getPlugins() 공개 정적인 메소드

get all configured plugins from phpsysinfo.ini (file must be included and processed before calling this function)
public static getPlugins ( ) : array
리턴 array
예제 #1
  * set parameters for the generation process
  * @param boolean $completeXML switch for complete xml with all plugins
  * @param string  $plugin      name of the plugin
  * @return void
 public function __construct($completeXML, $plugin = null)
     if ($completeXML) {
         $this->_plugins = CommonFunctions::getPlugins();
     if ($plugin !== null) {
         if (!is_array($plugin)) {
             $plugin = array($plugin);
         foreach ($plugin as $p) {
             if (in_array(strtolower($p), CommonFunctions::getPlugins())) {
                 $this->_plugins[] = $p;
             $this->_pluginRequest = true;
예제 #2
  * render the page
  * @return void
 public function run()
     echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n";
     echo "  \"\">\n";
     echo "<html xmlns=\"\">\n";
     echo "  <head>\n";
     echo "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n";
     echo "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Style-Type\" content=\"text/css\" />\n";
     echo "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Script-Type\" content=\"text/javascript\" />\n";
     echo "    <meta name=\"Description\" content=\"PHPSysInfo is a customizable PHP Script that parses /proc, and formats information nicely.";
     echo " It will display information about system facts like Uptime, CPU, Memory, PCI devices, SCSI devices, IDE devices, Network adapters, Disk usage, and more.\" />\n";
     echo "    <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./templates/" . $this->_template . ".css\" title=\"PSI_Template\"/>\n";
     echo "    <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./templates/plugin/nyroModal.full.css\" />\n";
     echo "    <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./templates/plugin/jquery.jgrowl.css\" />\n";
     echo "    <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./templates/plugin/jquery.dataTables.css\" />\n";
     echo "    <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./templates/plugin/jquery.treeTable.css\" />\n";
     echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?name=jquery\"></script>\n";
     echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?name=jquery.dataTables\"></script>\n";
     echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?name=jquery.nyroModal\"></script>\n";
     echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?name=jquery.jgrowl\"></script>\n";
     echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?name=jquery.timers\"></script>\n";
     echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?name=jquery.treeTable\"></script>\n";
     echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?name=phpsysinfo\"></script>\n";
     foreach (CommonFunctions::getPlugins() as $plugin) {
         echo "    <script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"./js.php?plugin=" . trim($plugin) . "\"></script>\n";
     echo "    <title>PhpSysInfo " . CommonFunctions::PSI_VERSION . "</title>\n";
     echo "  </head>\n";
     echo "  <body>\n";
     echo "    <div id=\"loader\">\n";
     echo "      <img width=\"16\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"../vulnmeter/images/loading.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _("Loading") . "\" title=\"" . _("Loading") . "\">&nbsp;" . _("Loading... please wait!") . "\n";
     echo "    </div>\n";
     echo "    <div id=\"errors\" style=\"display: none; width: 940px\">\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"errorlist\">\n";
     echo "        <h2>Oh, I'm sorry. Something seems to be wrong.</h2>\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "    </div>\n";
     echo "    <div id=\"container\">\n";
     echo "      <h1>\n";
     echo "        <a href=\"#errors\" class=\"nyroModal\">\n";
     echo "          <img id=\"warn\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; display:none; border:0px;\" src=\"./gfx/attention.png\" alt=\"warning\" />\n";
     echo "        </a>\n";
     echo "        <span id=\"title\">\n";
     echo "          <span id=\"lang_001\">System information</span>\n";
     echo "          :&nbsp;<span id=\"s_hostname_title\"></span>\n";
     echo "          <span id=\"s_ip_title\"></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href='/munin/localdomain/localhost.localdomain.html#Processes' style='text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;color:black'><img src='../pixmaps/chart_bar.png' border='0' align='absmiddle'> Resources</a> \n";
