예제 #1
  * Helper function to create new comments
 public static function create($type, $owner, $msg, $private = false)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $c = new Comment();
     $c->type = $type;
     $c->owner = $owner;
     $c->msg = $msg;
     $c->private = $private;
     $c->creator = $session->id;
     $c->creator_ip = client_ip();
     $c->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
     return $c->store();
예제 #2
function insert_comment()
    global $commentownerid, $link, $db, $current_user;
    // Check if is a POST of a comment
    if ($_POST['link_id'] == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && $_POST['user_id'] == $current_user->user_id && $_POST['randkey'] > 0 && strlen($_POST['comment_content']) > 0) {
        require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
        $comment = new Comment();
        $comment->id = $link->commentid;
        $comment->link = $link->id;
        $comment->randkey = $_POST['randkey'];
        $comment->author = $commentownerid;
        $comment->content = $_POST['comment_content'];
        header('Location: ' . getmyurl('story', $_GET['id']));
예제 #3
function handleSubmit($p)
    $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
    $error = ErrorHandler::getInstance();
    if (empty($p['comment'])) {
        return false;
    if (!$session->id) {
        $error->add('Unauthorized submit');
        return false;
    $c = new Comment();
    $c->type = $p['type'];
    $c->msg = $p['comment'];
    $c->private = 0;
    $c->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
    $c->owner = $p['owner'];
    $c->creator = $session->id;
    $c->creator_ip = client_ip();
예제 #4
파일: edit.php 프로젝트: pantofla/waterfan
function insert_comment()
    global $commentownerid, $link, $db, $current_user;
    // Check if is a POST of a comment
    if (sanitize($_POST['link_id'], 3) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3) == $current_user->user_id && is_numeric(sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3)) && sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3) > 0 && sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4) != '') {
        require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
        $comment = new Comment();
        $comment->id = $link->commentid;
        $comment->link = $link->id;
        $comment->randkey = sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3);
        $comment->author = $commentownerid;
        $comment->content = sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4);
        header('Location: ' . getmyurl('story', sanitize($_POST['link_id'], 3)));
예제 #5
파일: comment.php 프로젝트: rasomu/chuza
	static function save_from_post($link) {
		global $db, $current_user, $globals;


		$error = '';
		if(check_ban_proxy() && !$globals['development']) return _('dirección IP no permitida');

		// Check if is a POST of a comment

		if( ! ($link->votes > 0 && $link->date > $globals['now']-$globals['time_enabled_comments']*1.01 && 
				$link->comments < $globals['max_comments'] &&
				intval($_POST['link_id']) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && 
				intval($_POST['user_id']) == $current_user->user_id &&
				intval($_POST['randkey']) > 0
				)) {
			return _('comentario o usuario incorrecto');

		if ($current_user->user_karma < $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_id != $link->author) {
			return _('karma demasiado bajo');

		$comment = new Comment;

		$comment->ip = $db->escape($globals['user_ip']);
		$comment->content=clean_text_with_tags($_POST['comment_content'], 0, false, 10000);

    //get level
    $parentComment = new Comment();
    $parentComment->id = intval($comment->parent);
    if ($parentComment->nested_level > $globals['NESTED_COMMENTS_MAX_LEVEL']) {
				return _('Chegache ao nivel límite de comentarios aniñados...');
    $comment->nested_level = $parentComment->nested_level + 1;

		// Check if is an admin comment
		if ($current_user->user_level == 'god' && $_POST['type'] == 'admin') {
			$comment->type = 'admin';

		// Don't allow to comment with a clone
		$hours = intval($globals['user_comments_clon_interval']);
		if ($hours > 0) {
			$clones = $current_user->get_clones($hours+1);
			if ( $clones) {
				$l = implode(',', $clones);
				$c = (int) $db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval $hours hour) and comment_user_id in ($l)");
				if ($c > 0) {
					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame, clon comment ($current_user->user_login, $comment->ip) in $link->uri");
					return _('ya hizo un comentario con usuarios clones');

		// Basic check to avoid abuses from same IP
		if (!$current_user->admin && $current_user->user_karma < 6.2) { // Don't check in case of admin comments or higher karma

			// Avoid astroturfing from the same link's author
			if ($link->status != 'published' && $link->ip == $globals['user_ip'] && $link->author != $comment->author) {
				UserAuth::insert_clon($comment->author, $link->author, $link->ip);
				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame, comment-link astroturfing ($current_user->user_login, $link->ip): ".$link->get_permalink());
				return _('no se puede comentar desde la misma IP del autor del envío');

