예제 #1
 public function view()
     $page = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest();
     $pageview = $page->getView();
     $pagemetas = $pageview->meta;
     $view = $this->getView();
     // The main identifier for livefyre, retrieved from within the livefyre "install" section.
     // Transposed to siteId
     $siteid = ConfigHandler::Get('/livefyre/siteid');
     if (!$siteid) {
         $msg = 'Livefyre is not configured yet.';
         if (\Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin')) {
             $msg .= '  Please <a href="' . \Core\resolve_link('/livefyre') . '">configure it now</a>';
         return $msg;
     // The "article" is the base url.  This doesn't change despite changing URLs.
     // Transposed to articleId
     $article = $page->getBaseURL();
     // The title, used in the collectionMeta.
     // Transposed to title
     $title = $pageview->title;
     // The canonical URL, used in the collectionMeta.
     $url = $pageview->canonicalurl;
     $view->assign('siteId', $siteid);
     $view->assign('articleId', $article);
     $view->assign('title', $title);
     $view->assign('url', $url);
예제 #2
 public function index()
     $view = $this->getView();
     $request = $this->getPageRequest();
     if (!\Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin')) {
         return View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED;
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         // Update/save the site id.
         ConfigHandler::Set('/livefyre/siteid', $_POST['siteid']);
         \Core\set_message('Set Site ID Successfully!', 'success');
     // Pull the configuration options to see if livefyre is currently setup.
     $siteid = ConfigHandler::Get('/livefyre/siteid');
     // Generate the form to either set or update the siteid.
     $form = new Form();
     $form->set('method', 'POST');
     $form->addElement('text', ['name' => 'siteid', 'title' => 'Site ID', 'value' => $siteid]);
     $view->assign('siteid', $siteid);
     $view->assign('url', ROOT_URL_NOSSL);
     $view->assign('form', $form);
     // Setup instructions:
     // http://www.livefyre.com/install/
 public function render()
     if (!isset($this->_attributes['title'])) {
         $this->_attributes['title'] = ConfigHandler::Get('/captcha/formtext');
     return parent::render();
예제 #4
    public static function SiteSearch()
        $key = \ConfigHandler::Get('/google/cse/key');
        $min = \ConfigHandler::Get('/core/markup/minified');
        // If there's no code available, don't display anything.
        if (!$key) {
        $script = <<<EOD

\t\t\t(function() {
\t\t\t\tvar cx = '{$key}';
\t\t\t\tvar gcse = document.createElement('script');
\t\t\t\tgcse.type = 'text/javascript';
\t\t\t\tgcse.async = true;
\t\t\t\tgcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
\t\t\t\t\t\t'//www.google.com/cse/cse.js?cx=' + cx;
\t\t\t\tvar s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
\t\t\t\ts.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
        // Just to make it a little smaller...
        if ($min) {
            $script = trim(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $script));
        // Add the necessary script
        \Core\view()->addScript($script, 'foot');
        return true;
	 * @deprecated 2012.06.13
	public function execute() {
		$v = $this->getView();
		$u = Core::User();
		$v->assign('user', $u);
		$v->assign('loggedin', $u->exists());
		$v->assign('allowregister', ConfigHandler::Get('/user/register/allowpublic'));
예제 #6
    public static function InstallTracking()
        $siteid = \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/siteid');
        $server = \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/server/host');
        $all_domains = \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/tracking/all_subdomains');
        $domain_title = \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/tracking/domain_title');
        // If there's no code available, don't display anything.
        if (!($siteid && $server)) {
        // Trim the server.
        $server = trim($server, '/');
        $paqopts = [];
        $paqopts[] = '"trackPageView"';
        $paqopts[] = '"enableLinkTracking"';
        if ($all_domains) {
            $h = '*.' . HOST;
            if (strpos($h, '*.www.') === 0) {
                $h = str_replace('*.www.', '*.', $h);
            $paqopts[] = '"setCookieDomain", "' . $h . '"';
        if ($domain_title) {
            $paqopts[] = '"setDocumentTitle", document.domain + "/" + document.title';
        $paqstr = '';
        foreach ($paqopts as $k => $v) {
            $paqstr .= '    _paq.push([' . $v . ']);' . "\n";
        // This version of the script is Piwik's newest version as of 2013.06.19
        $script = <<<EOD

<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  var _paq = _paq || [];
  (function() {
    var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https" : "http") + "://{$server}/";
    _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']);
    _paq.push(['setSiteId', {$siteid}]);
    var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript';
    g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);

