예제 #1
 function create_hongbao_xml($retcode = 0, $reterrmsg = "ok")
     try {
         $this->setParameter('sign', $this->get_sign());
         $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
         return $commonUtil->arrayToXml($this->parameters);
     } catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) {
예제 #2
파일: MumuYouxi.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
  * 添加焦点图
 function addAction()
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         $text = FRequest::getPostString('text');
         $pic = FRequest::getPostString('pic');
         $url = FRequest::getPostString('url');
         $title = FRequest::getPostString('title');
         $position = CommonUtil::getComParam(FRequest::getPostInt('position'), 0);
         if (!$pic) {
             $this->showMessage("图片不能为空", error);
         if (!$title) {
             $this->showMessage("标题不能为空", error);
         $data2 = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text, 'pic' => $pic, 'url' => $url, 'position' => $position);
         $mumu_youxi_table = new FTable("mumu_youxi");
         $this->showMessage("添加成功", "success", "/MumuYouxi/list");
예제 #3
파일: EventsList.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
  * 活动列表
 function listAction()
     //global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $title = FRequest::getString('title');
     $where = array();
     $shanchu_id = FRequest::getInt('shanchu_id');
     if ($shanchu_id) {
         $events = new FTable('events');
         $events->where(array('id' => $shanchu_id))->remove(true);
     if ($title) {
         $where["title"] = array('like' => $title);
     $table = new FTable("events");
     $events = $table->fields(array("id", "style", "title", "pic", "content", "tm"))->where($where)->page($page)->limit(20)->order(array("id" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($events as &$event) {
         $event["pic"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($event["pic"], 100, 100);
         $event["content"] = json_decode($event["content"]);
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('events', $events);
     $this->assign('title', $title);
예제 #4
 public function createRefundOrder($fields)
     $account = AccountBiz::getInstance()->getOrCreateAccount($fields['user_id'], $fields['channel']);
     $refund = new RefundModel();
     $refund->id = CommonUtil::longId();
     $refund->user_id = $fields['user_id'];
     $refund->account_id = $account['id'];
     $refund->channel = $fields['channel'];
     $refund->gateway = $fields['gateway'];
     $refund->recharge_id = $fields['recharge_id'];
     $refund->mer_refund_no = $refund->id . substr(sprintf('%012s', $fields['user_id']), -12);
     if (null !== ($localEnv = \GlobalConfig::getLocalEnv())) {
         $refund->mer_refund_no = substr($refund->mer_refund_no, 0, -strlen($localEnv)) . $localEnv;
     $refund->amount = $fields['refund_amount'];
     $refund->create_time = time();
     $refund->callback_url = $fields['callback_url'];
     $refund->subject = $fields['subject'];
     $refund->body = isset($fields['body']) ? $fields['body'] : '';
     $refund->busi_refund_no = isset($fields['busi_refund_no']) ? $fields['busi_refund_no'] : '';
     $refund->seller_partner = isset($fields['seller_partner']) ? $fields['seller_partner'] : '';
     if (true !== $refund->save()) {
         throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_ORDER_CREATE_FAIL);
     return $refund;
예제 #5
 public static function excecuteCommand($facade, $data)
     $jsonstr = '';
     try {
         if ($data->btn_action == 'save') {
             $jsonstr = CommonUtil::getSuccessFailureJson($facade->create($data));
         } else {
             if ($data->btn_action == 'update') {
                 $jsonstr = CommonUtil::getSuccessFailureJson($facade->update($data));
             } else {
                 if ($data->btn_action == 'delete') {
                     $jsonstr = CommonUtil::getSuccessFailureJson($facade->delete($data));
                 } else {
                     if ($data->btn_action == 'getAll') {
                         $jsonstr = $facade->getAll();
                     } else {
                         $jsonstr = '{"message":"action not found"}';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $jsonstr = CommonUtil::getExceptionMessage($e);
     return $jsonstr;
예제 #6
파일: UserReport.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
