public function process($pParams, $content)
     if (!isset($name)) {
         throw new CopixTemplateTagException("Manque nom");
     $toReturn = "<div id=\"wiki_toolbar\" style=\"clear:both\">\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:fontStyle('**','**','" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.bold") . "');\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.bold") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/bold.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:fontStyle('//','//','" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.italic") . "');\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.italic") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/italic.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:fontStyle('__','__','" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.underline") . "');\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.underline") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/underline.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:fontStyle('   *','','" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.listitem") . "');\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.listitem") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/list.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:fontStyle('<del>','</del>','" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.strike") . "');\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.strike") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/strike.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:fontStyle('\n----\n','','');\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/hr.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:fontStyle('\\'\\'','\\'\\'','" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.code") . "');\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.code") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/code.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:addHeader(1);\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.header", 1) . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/h1.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:addHeader(2);\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.header", 2) . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/h2.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:addHeader(3);\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.header", 3) . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/h3.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:addHeader(4);\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.header", 4) . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/h4.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:addHeader(5);\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|wiki.header", 5) . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/h5.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "<a class=\"wiki_toolbar\" onclick=\"javascript:sendForPreview();\" title=\"" . _i18n("wiki|") . "\"><img src=\"" . CopixUrl::getResource('/img/modules/wiki/preview.png') . "\" /></a>\n";
     $toReturn .= "</div>";
     $toReturn .= "\n<textarea class=\"noresizable\" id=\"wiki_area_content\" name=\"{$name}\"\n    cols=\"100\" rows=\"30\">{$content}\n</textarea>\n<div id=\"aj_wiki_prev\" style=\"display: none\">\n</div>\n\n        ";
     $urlofrenderer = _url('generictools|ajax|getwikipreview');
     CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode("\nvar onPreviewMode = false;\nfunction sendForPreview()\n{\n    if(!onPreviewMode){\n        var borders=\$('wiki_area_content').getStyle('border');\n        var width=\$('wiki_area_content').getStyle('width');\n        \$('aj_wiki_prev').setStyles({\n            'border': borders,\n            'width' : width\n        });\n        var aj = new Ajax('" . $urlofrenderer . "',{\n            method : 'post',\n            update :'aj_wiki_prev',\n            data : 'torender='+\$('wiki_area_content').value\n        }).request();\n        onPreviewMode = true;\n        \$('wiki_area_content').setStyle('display','none')\n        \$('aj_wiki_prev').setStyle('display','block')\n    }else{\n        \$('wiki_area_content').setStyle('display','block');\n        \$('aj_wiki_prev').setStyle('display','none');\n        onPreviewMode = false;\n    }\n}\n\nfunction addHeader(n)\n{\n    var h=\"\";\n    if(n==1) h=\"======\";\n    if(n==2) h=\"=====\";\n    if(n==3) h=\"====\";\n    if(n==4) h=\"===\";\n    if(n==5) h=\"==\";\n\n    var editor = document.getElementById('wiki_area_content');\n    fontStyle(h+\" \",\" \"+h,\"Header\"+n);\n}\n\n/**\n * apply tagOpen/tagClose to selection in textarea, use sampleText instead\n * of selection if there is none copied and adapted from phpBB\n *\n * @author phpBB development team\n * @author MediaWiki development team\n * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>\n * @author Jim Raynor <*****@*****.