예제 #1
 function testAddingTags()
     $doc = new DMSDocument();
     $doc->Filename = "test file";
     $doc->Folder = "0";
     $doc->addTag("fruit", "banana");
     $doc->addTag("fruit", "orange");
     $doc->addTag("fruit", "apple");
     $doc->addTag("company", "apple");
     $doc->addTag("company", "SilverStripe");
     $fruits = $doc->getTagsList("fruit");
     $this->assertNotNull($fruits, "Something returned for fruit tags");
     $this->assertEquals(count($fruits), 3, "3 fruit tags returned");
     $this->assertTrue(in_array("banana", $fruits), "correct fruit tags returned");
     //sneakily create another document and link one of the tags to that, too
     $doc2 = new DMSDocument();
     $doc2->Filename = "sneaky file";
     $doc2->Folder = "0";
     $doc2->addTag("fruit", "banana");
     $fruits = $doc2->getTagsList("fruit");
     $this->assertNotNull($fruits, "Something returned for fruit tags");
     $this->assertEquals(count($fruits), 1, "Only 1 fruit tags returned");
     //tidy up by deleting all tags from doc 1 (But the banana fruit tag should remain)
     //banana fruit remains
     $fruits = $doc2->getTagsList("fruit");
     $this->assertNotNull($fruits, "Something returned for fruit tags");
     $this->assertEquals(count($fruits), 1, "Only 1 fruit tags returned");
     $tags = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
     $this->assertEquals($tags->Count(), 1, "A single DMS tag objects remain after deletion of all tags on doc1");
     //delete all tags off doc2 to complete the tidy up
     $tags = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
     $this->assertEquals($tags->Count(), 0, "No DMS tag objects remain after deletion");