			// Avoid floods with clones from the same IP
			if (intval($db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_link_id = $link->id and comment_ip='$comment->ip' and comment_user_id != $comment->author")) > 1) {
				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame, comment astroturfing ($current_user->user_login, $comment->ip)");
				return _('demasiados comentarios desde la misma IP con usuarios diferentes');

		if (mb_strlen($comment->content) < 5 || ! preg_match('/[a-zA-Z:-]/', $_POST['comment_content'])) { // Check there are at least a valid char
			return _('texto muy breve o caracteres no válidos');

		// Check the comment wasn't already stored
		$already_stored = intval($db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_link_id = $comment->link and comment_user_id = $comment->author and comment_randkey = $comment->randkey"));
		if ($already_stored) {
			return _('comentario duplicado');

		if (! $current_user->admin) {
			if ($comment->banned && $current_user->Date() > $globals['now'] - 86400) {
				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame: comment not inserted, banned link ($current_user->user_login)");
				return _('comentario no insertado, enlace a sitio deshabilitado (y usuario reciente)');

			// Lower karma to comments' spammers
			$comment_count = (int) $db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_user_id = $current_user->user_id and comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval 3 minute)");
			// Check the text is not the same
			$same_count = $comment->same_text_count();
			$same_links_count = $comment->same_links_count();
			if ($comment->banned) $same_links_count *= 2;
			$same_count += $same_links_count;
		} else {
			$comment_count  = $same_count = 0;