<!-- End Piwik Code -->

        // Add the necessary scripts
        \Core\view()->addScript($script, 'head');
        \Core\view()->appendBodyContent('<noscript><p><img src="http://' . $server . '/piwik.php?idsite=1" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript>');
        return true;
예제 #7
    public static function InstallTracking()
        $gacode = \ConfigHandler::Get('/google-analytics/accountid');
        $tagcode = \ConfigHandler::Get('/google/tagmanager/tagid');
        //$site = HOST;
        $min = \ConfigHandler::Get('/core/markup/minified');
        // If there's no code available, don't display anything.
        if ($tagcode) {
            // Tag Manager, load EITHER this or analytics.
            $script = <<<EOD
\t<iframe src="//www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id={$tagcode}" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>
\t\tw[l].push( {
\t\t\t'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),
\t\tvar f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
        } elseif ($gacode) {
            // This version of the script is Google's newest version as of 2014.05
            $script = <<<EOD
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', '{$gacode}', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');
        } else {
            return null;
        // Just to make it a little smaller...
        if ($min) {
            $script = trim(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $script));
        // Add the necessary script
        \Core\view()->addScript($script, 'foot');
        return true;
예제 #8
 public static function Load()
     // I need jquery UI as a pre-req...
     if (!JQuery::IncludeJQueryUI()) {
         return false;
     if (ConfigHandler::Get('/core/javascript/minified')) {
     } else {
     // IMPORTANT!  Tells the script that the include succeeded!
     return true;
예제 #9
  * Simple method to handle any legacy call to favicon.ico
 public function index()
     $view = $this->getView();
     $image = ConfigHandler::Get('/favicon/image');
     $file = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($image);
     $view->contenttype = 'image/png';
     $view->record = false;
     $view->mode = View::MODE_NOOUTPUT;
     // Fix Bug #562, Favicon "none" option.
     // Do not render anything if no icon is selected.
     if (!$image) {
     if (!$file->exists()) {
예제 #10
	 * Widget to display some of the newest registrations, (if any).
	public function newestSignups(){
			 return '';

		// How far back do I want to search for?
		// 1 month sounds good!
		$date = new CoreDateTime();
		$date->modify('-1 month');
		$searches = UserModel::Find(['created > ' . $date->getFormatted('U')], 10, 'created DESC');

		// No results?  No problem :)
		if(!sizeof($searches)) return '';

		$view = $this->getView();
		$view->assign('enableavatar', (\ConfigHandler::Get('/user/enableavatar')));
		$view->assign('users', $searches);
예제 #11
	public function register() {

		$view = $this->getView();
		$user = \Core\user();

		// Set the access permissions for this page as anonymous-only.
			return '';

		// Also disallow access to this page if the configuration option is disabled.
			return '';

