetBillingTotal()*100);
		    // Generate Request.
		    $request = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
                        			<Var1>InvoiceID: {$order->ID}</Var1>
                        			<Var2 />
                        			<Var3 />
                        			<Var4 />
                        			<Var5 />
                        			<Var6 />
                        			<Var7 />
                        			<Var8 />
                        			<Var9 />
			Log::Log("ProxyPay3 request: " . $request, E_USER_NOTICE);
		    if ($this->Config->GetFieldByName("isdemo")->Value == 1)
                $URL = "https://eptest.eurocommerce.gr/proxypay/apacsonline";
                $URL = "https://ep.eurocommerce.gr/proxypay/apacsonline";
			    $ch = curl_init();
			    // Enable SSL
			    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,1);
				// set URL and other appropriate options
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $URL);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
				$params = array("APACScommand" => "NewRequest", "Data" => $request);     
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params));
	            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    
	            $response = curl_exec($ch);
	            $error = curl_error($ch);
	            if (!$error)
	            	Log::Log(sprintf(_("ProxyPay3 response: %s"), $response), E_USER_NOTICE);
	            	$response = simplexml_load_string($response);
	            	if (!$response || intval($response->ERRORCODE) != 0)
				        $this->FailureReason = sprintf(_("Cannot proceed request. Error code: %s. Please contact Administrator."), $response->ERRORCODE);
				        $result = true;
	            	$this->FailureReason = sprintf(_("Request to ProxyPay3 failed: %s"), $error);
            catch (Exception $e)
            	$this->FailureReason = sprintf(_("Request to ProxyPay3 failed: %s"), $e->getMessage());
            if ($result)
			    return true;
				return false;
예제 #7
 function SetUp(DataForm $DF)
     // User input and initialized by EPP-DRS in real test
     $TestConf = AfiliasRegistryModule::GetTestConfigurationForm();
     $test_conf = $TestConf->ListFields();
     $test_conf['RegistrarID']->Value = '5080-BD';
     $test_conf['ServerHost']->Value = 'inforfcote2.afilias.net';
     $test_conf['ServerPort']->Value = '700';
     $test_conf['Login-1']->Value = 'ClientB';
     $test_conf['Password-1']->Value = 'foo-BAR2';
     $test_conf['Password-1n']->Value = 'bar-FOO2';
     // New password
     // Initialize registry
     $ModuleConf = AfiliasRegistryModule::GetConfigurationForm();
     $module_conf = $ModuleConf->ListFields();
     $module_conf['RegistrarID']->Value = $test_conf['RegistrarID']->Value;
     $module_conf['ServerHost']->Value = $test_conf['ServerHost']->Value;
     $module_conf['ServerPort']->Value = $test_conf['ServerPort']->Value;
     $module_conf['Login']->Value = $test_conf['Login-1']->Value;
     $module_conf['Password']->Value = $test_conf['Password-1']->Value;
     $module_conf['SSLCertPath']->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPath')->Value;
     $module_conf['SSLCertPass']->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPass')->Value;
     $manifest_path = MODULES_PATH . "/registries/Afilias/module.xml";
     $this->Module = new AfiliasRegistryModule(new RegistryManifest($manifest_path));
     $this->Module->InitializeModule("info", $ModuleConf);
     $this->Registry = new Registry($this->Module);
     $this->module_conf = $module_conf;
     $this->test_conf = $test_conf;
     $this->C2 = $this->Registry->NewContactInstance(CONTACT_TYPE::REGISTRANT);
     $this->C2->CLID = 'EPPOTE-C2';
     $this->C3 = $this->Registry->NewContactInstance(CONTACT_TYPE::ADMIN);
     $this->C3->CLID = 'EPPOTE-C3';
     $this->C4 = $this->Registry->NewContactInstance(CONTACT_TYPE::BILLING);
     $this->C4->CLID = 'EPPOTE-C4';
     $this->C5 = $this->Registry->NewContactInstance(CONTACT_TYPE::TECH);
     $this->C5->CLID = 'EPPOTE-C5';
     $this->NSList = array(new Nameserver('ns1.eppvalid.info'), new Nameserver('ns2.eppvalid.info'));
예제 #8
  * Enter description here...
