예제 #1
파일: pninit.php 프로젝트: ro0f/Mediashare
function mediashare_upgrade_to_2_2_0()
    $columns = array_keys(DBUtil::metaColumns('mediashare_mediastore', true));
    if (in_array('MSS_DATA', $columns) && !DBUtil::dropColumn('mediashare_mediastore', 'mss_data')) {
        return false;
    if (!mediashareCreateMediaDB()) {
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #2
     * migrate old local categories to the categories module
    private function _migratecategories()
        // load the admin language file
        // pull all data from the old table
        $prefix = System::getVar('prefix');
        $sql    = "SELECT pn_secname, pn_image, pn_secid FROM {$prefix}_sections";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $categories = array();
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $categories[] = $result->fields;

        // get the language file
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();

        // create root category and entry in the categories registry

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded categories
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Pages');

        // migrate our categories
        $categorymap = array();
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category ();
            $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
            $cat->setDataField('name', $category[0]);
            $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $category[0]));
            $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $category[0]));
            $cat->setDataField('data1', $category[1]);
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;
            $categorymap[$category[2]] = $cat->getDataField('id');

        // migrate page category assignments
        $sql = "SELECT pn_pageid, pn_secid FROM {$prefix}_pages";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $pages = array();
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $pages[] = array('pageid' => $result->fields[0],
                    '__CATEGORIES__' => array('Main' => $categorymap[$result->fields[1]]),
                    '__META__' => array('module' => 'Pages'));

        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            if (!DBUtil::updateObject($page, 'pages', '', 'pageid')) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Update attempt failed.'));

        // drop old table

        // finally drop the secid column
        DBUtil::dropColumn('pages', 'pn_secid');

        return true;
예제 #3
     * Migrate from version 1.13 to 2.2.0
     * @param string $oldversion The old version from which this upgrade is being processed.
     * @return bool True on success; otherwise false.
    public function upgrade113XTablesTo220Tables($oldversion)
        if (!DBUtil::changeTable('users_temp')) {
            return false;

        // Get the dbinfo for the new version
        ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Users', 'Users');

        $nowUTC = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $nowUTCStr = $nowUTC->format(Users_Constant::DATETIME_FORMAT);

        $serviceManager = ServiceUtil::getManager();
        $dbinfoSystem = $serviceManager['dbtables'];
        $dbinfo113X = Users_tables('1.13');
        $dbinfo220 = Users_tables('2.2.0');
        $usersOldFields = array(
        $usersOldFieldsDB = array(

        // Upgrade the tables

        // Update the users table with new and altered fields. No fields are removed at this point, and no fields
        // are getting a new data type that is incompatible, so no need to save anything off first.
        // Also, create the users_verifychg tables at this point.
        // Merge the global dbtables with the new field information.
        $tables['users_column'] = $dbinfo220['users_column'];
        $tables['users_column_def'] = $dbinfo220['users_column_def'];
        $tables['users_verifychg'] = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg'];
        $tables['users_verifychg_column'] = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg_column'];
        $tables['users_verifychg_column_def'] = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg_column_def'];
        $serviceManager['dbtables'] = array_merge($dbinfoSystem, $tables);

        // Now change the tables
        if (!DBUtil::changeTable('users')) {
            return false;
        if (!DBUtil::createTable('users_verifychg')) {
            return false;

        // First users_temp pending email verification records to users_verifychg.
        $tempColumn = $dbinfo113X['users_temp_column'];
        $verifyColumn = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg_column'];
        $usersColumn = $dbinfo220['users_column'];

        $legalModInfo = ModUtil::getInfoFromName('Legal');
        if (($legalModInfo['state'] == ModUtil::STATE_ACTIVE) || ($legalModInfo['state'] == ModUtil::STATE_UPGRADED)) {
            $legalModuleActive = true;
            $termsOfUseActive = ModUtil::getVar('Legal', 'termsofuse', false);
            $privacyPolicyActive = ModUtil::getVar('Legal', 'privacypolicy', false);
            $agePolicyActive = ($this->getVar('minage', 0) > 0);
        } else {
            $legalModuleActive = false;