		$auths = \Core\User\Helper::GetEnabledAuthDrivers();
		$view->assign('drivers', $auths);
예제 #12
 public function __construct()
     $admin = \Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin');
     $this->canupload = $admin || \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/mediamanager/upload');
     $this->canaccess = $this->canupload || \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/mediamanager/browse');
     switch (\ConfigHandler::Get('/mediamanager/sandbox')) {
         case 'user-sandboxed':
             $this->_basedir = 'public/media/' . \Core\user()->get('id') . '/';
         case 'shared-user-sandbox':
             $this->_basedir = 'public/media/';
         case 'completely-open':
             $this->_basedir = 'public/';
             $this->_basedir = 'public/media/';
예제 #13
 public function badge()
     $view = $this->getView();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $uid = $request->getParameter('user');
     if ($uid instanceof UserModel) {
         $user = $uid;
         $uid = $user->get('id');
     } else {
         $user = UserModel::Construct($uid);
     $direction = $request->getParameter('direction') ? $request->getParameter('direction') : 'horizontal';
     $orientation = $request->getParameter('orientation') ? $request->getParameter('orientation') : 'left';
     $view->assign('enableavatar', \ConfigHandler::Get('/user/enableavatar'));
     $view->assign('link', UserSocialHelper::ResolveProfileLink($user));
     $view->assign('user', $user);
     $view->assign('profiles', $user->get('external_profiles'));
     $view->assign('direction', $direction);
     $view->assign('orientation', $orientation);
     $view->assign('title', $request->getParameter('title'));
예제 #14
 public function fetch()
     $data = [];
     $image = ConfigHandler::Get('/favicon/image');
     if ($image) {
         $file = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File($image);
     } else {
         // Check the theme default.
         $file = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File('asset/images/favicon.png');
         //return [];
     if (!$file->exists()) {
         return [];
     $data['favicon'] = '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="' . $file->getPreviewURL('32x32!') . '"/>';
     $data['favicon-apple-touch-icon'] = '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" sizes="72x72" href="' . $file->getPreviewURL('72x72!') . '"/>';
     $data['favicon-apple-touch-icon-2'] = '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" sizes="114x114" href="' . $file->getPreviewURL('114x114!') . '"/>';
     $data['favicon-apple-touch-icon-retina'] = '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="512x512" type="image/png" href="' . $file->getPreviewURL('512x512!') . '"/>';
     $data['favicon-windows-8'] = '<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="' . $file->getPreviewURL('270x270!') . '"/>';
     return $data;
예제 #15
 public static function IncludeJQuery()
     $use2x = \ConfigHandler::Get('/jquery/use_2_x');
     if ($use2x === 'auto') {
         // Determine if it should be used based on the UA.
         // Remember, only IE <= 8.0 requires this.
         $ua = \Core\UserAgent::Construct();
         if ($ua->browser == 'IE' && $ua->version <= 8) {
             $use2x = '0';
         } else {
             $use2x = '1';
     if ($use2x == '1') {
         // The site is setup to use 2.x, (default as of Core 4.0).
     } else {
         // The admin requested not to use the new version of jQuery.  Stick with 1.11 then.
     // IMPORTANT!  Tells the script that the include succeeded!
     return true;
예제 #16
  * Display the login widget for facebook.  This is actually just a button and FB handles the rest :)
 public function login()
     // If facebook isn't in the list of allowed user backends, just exit out.
     if (!in_array('facebook', ConfigHandler::Get('/user/backends'))) {
         return '';
     $view = $this->getView();
     $facebook = new Facebook(['appId' => FACEBOOK_APP_ID, 'secret' => FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET]);
     $user = $facebook->getUser();
     if ($user) {
         // User was already logged in.
         try {
             $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
             $facebooklink = false;
         } catch (Exception $c) {
             $facebooklink = $facebook->getLoginUrl();
         // $logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
     } else {
         $facebooklink = $facebook->getLoginUrl();
     $view->assign('facebooklink', $facebooklink);
예제 #17
 public static function Check()
     $pw = \ConfigHandler::Get('/security/site_password');
     if ($pw == '') {
         return true;
     if (EXEC_MODE != 'WEB') {
         // Simple site passwords only work when on the web.
         return true;
     if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
         $userpw = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
     } else {
         $userpw = null;
     if ($userpw != $pw) {
         header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . SITENAME . '"');
         header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
         echo 'Access to ' . SITENAME . ' requires a password.';
     // Else everything.
     return true;
예제 #18
 public function configure()
     $view = $this->getView();
     $request = $this->getPageRequest();
     if (!\Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin')) {
         return View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED;
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         \ConfigHandler::Set('/piwik/server/host', $_POST['server_host']);
         \ConfigHandler::Set('/piwik/siteid', $_POST['site_id']);
         \ConfigHandler::Set('/piwik/tracking/all_subdomains', $_POST['all_domains']);
         \ConfigHandler::Set('/piwik/tracking/domain_title', $_POST['domain_title']);
         \Core\set_message('Updated Piwik settings successfully', 'success');
     $form = new Form();
     $form->addElement('text', ['name' => 'server_host', 'title' => 'Server Host', 'required' => false, 'value' => \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/server/host'), 'description' => 'Enter the hostname of your Piwik server without the protocol']);
     $form->addElement('text', ['name' => 'site_id', 'title' => 'Site ID', 'required' => false, 'value' => \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/siteid'), 'description' => 'Enter the Site ID of this installation']);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', ['name' => 'all_domains', 'title' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of your site', 'description' => 'So if one visitor visits x.corepl.us and y.corepl.us, they will be counted as a single unique visitor.', 'value' => '1', 'checked' => \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/tracking/all_subdomains')]);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', ['name' => 'domain_title', 'title' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'description' => 'So if someone visits the "About" page on blog.corepl.us it will be recorded as "blog / About". This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain. ', 'value' => '1', 'checked' => \ConfigHandler::Get('/piwik/tracking/domain_title')]);
     $form->addElement('submit', ['name' => 'submit', 'value' => 'Update']);
     $view->title = 'Piwik Analytics';
     $view->assign('form', $form);
	private function _forgotPassword1(){
		$view = $this->getView();
		$request = $this->getPageRequest();