 public function RunTest(DataForm $DF)
     $filename = '/tmp/eppdrs-verisign-certtest-' . date('YmdHis') . '.log';
     Log::RegisterLogger("File", "Verisign", $filename);
     // Build dataforms for modules
     $DF1 = self::GetConfigurationForm();
     $DF1->GetFieldByName('Login')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('Login_1')->Value;
     $DF1->GetFieldByName('Password')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('Password_1')->Value;
     $DF1->GetFieldByName('ServerHost')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('ServerHost')->Value;
     $DF1->GetFieldByName('ServerPort')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('ServerPort')->Value;
     $DF1->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPath')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPath')->Value;
     $DF1->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPass')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPass')->Value;
     $DF2 = self::GetConfigurationForm();
     $DF2->GetFieldByName('Login')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('Login_2')->Value;
     $DF2->GetFieldByName('Password')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('Password_2')->Value;
     $DF2->GetFieldByName('ServerHost')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('ServerHost')->Value;
     $DF2->GetFieldByName('ServerPort')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('ServerPort')->Value;
     $DF2->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPath')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPath')->Value;
     $DF2->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPass')->Value = $DF->GetFieldByName('SSLCertPass')->Value;
     // Initialize modules
     $Module = new VerisignRegistryModule(new RegistryManifest(MODULES_PATH . "/registries/Verisign/module.xml"));
     $Module->InitializeModule('com', $DF1);
     $Registry = new Registry($Module);
     $Module2 = new VerisignRegistryModule(new RegistryManifest(MODULES_PATH . "/registries/Verisign/module.xml"));
     $Module2->InitializeModule('com', $DF2);
     $Registry2 = new Registry($Module2);
     // The subject domain
     $Domain = $this->RegistryAccessible->NewDomainInstance();
     $Domain->Name = 'webta' . rand(1000, 9999);
     $Domain->UserID = 1;
     // 1. Using your OT&E1 account perform a CHECK command on domain name(s) until you
     // receive domain available response
     $oplog = array();
     $op = array('title' => 'Perform a CHECK command on domain name(s)');
     try {
         $ok = $Registry->DomainCanBeRegistered($Domain)->Result;
         $op['ok'] = (bool) $ok;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 2. CREATE the Domain name using the CREATE command, term of registration should be
     // 2 years
     $op = array('title' => "CREATE the Domain name using the CREATE command");
     try {
         $Contact = $Registry->NewContactInstanceByGroup('generic');
         $Domain->SetContact($Contact, CONTACT_TYPE::REGISTRANT);
         $Domain->SetContact($Contact, CONTACT_TYPE::BILLING);
         $Domain->SetContact($Contact, CONTACT_TYPE::TECH);
         $Domain->SetContact($Contact, CONTACT_TYPE::ADMIN);
         $Registry->CreateDomain($Domain, 2);
         $op['ok'] = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 3. CREATE 2 child name servers of newly created domain
     $op = array('title' => "CREATE 2 child name servers of newly created domain");
     try {
         $ns1 = new NameserverHost('ns1.' . $Domain->GetHostName(), gethostbyname('hostdad.com'));
         $ns2 = new NameserverHost('ns2.' . $Domain->GetHostName(), gethostbyname('hostdad.com'));
         $op['ok'] = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 4. UPDATE Domain to attach child name servers to domain
     $op = array('title' => "UPDATE Domain to attach child name servers to domain");
     try {
         $nslist = $Domain->GetNameserverChangelist();
         $Registry->UpdateDomainNameservers($Domain, $nslist);
         $op['ok'] = count($Domain->GetNameserverList()) == 2;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 5. UPDATE Domain's status to
     // clientHold, clientUpdateProhibited, clientDeleteProhibited, and clientTransferProhibited
     // within one command
     $op = array('title' => "UPDATE Domain's status");
     try {
         $flag_list = $Domain->GetFlagChangelist();
         $flag_list->SetChangedList(array('clientHold', 'clientUpdateProhibited', 'clientDeleteProhibited', 'clientTransferProhibited'));