 function listAction()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $nickname = FRequest::getString('nickname');
     $where = array('ub.count' => array('gte' => '1'), 'um.stat' => '0', 'ud.uid' => array('gte' => '5000000'));
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $where["ud.uid"] = $uid;
     if ($nickname) {
         $where["ud.nickname"] = array('like' => $nickname);
     $table = new FTable("user_ban", "ub");
     $users = $table->fields(array("um.uid", "um.stat", "um.gender", "um.reg_time", "ud.nickname", "ud.avatar", "ud.province", "ud.city", "ud.age", "ud.height", "ud.marry", "ud.aboutme", "ub.count"))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "ub.uid=ud.uid")->leftJoin("user_main", "um", "ub.uid=um.uid")->where($where)->page($page)->limit(10)->order(array("ub.count" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($users as &$user) {
         $marry_id = $user["marry"];
         $user["marry"] = self::$MARRY[$marry_id];
         $user["avatar"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($user["avatar"], 50, 50);
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('users', $users);
     $this->assign('uid', $uid);
     $this->assign('nickname', $nickname);
예제 #7
 function listAction()
     //global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $query_str = "  ( mm.type='pic' or mm.type='text' ) ";
     $where = array();
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $where["mm.from"] = $uid;
         //$query_str=$query_str." and (mm.from='$uid' or mm.to='$uid') and mm.from<>1 and mm.to<>1 ";
         $where["str"] = $query_str;
         $user_detail_table = new FTable("user_detail");
         $user_detail = $user_detail_table->where(array('uid' => $uid))->find();
         $user_avatar = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($user_detail["avatar"], 100, 100);
         $table = new FTable("message", "mm", FDB::$DB_MUMU_MESSAGE);
         $user_messages = $table->fields(array("mm.tm", "mm.from", "mm.to", "mm.content"))->where($where)->groupBy("mm.to")->page($page)->limit(20)->order(array("mm.tm" => "desc"))->select();
         $user_messages1 = $table->fields(array("mm.tm", "mm.from", "mm.to", "mm.content"))->where($where)->groupBy("mm.to")->order(array("mm.tm" => "desc"))->select();
         $total = count($user_messages1);
         foreach ($user_messages as &$user_message) {
             $user_detail_table = new FTable("user_detail");
             $user_detail = $user_detail_table->where(array('uid' => $user_message["to"]))->find();
             $user_message["to_avatar"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($user_detail["avatar"], 100, 100);
             $user_message["content"] = json_decode($user_message["content"]);
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
         $this->assign('page_info', FPager::getPagerInfo($total, $page, '20'));
         $this->assign('user_messages', $user_messages);
         $this->assign('user_avatar', $user_avatar);
     $this->assign('uid', $uid);
예제 #8
 function listAction()
     //global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $where = array('tp.status' => '1');
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $where["ud.uid"] = $uid;
     } else {
         $where["1"] = 0;
     $table = new FTable("topic", "tp");
     $topics = $table->fields(array("tp.id", "tp.uid", "tp.title", "tp.pics", "ud.nickname", "tp.picslevel"))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "tp.uid=ud.uid")->where($where)->page($page)->limit(20)->order(array("tp.id" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($topics as &$topic) {
         $topic_tupian = explode(",", $topic['pics']);
         $pics = "";
         foreach ($topic_tupian as $topic_pics) {
             if ($topic_pics) {
                 $pics = $pics . CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($topic_pics, 100, 100) . ",";
         $topic["pics"] = $pics;
         $discovery_table = new FTable("discovery", "mmd", FDB::$DB_MUMU_SORT);
         $discovery = $discovery_table->where(array('tid' => $topic["id"]))->find();
         $topic["priority"] = $discovery["priority"];
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('topics', $topics);
     $this->assign('uid', $uid);
예제 #9
파일: UserAvatar.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
 function listAction()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $nickname = FRequest::getString('nickname');
     $gender = FRequest::getInt('gender');
