function before() { parent::before(); $this->template->bc['messages'] = 'Запросы пользователей'; // add class for news pages $this->template->css_class = 'wrapper-news'; }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->template->bc['reviews'] = 'Отзывы об автосервисах Москвы и России'; // add class for news pages $this->template->css_class = 'wrapper-news'; }
public function before() { parent::before(); if ($this->request->action() == 'view') { Model_Service::generate_ratings(); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->template->bc['participants'] = 'Участники'; // add class for news pages $this->template->css_class = 'wrapper-news'; }
function before() { parent::before(); if (!$this->auth->logged_in()) { Message::set(Message::ERROR, 'Доступ закрыт, авторизуйтесь'); $this->request->redirect('login'); } if (empty($this->user->expires)) { $user_expires = new DateTime(); $user_expires->modify("-1 day"); } else { $user_expires = new DateTime($this->user->expires); } // проверка на позможность использования кабинета /*if (!$this->allow_expired && Date::diff($user_expires->format("Y-m-d 23:59:59"),date("Y-m-d")) <= 0 ) { Message::set(Message::ERROR, 'Аккаунт заблокирован. Пожалуйста, пополните счет'); $this->request->redirect('/cabinet/payment/add'); }*/ if (!empty($this->user->expires)) { $exp = Date::diff($user_expires->format("Y-m-d"), date("Y-m-d"), 'days'); $exp++; // текущий день - опказываем как день if ($exp >= 0 && $exp <= 5) { Message::set(Message::NOTICE, 'Внимание, осталось <strong>' . $exp . " " . MyHelper::morph($exp, "день", "дня", "дней") . ' </strong> использования аккаунтом'); } } $this->template->bc['cabinet'] = 'Личный кабиент'; }
/** * Before action */ public function before() { parent::before(); // Получаем статус ошибки $status = (int) $this->request->action(); // Если вызов из строки браузера ( if (Request::$initial === Request::$current) { $status = 404; $this->response->status($status); $this->request->action($status); } else { // Если кода ошибки нет в списке обрабатываемых if (!in_array($status, [403, 404, 500, 503])) { $status = 404; $this->response->status($status); $this->request->action($status); } else { $this->response->status($status); $message = $this->request->param('message'); // Если стандартное сообщение 404 if (UTF8::strpos($message, 'Unable to find a route to match the URI') !== false) { // Не будем выводить message //$message = ''; } } } $this->content = View::factory('errors/' . $status)->bind('message', $message); }
public function before() { parent::before(); if (Request::current()->is_ajax() == FALSE) { $this->template->header_block = View::factory('layout/header_block')->set('header_title', 'Sample Photo Demo'); $this->template->body = View::factory('body/interface'); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->_search_modes = array_flip($this->_search_modes); foreach ($this->_search_modes as $mode => $value) { $this->_search_modes[$mode] = __('site_search_' . $mode); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->template->title = 'Статьи'; $this->template->bc['articles'] = $this->template->title; // add class for news pages $this->template->css_class = 'wrapper-news'; }
function before() { parent::before(); // breadcrumbs title $this->template->bc['stocks'] = 'Акции автосервисов'; // add class for news pages $this->template->css_class = 'wrapper-news'; }
public function before() { parent::before(); $allowed = array('login', 'create'); if (!$this->user instanceof Model_Client and !in_array($this->request->action, $allowed)) { $this->request->redirect($this->_login . '/from:' . $this->request->uri); } }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->category_id = Request::instance()->param('id'); // If the category id was enterd, use view action instead of index. if ($this->category_id && $this->request->action == 'index') { $this->request->action = 'view'; } }
public function before() { parent::before(); //$this->add_js('assets/js/shop.js'); // Assign the shop id to $shop_id $this->shop_id = Request::instance()->param('shop'); // Make sure it's a interger and not empty if (!is_numeric($this->shop_id) || $this->shop_id == '') { Message::set(Message::ERROR, 'Shop does not exist'); $this->request->redirect('zone'); } // Retrive the shop with matching id $this->shop = Jelly::select('shop')->where('id', '=', $this->shop_id)->load(); }
public function before() { parent::before(); // add class for news pages $this->template->css_class = 'wrapper-news'; }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->sidebar = View::factory('message/sidebar'); }
public function before() { parent::before(); }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->_config = Kohana::$config->load(''); $this->template->bc['feedback'] = $this->_config['title']; }
function before() { parent::before(); $this->template->bc['vacancies'] = 'Вакансии автосервисов'; }
public function before() { parent::before(); $this->add_js('assets/js/jquery.columnizer.min.js'); }