예제 #1
 public static function doInit()
     $dataRootDir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [__DIR__, '..', 'data', '']);
     $htmlRootDir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [__DIR__, '..', 'public_html']);
     self::$version = '4.2.0';
     self::$mail = '*****@*****.**';
     self::$cronInterval = 5;
     self::$usersPerCronRun = 5;
     self::$enqueueEnabled = true;
     self::$userQueuePath = $dataRootDir . 'queue-users.lst';
     self::$userQueueMinWait = 24 * 60 * 60;
     self::$userQueueMaxAttempts = 20;
     self::$mediaPerCronRun = 5;
     self::$mediaQueuePath = $dataRootDir . 'queue-media.lst';
     self::$mediaQueueMinWait = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
     self::$mediaQueueMaxAttempts = 2;
     self::$downloaderUserAgent = 'MALgraph v' . self::$version;
     self::$downloaderProxy = null;
     self::$downloaderCookieFilePath = $dataRootDir . 'cookies.dat';
     self::$downloaderMaxParallelJobs = 10;
     self::$downloaderMaxTimeout = 10000;
     self::$downloaderUseMultiHandles = true;
     self::$mirrorEnabled = false;
     self::$mirrorPath = $dataRootDir . 'mirror';
     self::$mirrorPurgeFailures = true;
     self::$cacheEnabled = true;
     self::$cachePath = $dataRootDir . 'cache';
     self::$cacheTimeToLive = 24 * 60 * 60;
     self::$dbPath = $dataRootDir . 'db';
     self::$dbCount = 64;
     self::$transactionCommitFrequency = 20;
     self::$maxDbBindings = 50;
     self::$maxProcessingAttempts = 1;
     self::$bannedUsersListPath = $dataRootDir . 'banned-users.lst';
     self::$bannedGenresListPath = $dataRootDir . 'banned-genres.lst';
     self::$bannedCreatorsListPath = $dataRootDir . 'banned-creators.lst';
     self::$bannedGenresForRecsListPath = $dataRootDir . 'recs-banned-genres.lst';
     self::$bannedFranchiseCouplingListPath = $dataRootDir . 'banned-franchise-coupling.lst';
     self::$staticRecommendationListPath = $dataRootDir . 'static-recommendations.lst';
     self::$achievementsDefinitionsDirectory = $dataRootDir . 'achievements';
     self::$maxLogSize = 1024 * 1024 * 12;
     self::$keepOldLogs = false;
     self::$logsPath = $dataRootDir . 'logs';
     self::$globalsCachePath = $dataRootDir . 'globals-cache.json';
     self::$userQueueSizesPath = $dataRootDir . 'queue-sizes.json';
     self::$mediaDirectory = $htmlRootDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'media';
     self::$mediaUrl = '/media/';
     self::$baseUrl = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' : 'http://mal.oko.im/';
     self::$googleAnalyticsEnabled = true;
     self::$adminPassword = '******';
     self::$maintenanceMessage = null;
     self::$noticeMessage = null;
     self::$sendReferrer = true;
     self::$enforcedDomain = null;
예제 #2
  * Create a new template either with a file-based Twig template, or a Twig string.
  * @global type $wpdb
  * @param string|false $templateName
  * @param string|false $templateString
 public function __construct($templateName = false, $templateString = false)
     $this->templateName = $templateName;
     $this->templateString = $templateString;
     $this->transientNotices = 'notices';
     $notices = isset($_SESSION[$this->transientNotices]) ? $_SESSION[$this->transientNotices] : array();
     $this->data = array('tabulate_version' => Config::version(), 'notices' => $notices, 'baseurl' => Config::baseUrl(), 'debug' => Config::debug(), 'site_title' => Config::siteTitle());
     $this->loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem([__DIR__ . '/../templates']);
예제 #3
  * Return the cdn domain/version
  * @param string $protocol
  * @return string
 public static function cdnv($protocol = '//')
     return self::cdn($protocol) . '/' . Config::version();