예제 #1
파일: frame.cls.php 프로젝트: artre/study
 function insert_child_after(Frame $new_child, Frame $ref, $update_node = true)
     if ($ref === $this->_last_child) {
         $this->append_child($new_child, $update_node);
     if (is_null($ref)) {
         $this->prepend_child($new_child, $update_node);
     if ($ref->_parent !== $this) {
         throw new DOMPDF_Exception("Reference child is not a child of this node.");
     // Update the node
     if ($update_node) {
         if ($ref->_next_sibling) {
             $next_node = $ref->_next_sibling->_node;
             $this->_node->insertBefore($new_child->_node, $next_node);
         } else {
             $new_child->_node = $this->_node->appendChild($new_child);
     // Remove the child from its parent
     if ($new_child->_parent) {
         $new_child->_parent->remove_child($new_child, false);
     $new_child->_parent = $this;
     $new_child->_prev_sibling = $ref;
     $new_child->_next_sibling = $ref->_next_sibling;
     if ($ref->_next_sibling) {
         $ref->_next_sibling->_prev_sibling = $new_child;
     $ref->_next_sibling = $new_child;
예제 #2
  * Insert node as a first child or as the last child
  * (depending on position value)
  * @param DOMNode $parent
  * @param DOMNode $node
  * @param bool $prepend
 public function insertNode(DOMNode $parent, DOMNode $node, $prepend = false)
     if ($prepend === true) {
         $parent->insertBefore($node, $parent->firstChild);
     } else {
예제 #3
파일: Handler.php 프로젝트: noels/FluentDOM
  * Insert nodes into target as first childs.
  * @param DOMNode $targetNode
  * @param array|DOMNodeList|FluentDOM $contentNodes
 public static function insertChildrenBefore($targetNode, $contentNodes)
     $result = array();
     if ($targetNode instanceof DOMElement) {
         $firstChild = $targetNode->hasChildNodes() ? $targetNode->childNodes->item(0) : NULL;
         foreach ($contentNodes as $contentNode) {
             if ($contentNode instanceof DOMElement || $contentNode instanceof DOMText) {
                 $result[] = $targetNode->insertBefore($contentNode->cloneNode(TRUE), $firstChild);
     return $result;
  * Inserts a new child at the beginning of the Frame
  * @param $child Frame The new Frame to insert
  * @param $update_node boolean Whether or not to update the DOM
 function prepend_child(FrameParser $child, $update_node = true)
     if ($update_node) {
         $this->_node->insertBefore($child->_node, $this->_first_child ? $this->_first_child->_node : null);
     // Remove the child from its parent
     if ($child->_parent) {
         $child->_parent->remove_child($child, false);
     $child->_parent = $this;
     $child->_prev_sibling = null;
     // Handle the first child
     if (!$this->_first_child) {
         $this->_first_child = $child;
         $this->_last_child = $child;
         $child->_next_sibling = null;
     } else {
         $this->_first_child->_prev_sibling = $child;
         $child->_next_sibling = $this->_first_child;
         $this->_first_child = $child;
예제 #5
  * 插入节点
  * @param DOMNode $node XML节点
  * @param DOMNode $newNode 新建XML节点
  * @param DOMNode $oldNode XML节点 如果指定此参数新节点插入在此节点之前
  * @return void
 public function insertNode(&$node, $newNode, $srcNode = NULL)
     if ($srcNode == NULL) {
     } else {
         $node->insertBefore($newNode, $srcNode);
  * Append a node to the given parent node if it exists.
  * @param DOMNode $node
  * @param DOMNode $parent
  * @param boolean $before If set then the node will be appended as the first child instead of the last.
 public function appendNode($node, $parent, $before = false)
     if ($node && $node instanceof DOMNode && $parent && $parent instanceof DOMNode) {
         if ($before) {
             return $parent->insertBefore($node, $parent->firstChild);
         } else {
             return $parent->appendChild($node);
     } else {
         $this->raiseError("Invalid node or parent to append to for appendNode.");
  * Inserts the node sorted by entity and id to enable easier unit testing.