		$comment_limit = round(min($current_user->user_karma/6, 2) * 2.5);
		if ($comment_count > $comment_limit || $same_count > 2) {
			$reduction = 0;
			if ($comment_count > $comment_limit) {
				$reduction += ($comment_count-3) * 0.1;
			if($same_count > 1) {
				$reduction += $same_count * 0.25;
			if ($reduction > 0) {
				$user = new User;
				$user->id = $current_user->user_id;
				$user->karma = $user->karma - $reduction;
				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame: story decreasing $reduction of karma to $current_user->user_login (now $user->karma)");
				$annotation = new Annotation("karma-$user->id");
				$annotation->append(_('texto repetido o abuso de enlaces en comentarios').": -$reduction, karma: $user->karma\n");
				$error .= ' ' . ('penalización de karma por texto repetido o abuso de enlaces');
		// Comment stored, just redirect to it page
		header('Location: '.$link->get_permalink() . '#c-'.$comment->order);
		//return $error;
예제 #6
파일: edit.php 프로젝트: bendroid/pligg-cms
function insert_comment()
    global $commentownerid, $link, $db, $current_user, $main_smarty, $the_template;
    check_actions('story_edit_comment', $vars);
    // Check if is a POST of a comment
    if (sanitize($_POST['link_id'], 3) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3) == $current_user->user_id && is_numeric(sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3)) && sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3) > 0 && sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4) != '') {
        require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
        $comment = new Comment();
        $comment->id = $link->commentid;
        $comment->link = $link->id;
        $comment->randkey = sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3);
        $comment->author = $commentownerid;
        $comment->content = sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4);
        if (strlen($comment->content) > maxCommentLength) {
            $main_smarty->assign('url', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', $the_template . '/comment_errors');
            $main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
        $vars['comment'] = $comment->id;
        $vars = array('comment' => &$comment);
        check_actions('after_comment_edit', $vars);
        if ($vars['comment']->status) {
            $comment->status = $vars['comment']->status;
        header('Location: ' . getmyurl('story', sanitize($_POST['link_id'], 3)));
예제 #7
 static function save_from_post($link, $redirect = true)
     global $db, $current_user, $globals;
     require_once mnminclude . 'ban.php';
     if (check_ban_proxy()) {
         return _('dirección IP no permitida');
     // Check if is a POST of a comment
     if (!($link->votes > 0 && $link->date > $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] * 1.01 && $link->comments < $globals['max_comments'] && intval($_POST['link_id']) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && intval($_POST['user_id']) == $current_user->user_id && intval($_POST['randkey']) > 0)) {
         return _('comentario o usuario incorrecto');
     if ($current_user->user_karma < $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_id != $link->author) {
         return _('karma demasiado bajo');
     $comment = new Comment();
     $comment->link = $link->id;
     $comment->ip = $globals['user_ip'];
     $comment->randkey = intval($_POST['randkey']);
     $comment->author = intval($_POST['user_id']);
     $comment->karma = round($current_user->user_karma);
     $comment->content = clean_text_with_tags($_POST['comment_content'], 0, false, 10000);
     // Check if is an admin comment
     if ($current_user->user_level == 'god' && $_POST['type'] == 'admin') {
         $comment->type = 'admin';
     // Don't allow to comment with a clone
     $hours = intval($globals['user_comments_clon_interval']);
     if ($hours > 0) {
         $clones = $current_user->get_clones($hours + 1);
         if ($clones) {
             $l = implode(',', $clones);
             $c = (int) $db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval {$hours} hour) and comment_user_id in ({$l})");
             if ($c > 0) {
                 syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame, clon comment ({$current_user->user_login}, {$comment->ip}) in {$link->uri}");
                 return _('ya hizo un comentario con usuarios clones');
     // Basic check to avoid abuses from same IP
     if (!$current_user->admin && $current_user->user_karma < 6.2) {
         // Don't check in case of admin comments or higher karma
         // Avoid astroturfing from the same link's author
         if ($link->status != 'published' && $link->ip == $globals['user_ip'] && $link->author != $comment->author) {
             UserAuth::insert_clon($comment->author, $link->author, $link->ip);
             syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame, comment-link astroturfing ({$current_user->user_login}, {$link->ip}): " . $link->get_permalink());
             return _('no se puede comentar desde la misma IP del autor del envío');
         // Avoid floods with clones from the same IP
         if (intval($db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_link_id = {$link->id} and comment_ip='{$comment->ip}' and comment_user_id != {$comment->author}")) > 1) {
             syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame, comment astroturfing ({$current_user->user_login}, {$comment->ip})");
             return _('demasiados comentarios desde la misma IP con usuarios diferentes');
     if (mb_strlen($comment->content) < 5 || !preg_match('/[a-zA-Z:-]/', $_POST['comment_content'])) {
         // Check there are at least a valid char
         return _('texto muy breve o caracteres no válidos');
     if (!$current_user->admin) {
         if ($comment->banned && $current_user->Date() > $globals['now'] - 86400) {
             syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame: comment not inserted, banned link ({$current_user->user_login})");
             return _('comentario no insertado, enlace a sitio deshabilitado (y usuario reciente)');
         // Lower karma to comments' spammers
         $comment_count = (int) $db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_user_id = {$current_user->user_id} and comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval 3 minute)");
