static function getArrayByCompanyIDAndObjectTypeIDAndObjectID($company_id, $object_type_id, $object_id) { $cgmlf = new CompanyGenericMapListFactory(); $lf = $cgmlf->getByCompanyIDAndObjectTypeAndObjectID($company_id, $object_type_id, $object_id); return $cgmlf->getArrayByListFactory($lf); }
function getHolidayPolicy() { return CompanyGenericMapListFactory::getArrayByCompanyIDAndObjectTypeIDAndObjectID($this->getCompany(), 180, $this->getID()); }
function Validate() { //Make sure status/type combinations are correct. if (!in_array($this->getType(), $this->getOptions('status_type', $this->getStatus()))) { Debug::text('Type doesnt match status: Type: ' . $this->getType() . ' Status: ' . $this->getStatus(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $this->Validator->isTRUE('type', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Incorrect Type')); } //Check to make sure if this is an absence row, the absence policy is actually set. if ($this->getStatus() == 30 and $this->getAbsencePolicyID() == FALSE) { $this->Validator->isTRUE('absence_policy_id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Please specify an absence type')); } //Check to make sure if this is an overtime row, the overtime policy is actually set. if ($this->getStatus() == 10 and $this->getType() == 30 and $this->getOverTimePolicyID() == FALSE) { $this->Validator->isTRUE('over_time_policy_id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Invalid Overtime Policy')); } //Check to make sure if this is an premium row, the premium policy is actually set. if ($this->getStatus() == 10 and $this->getType() == 40 and $this->getPremiumPolicyID() == FALSE) { $this->Validator->isTRUE('premium_policy_id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Invalid Premium Policy')); } //Check to make sure if this is an meal row, the meal policy is actually set. if ($this->getStatus() == 10 and $this->getType() == 100 and $this->getMealPolicyID() == FALSE) { $this->Validator->isTRUE('meal_policy_id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Invalid Meal Policy')); } //check that the user is allowed to be assigned to the absence policy if ($this->getStatus() == 30 and $this->getAbsencePolicyID() != FALSE and $this->getUserId() != FALSE) { $cgmlf = new CompanyGenericMapListFactory(); $cgmlf->getByCompanyIDAndObjectTypeAndMapID($this->getUserObject()->getCompany(), 170, $this->getAbsencePolicyID()); if ($cgmlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($cgmlf as $cgm_obj) { $policy_group_ids[] = $cgm_obj->getObjectID(); } } if (isset($policy_group_ids)) { $pgulf = new PolicyGroupUserListFactory(); foreach ($policy_group_ids as $policy_group_id) { $pgulf->getByPolicyGroupId($policy_group_id); if ($pgulf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($pgulf as $pgu_obj) { $user_ids[] = $pgu_obj->getUser(); } } } } if (isset($user_ids) and in_array($this->getUserId(), $user_ids) == FALSE) { $this->Validator->isTRUE('absence_policy_id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('This absence policy is not available for this employee')); } } //This is likely caused by employee not being assigned to a pay period schedule? //Make sure to allow entries in the future (ie: absences) where no pay period exists yet. if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE and $this->getUserDateObject() == FALSE) { $this->Validator->isTRUE('date_stamp', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Date is incorrect, or pay period does not exist for this date. Please create a pay period schedule and assign this employee to it if you have not done so already')); } elseif (($this->getOverride() == TRUE or $this->getOverride() == FALSE and $this->getStatus() == 30) and is_object($this->getUserDateObject()) and is_object($this->getUserDateObject()->getPayPeriodObject()) and $this->getUserDateObject()->getPayPeriodObject()->getIsLocked() == TRUE) { //Make sure we only check for pay period being locked if override is TRUE, otherwise it can prevent recalculations from occurring //after the pay period is locked (ie: recalculating exceptions each day from maintenance jobs?) //We need to be able to stop absences (non-overridden ones too) from being deleted in closed pay periods. $this->Validator->isTRUE('date_stamp', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Pay Period is Currently Locked')); } //Make sure that we aren't trying to overwrite an already overridden entry made by the user for some special purpose. if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE and $this->isNew() == TRUE and in_array($this->getStatus(), array(10, 20, 30))) { Debug::text('Checking over already existing overridden entries ... User Date ID: ' . $this->getUserDateID() . ' Status ID: ' . $this->getStatus() . ' Type ID: ' . $this->getType(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $udtlf = TTnew('UserDateTotalListFactory'); if ($this->getStatus() == 20 and $this->getPunchControlID() > 0) { $udtlf->getByUserDateIdAndStatusAndTypeAndPunchControlIdAndOverride($this->getUserDateID(), $this->getStatus(), $this->getType(), $this->getPunchControlID(), TRUE); } elseif ($this->getStatus() == 30) { $udtlf->getByUserDateIdAndStatusAndTypeAndAbsencePolicyIDAndOverride($this->getUserDateID(), $this->getStatus(), $this->getType(), $this->getAbsencePolicyID(), TRUE); } elseif ($this->getStatus() == 10 and $this->getType() == 30) { $udtlf->getByUserDateIdAndStatusAndTypeAndOvertimePolicyIDAndOverride($this->getUserDateID(), $this->getStatus(), $this->getType(), $this->getOverTimePolicyID(), TRUE); } elseif ($this->getStatus() == 10 and $this->getType() == 40) { $udtlf->getByUserDateIdAndStatusAndTypeAndPremiumPolicyIDAndOverride($this->getUserDateID(), $this->getStatus(), $this->getType(), $this->getPremiumPolicyID(), TRUE); } elseif ($this->getStatus() == 10 and $this->getType() == 100) { $udtlf->getByUserDateIdAndStatusAndTypeAndMealPolicyIDAndOverride($this->getUserDateID(), $this->getStatus(), $this->getType(), $this->getMealPolicyID(), TRUE); } elseif ($this->getStatus() == 10 and ($this->getType() == 10 or $this->getType() == 20 and $this->getPunchControlID() > 0)) { $udtlf->getByUserDateIdAndStatusAndTypeAndPunchControlIdAndOverride($this->getUserDateID(), $this->getStatus(), $this->getType(), $this->getPunchControlID(), TRUE); } Debug::text('Record Count: ' . $udtlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($udtlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { Debug::text('Found an overridden row... NOT SAVING: ' . $udtlf->getCurrent()->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $this->Validator->isTRUE('absence_policy_id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Similar entry already exists, not overriding')); } } return TRUE; }
function getGroup() { return CompanyGenericMapListFactory::getArrayByCompanyIDAndObjectTypeIDAndObjectID($this->getCompany(), 2020, $this->getID()); }
/** * Get absence policy data for one or more absence policyes. * @param array $data filter data * @return array */ function getAbsencePolicy($data = NULL, $disable_paging = FALSE) { if (!$this->getPermissionObject()->Check('absence_policy', 'enabled') or !($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('absence_policy', 'view') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('absence_policy', 'view_own') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('absence_policy', 'view_child'))) { //return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); $data['filter_columns'] = $this->handlePermissionFilterColumns(isset($data['filter_columns']) ? $data['filter_columns'] : NULL, Misc::trimSortPrefix($this->getOptions('list_columns'))); } $data = $this->initializeFilterAndPager($data, $disable_paging); //Make sure we filter absence policies to just those assigned to the policy group when user_id filter is passed. if (isset($data['filter_data']['user_id'])) { $user_ids = (array) $data['filter_data']['user_id']; $pgulf = new PolicyGroupUserListFactory(); $pgulf->getByUserId($user_ids); if ($pgulf->getRecordCount() > 0) { $pguf_obj = $pgulf->getCurrent(); $policy_group_id = $pguf_obj->getPolicyGroup(); } if (isset($policy_group_id)) { $cgmlf = new CompanyGenericMapListFactory(); $cgmlf->getByObjectTypeAndObjectID(170, $policy_group_id); if ($cgmlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($cgmlf as $cgm_obj) { $absence_policy_ids[] = $cgm_obj->getMapID(); } } } if (isset($absence_policy_ids)) { $data['filter_data']['id'] = $absence_policy_ids; } else { //Make sure that is no absence policies are assigned to the policy group, we don't display any. $data['filter_data']['id'] = array(0); } unset($data['filter_data']['user_id']); } $data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'] = $this->getPermissionObject()->getPermissionChildren('absence_policy', 'view'); $blf = TTnew('AbsencePolicyListFactory'); $blf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $data['filter_data'], $data['filter_items_per_page'], $data['filter_page'], NULL, $data['filter_sort']); Debug::Text('Record Count: ' . $blf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($blf->getRecordCount() > 0) { $this->setPagerObject($blf); foreach ($blf as $b_obj) { $retarr[] = $b_obj->getObjectAsArray($data['filter_columns']); } return $this->returnHandler($retarr); } return $this->returnHandler(TRUE); //No records returned. }
static function setMapIDs($company_id, $object_type_id, $object_id, $ids, $is_new = FALSE) { if ($company_id == '') { return FALSE; } if ($object_type_id == '') { return FALSE; } if ($object_id == '') { return FALSE; } if ($ids == '') { return FALSE; } if (!is_array($ids) and is_numeric($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } Debug::Arr($ids, 'Object Type ID: ' . $object_type_id . ' Object ID: ' . $object_id . ' IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if (is_array($ids)) { if ($is_new == FALSE) { //If needed, delete mappings first. $cgmlf = new CompanyGenericMapListFactory(); $cgmlf->getByCompanyIDAndObjectTypeAndObjectID($company_id, $object_type_id, $object_id); $tmp_ids = array(); foreach ($cgmlf as $obj) { $id = $obj->getMapID(); Debug::text('Object Type ID: ' . $object_type_id . ' Object ID: ' . $obj->getObjectID() . ' ID: ' . $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Delete objects that are not selected. if (!in_array($id, $ids)) { Debug::text('Deleting: ' . $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $obj->Delete(); } else { //Save ID's that need to be updated. Debug::text('NOT Deleting : ' . $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $tmp_ids[] = $id; } } unset($id, $obj); } foreach ($ids as $id) { if (isset($ids) and !in_array($id, $tmp_ids)) { $cgmf = new CompanyGenericMapFactory(); $cgmf->setCompany($company_id); $cgmf->setObjectType($object_type_id); $cgmf->setObjectID($object_id); $cgmf->setMapId($id); $cgmf->Save(); } } return TRUE; } Debug::text('No objects to map.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); return FALSE; }