  * @param DOMNode $xmlParent
  * @param DOMNode $xmlElement 
 private function sortedInsertNode(DOMNode $xmlParent, DOMNode $xmlElement)
     $xmlElementName = $xmlElement->nodeName;
     $xmlElementId = (int) $xmlElement->getAttribute('id');
     $xmlNextSibling = NULL;
     $siblingIndex = 0;
     while ($siblingIndex < $xmlParent->childNodes->length && $xmlNextSibling == NULL) {
         $xmlSibling = $xmlParent->childNodes->item($siblingIndex);
         if ($xmlSibling->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             if ($xmlSibling->nodeName > $xmlElementName) {
                 $xmlNextSibling = $xmlSibling;
             } else {
                 if ($xmlSibling->nodeName == $xmlElementName) {
                     $siblingId = $xmlSibling->getAttribute('id');
                     if ((int) $siblingId > $xmlElementId) {
                         $xmlNextSibling = $xmlSibling;
     if ($xmlNextSibling != NULL) {
         $xmlParent->insertBefore($xmlElement, $xmlNextSibling);
     } else {
예제 #8
  * Visit field list item
  * @param DOMNode $root 
  * @param ezcDocumentRstNode $node 
  * @return void
 protected function visitFieldListItem(DOMNode $root, ezcDocumentRstNode $node)
     // Get sectioninfo node, to add the stuff there.
     $secInfo = $root->getElementsByTagName('sectioninfo')->item(0);
     if ($secInfo === null) {
         // If not yet existant, create section info
         $secInfo = $root->ownerDocument->createElement('sectioninfo');
         $root->insertBefore($secInfo, $root->firstChild);
     $fieldListItemMapping = array('authors' => 'authors', 'description' => 'abstract', 'copyright' => 'copyright', 'version' => 'releaseinfo', 'date' => 'date', 'author' => 'author');
     $fieldName = strtolower(trim($this->tokenListToString($node->name)));
     if (!isset($fieldListItemMapping[$fieldName])) {
         return $this->triggerError(E_NOTICE, "Unhandeled field list type '{$fieldName}'.", null, $node->token->line, $node->token->position);
     $item = $this->document->createElement($fieldListItemMapping[$fieldName], htmlspecialchars($this->nodeToString($node)));
예제 #9
  * Insert before
  * @param \DOMNode $parentNode
  * @param \DOMNode $childNode
  * @return void
 protected function insertBefore(\DOMNode $parentNode, \DOMNode $childNode)
     $importNode = $this->getDom()->importNode($childNode, true);
예제 #10
  * Gera as tags para o elemento: "enderDest" (Informações do Recebedor da Carga)
  * # = 185
  * Nível = 2
  * Os parâmetros para esta função são todos os elementos da tag "enderDest" do
  * tipo elemento (Ele = E|CE|A) e nível 3
  * @param string $xLgr    Logradouro
  * @param string $nro     Número
  * @param string $xCpl    Complemento
  * @param string $xBairro Bairro
  * @param string $cMun    Código do município (utilizar a tabela do IBGE)
  * @param string $xMun    Nome do município
  * @param string $CEP     CEP
  * @param string $UF      Sigla da UF
  * @param string $cPais   Código do país
  * @param string $xPais   Nome do país
  * @return \DOMElement
 public function enderDestTag($xLgr = '', $nro = '', $xCpl = '', $xBairro = '', $cMun = '', $xMun = '', $CEP = '', $UF = '', $cPais = '', $xPais = '')
     $identificador = '#185 <enderDest> - ';
     $this->enderDest = $this->dom->createElement('enderDest');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'xLgr', $xLgr, true, $identificador . 'Logradouro');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'nro', $nro, true, $identificador . 'Número');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'xCpl', $xCpl, false, $identificador . 'Complemento');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'xBairro', $xBairro, true, $identificador . 'Bairro');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'cMun', $cMun, true, $identificador . 'Código do município (utilizar a tabela do IBGE)');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'xMun', $xMun, true, $identificador . 'Nome do município');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'CEP', $CEP, false, $identificador . 'CEP');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'UF', $UF, true, $identificador . 'Sigla da UF');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'cPais', $cPais, false, $identificador . 'Código do país');
     $this->dom->addChild($this->enderDest, 'xPais', $xPais, false, $identificador . 'Nome do país');
     $node = $this->dest->getElementsByTagName("email")->item(0);
     $this->dest->insertBefore($this->enderDest, $node);
     return $this->enderDest;
예제 #11