		// Create a simple form to render.  This is better than doing it in the template.
		$form = new Form();
		$form->set('method', 'POST');

			// This may happen with the enable-password feature for facebook accounts.
			// They shouldn't have the option to change the email, but it should display where the information will go to.
			$form->addElement('system', ['name' => 'email', 'value' => \Core\user()->get('email')]);
			$current = \Core\user()->get('email');
			$form->addElement('text', ['name' => 'email', 'title' => 'Email', 'required' => true]);
			$current = false;

		$form->addElement('submit', ['name' => 'submit', 'value' => 'Send Reset Instructions']);

		$view->title = 'Forgot Password';
		// This is step 1
		$view->assign('step', 1);
		$view->assign('form', $form);
		$view->assign('current', $current);
		$view->assign('can_change_email', \ConfigHandler::Get('/user/email/allowchanging'));
		// Google has no business indexing user-action pages.
		$view->addMetaName('robots', 'noindex');

		// There's really nothing to do here except for check the email and send it.


				/** @var UserModel $u */
				$u = \Core\user();
				/** @var UserModel $u */
				$u = UserModel::Find(array('email' => $_POST['email']), 1);

				SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/forgotpassword/send', 'Failed Forgot Password. Invalid email requested for reset: [' . $_POST['email'] . ']');

			// Use the Nonce system to generate a one-time key with this user's data.
			$nonce = NonceModel::Generate(
				'20 minutes',
					'type' => 'password-reset',
					'user' => $u->get('id'),

			$link = '/datastoreauth/forgotpassword/' . $nonce;

			$e = new Email();
			$e->setSubject('Forgot Password Request');
			$e->templatename = 'emails/user/datastoreauth_forgotpassword.tpl';
			$e->assign('link', \Core\resolve_link($link));
			$e->assign('ip', REMOTE_IP);
				SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/forgotpassword/send', 'Forgot password request sent successfully', null, $u->get('id'));
			catch(Exception $e){
				\Core\set_message('Error sending the email, ' . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
				SystemLogModel::LogErrorEvent('/user/forgotpassword/send', $e->getMessage());

			// Otherwise, it must have sent, (hopefully)...
예제 #20
  * Interface to display and manage the spam keywords on the site.
 public function spam_keywords()
     $view = $this->getView();
     if (!\Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin')) {
         return View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED;
     $threshold = \ConfigHandler::Get('/security/spam_threshold');
     $table = new Core\ListingTable\Table();
     // Set the model that this table will be pulling data from.
     // Add in all the columns for this listing table.
     $table->addColumn('Keyword', 'keyword');
     $table->addColumn('Score', 'score');
     // This page will also feature a quick-edit feature.
     $view->addControl('Import Spam Training', '/security/spam/train', 'strikethrough');
     $view->mastertemplate = 'admin';
     $view->title = 'Spam Keywords';
     $view->assign('listing', $table);
     $view->assign('threshold', $threshold);
	public function now(){
		$request = $this->getPageRequest();
		$view = $this->getView();

		if(!$request->isJSON()) return View::ERROR_BADREQUEST;
		$view->contenttype = View::CTYPE_JSON;
		$view->mode = View::MODE_AJAX;
		$view->record = false;

		$limit = $this->_getQueryLimit();
		$duration = 60;
		// Use FindRaw because it's faster than using full Models for everything, especially when dealing with 20k + records.
		$listings = UserActivityModel::FindRaw('datetime >= ' . (Time::GetCurrent() - $duration), $limit, 'datetime DESC');

		$data = array();

		// Performance reports
		$data['information'] = array(
			'duration' => $duration,
		$data['performance'] = array('get' => 0, 'post' => 0);
		$data['requests'] = array('get' => 0, 'post' => 0);
		$users = array();
		$bots = array();

		$guestname = \ConfigHandler::Get('/user/displayname/anonymous');

		foreach($listings as $log){
			if($log['type'] == 'GET'){
				$data['performance']['get'] += $log['processing_time'];
			elseif($log['type'] == 'POST'){
				$data['performance']['post'] += $log['processing_time'];

