<?php require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; class Kolor extends Colors\Color { function __invoke($string = null) { $obj = new Colors\Color($string); return $obj; } } $c = new Kolor(); $c = new Colors\Color(); function color($string) { return new Colors\Color($string); } echo color('Hello World!')->red()->white() . color("some other text 1 ")->green() . color("some other text 2 ")->blue() . color("some other text 3 ")->yellow() . color("some other text 4 ")->white() . PHP_EOL; exit; print "we r here \n"; print $c->red("this is red") . "\n"; print $c->bold($c->red("this is red and bold")) . "\n"; print $c("also this is red and bold")->red->bold . "\n"; $c("this is some text"); var_dump($c); print "===============================================================\n"; $c("this is some text")->red(); var_dump($c); print "===============================================================\n"; $c("different text"); var_dump($c);
function run() { $config = $this->config; $context = $this->context; /* @var $context ExecutionContext */ $write = function ($s) { echo $s; }; $writeln = function ($s) { $d = new \DateTime(); echo $d->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) . ' ' . $s . "\n"; }; $c = $color = new \Colors\Color(); /* @var $c \Colors\Color */ $writeln($c('Running agent `' . $this->name)->bold() . '`'); // generate an array with handlers $writeln('Loading handlers'); $handlers = []; $handlersDir = $config->handlers_dir; if ($handlersDir) { $finder = new \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder(); foreach ($finder->in($handlersDir)->name('*.php')->sortByName() as $file) { /* @var $file \SplFileInfo */ $handlerId = $file->getBasename('.php'); $handler = (include $file); $handlers[$handlerId] = $handler; $writeln(' setting up handler ' . $color($handlerId)->bold() . $color->yellow(' (in ' . $file . ')')); $eventName = SqsEvents::generateEventForAgentId(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGERECEIVED, $this->getId()); $context->getEventDispatcher()->addListener($eventName, function (\T24\Event\SqsMessageReceivedEvent $event) use($write, $writeln, $color, $handler, $handlerId, $eventName) { $writeln($color->bg('blue', $color->white('invoking handler ' . $handlerId . ' for event ' . $eventName))); /* @var Callable $handler */ $result = $handler($event); // write comments $comments = $event->getComments(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $writeln($color(' comment: ')->yellow() . $comment); } $writeln(' - handler ' . $handlerId . ' had been invoked.'); if ($event->isPropagationStopped()) { $writeln(' - ' . $color->red('the event was stopped from further propagation.')); } else { $writeln(' - the event was not stopped. proceed to next handler'); } return $result; }); } $writeln('Loaded ' . count($handlers) . ' handlers.'); } else { $writeln('default handlers dir not specified, no handlers defined..'); } // @todo: get aws params. $region = ''; $sqsQueueUrl = ''; $sqs = SqsClient::factory(['region' => $config->aws_region, 'version' => '2012-11-05', 'credentials' => ['key' => $config->aws_key, 'secret' => $config->aws_secret]]); // start the process $ttl = (int) $config->ttl; $ttl = min($ttl, 300); $ttl = max($ttl, 5); $sleep = (int) $config->sleep; $sleep = min($sleep, $ttl - 5); $sleep = max($sleep, 0); $stopwatch = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch(); $b = $stopwatch->start('loop'); while ($b->getDuration() < $ttl * 1000) { // get an sqs message from the queue $writeln($c('Polling Sqs for messages')); $result = $sqs->receiveMessage(['QueueUrl' => $config->sqs_queue_url, 'AttributeNames' => ['All'], 'MessageAttributeNames' => ['All'], 'MaxNumberOfMessages' => 1]); /* @var $result \Aws\Result */ if (!