파일: sp.class.php 프로젝트: rhalff/Simph
  * @param DOMDocument $doc The DomDocument
  * @param DOMNode $newnode The new node
  * @param DOMNode $node The node to prepend after
  * @return void
 private function prependChild(DOMDocument $doc, DOMNode $newnode, DOMNode $node)
     if ($node->firstChild) {
         return $node->insertBefore($newnode, $node->firstChild);
     } else {
         return $node->appendChild($newnode);
  * Search a WSDL XML DOM for "import" tags and import the files into 
  * one large DOM for the entire WSDL structure 
  * @ignore
 protected function mergeWSDLImports(DOMNode &$wsdlDOM, $continued = false, DOMDocument &$newRootDocument = NULL)
     static $rootNode = NULL;
     static $rootDocument = NULL;
     /* If this is an external call, find the "root" defintions node */
     if ($continued == false) {
         $rootNode = $wsdlDOM->getElementsByTagName('definitions')->item(0);
         $rootDocument = $wsdlDOM;
     if ($newRootDocument == NULL) {
         $newRootDocument = $rootDocument;
     //if (self::$debugMode) echo "Processing Node: ".$wsdlDOM->nodeName." which has ".$wsdlDOM->childNodes->length." child nodes".PHP_EOL;
     $nodesToRemove = array();
     /* Loop through the Child nodes of the provided DOM */
     foreach ($wsdlDOM->childNodes as $childNode) {
         //if (self::$debugMode) echo "\tProcessing Child Node: ".$childNode->nodeName." (".$childNode->localName.") which has ".$childNode->childNodes->length." child nodes".PHP_EOL;
         /* If this child is an IMPORT node, get the referenced WSDL, and remove the Import */
         if ($childNode->localName == 'import') {
             /* Get the location of the imported WSDL */
             if ($childNode->hasAttribute('location')) {
                 $importURI = $childNode->getAttribute('location');
             } else {
                 if ($childNode->hasAttribute('schemaLocation')) {
                     $importURI = $childNode->getAttribute('schemaLocation');
                 } else {
                     $importURI = NULL;
             /* Only import if we found a URI - otherwise, don't change it! */
             if ($importURI != NULL) {
                 if (self::$debugMode) {
                     echo "\tImporting data from: " . $importURI . PHP_EOL;
                 $importDOM = new DOMDocument();
                 /* Find the "Definitions" on this imported node */
                 $importDefinitions = $importDOM->getElementsByTagName('definitions')->item(0);
                 /* If we have "Definitions", import them one by one - Otherwise, just import at this level */
                 if ($importDefinitions != NULL) {
                     /* Add all the attributes (namespace definitions) to the root definitions node */
                     foreach ($importDefinitions->attributes as $attribute) {
                         /* Don't copy the "TargetNamespace" attribute */
                         if ($attribute->name != 'targetNamespace') {
                     $this->mergeWSDLImports($importDefinitions, true, $importDOM);
                     foreach ($importDefinitions->childNodes as $importNode) {
                         //if (self::$debugMode) echo "\t\tInserting Child: ".$importNode->C14N(true).PHP_EOL;
                         $importNode = $newRootDocument->importNode($importNode, true);
                         $wsdlDOM->insertBefore($importNode, $childNode);
                 } else {
                     //if (self::$debugMode) echo "\t\tInserting Child: ".$importNode->C14N(true).PHP_EOL;
                     $importNode = $newRootDocument->importNode($importDOM->firstChild, true);
                     $wsdlDOM->insertBefore($importNode, $childNode);
                 //if (self::$debugMode) echo "\t\tRemoving Child: ".$childNode->C14N(true).PHP_EOL;
                 $nodesToRemove[] = $childNode;
         } else {
             //if (self::$debugMode) echo 'Preserving node: '.$childNode->localName.PHP_EOL;
             if ($childNode->hasChildNodes()) {
                 $this->mergeWSDLImports($childNode, true);
     /* Actually remove the nodes (not done in the loop, as it messes up the ForEach pointer!) */
     foreach ($nodesToRemove as $node) {
     return $wsdlDOM;
예제 #13
파일: Element.php 프로젝트: volux/dom
  * @param string|Element|Tag|Field|\DOMNode $target css selector or Element
  * @return Element|Tag|Field
 public function prependTo($target)
     return $target->insertBefore($target->ownerDocument->importNode($this, true), $target->firstChild);
예제 #14
 	Perform a "prepend" operation.