     /*$tz     =( isset($_SESSION["_timezone"]) ) ? intval($_SESSION["_timezone"]) : intval(date("O"))/100;
     		$timetz = gmdate("U")+(3600*$tz);
             echo "          <span id=\"s_ip_title\"></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a target='main' href='/ossim/report/host_report.php?hmenu=Sysinfo&smenu=Sysinfo&host=any&star_date=".gmdate("Y-m-d",$timetz-604800)."&end_date=".gmdate("Y-m-d",$timetz)."' style='text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;color:black'><img src='../pixmaps/chart_bar.png' border='0' align='absmiddle'> Resources</a> \n";*/
     echo "        </span>\n";
     echo "      </h1>\n";
     /*echo "      <div id=\"select\">\n"; 
       echo "        <span id=\"lang_044\">Template</span>\n";
       echo "        <select id=\"template\" name=\"template\">\n";
       foreach ($this->_templates as $template) {
           $selected = "";
           if ($this->_template === $template) {
               $selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
           echo "          <option value=\"".$template."\"".$selected.">".$template."</option>\n";
       echo "        </select>\n";
       echo "        <span id=\"lang_045\">Language</span>\n";
       echo "        <select id=\"lang\" name=\"lang\">\n";
       foreach ($this->_languages as $language) {
           $selected = "";
           if ($this->_language === $language) {
               $selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
           echo "          <option value=\"".$language."\"".$selected.">".$language."</option>\n";
       echo "        </select>\n";
       echo "      </div>\n";*/
     echo "      <div id=\"vitals\">\n";
     echo "        <h2><span id=\"lang_002\">System vitals</span></h2>\n";
     echo "        <table class=\"stripeMe\" id=\"vitalsTable\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td style=\"width:160px;\"><span id=\"lang_003\">Hostname</span></td>\n";
     echo "            <td><span id=\"s_hostname\"></span></td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td style=\"width:160px;\"><span id=\"lang_004\">Listening IP</span></td>\n";
     echo "            <td><span id=\"s_ip\"></span></td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td style=\"width:160px;\"><span id=\"lang_005\">Kernel Version</span></td>\n";
     echo "            <td><span id=\"s_kernel\"></span></td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td style=\"width:160px;\"><span id=\"lang_006\">Distro Name</span></td>\n";
     echo "            <td><span id=\"s_distro\"></span></td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td style=\"width:160px;\"><span id=\"lang_007\">Uptime</span></td>\n";
     echo "            <td><span id=\"s_uptime\"></span></td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td style=\"width:160px;\"><span id=\"lang_008\">Current Users</span></td>\n";
     echo "            <td><span id=\"s_users\"></span></td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "          <tr>\n";
     echo "            <td style=\"width:160px;\"><span id=\"lang_009\">Load Averages</span></td>\n";
     echo "            <td id=\"s_loadavg\"></td>\n";
     echo "          </tr>\n";
     echo "        </table>\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"hardware\">\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"memory\">\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"filesystem\">\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"network\">\n";
     echo "        <h2><span id=\"lang_021\">Network Usage</span></h2>\n";
     echo "        <table class=\"stripeMe\" id=\"networkTable\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
     echo "          <thead>\n";
     echo "            <tr>\n";
     echo "              <th><span id=\"lang_022\">Interface</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width:60px;\"><span id=\"lang_023\">Recieved</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width:60px;\"><span id=\"lang_024\">Transfered</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width:60px;\"><span id=\"lang_025\">Error/Drops</span></th>\n";
     echo "            </tr>\n";
     echo "          </thead>\n";
     echo "          <tbody id=\"tbody_network\">\n";
     echo "          </tbody>\n";
     echo "        </table>\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"voltage\" style=\"display: none;\">\n";
     echo "        <h2><span id=\"lang_052\">Voltage</span></h2>\n";
     echo "        <table class=\"stripeMe\" id=\"voltageTable\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
     echo "          <thead>\n";
     echo "            <tr>\n";