			$ua = new \Core\UserAgent($log['useragent']);
				// If the geo library is available, use that to resolve the IP to something more meaningful than just a number.
				$lookup = new \geocode\IPLookup($log['ip_addr']);

				$file = \Core\Filestore\Factory::File('assets/images/iso-country-flags/' . strtolower($lookup->country) . '.png');
				if($lookup->province && $lookup->city){
					$title = $lookup->city . ', ' . $lookup->province . ', ' . $lookup->getCountryName();
					$title = $lookup->province . ', ' . $lookup->getCountryName();
					$title = $lookup->city . ' ' . $lookup->getCountryName();
					$title =  $lookup->getCountryName();

				$ip = '<span title="' . $title . '">';
					$ip .= '<img src="' . $file->getPreviewURL('20x20') . '" alt="' . $lookup->country . '"/> ';
				$ip .= $log['ip_addr'];
				$ip .= '</span>';
				$ip = $log['ip_addr'];

			// Bots have their own data, because, well... they're bots.
			// Damn bots!
				if(!isset($bots[ $log['ip_addr'] ])){
					$bots[ $log['ip_addr'] ] = array(
						'ip'        => $ip,
						'useragent' => $log['useragent'],
						'lastpage'  => $log['request'],
						'status'    => $log['status'],
						//'type'      => $ua->,
						'browser'   => $ua->getAsHTML(),
						'count'     => 1,
			// The user agent information I want to know on a per-user basis, not a per-click basis.
				if(!isset($users[ $log['session_id'] ])){
					$thisuser = UserModel::Construct($log['user_id']);

					$users[ $log['session_id'] ] = array(
						'session'   => $log['session_id'],
						'ip'        => $ip,
						'user_id'   => $log['user_id'],
						'username'  => ($thisuser ? $thisuser->getDisplayName() : $guestname),
						'useragent' => $log['useragent'],
						'lastpage'  => $log['request'],
						//'type'      => $ua->type,
						'browser'   => $ua->getAsHTML(),
						'os'        => '',
						'count'     => 1,
					$users[$log['session_id']]['count'] ++;
//UserAgent::Test(); die();
		if($data['requests']['get'] > 0) $data['performance']['get'] = round($data['performance']['get'] /  $data['requests']['get'], 2);
		if($data['requests']['post'] > 0) $data['performance']['post'] = $data['performance']['post'] /  $data['requests']['post'];

		$data['users'] = array_values($users);
		$data['bots'] = array_values($bots);

		//var_dump($data, $users, $listings); die();
		$view->jsondata = $data;
	 * Get the directory iterator object of this object, ready to be iterated.
	 * @return DirectoryCAEIterator
	public function getDirectoryIterator() {
		if (is_null($this->_iterator)) {
			$this->_iterator = new CAEDirectoryIterator();
			// @todo I imagine the calling function would want every directory, including the view...
			//       this can be ignored manually if neeeded externally.
			// Ignore the view search directory if it has one. (provided via above loop)
			//if($this->hasView()) $this->_iterator->addIgnore($this->getViewSearchDir());
			// Ignore the component metaxml, this will get added automatically via the installer.
			// The core has a "few" extra ignores to it...

			if ($this->_name == 'core') {
				$this->_iterator->addIgnores('components/', 'config/', 'dropins/', 'exports/', 'nbproject/', 'scripts/', 'themes/', 'update_site/', 'utils/');
				if (ConfigHandler::Get('/core/filestore/assetdir')) $this->_iterator->addIgnore(ConfigHandler::Get('/core/filestore/assetdir'));
				if (ConfigHandler::Get('/core/filestore/publicdir')) $this->_iterator->addIgnore(ConfigHandler::Get('/core/filestore/publicdir'));

			// If the author set any files to be ignored.. ignore those too.
			$list = $this->getElements('/ignorefiles/file');
			foreach ($list as $el) {
				$this->_iterator->addIgnores($this->getBaseDir() . $el->getAttribute('filename'));


			// @todo Should this be done on the cached copy or not?
			//       If additional 'addIgnores' are done, this scan will be invalidated and counter-productive.

