function _list($opts) { $data = array(); $has_paging = !isset($opts['no_paging']); $show_sortings = isset($opts['show_sortings']); $per_page = isset($opts['per_page']) ? $opts['per_page'] : 10; $per_page = min(100, max(1, (int) $per_page)); $cond = new Conditions(); $cond->setSorting(array('time' => array('order' => 'desc', 'title' => 'по дате')), array('time' => array('order' => 'desc', 'title' => 'по дате'))); $cond->setPaging(100000, $per_page); $where = array('parent_id=0'); if (isset($opts['where'])) { foreach ($opts['where'] as $w) { $where[] = $w; } } $order = $cond->getSortingField() . ' ' . $cond->getSortingOrderSQL(); $limit = $cond->getLimit(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM `comments` WHERE (' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ') ORDER BY ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ''; $comments = Database::sql2array($query, 'id'); $pids = array(); $uids = array(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $pids[$comment['id']] = $comment['id']; $uids[$comment['user_id']] = $comment['user_id']; } if (count($pids)) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `comments` WHERE `thread` IN (' . implode(',', $pids) . ') ORDER BY `thread`,`id`'; $nextlevel = Database::sql2array($query, 'id'); $comments += $nextlevel; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $uids[$comment['user_id']] = $comment['user_id']; } if (count($uids)) { $users = Users::getByIdsLoaded($uids); } else { $users = array(); } foreach ($comments as &$comment) { if (!isset($users[$comment['user_id']])) { continue; } $comment['user'] = $users[$comment['user_id']]; $parents[$comment['parent_id']][$comment['id']] = $comment; uasort($parents[$comment['parent_id']], 'x_sort_comment'); } $comments = $this->build_tree($parents, 0); } return $comments; }
function _list($opts = array()) { $has_paging = !isset($opts['no_paging']); $show_sortings = isset($opts['show_sortings']); $per_page = isset($opts['per_page']) ? $opts['per_page'] : 10; $per_page = min(100, max(1, (int) $per_page)); $cond = new Conditions(); $cond->setSorting(array('created' => array('order' => 'desc', 'title' => 'по дате'))); $cond->setPaging(100000, $per_page); $where = array('1'); if (isset($opts['where'])) { foreach ($opts['where'] as $w) { $where[] = $w; } } $order = $cond->getSortingField() . ' ' . $cond->getSortingOrderSQL(); $limit = $cond->getLimit(); $query = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS P. * , GROUP_CONCAT( T.title ) AS tags, GROUP_CONCAT( PT.tag_id ) AS tags_indexes FROM `publications` P LEFT JOIN `publications_tags` PT ON PT.publication_id = LEFT JOIN `tags` T ON = PT.tag_id WHERE (' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ') GROUP BY ORDER BY ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ''; $publications = Database::sql2array($query, 'id'); foreach ($publications as $publication) { $uids[$publication['user_id']] = $publication['user_id']; } $users = Users::getByIdsLoaded($uids); foreach ($publications as &$publication) { $publication['user'] = isset($users[$publication['user_id']]) ? $users[$publication['user_id']]->data : array(); } $cond->setPaging(Database::sql2single('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'), $per_page); $data['publications'] = $publications; $data['conditions'] = $cond->getConditions(); if (!$show_sortings) { foreach ($data['conditions'] as $key => $group) { if ($group['mode'] == 'sorting') { unset($data['conditions'][$key]); } } } return $data; }
function getUserContribution() { global $current_user; $uid = $this->params['user_id']; $user = new User($uid); $user->load(); $count = Database::sql2single('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `users_points_history` WHERE `id_user`=' . $user->id); //по книгам, по дате, по типам действий $sortings = array('time' => array('title' => 'по дате'), 'id_target' => array('title' => 'по книге'), 'id_action' => array('title' => 'по типу действий')); $dsortings = array('time' => array('title' => 'по дате', 'order' => 'desc')); $cond = new Conditions(); $cond->setPaging($count, isset($this->params['per_page']) ? (int) $this->params['per_page'] : 40); $cond->setSorting($sortings, $dsortings); $order = 'ORDER BY ' . $cond->getSortingField() . ' ' . $cond->getSortingOrderSQL(); $limit = $cond->getLimit(); $this->data['conditions'] = $cond->getConditions(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM `users_points_history` WHERE `id_user`=' . $user->id . ' ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $limit; $contributions = Database::sql2array($query); $bids = array(); $aids = array(); $sids = array(); $mids = array(); $gids = array(); $uids = array($user->id); $tmp = array(); foreach (Config::$points as $name => $p) { $tmp[$p['id']] = $name; } foreach ($contributions as &$contribution) { switch ($contribution['target_type']) { case BiberLog::TargetType_book: $contribution['id_book'] = $contribution['id_target']; $bids[$contribution['id_target']] = $contribution['id_target']; break; case BiberLog::TargetType_person: $contribution['id_author'] = $contribution['id_target']; $aids[$contribution['id_target']] = $contribution['id_target']; break; case BiberLog::TargetType_magazine: $contribution['id_magazine'] = $contribution['id_target']; $mids[$contribution['id_target']] = $contribution['id_target']; break; case BiberLog::TargetType_serie: $contribution['id_serie'] = $contribution['id_target']; $sids[$contribution['id_target']] = $contribution['id_target']; break; case BiberLog::TargetType_genre: $contribution['id_genre'] = $contribution['id_target']; $gids[$contribution['id_target']] = $contribution['id_target']; break; default: throw new Exception('cant process type #' . $contribution['target_type'] . ' for contribution'); break; } $contribution['action'] = $tmp[$contribution['id_action']]; unset($contribution['id_action']); unset($contribution['id_target']); unset($contribution['target_type']); if (!$current_user->can('logs_view')) { unset($contribution['points']); } $contribution['date'] = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $contribution['time']); unset($contribution['time']); } $this->data['contributions'] = $contributions; $aaids = array(); if (count($bids)) { list($this->data['books'], $aaids) = $this->getContributionBooks($bids); } if (count($aaids)) { foreach ($aaids as $aid) { $aids[$aid] = $aid; } } if (count($aids)) { $this->data['authors'] = $this->getContributionAuthors($aids); } if (count($mids)) { $this->data['magazines'] = $this->getContributionMagazines($mids); } if (count($sids)) { $this->data['series'] = $this->getContributionSeries($sids); } if (count($gids)) { $this->data['genres'] = $this->getContributionGenres($gids); } if (count($uids)) { $this->data['users'] = $this->getContributionUsers($uids); } }
/** * устанавливает $this->data[items_name] * @param type $where * @param type $sortings * @param type $return */ function _list($where, $sortings = false, $return = false) { $limit = false; $order = false; $sorting_order = false; $cond = new Conditions(); if ($this->ConditionsEnabled) { // пейджинг, сортировка if ($sortings) { $cond->setSorting($sortings); $order = $cond->getSortingField(); $sorting_order = $cond->getSortingOrderSQL(); } $per_page = isset($this->params['per_page']) ? $this->params['per_page'] : 0; $pagingName = isset($this->params['paging_parameter_name']) ? $this->params['paging_parameter_name'] : 'p'; if ($per_page) { $cond->setPaging($this->getCountBySQL($where), $per_page, $pagingName); $limit = $cond->getLimit(); } } $query = $this->prepareSelect('id', $where, $order ? ($order . ' ' . $sorting_order) : '', $limit); $ids = Database::sql2array($query, 'id'); // нашли объекты, которые хотим вывести if ($return) return $this->_idsToData(array_keys($ids)); // отдаем массив else $this->data = $this->_idsToData(array_keys($ids)); // отдаем массив $this->data['conditions'] = $cond->getConditions(); return true; }
/** * вынимаем все книги в ocr */ function getOcrListOld() { /** * paging & sorting */ $where = '`flag`=0'; $sortings = array('ocr.time' => array('title' => 'по дате добавления'), 'rating' => array('title' => 'по популярности')); $default_sortings = array('ocr.time' => array('title' => 'по дате добавления', 'order' => 'desc')); $count = (int) Database::sql2single('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM `ocr` WHERE ' . $where . ' GROUP BY `id_book`) c '); $limit = false; $order = false; $sorting_order = false; $cond = new Conditions(); if ($this->ConditionsEnabled) { // пейджинг, сортировка if ($sortings || $default_sortings) { $cond->setSorting($sortings, $default_sortings); $order = $cond->getSortingField(); $sorting_order = $cond->getSortingOrderSQL(); } $per_page = isset($this->params['per_page']) ? $this->params['per_page'] : 0; $limit_parameter = isset($this->params['limit']) ? $this->params['limit'] : 0; $pagingName = isset($this->params['paging_parameter_name']) ? $this->params['paging_parameter_name'] : 'p'; if ($per_page) { $cond->setPaging($count, $per_page, $pagingName); $limit = $cond->getLimit(); } if ($limit_parameter) { $cond->setLimit($limit_parameter); $limit = $cond->getLimit(); } } $query = 'SELECT `id_book` FROM `ocr` LEFT JOIN `book` B ON = `ocr`.