예제 #1
 public function testChangePassword(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->amGoingTo('test the change password functionality');
     // Create one user
     $user = Commons::createUser();
     $I->amGoingTo('login a user');
     $loginPage = LoginPage::openBy($I);
     $loginPage->login(Commons::TEST_EMAIL, Commons::TEST_PASSWORD);
     $changePasswordPage = ChangePasswordPage::openBy($I);
     $I->see('Change password');
     $I->amGoingTo('try to change the password with two different passwords for the new password and the new password repeat fields');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('123123', '234234');
     $I->expect('the form will catch the difference');
     $I->see('The new passwords are not the same.');
     $I->amGoingTo('test adding new password with length lower than the default length');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('123', '123');
     $I->expect('the form will warn the user');
     $I->see('New password should contain at least 6 characters');
     $I->see('New password repeat should contain at least 6 characters');
     $I->amGoingTo('change the password of the user properly');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('Nik)lay!23', 'Nik)lay!23');
     $I->expect('that this time everything will be ok and the user will be redirected to the home page');
예제 #2
 public function testPasswordRecoveryRequest(FunctionalTester $I)
     // Create one user
     $user = Commons::createUser();
     $I->expectTo('see the recovery form when going to the recovery page');
     $passwordRecoveryRequestPage = PasswordRecoveryRequestPage::openBy($I);
     $I->expectTo('see that a proper message is sent when an empty email is set');
     $I->see('Email cannot be blank');
     $I->expectTo('see that a proper message is sent when a wrong email is set');
     $I->see('Email is not a valid email address.');
     $I->expectTo('see that a proper message is sent when an email of unexisting user is set');
     $I->see('There is no user with this email address');
     $I->amGoingTo('save the form with correct data');
     $I->expectTo('see the user is redirected to the correct page');
     $I->see('Recovery message sent');
     $I->expectTo('see that a the token is saved to the database');
     $I->seeRecord(Token::className(), ['user_id' => $user->id]);
     $I->expectTo('see that a recovery email is sent to the user');
예제 #3
 public function testChangePasswordAfterFirstLogin()
     // Asure that everything is configured properly
     verify('Check that the advanced directory exists', is_dir(Commons::ADVANCED_MIGRATIONS_DIR))->true();
     $files = scandir(Commons::ADVANCED_MIGRATIONS_DIR);
     $result = preg_grep('/' . self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE . '/', $files);
     verify('Check that the migration exists', $result)->notEmpty();
     verify('Check that the field is added to the table (the migration is run)', (new User())->hasAttribute(self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE))->true();
     // Behavior validations
     $behavior = Yii::$app->user->attachBehavior('firstLoginPolicy', 'nkostadinov\\user\\behaviors\\FirstLoginPolicyBehavior');
     verify('Check that the behavior exists', $behavior)->notNull();
     $user = Commons::createUser();
     // Defaults validations
     verify('Check that the default value of the ' . self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE . ' field is set to 1', $user->require_password_change)->equals(1);
     // The user is required to change his password on a first login
     verify('Check that the login fails', Yii::$app->user->login($user))->false();
     // Change the password of the user and check the user is logged in
     $changePasswordForm = new ChangePasswordForm();
     $changePasswordForm->email = Commons::TEST_EMAIL;
     $changePasswordForm->oldPassword = Commons::TEST_PASSWORD;
     $changePasswordForm->newPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPasswordRepeat = 'Risto-Bageristo1';
     // The user is logged in after a password change
     verify('Asure the ' . self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE . ' is set to 0', $user->require_password_change)->equals(0);
     verify('Check that the login passes', Yii::$app->user->isGuest)->false();
     // Logout the user to continue testing without a logged in user