         // Check the text is not the same
         $same_count = $comment->same_text_count();
         $same_links_count = $comment->same_links_count();
         if ($comment->banned) {
             $same_links_count *= 2;
         $same_count += $same_links_count;
     } else {
         $comment_count = $same_count = 0;
     $comment_limit = round(min($current_user->user_karma / 6, 2) * 2.5);
     $karma_penalty = 0;
     if ($comment_count > $comment_limit || $same_count > 2) {
         if ($comment_count > $comment_limit) {
             $karma_penalty += ($comment_count - 3) * 0.1;
         if ($same_count > 1) {
             $karma_penalty += $same_count * 0.25;
     // Check image limits
     if (!empty($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])) {
         $limit_exceded = Upload::current_user_limit_exceded($_FILES['image']['size']);
         if ($limit_exceded) {
             return $limit_exceded;
     // Check the comment wasn't already stored
     $r = intval($db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_link_id = {$comment->link} and comment_user_id = {$comment->author} and comment_randkey = {$comment->randkey} FOR UPDATE"));
     $already_stored = intval($r);
     if ($already_stored) {
         return _('comentario duplicado');
     if ($karma_penalty > 0) {
         $user = new User($current_user->user_id);
         $user->add_karma(-$karma_penalty, _('texto repetido o abuso de enlaces en comentarios'));
         return _('penalización de karma por texto repetido o abuso de enlaces');
     if (!is_null($r) && $comment->store()) {
         // Check image upload or delete
         if ($_POST['image_delete']) {
         } else {
         if ($redirect) {
             // Comment stored, just redirect to it page
             header('HTTP/1.1 303 Load');
             header('Location: ' . $link->get_permalink() . '/c0' . $comment->order . '#c-' . $comment->order);
         } else {
             return $comment;
     return _('error insertando comentario');
     //return $error;
예제 #8
function insert_comment()
    global $link, $db, $current_user;
    require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
    $comment = new Comment();
    $cancontinue = false;
    if (sanitize($_POST['link_id'], 3) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3) == $current_user->user_id && sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3) > 0) {
        if (sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4) != '') {
            $comment->content = sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4);
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a normal new comment
        $comment_parent_id = isset($_POST['comment_parent_id']) ? sanitize($_POST['comment_parent_id'], 3) : 0;
        $reply_content = isset($_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $comment_parent_id]) ? sanitize($_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $comment_parent_id], 4) : '';
        if ($reply_content != '') {
            $comment->content = $reply_content;
            $comment->parent = $comment_parent_id;
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a reply to an existing comment
        if ($cancontinue == true) {
            $comment->link = $link->id;
            $comment->randkey = sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3);
            $comment->author = sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3);
            //header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
예제 #9
function insert_comment()
    global $link, $db, $current_user;
    // Check if is a POST of a comment
    //while(list($key, $value) = each($_POST))
    //		echo "$key = $value<br />";
    //echo "<hr />$link->id";
    //echo "<hr />$current_user->authenticated";
    //echo "<hr />$current_user->user_id";
    require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
    $comment = new Comment();
    $cancontinue = false;
    if ($_POST['link_id'] == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && $_POST['user_id'] == $current_user->user_id && $_POST['randkey'] > 0) {
        if (strlen($_POST['comment_content']) > 0) {
            $comment->content = $_POST['comment_content'];
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a normal new comment
        if (strlen($_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $_POST['comment_parent_id']]) > 0) {
            $comment->content = $_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $_POST['comment_parent_id']];
            $comment->parent = $_POST['comment_parent_id'];
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a reply to an existing comment
        if ($cancontinue == true) {
            $comment->link = $link->id;
            $comment->randkey = $_POST['randkey'];
            $comment->author = $_POST['user_id'];
            header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
예제 #10
파일: story.php 프로젝트: pantofla/waterfan
function insert_comment()
    global $link, $db, $current_user;
    check_actions('story_insert_comment', $vars);
    require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
    $comment = new Comment();
    $cancontinue = false;
    //anonymous comment
    $cancontinue_anon = false;
    $anon = $_POST['anon'];
    if (sanitize($_POST['link_id'], 3) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3) == $current_user->user_id && sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3) > 0) {
        if (sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4) != '') {
            $comment->content = sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4);
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a normal new comment
        $comment_parent_id = isset($_POST['comment_parent_id']) ? sanitize($_POST['comment_parent_id'], 3) : 0;
        $reply_content = isset($_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $comment_parent_id]) ? sanitize($_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $comment_parent_id], 4) : '';
        if ($reply_content != '') {
            $comment->content = $reply_content;
            $comment->parent = $comment_parent_id;
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a reply to an existing comment
    } elseif ($_POST['link_id'] == $link->id && $_POST['randkey'] > 0 && $anon == 1) {
        if (strlen($_POST['comment_content']) > 0) {