**>\n */\nfunction fontStyle(tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText)\n{\n  var txtarea = document.getElementById('wiki_area_content');\n  // IE\n  if(document.selection  && !is_gecko) {\n    var theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;\n    var replaced = true;\n    if(!theSelection){\n      replaced = false;\n      theSelection=sampleText;\n    }\n    txtarea.focus();\n\n    // This has change\n    text = theSelection;\n    if(theSelection.charAt(theSelection.length - 1) == \" \"){// exclude ending space char, if any\n      theSelection = theSelection.substring(0, theSelection.length - 1);\n      r = document.selection.createRange();\n      r.text = tagOpen + theSelection + tagClose + \" \";\n    } else {\n      r = document.selection.createRange();\n      r.text = tagOpen + theSelection + tagClose;\n    }\n    if(!replaced){\n      r.moveStart('character',-text.length-tagClose.length);\n      r.moveEnd('character',-tagClose.length);\n    }\n;\n  // Mozilla\n  } else if(txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') {\n    var replaced = false;\n    var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart;\n    var endPos   = txtarea.selectionEnd;\n    if(endPos - startPos) replaced = true;\n    var scrollTop=txtarea.scrollTop;\n    var myText = (txtarea.value).substring(startPos, endPos);\n    if(!myText) { myText=sampleText;}\n    if(myText.charAt(myText.length - 1) == \" \"){ // exclude ending space char, if any\n      subst = tagOpen + myText.substring(0, (myText.length - 1)) + tagClose + \" \";\n    } else {\n      subst = tagOpen + myText + tagClose;\n    }\n    txtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + subst +\n                    txtarea.value.substring(endPos, txtarea.value.length);\n    txtarea.focus();\n\n    //set new selection\n    //modified by Patrice Ferlet\n    // - selection wasn't good for selected text replaced\n    txtarea.selectionStart=startPos+tagOpen.length;\n    txtarea.selectionEnd=startPos+tagOpen.length+myText.length;\n\n    txtarea.scrollTop=scrollTop;\n  // All others\n  } else {\n    var copy_alertText=alertText;\n    var re1=new RegExp(\"\\\$1\",\"g\");\n    var re2=new RegExp(\"\\\$2\",\"g\");\n    copy_alertText=copy_alertText.replace(re1,sampleText);\n    copy_alertText=copy_alertText.replace(re2,tagOpen+sampleText+tagClose);\n    var text;\n    if (sampleText) {\n      text=prompt(copy_alertText);\n    } else {\n      text=\"\";\n    }\n    if(!text) { text=sampleText;}\n    text=tagOpen+text+tagClose;\n    //append to the end\n    txtarea.value += text;\n\n    // in Safari this causes scrolling\n    if(!is_safari) {\n      txtarea.focus();\n    }\n\n  }\n  // reposition cursor if possible\n  if (txtarea.createTextRange) txtarea.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();\n}\n        ");
     return $toReturn;
 public function process($pParams, $pContent = null)
     $toReturn = '    ' . $pContent . '<br /><br />';
     $toReturn .= '    <a href="' . CopixUrl::get($pParams['yes']) . '">' . _i18n('copix:common.buttons.yes') . '</a>';
     $toReturn .= '    <a href="' . CopixUrl::get($pParams['no']) . '">' . _i18n('') . '</a>';
     CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode("\n        window.addEvent('domready', function () {\n            var elem = new Element('div');\n            elem.setStyles({'z-index':99999,'background-color':'white','border':'1px solid black','width':'200px','height':'100px','top': window.getScrollTop().toInt()+window.getHeight ().toInt()/2-100+'px','left':window.getScrollLeft().toInt()+window.getWidth ().toInt()/2-100+'px','position':'absolute','text-align':'center'});\n            elem.setHTML ('{$toReturn}');\n            elem.injectInside(document.body);\n\n        });\n\n        ");