     $where = array();
     if ($uid || $nickname) {
         if ($uid) {
             $where["ud.uid"] = $uid;
         if ($nickname) {
             $where["ud.nickname"] = array('like' => $nickname);
     } else {
         $where["um.stat"] = '0';
         $where["ud.avatarlevel"] = '-2';
         $where["ud.uid"] = array('gte' => '5000000');
     if ($gender) {
         $where["um.gender"] = $gender;
     $table = new FTable("user_detail", "ud");
     $users = $table->fields(array("ud.uid", "um.gender", "ud.nickname", "ud.avatar", "ud.avatarlevel"))->leftJoin("user_main", "um", "ud.uid=um.uid")->where($where)->page($page)->limit(50)->order(array("ud.uid" => "asc"))->select();
     foreach ($users as &$user) {
         $uid_d = $user["uid"];
         $table2 = new FTable("image_md5", "im");
         $image_md5 = $table2->fields(array("im.md5"))->where(array("im.url" => $user["avatar"]))->find();
         // echo($user["avatar"]);
         $table3 = new FTable("image_md5", "im");
         $images = $table3->fields(array("im.url"))->where(array("im.md5" => $image_md5["md5"], "str" => " im.url<>'" . $user["avatar"] . "' ", "im.type" => "avatar"))->select();
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $table4 = new FTable("user_detail", "ud");
             $users4 = $table4->fields(array("ud.uid"))->where(array("ud.avatar" => $image['url']))->find();
             if ($users4) {
                 $uid_d = $uid_d . "," . $users4['uid'];
         $user["uid_d"] = $uid_d;
         $user["uid_i"] = $i;
         $user["avatar"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($user["avatar"], 222, 222);
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('users', $users);
     $this->assign('uid', $uid);
     $this->assign('nickname', $nickname);
     $this->assign('gender', $gender);
예제 #10
  * @param $user User
  * @param $sessionOnly boolean
  * @param null $expireDate int
  * @return UserSession
 public static function createForUser($user, $expireDate)
     $session = new UserSession();
     $session->user = $user->id;
     $session->token = Auth::generateSessionToken($user->salt);
     $session->createDate = Database::now();
     $session->expireDate = CommonUtil::sqlTimeStamp($expireDate);
     $session->expired = 0;
     return $session;
예제 #11
파일: UserImage.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
 function list2Action()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $nickname = FRequest::getString('nickname');
     $gender = FRequest::getInt('gender');
     $where = array();
     $query_str = " im.status = '1' ";
     $table = new FTable("image_md5", "im");
     $images = $table->fields(array("im.url", "im.status", "im.type"))->where(array('str' => $query_str))->page($page)->limit(50)->order(array("im.tm" => "asc"))->select();
     foreach ($images as &$image) {
         if ($image['type'] == "avatar") {
             $table2 = new FTable("user_detail", "ud");
             $users = $table2->fields(array("ud.uid"))->where(array("ud.avatar" => $image['url']))->find();
             $image["uid"] = $users['uid'];
             $image["type_w"] = "头像";
         if ($image['type'] == "avatar_big") {
             $image["type_w"] = "大头像";
         if ($image['type'] == "photo") {
             $table2 = new FTable("user_photo_album", "upa");
             $users = $table2->fields(array("upa.uid"))->where(array("upa.pic" => $image['url']))->find();
             $image["uid"] = $users['uid'];
             $image["type_w"] = "相册";
         if ($image['type'] == "chat") {
             $table2 = new FTable("bad_message", "bm", FDB::$DB_MUMU_MESSAGE);
             $users = $table2->fields(array("bm.from"))->where(array("bm.origin" => $image['url']))->find();
             $image["uid"] = $users['from'];
             $image["type_w"] = "聊天";
         if ($image['type'] == "video_certify") {
             $table2 = new FTable("video_record", "vr");
             $users = $table2->fields(array("vr.uid"))->where(array("vr.video_img" => $image['url']))->find();
             $image["uid"] = $users['uid'];
             $image["type_w"] = "视屏认证";
         $image["url_xiao"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($image["url"], 111, 111);
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('images', $images);
예제 #12
파일: MumuYouxi.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
 public function defaultAction()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $table = new FTable("mumu_youxi");