 	@param	$oAction	The taconite action.
 	@param	$oElement	The document element.
 protected function applyTagPrepend(DOMNode $oAction, DOMNode $oElement)
     if ($oElement->firstChild) {
         $oReference = $oElement->firstChild;
         foreach ($oAction->childNodes as $oChild) {
             $oChild = $oElement->ownerDocument->importNode($oChild, true);
             $oElement->insertBefore($oChild, $oReference);
     } else {
         foreach ($oAction->childNodes as $oChild) {
             $oChild = $oElement->ownerDocument->importNode($oChild, true);
예제 #15
  * This function inserts the signature element.
  * The signature element will be appended to the element, unless $beforeNode is specified. If $beforeNode
  * is specified, the signature element will be inserted as the last element before $beforeNode.
  * @param DOMNode $node       The node the signature element should be inserted into.
  * @param DOMNode $beforeNode The node the signature element should be located before.
  * @return DOMNode The signature element node
 public function insertSignature($node, $beforeNode = null)
     $document = $node->ownerDocument;
     $signatureElement = $document->importNode($this->sigNode, true);
     if ($beforeNode == null) {
         return $node->insertBefore($signatureElement);
     } else {
         return $node->insertBefore($signatureElement, $beforeNode);
예제 #16
 private function _prependTo($sCode, DOMNode $oRef)
     $oTMPDocument = new DOMDocument();
     $oInsertedNode = $this->importNode($oTMPDocument->firstChild, true);
     $oRef->insertBefore($oInsertedNode, $oRef->firstChild);
예제 #17
파일: DomContainer.php 프로젝트: kuria/dom
  * Prepend a node to the given existing node
  * @param \DOMNode $newNode
  * @param \DOMNode $existingNode
  * @return \DOMNode the inserted node
 public function prependChild(\DOMNode $newNode, \DOMNode $existingNode)
     return $existingNode->firstChild ? $existingNode->insertBefore($newNode, $existingNode->firstChild) : $existingNode->appendChild($newNode);
  * @param DOMDocument $dom
  * @param DOMXPath $xpath
  * @param DOMNode $parent
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $value
  * @return DOMElement
 private function &addNode($dom, $xpath, $parent, $name, $value = '')
     $path = explode('/', rtrim($name, '/'));
     $name = end($path);
     $ref_node = null;
     $context = $parent->getNodePath();
     switch ($context) {
         case '/theme':
             $before = array('name', 'description', 'files', 'about', 'settings', 'thumbs', 'locales');
         case '/theme/settings/setting':
             $before = array('value', 'filename', 'name', 'description', 'options');
         case '/theme/settings/setting/options/option':
             $before = array('name', 'description');
             $before = array();
     if (!empty($before)) {
         do {
         } while ($before && $name != array_shift($before));
         #find next element
         do {
             if ($query = array_shift($before)) {
                 if (empty($xpath)) {
                     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
                 $query = $context . '/' . $query;
                 if (($result = $xpath->query($query)) && $result->length) {
                     $ref_node = $result->item(0);
         } while (!$ref_node && $before);
     $element = $dom->createElement($name, $value);
     if ($ref_node) {
         $element = $parent->insertBefore($element, $ref_node);
     } else {
         $element = $parent->appendChild($element);
     return $element;
  * Alters the dom to enclose the specified nodes with the micro-update
  * livepress mark tag.
  * @access private
  * @param array       $nodes       List of nodes to be enclosed.