        // Next, users table conversion
        // We need to convert some information over from the old users table fields, so merge the old field list into
        // the new one. The order of array_merge parameters is important here!
        $tables = array('users_column' => array_merge($dbinfo113X['users_column'], $dbinfo220['users_column']));
        $serviceManager['dbtables'] = array_merge($dbinfoSystem, $tables);
        // Do the conversion in PHP we use mb_strtolower, and even if MySQL had an equivalent, there is
        // no guarantee that another supported DB platform would.
        $limitNumRows = 100;
        $limitOffset = 0;
        $updated = true;
        $userCount = DBUtil::selectObjectCount('users');
        while ($limitOffset < $userCount) {
            $userArray = DBUtil::selectObjectArray('users', "{$usersColumn['uid']} != 1", '', $limitOffset, $limitNumRows,
                '', null, null, array('uid', 'uname', 'email', 'pass', 'hash_method', 'user_regdate', 'lastlogin', 'approved_by', 'approved_date'));
            if (!empty($userArray) && is_array($userArray)) {
                foreach ($userArray as $key => $userObj) {
                    // force user names and emails to lower case
                    $userArray[$key]['uname'] = mb_strtolower($userArray[$key]['uname']);
                    $userArray[$key]['email'] = mb_strtolower($userArray[$key]['email']);

                    if ($userArray[$key]['user_regdate'] == '1970-01-01 00:00:00') {
                        $userArray[$key]['user_regdate'] = $nowUTCStr;
                        $userArray[$key]['approved_date'] = $nowUTCStr;
                    } else {
                        $userArray[$key]['approved_date'] = $userArray[$key]['user_regdate'];
                    $userArray[$key]['approved_by'] = 2;

                    // merge hash method for salted passwords, leave salt blank
                    if (!empty($userArray[$key]['pass']) && (strpos($userArray[$key]['pass'], '$$') === false)) {
                        $userArray[$key]['pass'] =
                                ? $userArray[$key]['hash_method']
                                : '1')
                            . '$$' . $userArray[$key]['pass'];

                    // Save some disappearing fields as attributes, just in case someone actually used them for
                    // something. But don't overwrite if there already
                    if (!isset($userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']) || !is_array($userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'])) {
                        $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'] = array();
                    foreach ($usersOldFields as $fieldName) {
                        if (($fieldName != 'hash_method') && isset($userArray[$key][$fieldName])
                                && !empty($userArray[$key][$fieldName]) && !isset($userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'][$fieldName])) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'][$fieldName] = $userArray[$key][$fieldName];

                    if ($legalModuleActive && ($userArray[$key]['uid'] > 2)) {
                        $userRegDateTime = new DateTime($userArray[$key]['user_regdate'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
                        $policyDateTimeStr = $userRegDateTime->format(DATE_ISO8601);

                        if ($termsOfUseActive) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_termsOfUseAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                        if ($privacyPolicyActive) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_privacyPolicyAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                        if ($agePolicyActive) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_agePolicyConfirmed'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
            if (!DBUtil::updateObjectArray($userArray, 'users', 'uid', false)) {
                $updated = false;
            $limitOffset += $limitNumRows;
        if (!$updated) {
            return false;

        $obaColumn = $dbinfoSystem['objectdata_attributes_column'];

        $limitNumRows = 100;
        $limitOffset = 0;
        $updated = true;
        $userCount = DBUtil::selectObjectCount('users_temp');
        // Pass through the users_temp table in chunks of 100
        //  * ensure unames and email addresses are lower case,
        while ($limitOffset < $userCount) {
            $userTempArray = DBUtil::selectObjectArray('users_temp', '', '', $limitOffset, $limitNumRows, '', null, null,
                array('tid', 'type', 'uname', 'email', 'pass', 'hash_method', 'dynamics', 'comment'));
            $userArray = array();
            if (!empty($userTempArray) && is_array($userTempArray)) {
                foreach ($userTempArray as $key => $userTempOpj) {
                    // type == 1: User registration pending approval (moderation)
                    if ($userTempArray[$key]['type'] == 1) {
                        $userObj = array();

                        // Ensure uname and email are lower case
                        $userObj['uname'] = mb_strtolower($userTempArray[$key]['uname']);
                        $userObj['email'] = mb_strtolower($userTempArray[$key]['email']);

                        // Convert pass to salted pass with embedded hash method, leave salt blank
                        $userObj['pass'] = $userTempArray[$key]['hash_method'] . '$$' . $userTempArray[$key]['pass'];

                        $userObj['approved_by'] = 0;
                        $userObj['activated'] = Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_PENDING_REG;

                        if (!empty($userTempArray[$key]['dynamics'])) {
                            $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__'] = unserialize($userTempArray[$key]['dynamics']);
                        } else {
                            $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__'] = array();