     return null;
    public function process($pParams, $pContent = null)
        // paramètre id
        if (!isset($pParams['id'])) {
            throw new CopixTemplateTagException(_i18n('copix:taglib.showdiv.missingIdParameter'));
        // paramètre show
        if (!isset($pParams['show'])) {
            $pParams['show'] = true;
        } else {
            $pParams['show'] = $pParams['show'] == 'true' || $pParams['show'] == 1;
        // paramètre captioni18n fourni, qui vaut dans le cas up et le cas down
        if (isset($pParams['captioni18n'])) {
            $pParams['captionup'] = _i18n($pParams['captioni18n']);
            $pParams['captiondown'] = $pParams['captionup'];
            // si on a un paramètre caption qui s'occupe de tout les cas
        } elseif (isset($pParams['caption'])) {
            $pParams['captionup'] = $pParams['caption'];
            $pParams['captiondown'] = $pParams['caption'];
            // paramètres captionupi18n et captiondowni18n, qui valent chacun pour leur cas
        } elseif (isset($pParams['captionupi18n']) && isset($pParams['captiondowni18n'])) {
            $pParams['captionup'] = _i18n($pParams['captionupi18n']);
            $pParams['captiondown'] = _i18n($pParams['captiondowni18n']);
            // pas de paramètre captionup ou captiondown
        } elseif (!isset($pParams['captionup']) || !isset($pParams['captiondown'])) {
            $pParams['captionup'] = null;
            $pParams['captiondown'] = null;
        // paramètre showicon
        $pParams['showicon'] = !isset($pParams['showicon']) || isset($pParams['showicon']) && ($pParams['showicon'] == 'true' || $pParams['showicon'] == 1);
        // paramètre iconup
        $pParams['iconup'] = isset($pParams['iconup']) ? _resource($pParams['iconup']) : _resource('img/tools/way_up.png');
        // paramètre icondown
        $pParams['icondown'] = isset($pParams['icondown']) ? _resource($pParams['icondown']) : _resource('img/tools/way_down.png');
        // code javascript pour afficher / cacher un div
        CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode('if (!window.smarty_show_div_infos) {
    smarty_show_div_infos = new Array ();

function smarty_show_div (id, show)
    if (show) {
        img = (window.smarty_show_div_infos[id] && window.smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'img_up\']) ? smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'img_up\'] : null;
        style = \'\';
        caption = (window.smarty_show_div_infos[id] && window.smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'caption_up\']) ? smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'caption_up\'] : null;
    } else {
        img = (window.smarty_show_div_infos[id] && window.smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'img_down\']) ? smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'img_down\'] : null;
        style = \'none\';
        caption = (window.smarty_show_div_infos[id] && window.smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'caption_down\']) ? smarty_show_div_infos[id][\'caption_down\'] : null;

    document.getElementById (id).style.display = style;
    if (document.getElementById (\'img_\' + id) != undefined) {
        document.getElementById (\'img_\' + id).src = img;
        if (caption != null) {
            document.getElementById (\'caption_\' + id).innerHTML = caption;

function smarty_invert_show (id)
    smarty_show_div (id, (document.getElementById (id).style.display != \'\'));
}', 'smarty_show_div');
        // code JS pour créer le tableau des infos de cet ID
        CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode('smarty_show_div_infos[\'' . $pParams['id'] . '\'] = new Array ();', 'smarty_show_div_' . $pParams['id']);
        // code JS pour les images
        if ($pParams['showicon'] && !is_null($pParams['iconup']) && !is_null($pParams['icondown'])) {
            CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode('smarty_show_div_infos[\'' . $pParams['id'] . '\'][\'img_up\'] = \'' . $pParams['iconup'] . '\';' . "\n" . 'smarty_show_div_infos[\'' . $pParams['id'] . '\'][\'img_down\'] = \'' . $pParams['icondown'] . '\';', 'smarty_show_div_img_' . $pParams['id']);
        // code javascript pour les captions
        if (!is_null($pParams['captionup']) && !is_null($pParams['captiondown'])) {
            CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode('smarty_show_div_infos[\'' . $pParams['id'] . '\'][\'caption_up\'] = \'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $pParams['captionup']) . '\';' . "\n" . 'smarty_show_div_infos[\'' . $pParams['id'] . '\'][\'caption_down\'] = \'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $pParams['captiondown']) . '\';', 'smarty_show_div_captions_' . $pParams['id']);
        // création du code HTML
        if ($pParams['showicon'] || !is_null($pParams['captionup']) && !is_null($pParams['captiondown'])) {
            if ($pParams['show']) {
                $imgSrc = $pParams['iconup'];
                $caption = $pParams['captionup'];
            } else {
                $imgSrc = $pParams['icondown'];
                $caption = $pParams['captiondown'];
            $out = '<a href="javascript: smarty_invert_show (\'' . $pParams['id'] . '\');">';
            // si on veut afficher un icon
            if ($pParams['showicon']) {
                $out .= '<img id="img_' . $pParams['id'] . '" src="' . $imgSrc . '" style="cursor:pointer" alt="showdiv" />';
            // si on veut afficher un caption
            if (!is_null($caption)) {
                $out .= ' <span id="caption_' . $pParams['id'] . '">' . $caption . "</span>";
            $out .= '</a>';
        } else {
            $out = null;
        return $out;
 public function processGetMultipleSelectContent()
     $currentId = null;
     $classString = CopixSession::get(CopixRequest::get('class'));
     $arClass = explode('::', $classString);
     $class = _ioClass($arClass[0]);
     $values = $class->{$arClass}[1]();
     $objectMap = CopixRequest::get('objectMap');
     if (!empty($objectMap)) {
         $tab = explode(';', $objectMap);
         if (count($tab) != 2) {
             throw new CopixTemplateTagException("[plugin select] parameter 'objectMap' must looks like idProp;captionProp");
         $idProp = $tab[0];
         $captionProp = $tab[1];
     $id = CopixRequest::get('idselect');
     $name = CopixRequest::get('nameselect');
     $toReturn = '';
     $compteur = 0;
     if (empty($objectMap)) {
         foreach ((array) $values as $key => $caption) {
             $currentId = uniqid();
             $color = $compteur % 2 == 0 ? '#cccccc' : '#ffffff';
             $toReturn .= '<div style="width:100%;background-color:' . $color . '"><input type="checkbox" class="check_' . $id . '" id="' . $currentId . '" value="' . $key . '" /><label id="label_' . $currentId . '" for="' . $currentId . '">' . _copix_utf8_htmlentities($caption) . '</label></div>';
     } else {
         //if given an object mapping request.
         foreach ((array) $values as $object) {
             $color = $compteur % 2 == 0 ? '#cccccc' : '#ffffff';
             $toReturn .= '<div style="width:100%;background-color:' . $color . '"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $currentId . '" class="check_' . $id . '" value="' . $object->{$idProp} . '" /><label id="label_' . $currentId . '" for="' . $currentId . '">' . _copix_utf8_htmlentities($object->{$captionProp}) . '</label></div>';
     CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode("\n        window.addEvent('domready', function () {\n            var input = \$('{$id}');\n            \$\$('.check_{$id}').each (function (el) {\n                el.addEvent ('change', function () {\n                    var value = '';\n                    \$('hidden_{$id}').setHTML('');\n                    \$\$('.check_{$id}').each ( function (el) {\n                        if (el.checked) {\n                            if (value!='') {\n                                value += ',';\n                            }\n                            value += \$('label_'+el.getProperty('id')).innerHTML;\n                            \$('hidden_{$id}').setHTML (\$('hidden_{$id}').innerHTML+'<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $name . "[]\" value=\"'+el.value+'\" />');\n                        }\n                    });\n                    input.value = value;\n                });\n            });\n        });\n        ");
     return _arDirectPPO(new CopixPPO(array('MAIN' => $toReturn)), 'generictools|blank.tpl');
  * Construction du code HTML
  * On utilise également les modifications d'en tête HTML
 public function process($pParams, $pContent = null)
     if (empty($name)) {
         throw new CopixTemplateTagException('[calendar] missing name parameter');