		// Do not return the original object, because the act of using the iterator will change it.
		// It tends to be very schroeder-esque.....  Damn effing cat!
		return clone $this->_iterator;
예제 #23
  * Get if this theme is currently set as the site default.
  * @return bool
 public function isDefault()
     return \ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') == $this->getKeyName();
예제 #24
	public static function GetEnabledAuthDrivers(){
		static $auths = null;

		if($auths === null){
			// Get the available user auth systems available.
			$allauths = Helper::$AuthDrivers;
			// Which ones are currently enabled by the admin.
			$enabled = array_map('trim', explode('|', \ConfigHandler::Get('/user/authdrivers')));
			// The classes of the actual driver backend.
			$auths    = [];

			foreach($enabled as $name){
				// Skip blank entries.
				if(!$name) continue;

					// Skip non-present auth drivers.  Means it's currently not installed.
					trigger_error('Bad Auth Driver [' . $name . '], it is not provided by any enabled component!', E_USER_NOTICE);

					$ref = new \ReflectionClass( $allauths[$name] );
					$auths[ $name ] = $ref->newInstance();
				catch(\Exception $e){
					// I don't care, it just won't be enabled.
					// Do however notify the admin of this.
					trigger_error('Bad Auth Driver [' . $name . ']: ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_NOTICE);

			// There needs to be at least one!
				$auths['datastore'] = new AuthDrivers\datastore();

		return $auths;
예제 #25
	 * Get an ascii hash of the filename.
	 * useful for transposing this file to another page call.
	 * @return string The encoded string
	public function getFilenameHash() {
		$full = $this->getFilename();

		if ($this->_type == 'asset'){
			$base = 'assets/';
			$filename = substr($full, strlen(Filestore\get_asset_path()));
			// If the filename starts with the current theme, (which it very well may),
			// trim that off too.
			// this script is meant to be a generic resource handle that gets resolved by the receiving script.
			if(strpos($filename, \ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected') . '/') === 0){
				$filename = substr($filename, strlen(\ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected')) + 1);
			elseif(strpos($filename, 'default/') === 0){
				$filename = substr($filename, 8);
			// And now I can add the base onto it.
			$filename = $base . $filename;
		elseif ($this->_type == 'public'){
			$filename = 'public/' . substr($full, strlen(Filestore\get_public_path() ));
		elseif ($this->_type == 'private'){
			$filename = 'private/' . substr($full, strlen(Filestore\get_private_path() ));
		elseif ($this->_type == 'tmp'){
			$filename = 'tmp/' . substr($full, strlen(Filestore\get_tmp_path() ));
			$filename = $full;

		return 'base64:' . base64_encode($filename);
예제 #26
	 * Cleanup any expired sessions from the database.
	 * @return bool Always returns true :)
	public static function CleanupExpired(){
		static $lastexecuted = 0;

		 * Delete ANY session that has expired.
		$ttl = \ConfigHandler::Get('/core/session/ttl');
		$datetime = (\Time::GetCurrentGMT() - $ttl);

		if($lastexecuted == $datetime){
			// This operation was already called this second.  No need to do it again.
			// This is used because if a LOT of user operations occur on a given page,
			// this method may be called many many many times.
			return true;

		// Low-level datasets are used here because they have less overhead than
		// the full-blown model system.
		$dataset = new Datamodel\Dataset();
		$dataset->where('updated < ' . $datetime);

		$lastexecuted = $datetime;

