예제 #1
 function all()
     $this->title = "Countries";
     $this->message = "BeBuntu Countries";
     $all_countries = new Country();
     pass_var('all_countries', $all_countries->find_all());
     pass_var('title', $this->title);
     pass_var('message', $this->message);
예제 #2
  * load initail data for employee form needed during 
  * creating and editing employee
  * data 
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $employee = Employee::find_all();
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone WHERE country_id=156");
     $startups = array("departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "state" => $zone, "employee" => $employee, "role" => $role);
     return $startups;
예제 #3
  * load initail data for employee form needed during 
  * creating and editing employee
  * data 
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $vendors = Vendor::find_all();
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone");
     $startups = array("departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "zone" => $zone, "vendors" => $vendors, "role" => $role);
     return $startups;
예제 #4
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $vendors = Vendor::find_all();
     $countAcc = count(Cproduct::find_by_client($_SESSION["client_ident"]));
     $schedule = Cproduct::getNextSchedule($_SESSION["client_ident"]);
     $countTic = count(Ticket::find_by_client($_SESSION['client_ident']));
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone");
     $startups = array("departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "zone" => $zone, "vendors" => $vendors, "role" => $role, "countProd" => $countAcc, "countTick" => $countTic, "Schel" => $schedule);
     return $startups;
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $vendors = Vendor::find_all();
     $area = Area::find_all();
     $issues = Issue::find_all();
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone");
     $techEmp = Employee::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_dept='5'");
     $startups = array("departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "zone" => $zone, "vendors" => $vendors, "role" => $role, "techemp" => $techEmp, "area" => $area, "issues" => $issues);
     return $startups;
예제 #6
 function add()
     $this->title = "Add new teams";
     $this->message = "Add a new team";
     if ($_POST['action'] == 'newteam') {
         if ($this->newteam($_POST)) {
             $this->message = "Team added.";
     $all_countries = new Country();
     pass_var('countries', $all_countries->find_all());
     pass_var('title', $this->title);
     pass_var('message', $this->message);
예제 #7
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $vendors = Vendor::find_all();
     $countAcc = count(Cproduct::find_by_client($_SESSION["client_ident"]));
     $schedule = Cproduct::getNextSchedule($_SESSION["client_ident"]);
     $OnSchedule = Schedule::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE client_id='" . $_SESSION['client_ident'] . "' AND maint_type !='Activation'  AND (status='Open' OR status='In Progress') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
     $OnScheduleAct = Schedule::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE client_id='" . $_SESSION['client_ident'] . "' AND maint_type='Activation' AND  (status='Open' OR status='In Progress') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
     $countTicketOpen = count(Ticket::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM support_ticket WHERE client_id ='" . $_SESSION['client_ident'] . "' AND status ='Open'"));
     $countTicketClose = count(Ticket::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM support_ticket WHERE client_id ='" . $_SESSION['client_ident'] . "' AND status ='Closed'"));
     $countTicketPending = count(Ticket::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM support_ticket WHERE client_id ='" . $_SESSION['client_ident'] . "' AND (status ='Admin Reply' OR status='Customer Reply')"));
     $countTic = count(Ticket::find_by_client($_SESSION['client_ident']));
     $countuser = count(Clientuser::find_by_client($_SESSION['client_ident']));
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone");
     $startups = array("cschedule" => $OnSchedule, "departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "zone" => $zone, "vendors" => $vendors, "role" => $role, "countProd" => $countAcc, "countTick" => $countTic, "Schel" => $schedule, "SchelAct" => $OnScheduleAct, "CountPending" => $countTicketPending, "CountOpent" => $countTicketOpen, "CountClosed" => $countTicketClose, "CountUsers" => $countuser);
     return $startups;
예제 #8
  * load initail data for support ticket form needed during 
  * creating and editing support ticket
  * data 
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $vendors = Vendor::find_all();
     $myproducts = Cproduct::find_all();
      * issues may arise that when database
      * is cleared emp_dept may not be 5
     $techEmployee = Employee::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_dept = 5");
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone");
     $startups = array("departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "zone" => $zone, "vendors" => $vendors, "role" => $role, "myproducts" => $myproducts, "techstaff" => $techEmployee);
     return $startups;
예제 #9
  * load initail data for support ticket form needed during 
  * creating and editing support ticket
  * data 
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $vendors = Vendor::find_all();
     $myproducts = Cproduct::find_all();
     $lastSignoff = array_shift($database->fetch_assoc($database->db_query("SELECT MAX(id) as lastID, prod_id FROM sign_off_form ")));
     $lastWorkSheet = array_shift($database->fetch_assoc($database->db_query("SELECT MAX(id) as lastID, prod_id FROM work_sheet_form ")));