         $Registry->UpdateDomainFlags($Domain, $flag_list);
         $op['ok'] = count($Domain->GetFlagList()) == count($flag_list->GetList());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 6. Perform an INFO command on the domain to verify update
     $op = array('title' => "Perform an INFO command on the domain to verify update");
     try {
         $RDomain = $Registry->NewDomainInstance();
         $RDomain->Name = $Domain->Name;
         $RDomain = $Registry->GetRemoteDomain($RDomain);
         $flags = $Domain->GetFlagList();
         $rflags = $RDomain->GetFlagList();
         $op['ok'] = $RDomain->Name == $Domain->Name && date('Ymd', $RDomain->CreateDate) == date('Ymd', $Domain->CreateDate) && date('Ymd', $RDomain->ExpireDate) == date('Ymd', $Domain->ExpireDate) && $rflags == $flags;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 7. UPDATE Domain's status to OK
     $op = array('title' => "UPDATE Domain's status to OK");
     try {
         $changes = $Domain->GetFlagChangelist();
         foreach ($RDomain->GetFlagList() as $flag) {
         $Registry->UpdateDomainFlags($Domain, $changes);
         //$changes = $Domain->GetFlagChangelist();
         //$this->Registry->UpdateDomainFlags($Domain, $changes);
         $op['ok'] = $Domain->GetFlagList() == array();
         // ok flag set automatical when all other were removed
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 8. Perform an INFO command on the domain to verify update
     $op = array('title' => "Perform an INFO command on the domain to verify update");
     try {
         $RDomain = $Registry->NewDomainInstance();
         $RDomain->Name = $Domain->Name;
         $RDomain = $Registry->GetRemoteDomain($RDomain);
         $op['ok'] = $RDomain->Name == $Domain->Name && date('Ymd', $RDomain->CreateDate) == date('Ymd', $Domain->CreateDate) && date('Ymd', $RDomain->ExpireDate) == date('Ymd', $Domain->ExpireDate) && $RDomain->GetFlagList() == array('ok');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 9. UPDATE Domain's AUTH INFO Code
     $op = array('title' => "UPDATE Domain's AUTH INFO Code");
     try {
         // ���������� AUTH ����������� �������������� � �����-�������� API
         $VerisignModule = $Registry->GetModule();
         $Domain->AuthCode = "ae2Yo&#YARR1";
         $params = array('name' => $Domain->GetHostName(), 'subproduct' => 'dot' . strtoupper($Domain->Extension), 'add' => '', 'remove' => '', 'change' => "<domain:chg><domain:authInfo><domain:pw>{$Domain->AuthCode}</domain:pw></domain:authInfo></domain:chg>");
         $Resp = $VerisignModule->Request('domain-update', $params);
         $success = $Resp->Succeed || $Resp->Code == RFC3730_RESULT_CODE::OK_PENDING;
         $op['ok'] = $success;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 10. UPDATE one of the name server's IP Address
     $op = array('title' => "UPDATE one of the name server's IP Address");
     try {
         $ns1->IPAddr = gethostbyname('ns.hostdad.com');
         $Resp = $Module->UpdateNameserverHost($ns1);
         $op['ok'] = $Resp->Result;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 11. Perform a HELLO command
     $op = array('title' => "Perform a HELLO command");
     try {
         $VerisignModule = $Registry->GetModule();
         $Resp = $VerisignModule->Request('hello', $params = array());
         $op['ok'] = $Resp == true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 12. Renew Domain for 2 years
     $op = array('title' => "Renew Domain for 2 years");
     try {
         $old_expire_date = $Domain->ExpireDate;
         $Registry->RenewDomain($Domain, $extra = array('period' => 2));
         $op['ok'] = date('Ymd', $Domain->ExpireDate) == date('Ymd', strtotime('+2 year', $old_expire_date));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 13. Open Second Session using the OT&E2 account logon
     $op = array('title' => "Open Second Session using the OT&E2 account logon");
     $op['ok'] = true;
     // It will be done automatical in next command
     // 14. Perform INFO command on the newly created domain from step 1 using the AUTH
     // INFO code populated in step 9 to get INFO results
     $op = array('title' => "Perform INFO command on the newly created domain from step 1");
     try {
         $RDomain = $Registry2->NewDomainInstance();
         $RDomain->Name = $Domain->Name;
         $RDomain->AuthCode = $Domain->AuthCode;
         $RDomain = $Registry2->GetRemoteDomain($RDomain);
         $flags = $Domain->GetFlagList();
         $rflags = $RDomain->GetFlagList();
