function getPiaoDetail($spotid, $tickettypeid, $kindname) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_model = new CommonModule('#@__spot_ticket'); $arr = $_model->getAll("spotid='{$spotid}' and tickettypeid='{$tickettypeid}' and number!=0", "displayorder asc"); $out = ''; foreach ($arr as $row) { $savemoney = $row['sellprice'] - $row['ourprice']; $award1 = !empty($row['jifentprice']) ? $row['jifentprice'] : '无'; $award2 = !empty($row['jifenbook']) ? $row['jifenbook'] : '无'; $award3 = !empty($row['jifencomment']) ? $row['jifencomment'] : '无'; $bookurl = "booking.php?spotid={$row['spotid']}&ticketid={$row['id']}"; $out .= '<dl> <dt class="dl_title"><a href="javascript:void()">' . $row['title'] . '</a></dt> <dd class="dd1">¥' . $row['sellprice'] . '</dd> <dd class="dd2">¥' . $row['ourprice'] . '</dd> <dd class="dd3"><span>' . $award1 . '</span></dd> <dd class="dd4"><span>' . $award2 . '</span></dd> <dd class="dd5"><span>' . $award3 . '</span></dd> <dd class="dd6"><a href="' . $bookurl . '" class="btn_ding" data-ticketid="' . $row['id'] . '">预定</a></dd> </dl> <div class="con_hide"> <s class="s_bg"></s> <p>' . $row['description'] . '</p> </div>'; } return $out; }
function getTemplet($spotid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_model = new CommonModule('#@__spot_ticket'); $arr = $_model->getAll("spotid='{$spotid}'"); $num = count($arr); $templet = $num > 0 ? 'spot_show_ticket.htm' : 'spot_show.htm'; return $templet; }
function getDestChildHtml($pid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__destinations'); $arr = $model->getAll("pid='{$pid}' and isopen=1", "displayorder asc"); $out = ''; foreach ($arr as $row) { $num = $model->getCount("pid='{$row['id']}'"); $class = $num ? " class='haschild'" : ""; $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/' . $row['pinyin'] . '/'; $out .= '<dd><a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank"' . $class . ' data-id="' . $row['id'] . '">' . $row['kindname'] . '</a></dd>'; } return $out; }
echo 'no'; } } //积分操作记录 if ($dopost == 'jifenlog') { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_model = new CommonModule('#@__member_jifen_log'); $head = '<table width="1000" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th width="125" height="30" align="left" scope="col">时间</th> <th width="475" align="left" scope="col">操作</th> </tr>'; $foot = '</table>'; $offset = ($curpage - 1) * $pagesize; $arr = $_model->getAll("memberid='{$uid}'", "addtime desc", "{$offset},{$pagesize}"); foreach ($arr as $row) { $addtime = Mydate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['addtime']); $out .= ' <tr> <td height="50">' . $addtime . '</td> <td>' . $row['content'] . '</td> </tr>'; } $out = !empty($out) ? $head . $out . $foot : $nocontent_msg; $totalnum = $_model->getCount("memberid='{$uid}'"); $totalpage = ceil($totalnum / $pagesize); $pageinfo = setPageInfo($curpage, $totalpage); $data = array('list' => $out, 'pageinfo' => $pageinfo); echo json_encode($data); exit;
function getTaoCanDetail($carid, $suittypeid) { $_suitModel = new CommonModule('sline_car_suit'); $arr = $_suitModel->getAll("carid={$carid} and suittypeid='{$suittypeid}'", "displayorder asc"); foreach ($arr as $v) { $price = getCarNewRealPrice(null, null, $carid, $v['id']); //最低报价 $price = empty($price) ? '电询' : '¥' . $price; $supportdj = !empty($v['dingjin']) ? '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['cfg_templets_skin'] . '/images/zcdj.gif" />' : ''; $jifentprice = $v['jifentprice'] ? $v['jifentprice'] : '无'; $out .= ' <dl> <dt class="dl_title"><a href="javascript:void()">' . $v['suitname'] . '</a></dt> <dd class="dd1">' . $v['unit'] . '</dd> <dd class="dd2">' . $price . '</dd> <dd class="dd3"> <div class="car-date"> <input type="text" id="" class="car-bj usedate" data-suitid="' . $v['id'] . '" data-carid="' . $carid . '" name="" value="用车日期" /> </div> </dd> <dd class="dd4"><span>' . $jifentprice . '</span></dd> <dd class="dd5">' . $supportdj . '</dd> <dd class="dd6"><a href="javascript:;" class="btn_ding">预定</a></dd> </dl> <div class="con_hide"> <s class="s_bg"></s> ' . $v['content'] . ' </div> '; } return $out; }
$where .= !empty($v) ? " and FIND_IN_SET({$v},a.attrid)" : ''; } } $_photoModule = new CommonModule('sline_photo as a'); //获取目的地列表 $destlist = getPhotoChildDest($dest_id); //获取目的地面包屑 $mianbao = getPhotoMianbao($dest_id); //获取结果集 $pagesize = 12; //每页数量 $pageno = empty($pageno) ? 1 : $pageno; //第几页 $offset = ($pageno - 1) * $pagesize; $count = $_photoModule->getCount($where); $photolist = $_photoModule->getAll($where, $tableorder, "{$offset},{$pagesize}", "a.*", $join); $page = getPhotoPage($count, $pageno, $pagesize, array('dest_id' => $dest_id, 'attrid' => $attrid)); //获取分页结果 foreach ($photolist as $k => $v) { $weburl = GetWebURLByWebid($v['webid']); $photolist[$k]['pic'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'allimg', $v['litpic'])); $photolist[$k]['url'] = $weburl . '/photos/show_' . $v['aid'] . '.html'; } $destname = !empty($dest_id) ? Helper_Archive::getDestName($dest_id) : '全部'; foreach ($attrid_arr as $k => $v) { $attrname .= !empty($v) ? getPhotoAttrName($v) . '-' : ''; } $attrname = trim($attrname, '-'); $seotitle = $pageno > 1 ? "第{$pageno}页" : ''; if ((!empty($destname) || !empty($attrname)) && $destname != '全部') { $seotitle .= $attrname;
