/** * Before action */ public function before() { parent::before(); if (Request::$initial === Request::$current) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404(); } }
/** * Before action */ public function before() { parent::before(); // If not ajax request if (!$this->request->is_ajax()) { // Error 404 throw new HTTP_Exception_404(); } }
/** * Before get module's directory */ public function before() { parent::before(); // Get module's directory $class = new ReflectionClass(get_called_class()); $module_path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'classes', $class->getFileName()); $module_path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $module_path[0]); // Module directory name $this->_module_name = end($module_path); }
/** * Assigns the template [View] as the request response. */ public function after() { if ($this->auto_render === true) { $this->template->set_global('request', Request::get()); $this->template->set_global('modules', $this->cms_modules); $this->template->set_global('module', $this->curr_module); $this->template->title = $this->_get_title(); $this->template->keywords = $this->keywords ?: Config::get('home.meta_k'); $this->template->description = $this->description ?: Config::get('home.meta_d'); $this->template->content = $this->content; if (Kohana::$environment === Kohana::DEVELOPMENT) { $v_profiler = View::factory('profiler/stats'); } $this->template->bind_global('v_profiler', $v_profiler); $this->response->body($this->template->render()); } parent::after(); }