     $mumu_youxis = $table->fields(array("id", "title", "text", "pic", "url", "position"))->limit(20)->order(array("position" => "asc", "id" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($mumu_youxis as &$mumu_youxi) {
         $mumu_youxi["pic"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($mumu_youxi["pic"], 280, 280);
         $mumu_youxi["text"] = mb_substr($mumu_youxi["text"], 0, 50, "utf-8");
     $this->assign('mumu_youxi', $mumu_youxis);
     $this->assign('title', '慕慕游戏');
예제 #13
 public function defaultAction()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $table = new FTable("weixin_huodong");
     $weixin_huodongs = $table->fields(array("id", "title", "text", "pic", "url", "position"))->limit(20)->order(array("position" => "asc", "id" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($weixin_huodongs as &$weixin_huodong) {
         $weixin_huodong["pic"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($weixin_huodong["pic"], 280, 280);
         $weixin_huodong["text"] = mb_substr($weixin_huodong["text"], 0, 50, "utf-8");
     $this->assign('weixin_huodong', $weixin_huodongs);
     $this->assign('title', '微信活动-慕慕');
예제 #14
파일: Common.php 프로젝트: hzh123/my_yaf
 public static function getCityId($location)
     if (is_object($location)) {
         $location = CommonUtil::object2array($location);
     if (!is_array($location)) {
         return 0;
     if ($location['cid']) {
         $cityId = $location["cid"];
     } else {
         $cityId = $location["pid"];
     return $cityId;
예제 #15
파일: TopicPics.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
 function listAction()
     //global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $tiaojian = FRequest::getString('tiaojian');
     $where = array('tp.picslevel' => array('gte' => '3'), 'tp.uid' => array('gte' => '5000000'), 'tp.status' => '1');
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $where["tp.uid"] = $uid;
     $datetime_riqi = date("Y-m-d", time());
     $datetime_riqi_zuotian = date("Y-m-d", time() - 86400);
     $datetime_riqi_qiantian = date("Y-m-d", time() - 172800);
     if ($tiaojian == "dangri") {
         $query_str = " tp.tm >= '" . $datetime_riqi . " 00:00:00'  ";
         $where["str"] = $query_str;
     if ($tiaojian == "zuori") {
         $query_str = " tp.tm >= '" . $datetime_riqi_zuotian . " 00:00:00'  and tp.tm < '" . $datetime_riqi . " 00:00:00'  ";
         $where["str"] = $query_str;
     if ($tiaojian == "qianri") {
         $query_str = " tp.tm >= '" . $datetime_riqi_qiantian . " 00:00:00'  and tp.tm < '" . $datetime_riqi_zuotian . " 00:00:00'  ";
         $where["str"] = $query_str;
     if ($tiaojian == "fengsuo") {
         $where["tp.status"] = '2';
     } else {
         $where["tp.status"] = '1';
     $table = new FTable("topic", "tp");
     $topics = $table->fields(array("tp.id", "tp.uid", "tp.status", "um.gender", "tp.title", "tp.pics", "tp.tm", "ud.nickname", "ud.province", "ud.city", "tp.picslevel"))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "tp.uid=ud.uid")->leftJoin("user_main", "um", "tp.uid=um.uid")->where($where)->page($page)->limit(20)->order(array("tp.id" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($topics as &$topic) {
         $topic_tupian = explode(",", $topic['pics']);
         $pics = "";
         foreach ($topic_tupian as $topic_pics) {
             if ($topic_pics) {
                 $pics = $pics . CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($topic_pics, 100, 100) . ",";
         $topic["pics"] = $pics;
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('topics', $topics);
예제 #16
  * 运行socket服务端
 public function index()
     require 'socketConfig.php';
     if (!CommonUtil::add_lock('lock')) {
     ini_set('memory_limit', WEBSOCKET_MEMORY);
     $webSocket = new SocketService();
     echo socket_strerror($webSocket->error());
예제 #17
 public function filterSiteAccess($filterChain)
     $actionId = $this->getAction()->getId();
     if ($actionId != 'login' && $actionId != 'captcha' && $actionId != 'test' && (Yii::app()->user->isGuest || CommonUtil::getUserStatus(Yii::app()->user->signid) != 0)) {
         if ($actionId == 'refreshJson') {
             $this->layout = false;
             header('Content-type: application/json');
             echo "this.location.href='/main/login.do'";
     $this->term = CommonUtil::getCachedTerm();
예제 #18
파일: MumuBa.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
