private function _getPurchaseSeries($productId, $from, $to, $type = null) { $sql = 'select unitPrice, created from `purchaseorderitem` where active = 1 AND productId = :pid AND created >=:from and created <= :to order by created asc'; $result = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, array('pid' => trim($productId), 'from' => trim($from), 'to' => trim($to))); $return = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $created = new UDate(trim($row['created'])); $return[] = array($created->format('U') * 1000, (double) trim($row['unitPrice']) * 1.1); } return $return; }
/** * Getting the * @param int $typeId * @param string $reset * @throws EntityException */ public function getInfo($typeId, $reset = false) { DaoMap::loadMap($this); if (!isset($this->_cache[$typeId]) || $reset === true) { if (!isset(DaoMap::$map[strtolower(get_class($this))]['infos']) || ($class = trim(DaoMap::$map[strtolower(get_class($this))]['infos']['class'])) === '') { throw new EntityException('You can NOT get information from a entity' . get_class($this) . ', setup the relationship first!'); } $sql = 'select value from ' . strtolower($class) . ' `info` where `info`.active = 1 and `info`.' . strtolower(get_class($this)) . 'Id = ? and `info`.TypeId = ?'; $result = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, array($this->getId(), $typeId), PDO::FETCH_NUM); $this->_cache[$typeId] = array_map(create_function('$row', 'return $row[0];'), $result); } return $this->_cache[$typeId]; }
private static function _findAllZombieAssets() { $start = self::_debug("Start to run " . __FUNCTION__ . ' =================== ', self::NEW_LINE, "\t"); $overDueDate = UDate::now()->format(self::ASSET_OVERDUE_TIME); $sql = "select a.assetId from asset a left join product p on (p.fullDescAssetId = a.assetId) where is null and type in(?, ?) "; $result = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, array(trim(Asset::TYPE_PRODUCT_DEC), trim(Asset::TYPE_PRODUCT_IMG))); $resultCount = count($result); self::_debug("Found " . $resultCount . ': ', " ", "\t\t"); $assetIds = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $resultCount; $i++) { $assetIds[] = $result[$i]['assetId']; } self::_debug(implode(', ', $assetIds)); return $assetIds; }
/** * Getting the items * * @param unknown $sender * @param unknown $param * @throws Exception * */ public function getItems($sender, $param) { $results = $errors = array(); try { if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->supplierId) || !($supplier = Supplier::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->supplierId))) instanceof Supplier) { throw new Exception('Invalid Supplier provided'); } if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->invoiceNo) || ($invoiceNo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->invoiceNo)) === '') { throw new Exception('Invalid Invoice number provided'); } ReceivingItem::getQuery()->eagerLoad('ReceivingItem.purchaseOrder', 'inner join', 'rec_item_po', ' = rec_item.purchaseOrderId'); if (ReceivingItem::countByCriteria('rec_item_po.supplierId = ? and rec_item.invoiceNo = ?', array($supplier->getId(), $invoiceNo)) === 0) { throw new Exception('There is no such a invoice(invoice No=' . $invoiceNo . ') for supplier:' . $supplier->getName()); } $sql = 'select ri.productId, ri.unitPrice `unitPrice`, sum(ri.qty) `qty`, group_concat(distinct `itemIds`, group_concat(distinct `poIds` from receivingitem ri inner join purchaseorder po on ( = ri.purchaseOrderId) where = 1 and ri.invoiceNo = ? and po.supplierId = ? group by ri.productId, ri.unitPrice'; $params = array($invoiceNo, $supplier->getId()); $rows = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params); $results['supplier'] = $supplier->getJson(); $results['items'] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $items = count($itemIds = explode(',', $row['itemIds'])) === 0 ? array() : ReceivingItem::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($itemIds), '?')) . ')', $itemIds); $pos = count($poIds = explode(',', $row['poIds'])) === 0 ? array() : PurchaseOrder::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($poIds), '?')) . ')', $poIds); $results['items'][] = array('product' => Product::get($row['productId'])->getJson(), 'totalQty' => $row['qty'], 'totalPrice' => $row['unitPrice'] * $row['qty'], 'items' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $items), 