public function __destruct() { $this->logs = Console::getLogs(); $this->queries = Console::getQueries(); // log the time the application took to execute $start_time = $this->startTime; $end_time = $this->endTime = microtime(); $start_time_array = explode(' ', $start_time); $end_time_array = explode(' ', $end_time); $time = ($end_time_array[1] + $end_time_array[0] - ($start_time_array[1] + $start_time_array[0])) * 1000; // make time readable $ret = $time; $formatter = 0; $formats = array('ms', 's', 'm'); if ($time >= 1000 && $time < 60000) { $formatter = 1; $ret = $time / 1000; } if ($time >= 60000) { $formatter = 2; $ret = $time / 1000 / 60; } $this->executionTime = $ret = number_format($ret, 3, '.', '') . ' ' . $formats[$formatter]; if ($this->appOptions['PRINT_APP_INFO_ON_LOAD'] == true && !$this->isProduction() && !$this->isTesting()) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($this); echo '</pre>'; } }
/** * Print out the walleye object */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->appOptions['PRINT_APP_INFO_ON_LOAD'] == true && $this->isProduction() == false && $this->isTesting() == false) { $this->logs = Console::getLogs(); $this->queries = Console::getQueries(); // log the time the application took to execute $start_time = $this->startTime; $end_time = $this->endTime = microtime(); $start_time_array = explode(' ', $start_time); $end_time_array = explode(' ', $end_time); $time = ($end_time_array[1] + $end_time_array[0] - ($start_time_array[1] + $start_time_array[0])) * 1000; // make time readable $ret = $time; $formatter = 0; $formats = array('ms', 's', 'm'); if ($time >= 1000 && $time < 60000) { $formatter = 1; $ret = $time / 1000; } if ($time >= 60000) { $formatter = 2; $ret = $time / 1000 / 60; } $this->executionTime = $ret = number_format($ret, 3, '.', '') . ' ' . $formats[$formatter]; function convert($size) { $unit = array('b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb'); return @round($size / pow(1024, $i = floor(log($size, 1024))), 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i]; } $this->peak_memory_usage = convert(memory_get_peak_usage(true)); print_object($this); } }