  * 列表
 function listAction()
     // global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $where = array();
     $shanchu_id = FRequest::getInt('shanchu_id');
     if ($shanchu_id) {
         $mumu_bas = new FTable('mumu_ba');
         $mumu_bas->where(array('id' => $shanchu_id))->remove(true);
     $table = new FTable("mumu_ba");
     $mumu_bas = $table->fields(array("id", "title", "text", "pic", "riqi", "position"))->where($where)->page($page)->limit(20)->order(array("id" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($mumu_bas as &$mumu_ba) {
         $mumu_ba["pic"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($mumu_ba["pic"], 100, 100);
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('mumu_ba', $mumu_bas);
예제 #19
파일: MumuBa.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
 public function defaultAction()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $table = new FTable("mumu_ba");
     $mumu_bas = $table->fields(array("id", "title", "text", "pic", "riqi", "position"))->limit(20)->order(array("position" => "asc", "id" => "desc"))->select();
     $domList = array();
     foreach ($mumu_bas as &$mumu_ba) {
         $riqi = explode("-", $mumu_ba["riqi"]);
         $mumu_ba["pic"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($mumu_ba["pic"], 400, 450);
         $mumu_ba["riqi_nian"] = $riqi[0];
         $mumu_ba["riqi_yue"] = $riqi[1];
         $mumu_ba["riqi_ri"] = $riqi[2];
         $sub_arr = array("height" => "100%", "width" => "100%", "content" => '<div><div style="line-height:30px; text-align:left; padding-left: 20px; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;">' . $mumu_ba["title"] . '</div><div style=" text-align:center;"><img src="' . $mumu_ba["pic"] . '"></div><div style="height:100px;overflow: hidden;"><div style="float:left; width:100px; margin-right:10px;"><div style=" line-height:45px;font-size:36px; font-weight:bold; color:#0099FF; text-align:center;">' . $riqi[2] . '</div><div style="line-height:25px; text-align:center;">' . self::NumChinese(intval($riqi[1])) . ' ' . $riqi[0] . '</div></div><div style="line-height:25px;overflow: hidden; padding-right: 15px;">' . $mumu_ba["text"] . '</div></div></div>');
         array_push($domList, $sub_arr);
     //echo( json_encode($domList));
     $this->assign('domList', json_encode($domList));
     $this->assign('title', '慕慕语录-慕慕');
예제 #20
파일: User.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
 function youxiuAction()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $nickname = FRequest::getString('nickname');
     $where = array("ud.uid" => array('gte' => '5000000'), "ud.avatarlevel" => 9, "um.stat" => 0);
     $datetime_riqi_qiantian = date("Y-m-d", time() - 172800);
     $query_str = " um.reg_time >= '" . $datetime_riqi_qiantian . " 00:00:00'  ";
     $where["str"] = $query_str;
     $table = new FTable("user_detail", "ud");
     $users = $table->fields(array("um.uid", "um.stat", "um.gender", "um.reg_time", "ud.nickname", "ud.avatar", "ud.province", "ud.city", "ud.birthday", "ud.height", "ud.marry", "ud.aboutme"))->leftJoin("user_main", "um", "ud.uid=um.uid")->where($where)->page($page)->limit(100)->order(array("ud.uid" => "desc"))->select();
     foreach ($users as &$user) {
         $user["age"] = CommonUtil::birthdayToAge($user["birthday"]);
         $user["avatar"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($user["avatar"], 50, 50);
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('users', $users);
예제 #21
 function listAction()
     //global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $uid = FRequest::getInt('uid');
     $where = array();
     if ($uid) {
         $where["vr.uid"] = $uid;
     } else {
         $where["vr.status"] = 0;
     $table = new FTable("video_record", "vr");
     $users = $table->fields(array("vr.uid", "vr.id", "vr.photos", "vr.status", "vr.tm", "ud.video_img", "ud.nickname", "um.reg_ip", "um.model", "um.sysver"))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "vr.uid=ud.uid")->leftJoin("user_main", "um", "vr.uid=um.uid")->where($where)->page($page)->limit(20)->order(array("vr.id" => "asc"))->select();
     foreach ($users as &$user) {
         $user["video_img"] = CommonUtil::getMoreSizeImg($user["video_img"], 222, 222);
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign('users', $users);
     $this->assign('uid', $uid);
예제 #22
  * Gets Message based upon some filters
  * @param mixed $start The date to start querying from.