     echo "              <th><span id=\"lang_059\">Label</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\"><span id=\"lang_052\">Voltage</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width: 80px;\"><span id=\"lang_055\">Min</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width: 80px;\"><span id=\"lang_056\">Max</span></th>\n";
     echo "            </tr>\n";
     echo "          </thead>\n";
     echo "          <tbody>\n";
     echo "          </tbody>\n";
     echo "        </table>\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"temp\" style=\"display: none;\">\n";
     echo "        <h2><span id=\"lang_051\">Temperature</span></h2>\n";
     echo "        <table class=\"stripeMe\" id=\"tempTable\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
     echo "          <thead>\n";
     echo "            <tr>\n";
     echo "              <th><span id=\"lang_059\">Label</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width: 80px;\"><span id=\"lang_054\">Value</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width: 80px;\"><span id=\"lang_058\">Limit</span></th>\n";
     echo "            </tr>\n";
     echo "          </thead>\n";
     echo "          <tbody>\n";
     echo "          </tbody>\n";
     echo "        </table>\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"fan\" style=\"display: none;\">\n";
     echo "        <h2><span id=\"lang_053\">Fan</span></h2>\n";
     echo "        <table class=\"stripeMe\" id=\"fanTable\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
     echo "          <thead>\n";
     echo "            <tr>\n";
     echo "              <th><span id=\"lang_059\">Label</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width: 80px;\"><span id=\"lang_054\">Value</span></th>\n";
     echo "              <th class=\"right\" style=\"width: 80px;\"><span id=\"lang_055\">Min</span></th>\n";
     echo "            </tr>\n";
     echo "          </thead>\n";
     echo "          <tbody>\n";
     echo "          </tbody>\n";
     echo "        </table>\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"ups\" style=\"display: none;\">\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "      <div id=\"footer\">\n";
     echo "        <span id=\"lang_047\">Generated by</span>&nbsp;<a href=\"\">phpSysInfo&nbsp;-&nbsp;<span id=\"version\"></span></a>\n";
     echo "      </div>\n";
     echo "    </div>\n";
     echo "  </body>\n";
     echo "</html>\n";
예제 #3
파일: index.php 프로젝트: KingNoosh/Teknik
 * external is needed when running in static mode
 * @var boolean
define('PSI_INTERNAL_XML', false);
if (version_compare("5.2", PHP_VERSION, ">")) {
    die("PHP 5.2 or greater is required!!!");
if (!extension_loaded("pcre")) {
    die("phpSysInfo requires the pcre extension to php in order to work properly.");
require_once APP_ROOT . '/includes/';
// Load configuration and perform system check
try {
    require_once APP_ROOT . '/read_config.php';
} catch (Exception $e) {
require_once APP_ROOT . '/systemcheck.php';
if (Error::singleton()->errorsExist()) {
    $tpl = new Template("/views/errors.html");
    $tpl->set('errors', Error::singleton()->getErrors());
    echo $tpl->fetch();
$tpl = new Template("/views/index.html");
$tpl->set('plugins', CommonFunctions::getPlugins());
require_once '../includes/config.php';
include '../templates/' . $CONF['template'] . '/header.php';
echo $tpl->fetch();
set_page_title('Teknik Server Stats');
include '../templates/' . $CONF['template'] . '/footer.php';
예제 #4
  * set parameters for the XML generation process
  * @param boolean $completeXML switch for complete xml with all plugins
  * @param string  $plugin      name of the plugin
  * @return void
 public function __construct($completeXML, $plugin = null)
     if ($completeXML) {
         $this->_completeXML = true;
     if ($plugin) {
         if (in_array($plugin, CommonFunctions::getPlugins())) {
             $this->_pluginName = $plugin;
             $this->_pluginRequest = true;
예제 #5
  * doing some initial tasks
  * - generate the xml structure with the right header elements
  * - get the error object for error output
  * - get a instance of the sysinfo object
  * @param boolean $complete   generate xml with all plugins or not
  * @param string  $pluginname name of the plugin
  * @return void
 public function __construct($complete = false, $pluginname = "")
     $this->_errors = Error::singleton();
     if ($pluginname == "") {
         $this->_plugin_request = false;
         $this->_plugin = '';
     } else {
         $this->_plugin_request = true;
         $this->_plugin = $pluginname;
     if ($complete) {
         $this->_complete_request = true;
     } else {
         $this->_complete_request = false;
     $os = PSI_OS;
     $this->_sysinfo = new $os();
     $this->_plugins = CommonFunctions::getPlugins();