  * @param DOMNode     $parent_node Parent node where the nodes will be enclosed.
  * @param DOMDocument $dom         The DOM where the nodes belongs.
  * @param array       $current_ids All the current used ids on updates.
  * @param DOMNode     $ref_node    The nodes will be inserted before this one.
 private function enclose_nodes_by_chunk_mark_tag($nodes, $parent_node, $dom, $current_ids, $ref_node = null)
     $chunk_mark = $dom->createElement(self::$chunks_tag);
     $chunk_id = $this->next_post_update_id($current_ids);
     $chunk_mark->setAttribute('id', $chunk_id);
     // Useful for one-line oEmbeds
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
     // Useful for one-line oEmbeds
     $output = $dom->SaveXML($chunk_mark);
     $chunks_class = self::$chunks_class;
     if (preg_match('/\\[livepress_metainfo.+has_avatar.*\\]/s', $output)) {
         $chunks_class .= " " . self::$add_to_chunks_class_when_avatar;
     $chunk_mark->setAttribute('class', $chunks_class);
     if ($ref_node) {
         $parent_node->insertBefore($chunk_mark, $ref_node);
     } else {
예제 #20
 public function insert_node(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $new_node, $pos)
     if ($pos === "after" || !$node->firstChild) {
     } else {
         $node->insertBefore($new_node, $node->firstChild);
     $frame_id = $new_node->getAttribute("frame_id");
     $frame = $this->get_frame($frame_id);
     $parent_id = $node->getAttribute("frame_id");
     $parent = $this->get_frame($parent_id);
     if ($pos === "before") {
         $parent->prepend_child($frame, false);
     } else {
         $parent->append_child($frame, false);
     return $frame_id;
예제 #21
  * Returns the child node to be annotated.
  * @param DOMNode $node
  * @param DOMXPath $xpath
  * @return DOMNode
  * @throws UnexpectedValueException
 protected function get_child_node($node, $xpath = null)
     if (null !== $xpath) {
         // TODO(cs) Future...
         throw UnexpectedValueException($xpath);
     } else {
         $child = $node->firstChild;
         if (null === $child) {
             $node->appendChild(new DOMText());
             $child = $node->firstChild;
         } else {
             if (1 === $child->nodeType) {
                 if ($this->ignore_node($child->tagName)) {
                     $node->insertBefore(new DOMText(), $child);
                     $child = $node->firstChild;
     return $child;
예제 #22
  * appChildBefore
  * Acrescenta DOMElement a pai DOMElement
  * Caso o pai esteja vazio retorna uma exception com a mensagem
  * O parametro "child" pode ser vazio
  * @param \DOMNode $parent
  * @param \DOMNode $child
  * @param string $before
  * @param string $msg
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public function appChildBefore(&$parent, $child, $before, $msg = '')
     if (empty($parent)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($msg);
     $bnode = $parent->getElementsByTagName($before)->item(0);
     if (!empty($child) && !empty($bnode)) {
         $parent->insertBefore($child, $bnode);
예제 #23
  * Insert the cost and effort breakdown.
 private function insertConsortiumFeedback(Feedback $feedback)
     $elementInsertBefore = $this->elementConsortiumFeedback->nextSibling;
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseHeadingXML('ITEAHeading2wonum', 'STG evaluation'), $elementInsertBefore);
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseTableXML($this->parseProjectReviewEvaluation($feedback), true, false, false, false), $elementInsertBefore);
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseHeadingXML('ITEAHeading2wonum', 'Consortium feedback on the STG evaluation'), $elementInsertBefore);
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseParagraphXML($feedback->getReviewFeedback()), $elementInsertBefore);
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseHeadingXML('ITEAHeading2wonum', 'Public Authorities evaluation'), $elementInsertBefore);
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseTableXML($this->parseProjectEvaluation($feedback->getVersion()), true, false, false, false), $elementInsertBefore);
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseHeadingXML('ITEAHeading2wonum', 'Consortium feedback on the Public Authorities evaluation'), $elementInsertBefore);
     $this->elementDocument->insertBefore($this->parseParagraphXML($feedback->getEvaluationFeedback()), $elementInsertBefore);