  * @param mixed $end The last possible time in the query.
  * @param integer $index The number of results to skip from the result set. The default is 0.
  * @param integer $limit The maximum number of results to return. This has a hard limit of 1000 messages.
  * @param boolean $pending A true or false value used to indicate if only scheduled messages should be returned in the result set. By default only sent message are returned
  * @param string $direction Used to filter the result by the direction of the message. Possible values are "in" (to return only inbound messages) and "out" (to return only outbound messages).
  * @return ApiList|HttpResponse|null
  * @throws ErrorException
 public function getMessages($start = null, $end = null, $index = null, $limit = null, $pending = null, $direction = null)
     $resource = "/messages/";
     if (!is_null($start)) {
         if (!is_int($start) || !is_string($start)) {
             throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'start' must be an integer Unix timestamp or a string time in this format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)");
         if (is_string($start)) {
             if (!CommonUtil::is_datetime($time)) {
                 throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'start' must be a string time in this format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)");
         if (is_int($start) && $start < 0) {
             throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'start' must be a positive integer");
     if (!is_null($end)) {
         if (!is_int($end) || !is_string($end)) {
             throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'end' must be an integer Unix timestamp or a string time in this format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)");
         if (is_string($end)) {
             if (!CommonUtil::is_datetime($time)) {
                 throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'end' must be a string time in this format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)");
         if (is_int($end) && $end < 0) {
             throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'end' must be a positive integer");
     if (!is_null($index) && !is_int($index)) {
         throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'index' must be an integer");
     if (!is_null($limit) && !is_int($limit)) {
         throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'limit' must be an integer");
     if (!is_null($pending) && (!CommonUtil::is_boolean($pending) || !is_bool($pending))) {
         throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'pending' must be a boolean (1, 0, true, false)");
     if (!is_null($direction)) {
         if (!is_string($direction)) {
             throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'direction' must be string");
         } elseif ($direction !== MessageDirection::IN || $direction !== MessageDirection::OUT) {
             throw new ErrorException("Parameter 'direction' must be string. Possible values are in or out");
     try {
         $params = array();
         if (!is_null($start)) {
             $params["start"] = is_string($start) ? $start : gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start);
         if (!is_null($end)) {
             $params["end"] = is_string($end) ? $end : gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end);
         if (!is_null($index)) {
             $params["index"] = $index > 0 ? $index : 0;
         if (!is_null($limit)) {
             $params["limit"] = $limit > 0 && $limit <= 1000 ? $limit : 1000;
         if (!is_null($pending)) {
             if ($pending === "true" || $pending || $pending === "1") {
                 $params["pending"] = "true";
             if ($pending === "false" || $pending === false || $pending === "0") {
                 $params["pending"] = "false";
         if (!is_null($direction)) {
             $params["direction"] = $direction;
         $response = $this->httpClient->get($resource, $params);
         if ($response instanceof HttpResponse) {