            $comment->content = sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4);
            //$cancontinue_anon = true;
            //anonymous comment insert
            check_actions('register_check_errors', $vars);
            if ($vars['error'] == true) {
                $error = true;
            } else {
                if (!$current_user->authenticated) {
                    $vars = array('link_id' => $link->id, 'randkey' => $_POST['randkey'], 'user_id' => $_POST['user_id'], 'a_email' => $_POST['a_email'], 'a_username' => $_POST['a_username'], 'a_website' => $_POST['a_website'], 'comment_content' => $_POST['comment_content']);
                    check_actions('anonymous_comment', $vars);
    if ($cancontinue == true) {
        $comment->link = $link->id;
        $comment->randkey = sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3);
        $comment->author = sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3);
        $vars = '';
        check_actions('after_comment_submit', $vars);
        header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
예제 #11
function insert_comment () {
	global $link, $db, $current_user;
	// Check if is a POST of a comment
	if(intval($_POST['link_id']) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && intval($_POST['user_id']) == $current_user->user_id &&
		intval($_POST['randkey']) > 0 && strlen(trim($_POST['comment_content'])) > 2 ) {
		$comment = new Comment;
		if (strlen($comment->content) > 0 )
		header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
예제 #12
function insert_comment()
    global $link, $db, $current_user, $globals;
    // Check if is a POST of a comment
    if ($link->votes > 0 && $link->date > time() - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] && intval($_POST['link_id']) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && intval($_POST['user_id']) == $current_user->user_id && ($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author) && intval($_POST['randkey']) > 0 && strlen(trim($_POST['comment_content'])) > 2) {
        require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
        $comment = new Comment();
        $comment->link = $link->id;
        $comment->randkey = intval($_POST['randkey']);
        $comment->author = intval($_POST['user_id']);
        $comment->karma = intval($current_user->user_karma);
        $comment->content = clean_text($_POST['comment_content'], 0, false, 10000);
        if (strlen($comment->content) > 0) {
            // Lower karma to comments' spammers
            $comment_count = $db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_user_id = {$current_user->user_id} && comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval 3 minute)");
            if ($comment_count > 3) {
                require_once mnminclude . 'user.php';
                $user = new User();
                $user->id = $current_user->user_id;
                $user->karma = $user->karma - 0.5;
        header('Location: ' . $link->get_permalink());
예제 #13
파일: story.php 프로젝트: hyrmedia/modules
function insert_comment()
    global $link, $db, $current_user;
    check_actions('story_insert_comment', $vars);
    require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
    $comment = new Comment();
    $cancontinue = false;
    if ($_POST['link_id'] == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && $_POST['user_id'] == $current_user->user_id && $_POST['randkey'] > 0) {
        if (strlen($_POST['comment_content']) > 0) {
            $comment->content = $_POST['comment_content'];
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a normal new comment
        if (strlen($_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $_POST['comment_parent_id']]) > 0) {
            $comment->content = $_POST['reply_comment_content-' . $_POST['comment_parent_id']];
            $comment->parent = $_POST['comment_parent_id'];
            $cancontinue = true;
            // this is a reply to an existing comment
        if ($cancontinue == true) {
            $comment->link = $link->id;
            $comment->randkey = $_POST['randkey'];
            $comment->author = $_POST['user_id'];
            header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
예제 #14
function insert_comment()
    global $link, $db, $current_user, $globals;
    $error = '';
    require_once mnminclude . 'ban.php';
    if (check_ban_proxy()) {
        return _('dirección IP no permitida');
    // Check if is a POST of a comment
    if ($link->votes > 0 && $link->date > $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] && $link->comments < $globals['max_comments'] && intval($_POST['link_id']) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && intval($_POST['user_id']) == $current_user->user_id && ($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author) && intval($_POST['randkey']) > 0 && mb_strlen(trim($_POST['comment_content'])) > 2) {
        require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
        $comment = new Comment();
        $comment->link = $link->id;
        $comment->randkey = intval($_POST['randkey']);
        $comment->author = intval($_POST['user_id']);
        $comment->karma = round($current_user->user_karma);
        $comment->content = clean_text($_POST['comment_content'], 0, false, 10000);
        // Check if is an admin comment
        if ($current_user->user_level == 'god' && $_POST['type'] == 'admin') {
            $comment->karma = 20;
            $comment->type = 'admin';
        if (mb_strlen($comment->content) > 0 && preg_match('/[a-zA-Z:-]/', $_POST['comment_content'])) {
            // Check there are at least a valid char
            $already_stored = intval($db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_link_id = {$comment->link} and comment_user_id = {$comment->author} and comment_randkey = {$comment->randkey}"));
            // Check the comment wasn't already stored
            if (!$already_stored) {
                if ($comment->type != 'admin') {
                    // Lower karma to comments' spammers
                    $comment_count = (int) $db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_user_id = {$current_user->user_id} and comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval 3 minute)");
                    // Check the text is not the same
                    $same_count = $comment->same_text_count() + $comment->same_links_count();