'purchaseOrders' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $pos)); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $errors[] = $ex->getMessage(); } $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors); }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap.php'; Core::setUser(UserAccount::get(UserAccount::ID_SYSTEM_ACCOUNT)); $productIds = Dao::getResultsNative('select distinct id from product where active = 1', array(), PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($productIds as $row) { try { $output = ''; $cmd = 'php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/pricematch.php ' . $row['id']; $output = ExecWaitTimeout($cmd, 10); // exec($cmd, $output); echo print_r($output, true) . "\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } /** * Execute a command and kill it if the timeout limit fired to prevent long php execution * * @see * * @param string $cmd Command to exec (you should use 2>&1 at the end to pipe all output) * @param integer $timeout * @return string Returns command output */ function ExecWaitTimeout($cmd, $timeout = 5) { echo $cmd . "\n"; $descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); $pipes = array(); $timeout += time();
/** * Getting all the delivery methods * * @param unknown $params * * @return array */ private function _getDeliveryMethods($params) { $searchTxt = isset($params['searchTxt']) && ($searchTxt = trim($params['searchTxt'])) !== '' ? $searchTxt : ''; $sql = 'select distinct value from orderinfo where value like ? and active = 1 and typeId = ' . OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_SHIPPING_METHOD; $results = array(); $results['items'] = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a["value"];'), Dao::getResultsNative($sql, array('%' . trim($searchTxt) . '%'), PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); return $results; }
private function _getRunRateData($productIds) { if (count($productIds) === 0) { return array(); } $_7DaysBefore = UDate::now()->modify('-7 day'); $_14DaysBefore = UDate::now()->modify('-14 day'); $_1mthBefore = UDate::now()->modify('-1 month'); $_3mthBefore = UDate::now()->modify('-3 month'); $_6mthBefore = UDate::now()->modify('-6 month'); $_12mthBefore = UDate::now()->modify('-12 month'); $sql = "select ord_item.productId `proId`,\n\t sum(if(ord.orderDate >= '" . $_7DaysBefore . "', ord_item.qtyOrdered, 0)) `7days`,\n\t sum(if(ord.orderDate >= '" . $_14DaysBefore . "', ord_item.qtyOrdered, 0)) `14days`,\n\t sum(if(ord.orderDate >= '" . $_1mthBefore . "', ord_item.qtyOrdered, 0)) `1month`,\n\t sum(if(ord.orderDate >= '" . $_3mthBefore . "', ord_item.qtyOrdered, 0)) `3month`,\n\t sum(if(ord.orderDate >= '" . $_6mthBefore . "', ord_item.qtyOrdered, 0)) `6month`,\n\t sum(if(ord.orderDate >= '" . $_12mthBefore . "', ord_item.qtyOrdered, 0)) `12month`\n\t from `orderitem` ord_item\n\t inner join `order` ord on (ord.type = :type and = 1 and = ord_item.orderId)\n\t where = 1 and ord_item.productId in (" . implode(', ', $productIds) . ")\n\t group by ord_item.productId"; return Dao::getResultsNative($sql, array('type' => Order::TYPE_INVOICE), PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); }
/** * Getting the items * * @param unknown $sender * @param unknown $param * @throws Exception * */ public function getItems($sender, $param) { $results = $errors = array(); try { $class = trim($this->_focusEntity); $pageNo = 1; $pageSize = DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE; if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->pagination)) { $pageNo = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageNo; $pageSize = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageSize; } $serachCriteria = isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria) ? json_decode(json_encode($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria), true) : array(); $where = array(' = 1'); $params = array(); $innerJoinStrings = array(); foreach ($serachCriteria as $field => $value) { if (is_array($value) && count($value) === 0 || is_string($value) && ($value = trim($value)) === '') { continue; } $query = $class::getQuery(); switch ($field) { case 'cn.creditNoteNo': $where[] = 'cn.creditNoteNo = ?'; $params[] = $value; break; case 'cn.applyTo': $where[] = 'cn.applyTo IN (' . implode(", ", array_fill(0, count($value), "?")) . ')'; $params = array_merge($params, $value); break; case 'cn.description': $where[] = 'cn.description like ?'; $params[] = "%" . $value . "%"; break; case 