public function SettingsController_MentionsPlus_Create($Sender)
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('Mentions+ Settings'));
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('Garden.User.ValidationRegex' => array('LabelCode' => 'Letters allowed in user name', 'Control' => 'TextBox', 'Default' => '\\d\\w_ äöüß', 'Description' => T('Settings ValidationRegex Description', 'Regular expression that evaluates a valid username (<a href="">regex</a>)')), 'Garden.User.ValidationLength' => array('LabelCode' => 'Min/max length of user names', 'Control' => 'TextBox', 'Default' => '{3,20}', 'Description' => T('Settings ValidationLength Description', 'Minimum and maximum length of user names in <a href="">regex</a> notation')), 'Plugins.MentionsPlus.MentionStart' => array('LabelCode' => 'Beginning escape character', 'Control' => 'TextBox', 'Default' => '"', 'Description' => T('Settings MentionStart Description', 'If using whitespaces in usernames you have to mark what belongs to a username: @"hans wurst".<br /><strong>Enter only one single character!</strong>')), 'Plugins.MentionsPlus.MentionStop' => array('LabelCode' => 'Ending escape character', 'Control' => 'TextBox', 'Default' => '"', 'Description' => T('Settings MentionStop Description', 'If you would like to use different characters for escaping, you could set them separately: @{hans wurst}.<br /><strong>Enter only one single character!</strong>')), 'Plugins.MentionsPlus.MeActionCode' => array('LabelCode' => '/me action code', 'Control' => 'TextBox', 'Default' => '/me', 'Description' => T('Settings MeActionCode Description', 'By default "/me" is not translatable. In theory, you could set it to "->ich" or anything you like with this setting.<br /><strong>This feature is not tested at all!</strong>'))));
예제 #2
 public function SettingsController_InThisDiscussion_Create($Sender)
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('In This Discussion Settings'));
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('Plugins.VanillaInThisDiscussion.Limit' => array('Description' => T('User Limit'), 'Default' => 20, 'LabelCode' => T('Enter a limit for the number of users displayed'))));
 public function SettingsController_ThemeChooser_Create($Sender)
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('ThemeChooser Settings'));
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('ThemeChooser.DefaultThemeCSS' => array('Control' => 'textbox', 'LabelCode' => 'Default theme CSS file', 'Default' => 'custom'), 'ThemeChooser.DefaultThemeName' => array('Control' => 'textbox', 'LabelCode' => 'Default theme name', 'Default' => 'Custom'), 'ThemeChooser.ThemeFiles' => array('Control' => 'textbox', 'LabelCode' => 'CSS Files separated by a comma without whitespace and without file ending', 'Default' => 'custom,dark,light'), 'ThemeChooser.ThemeNames' => array('Control' => 'textbox', 'LabelCode' => 'Theme names, separated by a comma without whitespace. Must match list above', 'Default' => 'Custom Theme,Dark theme,Light theme'), 'ThemeChooser.Mobile' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Enable on mobile devices', 'Default' => false)));
예제 #4
 public function SettingsController_Voting_Create($Sender)
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('Plugins.Voting.ModThreshold1' => array('Type' => 'int', 'Control' => 'TextBox', 'Default' => -10, 'Description' => 'The vote that will flag a post for moderation.'), 'Plugins.Voting.ModThreshold2' => array('Type' => 'int', 'Control' => 'TextBox', 'Default' => -20, 'Description' => 'The vote that will remove a post to the moderation queue.')));
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('Vote Settings'));
     $Sender->ConfigurationModule = $Conf;
예제 #5
 public function SettingsController_Mollom_Create($Sender, $Args = array())
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('Mollom Settings'));
     $Cf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Cf->Initialize(array('Plugins.Mollom.publicKey' => array(), 'Plugins.Mollom.privateKey' => array()));
예제 #6
 public function settingsController_signatures_create($Sender)