		// Always return TRUE
		return true;
예제 #27
  * Execute the actual cron for the requested type.
  * @param string $cron Cron type to execute.
  * @return CronLogModel
  * @throws Exception
 private function _performcron($cron)
     switch ($cron) {
         case '1-minute':
         case '5-minute':
         case '15-minute':
         case '30-minute':
         case 'hourly':
         case '2-hour':
         case '3-hour':
         case '6-hour':
         case '12-hour':
         case 'daily':
         case 'weekly':
         case 'monthly':
             throw new Exception('Unsupported cron type: [' . $cron . ']');
     if (!ConfigHandler::Get('/cron/enabled')) {
         $msg = 'Cron execution is globally disabled via the site configuration, not executing cron!';
         SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/cron/' . $cron, $msg);
         // It needs to return something.
         $log = new CronLogModel();
         $log->set('status', 'fail');
         return $log;
     // First, check and see if there's one that's still running.
     $runninglogs = CronLogModel::Find(array('cron' => $cron, 'status' => 'running'));
     if (sizeof($runninglogs)) {
         foreach ($runninglogs as $log) {
             /** @var $log CronLogModel */
             $log->set('status', 'fail');
             $log->set('log', $log->get('log') . "\n------------\nTIMED OUT!");
     // Start recording.
     $log = new CronLogModel();
     $log->set('cron', $cron);
     $log->set('status', 'running');
     $log->set('memory', memory_get_usage());
     $log->set('ip', REMOTE_IP);
     $start = microtime(true) * 1000;
     $sep = '==========================================' . "\n";
     $contents = "Starting cron execution for {$cron}\n{$sep}";
     // This uses the hook system, but will be slightly different than most things.
     $overallresult = true;
     $hook = HookHandler::GetHook('/cron/' . $cron);
     $hookcount = 0;
     $hooksuccesses = 0;
     if ($hook) {
         if ($hook->getBindingCount()) {
             $hookcount = $hook->getBindingCount();
             $bindings = $hook->getBindings();
             foreach ($bindings as $b) {
                 $contents .= sprintf("\nExecuting Binding %s...\n", $b['call']);
                 // Since these systems will just be writing to STDOUT, I'll need to capture that.
                 try {
                     $execution = $hook->callBinding($b, array());
                     $executiondata = ob_get_clean();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $execution = false;
                     $executiondata = 'EXCEPTION: ' . $e->getMessage() . ob_get_clean();
                 if ($executiondata == '' && $execution) {
                     $contents .= "Cron executed successfully with no output\n";
                 } elseif ($execution) {
                     $contents .= $executiondata . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $contents .= $executiondata . "\n!!FAILED\n";
                     $overallresult = false;
         } else {
             $contents = 'No bindings located for requested cron';
             $overallresult = true;
     } else {
         $contents = 'Invalid hook requested: ' . $cron;
         $overallresult = false;
     // Just in case the contents are returning html... (they should be plain text).
     // Replace the most common line endings with things that make sense for plain text.
     // This is to ensure that all the available scenarios are met and saved/displayed without extra whitespace.
     // Since some systems will provide plain text (easy!), windows/os9 line endings,
     // HTML (br and br/), and formatted HTML (br + \n).
     $contents = str_ireplace(["\r\n<br>", "\r\n<br/>", "\r\n<br />", "\n<br>", "\n<br/>", "\n<br />", "<br>", "<br/>", "<br />", "\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $contents);
     // Save the results.
     $log->set('completed', Time::GetCurrentGMT());
     $log->set('duration', microtime(true) * 1000 - $start);
     $log->set('log', $contents);
     $log->set('status', $overallresult ? 'pass' : 'fail');
     // Make a copy of this in the system log too if applicable.
     // This time is listed in ms
     $time = microtime(true) * 1000 - $start;
     // 0.01 = 10 ns
     // 1    = 1 ms
     // 1000 = 1 second
     if ($time < 1) {
         // TIME is less than 1, which means it executed faster than 1ms, display in nanoseconds.
         $time = round($time, 4) * 1000 . ' ns';
     } elseif ($time < 1000) {
         // TIME is less than 1000, which means it executed faster than 1 second, display in milliseconds.
         $time = round($time, 0) . ' ms';
     } else {
         // TIME is at least 1 second or longer... Display in minutes:seconds, (no need to display 1.453 seconds!)
         // First, convert the milliseconds to seconds; they are more manageable for what I need to do.
         // This will change time from 12345(ms) to 13(seconds)
         $time = ceil($time / 1000);
         $minutes = floor($time / 60);
         $seconds = $time - $minutes * 60;
         if ($minutes > 0) {
             $time = $minutes . 'm ' . str_pad($seconds, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . 's';
         } else {
             $time = $seconds . ' seconds';
     if ($hookcount > 0) {
         $msg = 'Cron ' . $cron . ' completed in ' . $time . '.  ' . $hooksuccesses . ' out of ' . $hookcount . ' hooks called successfully.';
         SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/cron/' . $cron, $msg, $contents);
     // Just to notify the calling function.
     return $log;
  * Get the repository XML as a string that can be returned to the browser or cached for future use.
  * @return string
 private function _getRepoXML()
     $repo = new RepoXML();
     $dir = Factory::Directory(\ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/base_directory'));
     $coredir = $dir->getPath() . 'core/';
     $componentdir = $dir->getPath() . 'components/';
     $themedir = $dir->getPath() . 'themes/';
     $tmpdir = Factory::Directory('tmp/exports/');
     $gpg = new Core\GPG\GPG();
     $keysfound = [];
     $private = ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/is_private') || strpos($dir->getPath(), ROOT_PDIR) !== 0;
     $addedpackages = 0;
     $failedpackages = 0;
     $iterator = new \Core\Filestore\DirectoryIterator($dir);
     // Only find signed packages.
     $iterator->findExtensions = ['asc'];
     // Recurse into sub directories
     $iterator->recursive = true;
     // No directories
     $iterator->findDirectories = false;
     // Just files
     $iterator->findFiles = true;
     // And sort them by their filename to make things easy.
     // Ensure that the necessary temp directory exists.
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         /** @var \Core\Filestore\File $file */
         $fullpath = $file->getFilename();
         // Used in the XML file.
         if ($private) {
             $relpath = \Core\resolve_link('/packagerepository/download?file=' . substr($file->getFilename(), strlen($dir->getPath())));
         } else {
             $relpath = $file->getFilename(ROOT_PDIR);
         // Drop the .asc extension.
         $basename = $file->getBasename(true);
         // Tarball of the temporary package
         $tgz = Factory::File($tmpdir->getPath() . $basename);
         $output = [];
         // I need to 1) retrieve and 2) verify the key for this package.
         try {
             $signature = $gpg->verifyFileSignature($fullpath);
             if (!in_array($signature->keyID, $keysfound)) {
                 $repo->addKey($signature->keyID, null, null);
                 $keysfound[] = $signature->keyID;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             trigger_error($fullpath . ' was not able to be verified as authentic, (probably because the GPG public key was not available)');
         // decode and untar it in a temp directory to get the package.xml file.
         exec('gpg --homedir "' . GPG_HOMEDIR . '" -q -d "' . $fullpath . '" > "' . $tgz->getFilename() . '" 2>/dev/null', $output, $ret);
         if ($ret) {
             trigger_error('Decryption of file ' . $fullpath . ' failed!');
         exec('tar -xzf "' . $tgz->getFilename() . '" -C "' . $tmpdir->getPath() . '" ./package.xml', $output, $ret);
         if ($ret) {
             trigger_error('Unable to extract package.xml from' . $tgz->getFilename());
             unlink($tmpdir->getPath() . $basename);
         // Read in that package file and append it to the repo xml.
         $package = new PackageXML($tmpdir->getPath() . 'package.xml');
         $package->getRootDOM()->setAttribute('key', $signature->keyID);
         // But I can still cleanup!
         unlink($tmpdir->getPath() . 'package.xml');
     return $repo->asPrettyXML();
예제 #29
	private static function _Rotate(){
		$dir = new DirectoryLocal('logs/');
		$entries = $dir->ls('log');
		foreach($entries as $file){
			/** @var \Core\Filestore\Backends\FileLocal $file */