`id_book` WHERE ' . $where . ' GROUP BY `id_book` ' . ($order ? 'ORDER BY ' . $order . ' ' . $sorting_order : '') . ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ''; // получили список книг $bids = Database::sql2array($query, 'id_book'); // получаем статусы полученных книг $query = 'SELECT * FROM `ocr` WHERE `id_book` IN(' . implode(',', array_keys($bids)) . ') ORDER BY `time` DESC'; $tasks = Database::sql2array($query); $task_book = array(); foreach ($tasks as &$task) { $task['date'] = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $task['time']); $user_ids[$task['id_user']] = $task['id_user']; $task_book[$task['id_book']][] = $task; } $this->data = $this->_idsToData(array_keys($bids)); foreach ($this->data['books'] as &$book) { if (isset($task_book[$book['id']])) { $book['statuses'] = $task_book[$book['id']]; } } $this->data['books']['title'] = 'Книги в работе'; $this->data['books']['count'] = $count; $this->data['users'] = $this->getOcrUsers($user_ids); $this->setStatusesNode(); $this->data['conditions'] = $cond->getConditions(); }
function _list($opts = array()) { $has_paging = !isset($opts['no_paging']); $show_sortings = isset($opts['show_sortings']); $per_page = isset($opts['per_page']) ? $opts['per_page'] : 10; $per_page = min(100, max(1, (int) $per_page)); $cond = new Conditions(); if (isset($opts['historical']) && $opts['historical']) { $cond->setSorting(array('eventTime' => array('order' => 'desc', 'title' => 'по исторической дате')), array('eventTime' => array('order' => 'desc', 'title' => 'по исторической дате'))); } else { $cond->setSorting(array('createTime' => array('order' => 'desc', 'title' => 'по дате')), array('createTime' => array('order' => 'desc', 'title' => 'по дате'))); } $cond->setPaging(100000, $per_page); $where = array('1'); if (isset($opts['where'])) { foreach ($opts['where'] as $w) { $where[] = $w; } } $order = $cond->getSortingField() . ' ' . $cond->getSortingOrderSQL(); $limit = $cond->getLimit(); $query = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS A.child_name as child_name,A.birthDate as birthDate,AE.*, LE.*,AE.description as description, LE.description as event_description, LE.title as event_title,AE.title as title, AE.creator_id as user_id, as id, as lib_event_id, as lib_template_id, as id FROM `album_events` AE LEFT JOIN `album` A ON LEFT JOIN `lib_events` LE ON LEFT JOIN `lib_event_templates` LET ON WHERE (' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ') ORDER BY ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ''; $events = Database::sql2array($query, 'id'); $uids = array(); if (count($events)) { $field_values = Database::sql2array('SELECT AEF.*,LETF.title as event_field_title,T.* FROM `album_events_fields` AEF JOIN `lib_event_templates_fields` LETF ON LETF.field_id=AEF.field_id JOIN `lib_event_templates_fields_types` T ON WHERE `event_id` IN(' . implode(',', array_keys($events)) . ')'); } else { $field_values = array(); } foreach ($field_values as $values) { $events[$values['event_id']]['fields'][$values['field_id']] = $values; } foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event['user_id']) { $uids[$event['user_id']] = $event['user_id']; } } if (count($uids)) { $users = Users::getByIdsLoaded($uids); } else { $users = array(); } foreach ($events as &$event) { $event['user'] = isset($users[$event['user_id']]) ? $users[$event['user_id']]->data : array(); $event['template_id'] = $event['template_id'] ? $event['template_id'] : 1; $image_id = $event['picture']; $event['pic_small'] = $image_id ? ImgStore::getUrl($image_id, Config::SIZES_PICTURE_SMALL) : false; $event['pic_normal'] = $image_id ? ImgStore::getUrl($image_id, Config::SIZES_PICTURE_NORMAL) : false; $event['pic_big'] = $image_id ? ImgStore::getUrl($image_id, Config::SIZES_PICTURE_BIG) : false; $event['pic_orig'] = $image_id ? ImgStore::getUrl($image_id, 0) : false; } $cond->setPaging(Database::sql2single('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'), $per_page); $data['events'] = $events; $data['conditions'] = $cond->getConditions(); if (!$show_sortings) { foreach ($data['conditions'] as $key => $group) { if ($group['mode'] == 'sorting') { unset($data['conditions'][$key]); } } } return $data; }