public function getMyDmVideoMetaboxTabVideos() { $pn = isset($_POST['pagenumber']) ? $_POST['pagenumber'] : 1; $searchTitle = isset($_POST['title']) && $_POST['title'] != 'notitle' ? $_POST['title'] : ''; $itemsPerPage = 5; $dailymotion = new DailymotionOwnMethod(); $dmvideos = $dailymotion->getDailymotionVideoListForSideVideos('me', $fields = array('id', 'title', 'embed_url', 'thumbnail_url', 'description', 'views_total', 'tags', '', 'created_time', 'duration', 'owner.screenname'), (int) $pn, $itemsPerPage, $searchTitle); header('Content-type: application/json'); print json_encode($dmvideos); exit; }
/** * Method to update dailymotion video */ public function updateDailyMotionRecords() { if (isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id']) && is_array($_POST['data'])) { $dailymotion = new DailymotionOwnMethod(); $videoInfo = $dailymotion->updateDailymotionVideoData($_POST['id'], array_filter($_POST['data'])); session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['dm_success']) || $_SESSION['dm_success'] == "") { $_SESSION['dm_success'] = 'Your video was saved successfully.'; } print json_encode(array('msg' => 'Successfully updated')); exit; } }
/** * Options page callback */ public function cloudAndDmUploadAction() { $video_id = $_POST["video_id"]; check_ajax_referer($video_id . 'pluploadan'); switch ($_POST['account_name']) { case 'cloud': $status = wp_handle_upload($_FILES[$video_id . 'async-upload'], array('test_form' => false, 'action' => 'plupload_action')); if (!isset($status['error']) && isset($status['file'])) { $info = pathinfo($status['file']); $filesize = filesize($status['file']); try { $obj_dailymotioncloud = new DailymotionCloudOwnMethod($this->usname, $this->appsecret); $media_id = $obj_dailymotioncloud->uploadDailymotionCloudVideo($status['file'], $info['filename']); unlink($status['file']); print str_replace(",", "_", $info['filename']) . '|+|' . $media_id->id . '|+|' . $status['url'] . '|+|' . $this->fileSizeConvert($filesize) . '|+|' . $_POST['account_name']; exit; } catch (Exception $e) { $filename = $info['filename']; unlink($status['file']); error_log($e->getMessage(), 0); error_log($e->getMessage(), 1, "*****@*****.**"); die("error|+|{$filename}|+|Failed to transfer on dailymotion cloud"); } } else { $filename = $info['filename']; die("error|+|{$filename}|+|Failed to open input stream"); exit; } break; case 'dailymotion': $status = wp_handle_upload($_FILES[$video_id . 'async-upload'], array('test_form' => false, 'action' => 'plupload_action')); if (!isset($status['error']) && isset($status['file'])) { $info = pathinfo($status['file']); $filesize = filesize($status['file']); try { $obj_dailymotion = new DailymotionOwnMethod(); $media_id = (object) $obj_dailymotion->uploadVideoOnDailymotion($status['file'], $info['filename'], $this->chennelname); unlink($status['file']); print str_replace(",", "_", $info['filename']) . '|+|' . $media_id->id . '|+|' . $status['url'] . '|+|' . $this->fileSizeConvert($filesize) . '|+|' . $_POST['account_name']; exit; } catch (Exception $e) { $filename = $info['filename']; unlink($status['file']); error_log($e->getMessage(), 0); error_log($e->getMessage(), 1, "*****@*****.**"); die("error|+|{$filename}|+|Failed to transfer on dailymotion"); } } else { $filename = $info['filename']; die("error|+|{$filename}|+|Failed to open input stream"); exit; } break; default: break; } }
/** * */ public function conectionDailymotion() { $DailymotionOwnMethod = new DailymotionOwnMethod(); try { $conecctionresult = $DailymotionOwnMethod->getDailymotionConnectedInformation(); return $conecctionresult; } catch (DailymotionAuthRequiredException $e) { return $DailymotionOwnMethod->getDMAuthorizationUrl('popup'); } catch (DailymotionAuthRefusedException $e) { print $e->getMessage(); die; } catch (DailymotionApiException $e) { print $e->getMessage(); die; } catch (DailymotionTransportException $e) { print $e->getMessage(); die; } }