			$log = new LogFile($file->getBasename(true));
				echo 'Archived ' . $file->getBasename(true) . ' log.' . NL;
			catch(\Exception $e){
				echo $e->getMessage();
				return false;

			$entries = $dir->ls();
			$types = [];
			foreach($entries as $file){
				/** @var \Core\Filestore\Backends\FileLocal $file */

				$base = $file->getBasename();
				// I want only the filename before the first '.'.
				$base = substr($base, 0, strpos($base, '.'));

					$types[$base] = [];

				$types[$base][ $file->getMTime() ] = $file;

			foreach($types as $base => $files){
				// This will sort the files newest-to-oldest.

				$limit = \ConfigHandler::Get('/core/logs/rotate/keep');
				$x = 0;
				$deleted = 0;
				foreach($files as $file){
					/** @var \Core\Filestore\Backends\FileLocal $file */
					if($x > $limit){

				if($deleted > 0){
					echo 'Purged ' . $deleted . ' old ' . $base  . ' log file(s).' . NL;

		return true;
예제 #30
	 * Get an array (locale => [lang, dialect, charset, dir]) of all locales enabled on the system,
	 * XORed from the list of currently available locales on the native system.
	 * @return array
	public static function GetLocalesEnabled(){
		$all = self::GetLocalesAvailable();

		$enabled = \ConfigHandler::Get('/core/language/languages_enabled');
		// This is expected to be a pipe-seperated list of languages/locales enabled.
		$enabled = array_map('trim', explode('|', $enabled));
		// Return any enabled locale as long as it's available on the system.
		// Remap them to an array to ensure that the locale description/label is returned too.
		// This comes from the original GetLocalesAvaiable method.
		$out = [];
		foreach($enabled as $v){
				$out[$v] = $all[$v];
		return $out;