if ($dopost == 'getDestId') { $sql = "select id from #@__destinations where kindname='{$destname}'"; $row = $dsql->GetOne($sql); echo $row['id'] ? $row['id'] : 36; } //获取目的地拼音 if ($dopost == 'getDestPinYin') { $sql = "select pinyin from #@__destinations where kindname='{$destname}'"; $row = $dsql->GetOne($sql); echo $row['pinyin'] ? $row['pinyin'] : ''; } //获取目的地下级html if ($dopost == 'getMddChild') { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__destinations'); $arr = $model->getAll("pid='{$dest_id}' and isopen=1"); foreach ($arr as $row) { $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/' . $row['pinyin'] . '/'; $out .= "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$row['kindname']}</a>"; } echo ' <div class="pf">' . $out . "</div>"; exit; } function matchPinyin($keyword) { global $dsql; $sql = "select kindname as matchname from #@__destinations where isopen=1"; $res = $dsql->getAll($sql); $str = ''; foreach ($res as $row) { if (strlen($keyword) == 1) {
if (in_array(8, $paytypeArr)) { $GLOBALS['condition']['_hasweixin'] = 1; } if (is_array($row)) { //$row['litpic']=!empty($row['litpic']) ? $row['litpic'] : getDefaultImage(); $row['title'] = !empty($row['seotitle']) ? $row['seotitle'] : $row['title']; $row['subname'] = $row['title']; $row['startcity'] = $_startModule->getField('cityname', "id='{$row['startplaceid']}'"); $row['carkind'] = getCarKind($row['carkindid']); $row['brandid'] = getCarBrand($row['carbrandid']); $row['taglook'] = GetTagsLink($row['tagword']); $row['attrname'] = getCarAttrName($row['attrid'], '租车类型'); $row['tanknum'] = getCarAttrName($row['attrid'], '厢型'); $row['description'] = !empty($row['description']) ? "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . $row['description'] . "\"/>" : ""; $row['keyword'] = !empty($row['keyword']) ? "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . $row['keyword'] . "\"/>" : ""; $taocan = $_suitModule->getAll("carid={$row['id']}"); $pic_arr = getCarPicList($row['piclist'], $row['title'], $row['litpic']); //print_r($pic_arr); $row['litpic'] = getUploadFileUrl($row['litpic']); $row['thumbpic'] = $pic_arr['thumbpic']; $row['bigpic'] = $pic_arr['bigpic']; $row['commenthomeid'] = $row['id']; $row['carseries'] = getSeries($row['id'], '03'); //编号 foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $pv->Fields[$k] = $v; } } $pv->Fields['seotitle'] = !empty($row['seotitle']) ? $row['seotitle'] : $row['title']; $pv->Fields['arealist'] = getAreaList($aid); $pv->Fields['typename'] = GetTypeName($typeid);
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/"; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_leaveModule = new CommonModule('sline_leave'); $questionModel = new CommonModule('sline_question'); $leaveAll = $_leaveModule->getAll(); foreach ($leaveAll as $k => $v) { $_arr['title'] = $v['title']; $_arr['content'] = $v['content']; $_arr['replycontent'] = $v['reply']; $_arr['replytime'] = $v['retime']; $_arr['nickname'] = $v['leavename']; $_arr['ip'] = $v['ip']; $_arr['status'] = $v['approval'] ? 1 : 0; $_arr['addtime'] = $v['addtime']; $_arr['qq'] = $v['qq']; $_arr['webid'] = $v['webid']; $_arr['weixin'] = $v['weixin']; $_arr['email'] = $v['email']; $_arr['phone'] = $v['phone']; $questionModel->add($_arr); }
$pv->Fields['seodescription'] = !empty($pv->Fields['seodescription']) ? "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . $pv->Fields['seodescription'] . "\"/>" : ""; $pv->Fields['seotitle'] = !empty($pv->Fields['seotitle']) ? $pv->Fields['seotitle'] : $pv->Fields['shortname']; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $typename = GetTypeName($typeid); $_leaveModule = new CommonModule('sline_question'); //获取结果集 $where = 'status=1 and webid=' . $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid']; $tableorder = "replytime desc"; $pagesize = 12; //每页数量 $pageno = empty($pageno) ? 1 : $pageno; //第几页 $offset = ($pageno - 1) * $pagesize; $count = $_leaveModule->getCount($where); $totalcount = $_leaveModule->getCount("id is not null and webid={$GLOBALS['sys_child_webid']}"); $list = $_leaveModule->getAll($where, $tableorder, "{$offset},{$pagesize}"); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['title'] = $v['questype'] == 0 ? get_productname($v['typeid'], $v['productid']) : $v['title']; } $pagestr = page($count, $pageno, $pagesize, '/questions/{page}', 5, '/questions'); if ($User->IsLogin()) { $userinfo = $User->getInfoByMid($User->uid); } //模板选择 $templet = Helper_Archive::getUseTemplet('questions_index'); //获取使用模板 $templet = !empty($templet) ? $templet : SLINETEMPLATE . "/" . $cfg_df_style . "/" . "questions/" . "questions_index.htm"; //默认模板 $pv->SetTemplet($templet); $pv->Display(); exit;