                        if (isset($userObj['dynamics']) && !empty($userObj['dynamics'])) {
                            if (DataUtil::is_serialized($userObj['dynamics'])) {
                                $dynamics = @unserialize($userObj['dynamics']);
                                if (!empty($dynamics) && is_array($dynamics)) {
                                    foreach ($dynamics as $key => $value) {
                                        $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__'][$key] = $value;

                        $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Users_isVerified'] = 0;

                        if ($legalModuleActive) {
                            $userRegDateTime = new DateTime($userArray[$key]['user_regdate'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
                            $policyDateTimeStr = $userRegDateTime->format(DATE_ISO8601);

                            if ($termsOfUseActive) {
                                $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_termsOfUseAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                            if ($privacyPolicyActive) {
                                $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_privacyPolicyAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                            if ($agePolicyActive) {
                                $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_agePolicyConfirmed'] = $policyDateTimeStr;

                        $userArray[] = $userObj;
                    } else {
                        throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__f('Unknown users_temp record type: %1$s', array($userTempArray[$key]['type'])));
            if (!DBUtil::insertObjectArray($userArray, 'users', 'uid', false)) {
                $updated = false;
            $limitOffset += $limitNumRows;
        if (!$updated) {
            return false;

        // Done upgrading. Let's lose some old fields and tables we no longer need.
        DBUtil::dropColumn('users', $usersOldFieldsDB);

        // Reset the system tables to the new table definitons, so the rest of the
        // system upgrade goes smoothly.
        $dbinfoSystem = $serviceManager['dbtables'];
        foreach ($dbinfo113X as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($dbinfo220 as $key => $value) {
            $dbinfoSystem[$key] = $value;
        $serviceManager['dbtables'] = $dbinfoSystem;

        // Update users table for data type change of activated field.
        if (!DBUtil::changeTable('users')) {
            return false;

        return true;
예제 #4
     * migrate old local categories to the categories module
    private function _news_migratecategories()
        // load the admin language file
        // pull all data from the old tables
        $tables = DBUtil::getTables();
        $columns = $tables['news_column'];
        $sql = "SELECT $columns[catid], $columns[title] FROM {$tables[stories_cat]}";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $categories = array(array(0, 'Articles'));
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $categories[] = $result->fields;
        $sql = "SELECT $columns[topicid], $columns[topicname], $columns[topicimage], $columns[topictext] FROM {$tables[topics]}";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $topics = array();
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $topics[] = $result->fields;

        // get the language file
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();

        // create the Main category and entry in the categories registry

        // create the Topics category and entry in the categories registry

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded News categories
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/News');

        // migrate our main categories
        $categorymap = array();
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            $cat->setDataField('parent_id', $rootcat['id']);
            $cat->setDataField('name', $category[1]);
            $cat->setDataField('display_name', array($lang => $category[1]));
            $cat->setDataField('display_desc', array($lang => $category[1]));
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;
            $categorymap[$category[0]] = $cat->getDataField('id');

        // get the category path for which we're going to insert our upgraded Topics categories
        $rootcat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath('/__SYSTEM__/Modules/Topics');

        // migrate our topic categories
        $topicsmap = array();
        foreach ($topics as $topic) {
            $cat = new Categories_DBObject_Category();
            $data = $cat->getData();
            $data['parent_id']                     = $rootcat['id'];
            $data['name']                          = $topic[1];
            $data['value']                         = -1;
            $data['display_name']                  = array($lang => $topic[3]);
            $data['display_desc']                  = array($lang => $topic[3]);
            $data['__ATTRIBUTES__']['topic_image'] = $topic[2];
            $cat->setData ($data);
            if (!$cat->validate('admin')) {
                return false;
            $topicsmap[$topic[0]] = $cat->getDataField('id');

        // After an upgrade we want the legacy topic template variables to point to the Topic property
        $this->setVar('topicproperty', 'Topic');

        // migrate page category assignments
        $sql = "SELECT $columns[sid], $columns[catid], $columns[topic] FROM {$tables[stories]}";
        $result = DBUtil::executeSQL($sql);
        $pages = array();
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            $pages[] = array('sid' => $result->fields[0],
                    '__CATEGORIES__' => array(
                        'Main' => $categorymap[$result->fields[1]],
                        'Topic' => $topicsmap[$result->fields[2]]),
                    '__META__' => array('module' => 'News'));
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            if (!DBUtil::updateObject($page, 'stories', '', 'sid')) {
                return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not update the article categories.'));

        // drop old table
        // we don't drop the topics table - this is the job of the topics module

        // finally drop the secid column
        DBUtil::dropColumn('stories', $columns['catid']);
        DBUtil::dropColumn('stories', $columns['topic']);

        return true;