             if ($response->getStatus() === HttpStatusCode::HTTP_OK) {
                 $json = JsonHelper::getJson($response->getBody());
                 if (isset($json)) {
                     return new ApiList($json);
             } else {
                 return $response;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         echo $ex->getTraceAsString();
     return null;
예제 #23
function redirectAndExit($url)
예제 #24
 function get_sign($obj)
     try {
         if (null == $this->partnerkey || "" == $this->partnerkey) {
             throw new SDKRuntimeException("密钥不能为空!" . "<br>");
         $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
         $unSignParaString = $commonUtil->formatQueryParaMap($obj, false);
         $paraString = $commonUtil->formatQueryParaMap($obj, true);
         return sha1($paraString);
     } catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) {
예제 #25
 function create_native_package($retcode = 0, $reterrmsg = "ok")
     try {
         if ($this->check_cft_parameters() == false && $retcode == 0) {
             //如果是正常的返回, 检查财付通的参数
             throw new SDKRuntimeException("生成package参数缺失!" . "<br>");
         $nativeObj["AppId"] = $this->appid;
         $nativeObj["Package"] = $this->get_cft_package();
         $nativeObj["TimeStamp"] = time();
         $nativeObj["NonceStr"] = $this->create_noncestr();
         $nativeObj["RetCode"] = $retcode;
         $nativeObj["RetErrMsg"] = $reterrmsg;
         $nativeObj["AppSignature"] = $this->get_biz_sign($nativeObj);
         $nativeObj["SignMethod"] = SIGNTYPE;
         $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
         return $commonUtil->arrayToXml($nativeObj);
     } catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) {
예제 #26
파일: CommonUtil.php 프로젝트: zwq/unpei
  * 图片url加密
  * @param $url 图片URL
  * @param $params 加密参数
 public static function encodeImgUrl($url, $params = array())
     // 参数为空,则不进行URL加密
     if (empty($url)) {
         return $url;
     //$url = Yii::app()->params['imgdomain'].ltrim($url,"/");
     // 加密功能是否启动
     if (empty($params) || !($params['enable'] === true)) {
         return $url;
     // 图片根目录
     $dir = $params['dir'];
     // 加密密钥
     $key = $params['key'];
     // 加密串过期时间,单位秒
     $expiry = (int) $params['expiry'];
     // 变化密钥的长度,大于0时每次生产的加密串都不同
     $ckey_len = (int) $params['ckey_len'];
     // 加密串前缀
     $prefix = $params['prefix'];
     // 取图片主路径 http://zzz//主目录
     $url_tmp = str_replace('http://', '', $url);
     $pos = stripos($url_tmp, $dir);
     $signurl = "";
     if (!($pos === false)) {
         $signurl = 'http://' . substr($url_tmp, 0, $pos) . $dir;
     // 图片后缀
     $suffixPos = strrpos($url, ".");
     $suffix = "";
     if (!($suffixPos === false)) {
         $suffix = "." . substr($url, $suffixPos + 1);
     $sign = CommonUtil::authcode($url, 'ENCODE', $key, $expiry, $ckey_len);
     // 加密串中 /转换为 !, +转换为 - ,因为/ + 两个特殊字符会影响后续的解码
     $sign = str_replace("/", "!", $sign);
     $sign = str_replace("+", "-", $sign);
     //$sign = urlencode($sign);
     // 组合最后的图片URL
     $signurl = rtrim($signurl, "/") . "/" . $prefix . $sign . $suffix;
     return $signurl;
예제 #27

require_once "../inc/init.php";
if (!Session::canAccess(AccessLevels::CONTENT_PROVIDER)) {
예제 #28

include_once "WxPayHelper.php";
$commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
$wxPayHelper = new WxPayHelper();
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("bank_type", "WX");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("body", "test");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("partner", "1900000109");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("out_trade_no", $commonUtil->create_noncestr());
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("total_fee", "1");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("fee_type", "1");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("notify_url", "htttp://www.baidu.com");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("spbill_create_ip", "");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("input_charset", "GBK");
