* UPDATE WP-CONFIG FILE */ $config_file = DUPX_WPConfig::UpdateStep2(); //Create snapshots directory in order to //compensate for permissions on some servers if (!file_exists(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_NAME)) { mkdir(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_NAME, 0755); } $fp = fopen(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_NAME . '/index.php', 'w'); fclose($fp); /* ============================== NOTICE TESTS */ DUPX_Log::Info("\n--------------------------------------"); DUPX_Log::Info("NOTICES"); DUPX_Log::Info("--------------------------------------"); $config_vars = array('WP_CONTENT_DIR', 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'WPCACHEHOME', 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'WP_SITEURL', 'WP_HOME', 'WP_TEMP_DIR'); $config_items = DUPX_Util::search_list_values($config_vars, $config_file); //Files: if (!empty($config_items)) { $msg = 'NOTICE: The wp-config.php has one or more of the following values set [' . implode(", ", $config_items) . ']. '; $msg .= 'Please validate these values are correct by opening the file and checking the values. To validate the meaning and proper usage of each parameter used the codex link above.'; $JSON['step2']['warnlist'][] = $msg; DUPX_Log::Info($msg); } //Database: $result = @mysqli_query($dbh, "SELECT option_value FROM `{$GLOBALS['FW_TABLEPREFIX']}options` WHERE option_name IN ('upload_url_path','upload_path')"); if ($result) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { if (strlen($row[0])) { $msg = "NOTICE: The media settings values in the table '{$GLOBALS['FW_TABLEPREFIX']}options' has at least one the following values ['upload_url_path','upload_path'] set. "; $msg .= "Please validate these settings by logging into your wp-admin and going to Settings->Media area and validating the 'Uploading Files' section"; $JSON['step2']['warnlist'][] = $msg;