     if (empty($image)) {
         $image = '"' . _resource("img/tools/calendar.png") . '"';
     } else {
         $image = '"' . $image . '"';
     if (empty($extra)) {
         $extra = '';
     if (empty($size)) {
         $size = 8;
     if (!isset($mask)) {
         $mask = true;
     _tag('mootools', array('plugin' => array('datepicker')));
     if ($mask) {
         _tag('mootools', array('plugin' => array('imask')));
         CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode("\n             window.addEvent('domready', function () {\n                    new iMask({\n                         onFocus: function(obj) {\n                         },\n\n                         onBlur: function(obj) {\n                         },\n\n                         onValid: function(event, obj) {\n                         },\n\n                         onInvalid: function(event, obj) {\n                             if(!event.shift) {\n                             }\n                         }\n                     });\n             });\n             ", 'calendarmask');
     if (empty($lang)) {
         $lang = CopixI18N::getLang();
     if (empty($format)) {
         $format = str_replace(array('d', 'm', 'Y'), array('dd', 'mm', 'yyyy'), CopixI18N::getDateFormat('/'));
     } else {
         $format = strtolower($format);
     $maskFormat = str_replace(array('d', 'm', 'y'), array('9', '9', '9'), $format);
     if (!empty($yyyymmdd)) {
         $value = date(str_replace(array('dd', 'mm', 'yyyy'), array('d', 'm', 'Y'), $format), CopixDateTime::yyyymmddToTimestamp($yyyymmdd));
     if (!empty($timestamp)) {
         $value = date(str_replace(array('dd', 'mm', 'yyyy'), array('d', 'm', 'Y'), $format), $timestamp);
     if (empty($sizeday)) {
         $sizeday = 3;
     if (!isset($beforeyear)) {
         $beforeyear = 10;
     if (!isset($afteryear)) {
         $afteryear = 10;
     if (!isset($duration)) {
         $duration = 500;
     if (!isset($closebuttonsrc)) {
         $closebuttonsrc = null;
     } else {
         $closebuttonsrc = _resource($closebuttonsrc);
     if (!isset($draggable)) {
         $draggable = true;
     $draggable = $draggable ? 'true' : 'false';
     if (!isset($title)) {
         $title = null;
     if (empty($value)) {
         if ($mask) {
             $value = str_replace('9', '_', $maskFormat);
         } else {
             $value = null;
     $strMask = '';
     if ($mask) {
         $strMask = 'style="text-align:center" class="iMask" alt="{  type:\'fixed\', mask:\'' . $maskFormat . '\', stripMask: false }"';
     $out = '<input type="text" id="' . $name . '" name="' . $name . '" value="' . _copix_utf8_htmlentities($value) . '" ' . $extra . ' size="' . $size . '" ';
     //name of the input.
     if (!empty($tabindex)) {
         $out .= ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '" ';
     $out .= $strMask . ' />' . "\n\r";
     $out .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\r";
     $out .= "\$('" . $name . "').makeDatePicker({draggable:{$draggable}, title: '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $title) . "', closebuttonsrc: '" . $closebuttonsrc . "', value: '" . $value . "', format: '" . $format . "', language: '" . $lang . "', sizeday:" . $sizeday . ", beforeyear:" . $beforeyear . ", afteryear:" . $afteryear . ", duration:" . $duration . ", imageCalendar:" . $image;
     //class du calendrier.
     if (!empty($classe)) {
         $out .= ', classe:"' . $classe . '"';
     $out .= "});" . "\n\r";
     return $out .= '</script>';
 public function beforeProcess()
     CopixHTMLHeader::addJsCode("\nwindow.addEvent('domready',\n    function () {\n        var divlog = new Element('div');\n        divlog.injectInside(document.body);\n        divlog.setStyles({\n                'background-color':'white',\n                'width':'500px',\n                'height':'200px',\n                'overflow':'auto'\n            });\n//\t\tdivlog.setOpacity('0.5');\n        divlog.makeDraggable();\n\n        var ajax = new Ajax('" . CopixUrl::get('generictools|ajax|getZone') . "',\n        {\n            method: 'post',\n            update: divlog,\n            evalScripts : true,\n            data : {'zone':'admin|showlog','profil':'test'},\n            onComplete: function () {\n            }\n        }).request()\n    }\n);\n        ");