         $op['ok'] = $RDomain->Name == $Domain->Name && date('Ymd', $RDomain->CreateDate) == date('Ymd', $Domain->CreateDate) && date('Ymd', $RDomain->ExpireDate) == date('Ymd', $Domain->ExpireDate) && $rflags == $flags;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 15. Initiate Transfer domain command using your OT&E2 account
     $op = array('title' => "Initiate Transfer domain command using your OT&E2 account");
     try {
         $ok = $Registry2->TransferRequest($Domain, array('pw' => $Domain->AuthCode));
         $op['ok'] = $ok;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 16. Perform a Transfer Query command using your OT&E2 account
     $op = array('title' => "Perform a Transfer Query command using your OT&E2 account");
     try {
         // Not implemented in cross-registry API
         $VerisignModule2 = $Registry2->GetModule();
         $params = array('name' => $Domain->GetHostName(), 'pw' => $Domain->AuthCode, 'subproduct' => 'dot' . strtoupper($Domain->Extension));
         $Resp = $VerisignModule2->Request('domain-trans-query', $params);
         $op['ok'] = $Resp->Succeed;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 17. Approve the Transfer using your OT&E1 account
     $op = array('title' => "Approve the Transfer using your OT&E1 account");
     try {
         $ok = $Registry->TransferApprove($Domain);
         $op['ok'] = $ok;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 18. Perform a Poll Command to check for messages in poll queue, ACK first poll message
     // not works
     $op = array('title' => "Perform a Poll Command to check for messages in poll queue");
     try {
         $VerisignModule2 = $Registry->GetModule();
         $max_iter = 5;
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < $max_iter && ($Mess = $VerisignModule2->ReadMessage()) === false) {
         $op['ok'] = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 19. Initiate the Transfer again using your OT&E1 account
     $op = array('title' => "Initiate the Transfer again using your OT&E1 account");
     try {
         $ok = $Registry->TransferRequest($Domain, array('pw' => $Domain->AuthCode));
         $op['ok'] = $ok;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 20. Perform a Transfer Query command using your OT&E2 account
     $op = array('title' => "Perform a Transfer Query command using your OT&E2 account");
     try {
         // Not implemented in cross-registry API
         $VerisignModule2 = $Registry2->GetModule();
         $params = array('name' => $Domain->GetHostName(), 'pw' => $Domain->AuthCode, 'subproduct' => 'dot' . strtoupper($Domain->Extension));
         $Resp = $VerisignModule2->Request('domain-trans-query', $params);
         $op['ok'] = $Resp->Succeed;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 21. Reject the Transfer using your OT&E2 account
     $op = array('title' => "Reject the Transfer using your OT&E2 account");
     try {
         $ok = $Registry2->TransferReject($Domain);
         $op['ok'] = $ok;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 22. From OT&E2 sync the domain to the 15th day of the next month
     $op = array('title' => "From OT&E2 sync the domain to the 15th day of the next month");
     try {
         $m = (int) date('n') + 1;
         $ok = $VerisignModule2->UpdateDomainConsoliDate($Domain, array('expMonth' => $m, 'expDay' => 15));
         $op['ok'] = $ok;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     // 23. Exit Gracefully from both sessions by issuing the LOGOUT command
     $op = array('title' => "Exit Gracefully from both sessions by issuing the LOGOUT command");
     try {
         $VerisignModule->Request('logout', $params = array());
         $VerisignModule2->Request('logout', $params = array());
         $op['ok'] = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $op['ok'] = false;
         $op['fail_reason'] = $e->getMessage();
     $oplog[] = $op;
     $passed = true;
     foreach ($oplog as $op) {
         $passed = $passed && $op['ok'];
     $out_filename = sprintf('eppdrs-verisign-certtest-%s.log', $passed ? 'passed' : 'failed');
     header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $out_filename . '"');
     foreach ($oplog as $i => $op) {
         $n = $i + 1;
         print str_pad("{$n}. {$op['title']}", 100, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
         printf("[%s]\n", $op['ok'] ? 'OK' : 'FAIL');
         if (!$op['ok']) {
             print "fail reason: {$op['fail_reason']}\n";
     print "\n\n";
     print file_get_contents($filename);