예제 #1
 /**	Writes a DBF file to the provided location {@link $filename}, with a given
  * {@link $schema} containing the DBF formatted <code>$records</code>
  * marked with the 'last updated' mark <code>$date</code> or a current timestamp if last 
  * update is not provided.
  * @see DBF
  * @param string $filename a writable path to place the DBF
  * @param array $schema an array containing DBF field specifications for each 
  * 	field in the DBF file (see <code>class DBF</code documentation)
  * @param array $records an array of fields given in the same order as the 
  * 	field specifications given in the schema
  * @param $ismemodata A boolean to check if the query executed contains memo field in it.
  * @param $memoheaders A collection of the details for writing the memo FPT file. Required if $ismemodata is true
  * @param array $date an array matching the return structure of <code>getdate()</code>
  * 	or null to use the current timestamp. This is optional.
 public static function write($filename, array $schema, array $records, $ismemodata = null, $memoheaders = null, $date = null)
     self::$lastBlockNo = 512 / self::$blockSize;
     self::$DBFFileName = $filename;
     if (!$ismemodata) {
         file_put_contents(self::$DBFFileName, self::getBinary($schema, $records, $date, $ismemodata));
     } else {
         $DBFPathInfo = pathinfo($filename);
         self::$FPTFileName = $DBFPathInfo['dirname'] . '/' . str_ireplace('.dbf', '', $DBFPathInfo['basename']) . '.fpt';
         file_put_contents(self::$DBFFileName, self::getBinary($schema, $records, $date, $ismemodata));