        <label for="to">To</label>
        <input type="text" name="data[to]" id="to" maxlength="6" size="6" />
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Generate" />
} else {
    // data being posted
    $owner_code = $_POST['data']['owner_code'];
    $product_group_code = $_POST['data']['product_group_code'];
    $from = $_POST['data']['from'];
    $to = $_POST['data']['to'];
    $validator = new ContainerNumberValidator();
    $containers = $validator->generate($owner_code, $product_group_code, $from, $to);
    $errors = $validator->getErrorMessages();
    echo '<a href="" title="generate again">Generate again</a><br />';
    if (empty($errors)) {
        foreach ($containers as $container) {
            echo $container . '<br />';
    } else {
        $inflector = count($errors) > 1 ? 'There are some errors!' : 'There is an error!';
        echo "<h3>{$inflector}</h3>";
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($errors as $error) {
            echo '<li>' . $error . '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';
예제 #2
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Example of invalid check digit : TEXU3070070</h1>';
// example of invalid container number, will return an empty array
$codeSegment = $validator->validate('TEXU3070070');
// get error messages
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Example of getting owner code, product group code, registration digit and check digit from valid container number : TEXU3070079</h1>';
// validate() or isValid() must be called before getting segmentCode
if ($validator->isValid('TEXU3070079')) {
    echo 'Owner code: ' . implode('', $validator->getOwnerCode()) . '<br />';
    echo 'Product group code: ' . $validator->getProductGroupCode() . '<br />';
    echo 'Registration digit: ' . implode('', $validator->getRegistrationDigit()) . '<br />';
    echo 'Check digit: ' . $validator->getCheckDigit() . '<br />';
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Example of creating check digit from container number without check digit: TEXU307007</h1>';
echo $validator->createCheckDigit('TEXU307007');
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Example of generating container number from 1 to 100</h1>';
$start = xdebug_time_index();
// parameters are (left to right): owner code, product group code, number from, number to
var_dump($validator->generate('TEX', 'U', 1, 100));
$end = xdebug_time_index();
echo "\n Time to generate: " . ($end - $start) . " s";
echo '<hr />';
$end_all = xdebug_time_index();
echo "\n <h1>Time of all example: " . ($end_all - $start_all) . " s</h1>";