                } else {
                    $comment_count = $same_count = 0;
                if ($comment_count > 2 || $same_count > 2) {
                    require_once mnminclude . 'user.php';
                    $reduction = 0;
                    if ($comment_count > 3) {
                        $reduction += ($comment_count - 3) * 0.1;
                    if ($same_count > 1) {
                        $reduction += $same_count * 0.25;
                    if ($reduction > 0) {
                        $user = new User();
                        $user->id = $current_user->user_id;
                        $user->karma = $user->karma - $reduction;
                        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame: story decreasing {$reduction} of karma to {$current_user->user_login} (now {$user->karma})");
                        $error .= ' ' . 'penalización de karma por texto repetido o abuso de enlaces';
                // Re read link data
            } else {
                $error .= ' ' . 'duplicado';
        } else {
            $error .= ' ' . 'caracteres no válidos';
        // We don't redirect, Firefox show cache data instead of the new data since we send lastmodification time.
        //header('Location: '.$link->get_permalink());
    } else {
        $error .= ' ' . 'texto muy breve, karma bajo o usuario incorrecto';
    return $error;
예제 #15
    $comment = new Comment();
    $comment->id = sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
    if (!is_numeric($comment->id)) {
    if ($current_user->user_id == 0 && !anonnymous_vote) {
    if ($current_user->user_id != sanitize($_POST['user'], 3)) {
        error($main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Vote_BadUser') . $current_user->user_id . '-' . sanitize($_POST['user'], 3));
    $md5 = md5(sanitize($_POST['user'], 3) . $comment->randkey);
    if ($md5 !== sanitize($_POST['md5'], 3)) {
    if ($comment->votes($current_user->user_id) != 0 || votes_per_ip > 0 && $comment->votes_from_ip() >= votes_per_ip) {
    $value = sanitize($_POST['value'], 3);
    if ($value < -10 || $value > 10) {
        error('Invalid vote value');
    $votes = $comment->insert_vote($current_user->user_id, $value);
    $comment->votes = $votes;
    $count = $comment->votes;
    echo "{$count} ~--~" . sanitize($_POST['id'], 3);
예제 #16
function insert_comment()
    global $link, $db, $current_user, $main_smarty, $the_template, $story_url;
    $main_smarty->assign('TheComment', $_POST['comment_content']);
    if ($vars['error'] == true) {
        $error = true;
    require_once mnminclude . 'comment.php';
    $comment = new Comment();
    $cancontinue = false;
    //anonymous comment
    $cancontinue_anon = false;
    $anon = $_POST['anon'];
    $comment->content = sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4);
    if (strlen($comment->content) > maxCommentLength) {
        $main_smarty->assign('url', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', $the_template . '/comment_errors');
        $main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
    if (sanitize($_POST['link_id'], 3) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3) == $current_user->user_id && sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3) > 0) {
        if (sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4) != '') {
            // this is a normal new comment
            $cancontinue = true;
        if (is_array($_POST['reply_comment_content'])) {
            // comment replies
            foreach ($_POST['reply_comment_content'] as $id => $value) {
                if ($id > 0 && $value) {
                    $comment->content = sanitize($value, 4);
                    $comment->parent = $id;
                    $cancontinue = true;
    } elseif ($_POST['link_id'] == $link->id && $_POST['randkey'] > 0 && $anon == 1) {
        if (strlen($_POST['comment_content']) > 0) {
            check_actions('register_check_errors', $vars);
            if ($vars['error'] == true) {
                $error = true;
            } elseif (!$current_user->authenticated) {
                $vars = array('link_id' => $link->id, 'randkey' => $_POST['randkey'], 'user_id' => $_POST['user_id'], 'a_email' => $_POST['a_email'], 'a_username' => $_POST['a_username'], 'a_website' => $_POST['a_website'], 'comment_content' => sanitize($_POST['comment_content'], 4));
                check_actions('anonymous_comment', $vars);
    $parrent_comment_id = sanitize($_POST['parrent_comment_id'], 3);
    if ($cancontinue == true) {
        $comment->link = $link->id;
        if ($parrent_comment_id != 0) {
            $comment->parent = $parrent_comment_id;
        } else {
            $comment->parent = 0;
        $comment->randkey = sanitize($_POST['randkey'], 3);
        $comment->author = sanitize($_POST['user_id'], 3);
        $vars = array('comment' => &$comment);
        check_actions('story_insert_comment', $vars);
        if ($vars['comment']->status) {
            $comment->status = $vars['comment']->status;
        $vars['comment'] = $comment->id;
        check_actions('after_comment_submit', $vars);
        $story_url = getmyurl("storyURL", $link->category_safe_names(), urlencode($link->title_url), $link->id);
        header('Location: ' . $story_url . "#comment-reply-" . $comment->id);
예제 #17
function insert_comment () {
	global $link, $db, $current_user, $globals;
	// Check if is a POST of a comment
	if(intval($_POST['link_id']) == $link->id && $current_user->authenticated && intval($_POST['user_id']) == $current_user->user_id &&
		($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author) &&
		intval($_POST['randkey']) > 0 && strlen(trim($_POST['comment_content'])) > 2 ) {
		$comment = new Comment;
		//$comment->content=trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(substr(trim($_POST['comment_content']), 0, 10000))));
		$comment->content=htmlspecialchars(substr(trim($_POST['comment_content']), 0, 10000));
		if (strlen($comment->content) > 0 ) {
			// Lower karma to comments' spammers
			$comment_count = $db->get_var("select count(*) from comments where comment_user_id = $current_user->user_id && comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval 10 minute)");
			if ($comment_count > 7) {
				$user = new User;
				$user->id = $current_user->user_id;
				$user->karma = $user->karma - 0.5;

		header('Location: '.$link->get_permalink());