echo $wxPayHelper->create_app_package("test");
echo "<br>";
echo $wxPayHelper->create_biz_package();
echo "<br>";
echo $wxPayHelper->create_native_package();
예제 #29
파일: Runreport.php 프로젝트: jiatower/php
  * 进行临时统计
 public function doTempReportAction()
     $time_str = date("Y-m-d");
     $stm = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($time_str));
     $time = FRequest::getString("time");
     if (CommonUtil::parmIsEmpty($time)) {
         $time = $stm;
     // $time = "2014-11-15 00:00:00";
     $sql = "select count(*) as count from user where reg_time > '" . $time . "' ";
     // 注册人数
     $sql2 = "select count(*) as count from user where reg_time > '" . $time . "' and cell_phone>0";
     // 注册绑定
     $sql3 = "select count(*) as count from user where reg_time > '" . $time . "' and cell_phone>0 and common_status = 1 ";
     // 注帮领
     $sql4 = "select count(*) as count from user where reg_time > '" . $time . "' and cell_phone>0 and common_status = 1 and rename_reward = 2 ";
     $sql5 = "select count(*) as count from user where reg_time > '" . $time . "' and cell_phone>0 and common_status = 1 and addpic_reward = 2 ";
     $sql6 = "select count(distinct uid) as count from bid where uid in (select uid from user where reg_time>'" . $time . " and cell_phone>0 and common_status = 1') ";
     // 领出价
     $sql7 = "select count(*) as count from user where reg_time > '" . $time . "' and addpic_reward = 2 ";
     $sql8 = "select count(*) as count from user where reg_time > '" . $time . "' and rename_reward = 2 ";
     $sql9 = "select count(distinct uid) as count from bid where uid in (select uid from user where reg_time>'" . $time . "') ";
     // 领出价
     $reg_data = FDB::fetch($sql);
     $reg_bind_data = FDB::fetch($sql2);
     $reg_bind_ling = FDB::fetch($sql3);
     $reg_b_l_rename = FDB::fetch($sql4);
     $reg_b_l_addpic = FDB::fetch($sql5);
     $reg_b_l_bid = FDB::fetch($sql6);
     $reg_rename = FDB::fetch($sql7);
     $reg_addpic = FDB::fetch($sql8);
     $reg_bid = FDB::fetch($sql9);
     $reg_b_l_name_num = $reg_b_l_rename[0]["count"];
     $reg_b_l_num = $reg_bind_ling[0]["count"];
     $reg_b_l_pic_num = $reg_b_l_addpic[0]["count"];
     $reg_b_l_bid_num = $reg_b_l_bid[0]["count"];
     echo "注册人数 :" . $reg_data[0]["count"] . " <br>";
     echo "注册绑定人数 :" . $reg_bind_data[0]["count"] . "  <br>";
     echo "注册绑定领取礼包人数 :" . $reg_b_l_num . "  <br>";
     echo "注改昵称 :" . $reg_rename[0]["count"] . "  <br>";
     echo "注该头像 :" . $reg_addpic[0]["count"] . "  <br>";
     echo "注册出价 :" . $reg_bid[0]["count"] . "  <br>";
     echo "注绑领改昵称 :" . $reg_b_l_name_num . "  -----  " . sprintf("%.2f", $reg_b_l_name_num * 100 / $reg_b_l_num) . "%  <br>";
     echo "注绑领改头像 :" . $reg_b_l_pic_num . "  -----  " . sprintf("%.2f", $reg_b_l_pic_num * 100 / $reg_b_l_num) . "%  <br>";
     echo "注绑领出价 :" . $reg_b_l_bid[0]["count"] . "  -----  " . sprintf("%.2f", $reg_b_l_bid_num * 100 / $reg_b_l_num) . "%  <br>";
예제 #30

include_once "WxPayHelper.php";
$commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
$wxPayHelper = new WxPayHelper();
$user_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$notify_failed_url = "http://www.inink.cn/mobile/index.php";
$notify_url = "http://www.inink.cn/mobile/user.php";
$out_trade_no = $commonUtil->create_noncestr();
$wx_goods_name = '';
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("bank_type", "WX");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("body", $wx_goods_name);
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("partner", "1218290401");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("out_trade_no", $out_trade_no);
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("total_fee", "1");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("fee_type", "1");
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("notify_url", $notify_url);
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("spbill_create_ip", $user_ip);
$wxPayHelper->setParameter("input_charset", "UTF-8");

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