/** * function to construct the live feed text to display * @param object $obj * @return array */ public function construct_feed_text($obj) { $action_user = $obj->firstname . ' ' . $obj->lastname; $thumb = ''; if ($obj->user_avatar != '') { $avatar_path = $GLOBALS['AVATAR_DISPLAY_PATH']; $thumb = $avatar_path . '/ths_' . $obj->user_avatar . '.' . $obj->file_extension; } $date_added = i18nDate::i18n_long_date(TimeZoneUtil::convert_to_user_timezone($obj->date_added, true), true); $module_name = CommonUtils::get_module_name_as_text($obj->idmodule); $link_identifier = true; $related_identifer_text = ''; $link_related_identifier = true; $mentions = false; switch ($obj->action) { case 'add': $content = _('Added') . ' ' . $module_name; break; case 'edit': $content = _('Updated') . ' ' . $module_name; break; case 'delete': $content = _('Deleted') . ' ' . $module_name . ' - '; $link_identifier = false; break; case 'lead_covert': $content = _('Converted') . ' ' . $module_name; break; case 'add_contact_lead_convert': $content = _('Added') . ' ' . $module_name; $related_identifer_text = _('during converting the lead'); break; case 'add_organization_lead_convert': $content = _('Added') . ' ' . $module_name; $related_identifer_text = _('during converting the lead'); break; case 'add_potential_lead_convert': $content = _('Added') . ' ' . $module_name; $related_identifer_text = _('during converting the lead'); break; case 'changed_assigned_to': $content = _('Changed assigned to ') . ' ' . $module_name; break; case 'note_mention': $content = _('Mentions you in note on ') . ' ' . $module_name; $mentions = true; break; } if ($link_identifier === true) { if (true === $mentions) { $detail_url = NavigationControl::getNavigationLink($_SESSION["do_module"]->modules_full_details[$obj->idmodule]["name"], 'detail', $obj->idrecord, '#note' . $obj->related_identifier_idrecord); $identifier = ' <a href="' . $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . $detail_url . '">' . $obj->identifier . '</a>'; } else { $detail_url = NavigationControl::getNavigationLink($_SESSION["do_module"]->modules_full_details[$obj->idmodule]["name"], "detail", $obj->idrecord); $identifier = ' <a href="' . $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . $detail_url . '">' . $obj->identifier . '</a>'; } } else { $identifier = $obj->identifier; } $content .= ' ' . $identifier; if (strlen($related_identifer_text) > 5) { if ($link_related_identifier === true) { $related_detail_url = NavigationControl::getNavigationLink($_SESSION["do_module"]->modules_full_details[$obj->related_identifier_idmodule]["name"], "detail", $obj->related_identifier_idrecord); $related_identifier = ' <a href="' . $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . $related_detail_url . '">' . $obj->related_identifier . '</a>'; } else { $related_identifier = $obj->related_identifier; } $content .= ' ' . $related_identifer_text . $related_identifier; } return array("user_name" => $action_user, "avatar" => $thumb, "content" => $content, "action_date" => $date_added); }
/** * function to get data history display text * @param object $obj * @param boolean $link * @param boolean $user_history * @return array $ret_array */ public function get_data_history_display_text($obj, $link = false, $user_history = false) { $row1 = '<strong>' . $obj->firstname . ' ' . $obj->lastname . '</strong> ' . _('on ') . '<i>' . i18nDate::i18n_long_time(TimeZoneUtil::convert_to_user_timezone($obj->date_modified, true)) . '</i>'; switch ($obj->action) { case 'add': if ($user_history === true) { $row2 = _('Added') . ' ' . CommonUtils::get_module_name_as_text($obj->idmodule); } else { $row2 = _('Added the record'); } break; case 'delete': if ($user_history === true) { $row2 = _('Deleted') . ' ' . CommonUtils::get_module_name_as_text($obj->idmodule); } else { $row2 = _('Deleted the record'); } break; case 