'ord.orderNo': $query->eagerLoad("CreditNote.order", 'inner join', 'ord', ''); $where[] = 'ord.orderNo = ?'; $params[] = trim($value); $innerJoinStrings[] = 'inner join `order` ord on ( = cn.orderId)'; break; case '': $value = explode(',', $value); $where[] = 'cn.customerId IN (' . implode(", ", array_fill(0, count($value), "?")) . ')'; $params = array_merge($params, $value); break; case 'pro.ids': $value = explode(',', $value); $query->eagerLoad("CreditNote.items", 'inner join', 'cn_item', 'cn_item.creditNoteId = and = 1'); $where[] = 'cn_item.productId in (' . implode(", ", array_fill(0, count($value), "?")) . ')'; $innerJoinStrings[] = 'inner join `creditnoteitem` cn_item on (cn_item.creditNoteId = and = 1)'; $params = array_merge($params, $value); break; } } $stats = array(); $objects = $class::getAllByCriteria(implode(' AND ', $where), $params, true, $pageNo, $pageSize, array('cn.creditNoteNo' => 'desc'), $stats); $results['pageStats'] = $stats; $results['items'] = array(); foreach ($objects as $obj) { $order = $obj->getOrder(); $customer = $obj->getCustomer(); $creditNoteItems = $obj->getCreditNoteItems(); $results['items'][] = $obj->getJson(array('order' => empty($order) ? '' : $order->getJson(), 'customer' => $customer->getJson(), 'creditNoteItems' => $creditNoteItems ? array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $creditNoteItems) : '')); } $sql = 'select sum(`cn`.totalValue) `totalValue`, sum(`cn`.totalPaid) `totalPaid` from `creditnote` cn ' . implode(' ', $innerJoinStrings) . ' where = 1 AND (' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ')'; $sumResult = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params); $results['totalValue'] = count($sumResult) > 0 ? $sumResult[0]['totalValue'] : 0; $results['totalPaid'] = count($sumResult) > 0 ? $sumResult[0]['totalPaid'] : 0; } catch (Exception $ex) { $errors[] = $ex->getMessage() . $ex->getTraceAsString(); } $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors); }
/** * Getting the items * * @param unknown $sender * @param unknown $param * @throws Exception * */ public function getItems($sender, $param) { $results = $errors = array(); try { $class = trim($this->_focusEntity); $pageNo = 1; $pageSize = DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE; if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->pagination)) { $pageNo = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageNo; $pageSize = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageSize; } $where = array(' = :active'); $params = array('active' => 1); if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria)) { $criteria = $param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria; if (isset($criteria->invoiceNo) && ($invNo = trim($criteria->invoiceNo)) !== '') { $where[] = 'ri.invoiceNo like :invNo'; $params['invNo'] = '%' . $invNo . '%'; } if (isset($criteria->purchaseOrderIds) && count($purchaseOrderIds = array_filter(explode(',', trim($criteria->purchaseOrderIds)))) > 0) { $poWhere = array(); foreach ($purchaseOrderIds as $index => $purchaseOrderId) { $key = 'purchaseOrderId' . $index; $poWhere[] = ':' . $key; $params[$key] = $purchaseOrderId; } $where[] = 'ri.purchaseOrderId in(' . implode(', ', $poWhere) . ')'; } if (isset($criteria->supplierIds) && count($supplierIds = array_filter(explode(',', trim($criteria->supplierIds)))) > 0) { $suppWhere = array(); foreach ($supplierIds as $index => $supplierId) { $key = 'supplierId' . $index; $suppWhere[] = ':' . $key; $params[$key] = $supplierId; } $where[] = 'po.supplierId in(' . implode(', ', $suppWhere) . ')'; } } $sql = 'select sql_calc_found_rows ri.invoiceNo, po.supplierId, sum(ri.qty) `qty`, sum(ri.unitPrice * ri.qty) `price`, group_concat(distinct `poIds`, group_concat(distinct `itemIds`, min(ri.created) `created` from receivingitem ri inner join purchaseorder po on ( = ri.purchaseOrderId) where ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' group by po.supplierId, ri.invoiceNo order by desc limit ' . ($pageNo - 1) * $pageSize . ', ' . $pageSize; $rows = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params); $stats = array(); $statsResult = Dao::getSingleResultNative('select found_rows()', array(), PDO::FETCH_NUM); $stats['totalRows'] = intval($statsResult[0]); $stats['pageSize'] = $pageSize; $stats['pageNumber'] = $pageNo; $stats['totalPages'] = intval(ceil($stats['totalRows'] / $stats['pageSize'])); $results['items'] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $pos = count($poIds = explode(',', $row['poIds'])) === 0 ? array() : PurchaseOrder::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($poIds), '?')) . ')', $poIds); $results['items'][] = array('invoiceNo' => $row['invoiceNo'], 'supplier' => Supplier::get($row['supplierId'])->getJson(), 'created' => $row['created'], 'totalQty' => $row['qty'], 'totalPrice' => $row['price'], 'purchaseOrders' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $pos), 'poIds' => explode(',', $row['poIds']), 'itemIds' => explode(',', $row['itemIds'])); } $results['pageStats'] = $stats; } catch (Exception $ex) { $errors[] = $ex->getMessage(); } $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see BaseEntityAbstract::preSave() */ public function preSave() { if (trim($this->getId()) !== '') { $oldStatuses = Dao::getResultsNative('select status from purchaseorder where id = ?', array($this->getId())); if (count($oldStatuses) > 0 && ($oldStatus = trim($oldStatuses[0]['status'])) !== ($status = trim($this->getStatus()))) { $msg = 'Changed status from "' . $oldStatus . '" to "' . $status . '"'; $this->addComment($msg, Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM)->addLog($msg, Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'PO_STATUS_CHANGE', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); } } if ($this->getFromPO() instanceof PurchaseOrder && intval($this->getIsCredit()) !== 1) { throw new Exception('You can only set the From PO field, when this purchase order is for a credit'); } }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap.php'; Core::setUser(UserAccount::get(UserAccount::ID_SYSTEM_ACCOUNT)); echo "Begin at MELB TIME: " . UDate::now(UDate::TIME_ZONE_MELB) . "\n"; if (isset($argv) && isset($argv[1]) && Product::get($argv[1]) instanceof Product) { $productIds = Dao::getResultsNative('select distinct from product p where = ?', array($argv[1]), PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { $productIds = Dao::getResultsNative('select distinct from product p inner join productpricematchrule r on (r.productId = and = 1) where = 1 order by', array(), PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } $rows = count($productIds); echo "--- Got ({$rows}) products having price matching rules !"; foreach ($productIds as $row) { try { $output = ''; $timeout = 60; // in seconds $cmd = 'php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/pricematch.php ' . $row['id']; $output = ExecWaitTimeout($cmd, $timeout); // exec($cmd, $output); echo print_r($output, true) . "\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } echo "End at MELB TIME: " . UDate::now(UDate::TIME_ZONE_MELB) . "\n"; /** * Execute a command and kill it if the timeout limit fired to prevent long php execution * * @see *
/** * Importing the attributes from magento * * @return void|CatelogConnector */ public function importProductAttributes() { $productAttributeSetIds = Dao::getResultsNative('select distinct from productattributeset pro_att_set where pro_att_set.isFromB2B = 1 and mageId <> 0', array(), PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($productAttributeSetIds) === 0) { return; } try { $transStarted = false; try { Dao::beginTransaction(); } catch (Exception $e) { $transStarted = true; } foreach ($productAttributeSetIds as $productAttributeSetId) { $productAttributeSetId = $productAttributeSetId['id']; $productAttributeSet = ProductAttributeSet::get($productAttributeSetId); if (!$productAttributeSet instanceof ProductAttributeSet) { continue; } $productAttributes = $this->getProductAttributeList($productAttributeSet->getMageId()); if (count($productAttributes) === 0) { continue; } foreach ($productAttributes as $productAttribute) { $mageId = trim($productAttribute->attribute_id); $code = isset($productAttribute->code) ? trim($productAttribute->code) : ''; $type = isset($productAttribute->type) ? trim($productAttribute->type) : ''; if (!isset($productAttribute->required)) { $required = false; } else { $required = trim($productAttribute->required) === '1' || $required === true || trim($productAttribute->required) === 'true' ? true : false; } $scope = isset($productAttribute->scope) ? trim($productAttribute->scope) : ''; $description = isset($productAttribute->description) ? trim($productAttribute->description) : $code; Log::logging(0, get_class($this), 'getting productAttribute from magento (mageId="' . $mageId . '")', self::LOG_TYPE, '', __FUNCTION__); $productAttribute = ProductAttribute::getByMageId($mageId); if (!