      * issues may arise that when database
      * is cleared emp_dept may not be 5
     $clients = Client::find_all();
     // print_r($clients);
     $techEmployee = Employee::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_dept = 5");
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone");
     $startups = array("clients" => $clients, "departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "zone" => $zone, "vendors" => $vendors, "role" => $role, "myproducts" => $myproducts, "techstaff" => $techEmployee, "lastsf" => $lastSignoff, "lastws" => $lastWorkSheet);
     return $startups;
  * load initail data for employee form needed during 
  * creating and editing employee
  * data 
 public function getData()
     global $database;
     $depts = Department::find_all();
     $role = Roles::find_all();
     $country = Country::find_all();
     $vendors = Vendor::find_all();
     $products = Product::find_all();
     $myproducts = Cproduct::find_by_client($_SESSION['client_ident']);
     $zone = Zone::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM zone");
     $issues = Issue::find_all();
     $startups = array("departs" => $depts, "country" => $country, "zone" => $zone, "vendors" => $vendors, "role" => $role, "myproducts" => $myproducts, "issues" => $issues, "products" => $products);
     return $startups;
예제 #11
 public function edit($nickname = null)
     $user = $this->load_user($nickname);
     $this->assign("permalink", $user->permalink());
     if ($this->post) {
         $user->nickname = $this->PostData('nickname');
         $user->email = $this->PostData('email');
         $user->clan = $this->PostData('clan');
         $user->firstname = $this->PostData('firstname');
         $user->surname = $this->PostData('surname');
         $user->address1 = $this->PostData('address1');
         $user->address2 = $this->PostData('address2');
         $user->towncity = $this->PostData('towncity');
         $user->county = $this->PostData('county');
         $user->country_id = $this->PostData('country_id');
         $user->postcode = $this->PostData('postcode');
         $user->phone = $this->PostData('phone');
         $user->terms = $this->PostData('terms');
         $user->allow_emails = $this->PostData('allow_emails');
         $user->suspended = $this->PostData('suspended');
         $user->activated = $this->PostData('activated');
         if ($user->save()) {
             Site::flash("notice", "User has been updated");
             Redirect("admin/users/" . $user->permalink());
     $countries = Utils::FormOptions(Country::find_all("", "countries.name ASC"));
     $this->assign('countries', $countries);
     $this->assign("user", $user);
     $this->title = "Edit User";
예제 #12
 public function edit()
     global $site;
     $user = Site::CurrentUser();
     $profile = $user->profile;
     if (isset($site['flash']['forceContactInfo']) && $site['flash']['forceContactInfo']) {
         Site::Flash('forceContactInfo', true);
         $user->requiresContactData = true;
     $this->assign('requireContactData', $user->requiresContactData);
     if ($this->post and !$this->csrf) {
         $site['flash']['error'] = "Invalid form submission";
     } elseif ($this->post) {
         $user->clan = $this->PostData('clan');
         $user->address1 = $this->PostData('address1');
         $user->address2 = $this->PostData('address2');
         $user->towncity = $this->PostData('towncity');
         $user->county = $this->PostData('county');
         $user->country_id = $this->PostData('country_id');
         $user->postcode = $this->PostData('postcode');
         $user->phone = $this->PostData('phone');
         $user->allow_emails = $this->PostData('allow_emails');
         $profile->website = $this->PostData('website');
         $profile->windows_live = $this->PostData('windows_live');
         $profile->facebook = $this->PostData('facebook');
         $profile->twitter = $this->PostData('twitter');
         $profile->xfire = $this->PostData('xfire');
         $profile->xbox_live = $this->PostData('xbox_live');
         $profile->ps_network = $this->PostData('ps_network');
         $profile->occupation = $this->PostData('occupation');
         $profile->nationality = $this->PostData('nationality');
         $profile->gender = $this->PostData('gender');
         $profile->gaming_style = $this->PostData('gaming_style');
         $profile->hobbies_and_interests = $this->PostData('hobbies_and_interests');
         $profile->rig_manufacturer = $this->PostData('rig_manufacturer');
         $profile->rig_processor = $this->PostData('rig_processor');
         $profile->rig_memory = $this->PostData('rig_memory');
         $profile->rig_hdd = $this->PostData('rig_hdd');
         $profile->rig_gfx = $this->PostData('rig_gfx');
         $profile->rig_monitor = $this->PostData('rig_monitor');
         $profile->rig_sound_card = $this->PostData('rig_sound_card');
         $profile->rig_speaker_headphone = $this->PostData('rig_speaker_headphone');
         $profile->rig_keyboard = $this->PostData('rig_keyboard');
         $profile->rig_mouse = $this->PostData('rig_mouse');
         $profile->rig_mouse_surface = $this->PostData('rig_mouse_surface');
         $profile->rig_os = $this->PostData('rig_os');
         $profile->rig_mobo = $this->PostData('rig_mobo');
         $profile->rig_case = $this->PostData('rig_case');
         if ($user->save() && $profile->save()) {
             Site::flash("notice", "Your account has been updated");
     $countries = Utils::FormOptions(Country::find_all("", "countries.name ASC"));
     $this->assign('countries', $countries);
     $this->assign("user", $user);
     $this->assign("profile", $profile);
     $this->assign("site", $site);
     $this->title = "My Account";