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('Plugins.Signatures.HideGuest' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Hide signatures for guests'), 'Plugins.Signatures.HideEmbed' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Hide signatures on embedded comments', 'Default' => true), 'Plugins.Signatures.HideMobile' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Hide signatures on mobile', 'Default' => true), 'Plugins.Signatures.AllowEmbeds' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Allow embedded content', 'Default' => true), 'Plugins.Signatures.Default.MaxNumberImages' => array('Control' => 'Dropdown', 'LabelCode' => '@' . sprintf(T('Max number of %s'), T('images')), 'Items' => array('Unlimited' => T('Unlimited'), 'None' => T('None'), 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5)), 'Plugins.Signatures.Default.MaxLength' => array('Control' => 'TextBox', 'Type' => 'int', 'LabelCode' => '@' . sprintf(T('Max %s length'), T('signature')), 'Options' => array('class' => 'InputBox SmallInput')), 'Plugins.Signatures.MaxImageHeight' => array('Control' => 'TextBox', 'LabelCode' => '@' . sprintf(T('Max height of %s'), T('images')) . " " . T('in pixels'), 'Options' => array('class' => 'InputBox SmallInput'))));
     $this->SetConfigSettingsToDefault('Plugins.Signatures', $this->overriddenConfigSettings);
     $Sender->SetData('Title', sprintf(T('%s Settings'), T('Signature')));
     $Sender->ConfigurationModule = $Conf;
     //      $Sender->Render('Settings', '', 'plugins/AmazonS3');
 public function SettingsController_InfiniteScroll_Create($Sender)
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('InfiniteScroll Settings'));
     $Sender->AddJsFile('settings.js', 'plugins/InfiniteScroll');
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('InfiniteScroll.Discussion' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Enable on discussions', 'Default' => true), 'InfiniteScroll.DiscussionList' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Enable on discussion lists', 'Default' => true), 'InfiniteScroll.Mobile' => array('Control' => 'CheckBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Enable on mobile devices', 'Default' => false), 'InfiniteScroll.Hotkey' => array('Control' => 'textbox', 'LabelCode' => 'Page Jump Hotkey', 'Default' => 'j', 'Options' => array('maxlength' => '1', 'style' => 'width:15px;')), 'InfiniteScroll.NavPosition' => array('Control' => 'dropdown', 'Items' => array('bottom right', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'top left'), 'LabelCode' => 'Navigation Position'), 'InfiniteScroll.NavStyle' => array('Control' => 'dropdown', 'Items' => array('Basic', 'Discourse-inspired'), 'LabelCode' => 'Navigation Style'), 'InfiniteScroll.ProgressColor' => array('Control' => 'textbox', 'LabelCode' => 'Progress Bar Color', 'Description' => T('Can be any CSS color. If you don\'t want the bar to be visible, simply enter "transparent".'), 'Default' => '#38abe3', 'Options' => array('maxlength' => '35', 'style' => 'width:160px;'))));
예제 #8
 public function SettingsController_Akismet_Create($Sender, $Args = array())
     // Allow for master hosted key
     $KeyDesc = 'Enter the key you obtained from <a href=""></a>';
     if (C('Plugins.Akismet.MasterKey')) {
         $KeyDesc = 'No key is required! You may optionally use your own.';
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('Akismet Settings'));
     $Cf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Cf->Initialize(array('Plugins.Akismet.Key' => array('Description' => $KeyDesc), 'Plugins.Akismet.Server' => array('Description' => 'You can use either Akismet or TypePad antispam.', 'Control' => 'DropDown', 'Items' => array('' => 'Aksimet', '' => 'TypePad', 'DefaultValue' => ''))));
예제 #9
 public function SettingsController_SteamConnect_Create($Sender)
     $APIKeyDescription = '<div class="help">' . sprintf(T('A %s is necessary for this plugin to work.'), T('Steam Web API Key')) . ' ' . sprintf(T('Don\'t have a %s?'), T('Steam Web API Key')) . ' <a href="">' . T('Get one here.') . '</a>';
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('Plugins.SteamConnect.APIKey' => array('Control' => 'TextBox', 'LabelCode' => 'Steam Web API Key', 'Options' => array('class' => 'InputBox BigInput'), 'Description' => $APIKeyDescription)));
     $Sender->SetData('Title', sprintf(T('%s Settings'), T('Steam Connect')));
     $Sender->ConfigurationModule = $Conf;
  * Settings page.
 public function SettingsController_ProfileExtender_Create($Sender)
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->Initialize(array('Plugins.ProfileExtender.ProfileFields' => array('Control' => 'TextBox', 'Options' => array('MultiLine' => TRUE)), 'Plugins.ProfileExtender.RegistrationFields' => array('Control' => 'TextBox', 'Options' => array('MultiLine' => TRUE)), 'Plugins.ProfileExtender.HideFields' => array('Control' => 'TextBox', 'Options' => array('MultiLine' => TRUE)), 'Plugins.ProfileExtender.TextMaxLength' => array('Control' => 'TextBox')));
     $Sender->SetData('Title', T('Profile Fields'));
     $Sender->ConfigurationModule = $Conf;