$productAttribute instanceof ProductAttribute) { Log::logging(0, get_class($this), 'found new ProductAttribute from magento(mageId="' . $mageId . '", mageAttributeSetId="' . $productAttributeSet->getMageId() . '", code="' . $code . '", type="' . $type . '", required="' . $required . '", scope="' . $scope . '")', self::LOG_TYPE, '', __FUNCTION__); echo 'found new ProductAttribute from magento(mageId="' . $mageId . '", mageAttributeSetId="' . $productAttributeSet->getMageId() . '", code="' . $code . '", type="' . $type . '", required="' . $required . '", scope="' . $scope . '")' . "\n"; $productAttribute = ProductAttribute::create($code, $type, $required, $scope, $description, true, $mageId, $productAttributeSet->getMageId()); } else { Log::logging(0, get_class($this), 'found existing ProductAttribute from magento(mageId="' . $mageId . '", mageAttributeSetId="' . $productAttributeSet->getMageId() . '", code="' . $code . '", ID=' . $productAttributeSet->getId() . ', type="' . $type . '", required="' . $required . '", scope="' . $scope . '")', self::LOG_TYPE, '', __FUNCTION__); echo 'found existing ProductAttribute from magento(mageId="' . $mageId . '", mageAttributeSetId="' . $productAttributeSet->getMageId() . '", code="' . $code . '", ID=' . $productAttributeSet->getId() . ', type="' . $type . '", required="' . $required . '", scope="' . $scope . '")' . "\n"; $productAttribute->setCode($code)->setType($type)->setRequired($required)->setScope($scope)->setDescription($description)->setIsFromB2B(true)->setAttributeSetMageId($productAttributeSet->getId())->setActive(true)->save(); } } } if ($transStarted === false) { Dao::commitTransaction(); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($transStarted === false) { Dao::commitTransaction(); } throw $e; } return $this; }
private function _topProductIds() { $sql = 'select productId, sum(qtyOrdered) `sum` from orderitem where active = 1 group by productId order by `sum` desc limit 10'; $result = Dao::getResultsNative($sql); return array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a["productId"];'), $result); }
/** * Finding the products with different params * * @param unknown $sku * @param unknown $name * @param array $supplierIds * @param array $manufacturerIds * @param array $categoryIds * @param array $statusIds * @param string $active * @param string $pageNo * @param unknown $pageSize * @param unknown $orderBy * @param unknown $stats * * @return Ambigous <Ambigous, multitype:, multitype:BaseEntityAbstract > */ public static function getProducts($sku, $name, array $supplierIds = array(), array $manufacturerIds = array(), array $categoryIds = array(), array $statusIds = array(), $active = null, $pageNo = null, $pageSize = DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE, $orderBy = array(), &$stats = array(), $stockLevel = null, &$sumValues = null, $sh_from = null, $sh_to = null, $sellOnWeb = null) { $where = array(1); $params = array(); if (is_array($sumValues)) { $innerJoins = array(); } if (is_array($sku)) { $skus = array(); $keys = array(); foreach ($sku as $index => $value) { $key = 'sku_' . $index; $keys[] = ':' . $key; $skus[$key] = trim($value); } $where[] = 'pro.sku in (' . implode(',', $keys) . ')'; $params = array_merge($params, $skus); } else { if (($sku = trim($sku)) !== '') { $where[] = 'pro.sku like :sku'; $params['sku'] = '%' . $sku . '%'; } } if (($name = trim($name)) !== '') { $where[] = ' like :proName'; $params['proName'] = '%' . $name . '%'; } if (($active = trim($active)) !== '') { $where[] = ' = :active'; $params['active'] = intval($active); } if (($sellOnWeb = trim($sellOnWeb)) !== '') { $where[] = 'pro.sellOnWeb = :sellOnWeb'; $params['sellOnWeb'] = intval($sellOnWeb); } if (count($manufacturerIds) > 0) { $ps = array(); $keys = array(); foreach ($manufacturerIds as $index => $value) { $key = 'manf_' . $index; $keys[] = ':' . $key; $ps[$key] = trim($value); } $where[] = 'pro.manufacturerId in (' . implode(',', $keys) . ')'; $params = array_merge($params, $ps); } if (count($statusIds) > 0) { $ps = array(); $keys = array(); foreach ($statusIds as $index => $value) { $key = 'stId_' . $index; $keys[] = ':' . $key; $ps[$key] = trim($value); } $where[] = 'pro.statusId in (' . implode(',', $keys) . ')'; $params = array_merge($params, $ps); } if (count($supplierIds) > 0) { $ps = array(); $keys = array(); foreach ($supplierIds as $index => $value) { $key = 'spId_' . $index; $keys[] = ':' . $key; $ps[$key] = trim($value); } self::getQuery()->eagerLoad('Product.supplierCodes', 'inner join', 'pro_sup_code', ' = pro_sup_code.productId and pro_sup_code.supplierId in (' . implode(',', $keys) . ')'); if (is_array($sumValues)) { $innerJoins[] = 'inner join suppliercode pro_sup_code on ( = pro_sup_code.productId and pro_sup_code.supplierId in (' . implode(',', $keys) . '))'; } $params = array_merge($params, $ps); } if (count($categoryIds) > 0) { $ps = array(); $keys = array(); foreach ($categoryIds as $index => $value) { if (($category = ProductCategory::get($value)) instanceof ProductCategory) { $key = 'cateId_' . $index; $keys[] = ':' . $key; $ps[$key] = $category->getId(); $parent_category_ids = array(); foreach ($category->getAllChildrenIds() as $child_category_id) { $key = 'cateId_' . $index . '_' . $child_category_id; $keys[] = ':' . $key; $ps[$key] = $child_category_id; } } } var_dump($ps); self::getQuery()->eagerLoad('Product.categories', 'inner join', 'pro_cate', ' = pro_cate.productId and pro_cate.categoryId in (' . implode(',', $keys) . ')'); if (is_array($sumValues)) { $innerJoins[] = 'inner join product_category pro_cate on ( = pro_cate.productId and pro_cate.categoryId in (' . implode(',', $keys) . '))'; } $params = array_merge($params, $ps); } if (($stockLevel = trim($stockLevel)) !== '') { $where[] = 'pro.stockOnHand <= pro.' . $stockLevel . ' and pro.' . $stockLevel . ' is not null'; } if (($sh_from = trim($sh_from)) !== '') { $where[] = 'pro.stockOnHand >= :stockOnHand_from'; $params['stockOnHand_from'] = intval($sh_from); } if (($sh_to = trim($sh_to)) !== '') { $where[] = 'pro.stockOnHand <= :stockOnHand_to'; $params['stockOnHand_to'] = intval($sh_to); } $products = Product::getAllByCriteria(implode(' AND ', $where), $params, false, $pageNo, $pageSize, $orderBy, $stats); if (is_array($sumValues)) { $sql = 'select sum(pro.stockOnHand) `totalStockOnHand`, sum(pro.totalOnHandValue) `totalOnHandValue` from product pro ' . implode(' ', $innerJoins) . ' where = 1 and (' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ')'; $sumResult = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params); if (count($sumResult) > 0) { $sumValues['totalStockOnHand'] = $sumResult[0]['totalStockOnHand']; $sumValues['totalOnHandValue'] = $sumResult[0]['totalOnHandValue']; } } return $products; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see BaseEntityAbstract::preSave() */ public function preSave() { if (trim($this->getInvDate()) === '') { $this->setInvDate(Udate::zeroDate()); } if (trim($this->getId()) !== '') { //status changed $originalOrder = self::get($this->getId()); if ($originalOrder instanceof Order && $originalOrder->getStatus()->getId() !== $this->getStatus()->getId()) { $infoType = OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_STATUS_BEFORE_CHANGE); $orderInfos = OrderInfo::find($this, $infoType, false, 1, 1); $orderInfo = count($orderInfos) === 0 ? null : $orderInfos[0]; OrderInfo::create($this, $infoType, $originalOrder->getStatus()->getId(), $orderInfo); $this->addLog('Changed Status from [' . $originalOrder->getStatus()->getName() . '] to [' . $this->getStatus() . ']', Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'Auto Log', get_class($this) . '::' . __FUNCTION__); //get the required kits qty if (in_array(intval($this->getStatus()->getId()), array(OrderStatus::ID_PICKED, OrderStatus::ID_SHIPPED))) { $sql = "select sum(ord_item.qtyOrdered) `requiredQty`, ord_item.productId `productId`, pro.sku `sku` from orderitem ord_item inner join product pro on ( = ord_item.productId and pro.isKit = 1) where ord_item.orderId = ? and = 1 group by"; $result = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, array($this->getId()), PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($result) > 0) { $errMsg = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $requiredQty = $row['requiredQty']; $sku = $row['sku']; if (($kitsCount = count($kits = Kit::getAllByCriteria('soldOnOrderId = ? and productId =? ', array($this->getId(), $row['productId'])))) < $requiredQty) { $errMsg[] = 'Product (SKU=' . $sku . ') needs to be sold as a kit(req Qty=' . $requiredQty . ', providedQty=' . $kitsCount . '): ' . implode(', ', array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getBarcode();'), $kits)); } } if (count($errMsg) > 0) { throw new EntityException(implode('; ', $errMsg)); } } } } } }