'edit': if ($user_history === true) { $row2 = _('Updated') . ' ' . CommonUtils::get_module_name_as_text($obj->idmodule); } else { $row2 = _('Updated the record'); } break; case 'value_changes': $do_crm_fields = new CRMFields(); $do_crm_fields->getId($obj->idfields); if ($do_crm_fields->getNumRows() > 0) { $field_label = $do_crm_fields->field_label; $old_value = $obj->old_value; $new_value = $obj->new_value; if ($do_crm_fields->field_type == 9) { $old_value = FieldType9::display_value($old_value); $new_value = FieldType9::display_value($new_value); } if ($user_history === true) { $row2 = _('Changed value in') . ' ' . CommonUtils::get_module_name_as_text($obj->idmodule) . ' , ' . $field_label . ' :: ' . $old_value . ' >>> ' . $new_value; } else { $row2 = _('Changed') . ' ' . $field_label . ' :: ' . $old_value . ' >>> ' . $new_value; } } $do_crm_fields->free(); break; } if ($obj->user_avatar != '') { $avatar_path = $GLOBALS['AVATAR_DISPLAY_PATH']; $thumb = $avatar_path . '/ths_' . $obj->user_avatar . '.' . $obj->file_extension; } if ($link === true) { $detail_url = NavigationControl::getNavigationLink($_SESSION["do_module"]->modules_full_details[$obj->idmodule]["name"], "detail", $obj->id_referrer); $row2 .= ' <a href="' . $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . $detail_url . '">' . $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . $detail_url . '</a>'; } $ret_array = array("avatar" => $thumb, "row1" => $row1, "row2" => $row2); return $ret_array; }
/** * function to send nudge email on a note * @param integer $idnotes * @param string $note_content * @param integer $related_module_id * @param integer $sqcrm_record_id */ public function send_note_nudge_email($idnotes, $note_content, $related_module_id, $sqcrm_record_id) { if ((int) $idnotes > 0) { $mentioned_email_receiptents = array(); preg_match_all("/(^|[^@\\w])@(\\w{1,15})\\b/im", $note_content, $mentioned_users); if (is_array($mentioned_users) && array_key_exists(2, $mentioned_users) && count($mentioned_users[2]) > 0) { $do_user = new \User(); $active_users = $do_user->get_active_users(); $current_user = 0; $active_users_key_as_username = array(); foreach ($active_users as $key => $users) { if ($users["iduser"] == $current_user) { continue; } $active_users_key_as_username[$users["user_name"]] = array("firstname" => $users["firstname"], "lastname" => $users["lastname"], "email" => $users["email"]); } foreach ($mentioned_users[2] as $key => $val) { if (array_key_exists($val, $active_users_key_as_username)) { $mentioned_email_receiptents[] = $active_users_key_as_username[$val]; } } } if (is_array($mentioned_email_receiptents) && count($mentioned_email_receiptents) > 0) { $email_template = new \EmailTemplate("send_notes_user_mentioned_email"); $emailer = new \SQEmailer(); $do_module = new \Module(); $do_module->getId($related_module_id); $entity_url = \NavigationControl::getNavigationLink($do_module->name, 'detail', $sqcrm_record_id, '#note' . $idnotes); $view_url = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . $entity_url . '">' . _('view on sQcrm') . '</a>'; $note_content = \FieldType200::display_value($note_content); $note_content = str_replace('/themes/images/emoji-pngs', SITE_URL . '/themes/images/emoji-pngs', $note_content); foreach ($mentioned_email_receiptents as $key => $mentioned) { $to_email = $mentioned["email"]; $email_data = array("notes_content" => $note_content, "firstname" => $mentioned["firstname"], "lastname" => $mentioned["lastname"], "view_url" => $view_url, "module_name" => \CommonUtils::get_module_name_as_text($related_module_id), "user_name" => $_SESSION["do_user"]->user_name); $emailer->IsSendmail(); $emailer->setEmailTemplate($email_template); $emailer->mergeArray($email_data); $emailer->AddAddress($to_email, $mentioned["firstname"] . ' ' . $mentioned["lastname"]); $emailer->send(); } } } }