$result['Messages'] || $result['Messages'] == 0) { $writeln($c('no messages found in sqs queue')); } else { $writeln($c(sprintf('%d message(s) retrieved from queue.', count($result['Messages'])))); foreach ($result['Messages'] as $message) { // set up an event that the message is received. // the default subscriber will pass the event to the event handlers in the handlers dir $event = new SqsMessageReceivedEvent($context, $message); $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGERECEIVED, $event); $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::generateEventForAgentId(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGERECEIVED, $this->getId()), $event); /* $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGEHANDLED, $event2); if ($event->isProcessed()) { $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_SQSMESSAGEPROCESSED, $event2); } */ if ($event->getRemoveFromQueue()) { $writeln(' - the event handlers indicate the sqs message should be removed from the queue.'); // remove from sqs $sqsMessage = $event->getSqsMessage(); $removed = $sqs->deleteMessage(['QueueUrl' => $config->sqs_queue_url, 'ReceiptHandle' => $sqsMessage['ReceiptHandle']]); $writeln(' - ' . ($removed ? $c->green('succesfully removed the message from SQS') : $c->red('failed to remove the message from SQS'))); } else { $writeln(' - the event handlers indicate the sqs messageshould not be removed from the queue.'); } } } $writeln($color->cyan('sleeping for ' . $sleep . ' seconds')); sleep($sleep); } // end stopwatch while loop $writeln('Stopped after ' . (int) ($b->getDuration() / 1000) . ' secs.'); // send the finish event. $event = new \T24\Event\AgentEvent($context); $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_FINISH, $event); $context->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(SqsEvents::generateEventForAgentId(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_FINISH, $this->getId()), $event); }
/** * @return string */ public function getHelp() { $color = new \Colors\Color(); $help = ''; $isNamed = $this->type & self::TYPE_NAMED; if ($isNamed) { $help .= PHP_EOL . (mb_strlen($this->name, 'UTF-8') === 1 ? '-' : '--') . $this->name; if (!empty($this->aliases)) { foreach ($this->aliases as $alias) { $help .= (mb_strlen($alias, 'UTF-8') === 1 ? '/-' : '/--') . $alias; } } if (!$this->isBoolean()) { $help .= ' ' . $color->underline('<argument>'); } $help .= PHP_EOL; } else { $help .= (empty($this->title) ? "arg {$this->name}" : $this->title) . PHP_EOL; } // bold what has been displayed so far $help = $color->bold($help); $titleLine = ''; if ($isNamed && $this->title) { $titleLine .= $this->title . '.'; if ($this->isRequired()) { $titleLine .= ' '; } } if ($this->isRequired()) { $titleLine .= $color->red('Required.'); } if ($titleLine) { $titleLine .= ' '; } $description = $titleLine . $this->description; if (!empty($description)) { $descriptionArray = explode(PHP_EOL, trim($description)); foreach ($descriptionArray as $descriptionLine) { $help .= Terminal::wrap($descriptionLine, 5, 1) . PHP_EOL; } } return $help; }
public function arg_parse($argv) { $short_opts = 'hvq'; $long_opts = array("sqlformat::", "xml::", "oldxml::", "newxml::", "pgdataxml::", "xmldatainsert::", "outputfile::", "dbschemadump::", "slonikconvert::", "slonycompare::", "slonydiffold::", "slonydiffnew::", "slonyidin::", "slonyidout::", "slonyidstartvalue::", "slonyidsetvalue::", "oldsql::", "newsql::", "dbhost::", "dbport::", "dbname::", "dbuser::", "dbpassword::", "requireslonyid::", "requireslonysetid::", "generateslonik::", "quoteschemanames::", "quotetablenames::", "quotecolumnnames::", "quoteallnames::", "quoteillegalnames::", "quotereservednames::", "onlyschemasql::", "onlydatasql::", "onlytable::", "singlestageupgrade::", "maxstatementsperfile::", "ignoreoldnames::", "ignorecustomroles::", "ignoreprimarykeyerrors::", "dbdatadiff::", "xmlsort::", "xmlconvert::", "xmlcollectdataaddendums::", "useautoincrementoptions::", "useschemaprefix::", "outputdir::", "outputfileprefix::", "debug"); $options = getopt($short_opts, $long_opts); self::set_verbosity($options); if (count($argv) == 1 || isset($options['help']) || isset($options['h'])) { $c = new Colors\Color(); $c->setTheme(array('header' => array('underline', 'dark_gray'), 'keyword' => array('green'), 'value' => array('yellow'))); echo $c->colorize(self::usage()) . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } $files = array('old' => array(), 'new' => array(), 'pgdata' => array()); ///// XML file parameter sanity checks if (isset($options['xml'])) { if (count($options['xml']) > 0 && isset($options['oldxml']) && count($options['oldxml']) > 0) { dbsteward::error("Parameter error: xml and oldxml options are not to be mixed. Did you mean newxml?"); exit(1); } if (count($options['xml']) > 0 && isset($options['newxml']) && count($options['newxml']) > 0) { dbsteward::error("Parameter error: xml and newxml options are not to be mixed. Did you mean oldxml?"); exit(1); } } if (isset($options['oldxml']) && count($options['oldxml']) > 0 && (!isset($options['newxml']) || count($options['newxml']) == 0)) { dbsteward::error("Parameter error: oldxml needs newxml specified for differencing to occur"); exit(1); } if ((!isset($options['oldxml']) || count($options['oldxml']) == 0) && (isset($options['newxml']) && count($options['newxml']) > 0)) { dbsteward::error("Parameter error: oldxml needs newxml specified for differencing to occur"); exit(1); } ///// database connectivity values $dbhost = FALSE; if (isset($options["dbhost"]) && strlen($options["dbhost"]) > 0) { $dbhost = $options["dbhost"]; } // $dbport set in sql_format defaults section $dbport = NULL; if (isset($options["dbport"]) && strlen($options["dbport"]) > 0) { $dbport = $options["dbport"]; } $dbname = FALSE; if (isset($options["dbname"]) && strlen($options["dbname"]) > 0) { $dbname = $options["dbname"]; } $dbuser = FALSE; if (isset($options["dbuser"]) && strlen($options["dbuser"]) > 0) { $dbuser = $options["dbuser"]; } if (isset($options['dbpassword'])) { if ($options['dbpassword'] === false) { // treat --dbpassword as the empty password, because // --dbpassword='' doesn't show up in $options $this->cli_dbpassword = ''; } else { $this->cli_dbpassword = $options['dbpassword']; } } ///// SQL DDL DML DCL output flags if (isset($options["onlyschemasql"])) { dbsteward::$only_schema_sql = TRUE; } if (isset($options["onlydatasql"])) { dbsteward::$only_data_sql = TRUE; } if (isset($options['onlytable'])) { $onlytables = $options['onlytable']; if (!is_array($onlytables)) { $onlytables = array($onlytables); } foreach ($onlytables as $onlytable) { $onlytable_schema = 'public'; $onlytable_table = $onlytable; if (strpos($onlytable_table, '.') !== FALSE) { $chunks = explode('.', $onlytable_table); $onlytable_schema = $chunks[0]; $onlytable_table = $chunks[1]; } if (!isset(dbsteward::$limit_to_tables[$onlytable_schema])) { dbsteward::$limit_to_tables[$onlytable_schema] = array(); } dbsteward::$limit_to_tables[$onlytable_schema][] = $onlytable_table; } } ///// common parameter for output file for converter functions // for modes that can do it, omitting this parameter will cause output to be directed to stdout $output_file = FALSE; if (isset($options["outputfile"]) && strlen($options["outputfile"]) > 0) { $output_file = $options["outputfile"]; } if (isset($options["maxstatementsperfile"])) { if (!is_numeric($options["maxstatementsperfile"])) { throw new exception("maxstatementsperfile passed is not a number"); } dbsteward::$output_file_statement_limit = $options["maxstatementsperfile"]; } ///// XML parsing switches if (isset($options["singlestageupgrade"])) { dbsteward::$single_stage_upgrade = TRUE; // don't recreate views when in single stage upgrade mode // @TODO: make view diffing smart enough that this doesn't need to be done dbsteward::$always_recreate_views = FALSE; } if (isset($options["ignoreoldnames"])) { dbsteward::$ignore_oldnames = TRUE; } if (isset($options["ignorecustomroles"])) { dbsteward::$ignore_custom_roles = TRUE; } if (isset($options["ignoreprimarykeyerrors"])) { dbsteward::$ignore_primary_key_errors = TRUE; } if (isset($options["requireslonyid"])) { dbsteward::$require_slony_id = TRUE; } if (isset($options["requireslonysetid"])) { dbsteward::$require_slony_set_id = TRUE; } if (isset($options["generateslonik"])) { dbsteward::$generate_slonik = TRUE; } if (isset($options["slonyidstartvalue"])) { if ($options["slonyidstartvalue"] < 1) { throw new exception("slonyidstartvalue must be greater than 0"); } dbsteward::$slonyid_start_value = $options["slonyidstartvalue"]; } if (isset($options["slonyidsetvalue"])) { if ($options["slonyidsetvalue"] < 1) { throw new exception("slonyidsetvalue must be greater than 0"); } dbsteward::$slonyid_set_value = $options["slonyidsetvalue"]; } ///// determine the operation and check arguments for each $mode = dbsteward::MODE_UNKNOWN; if (isset($options['xmldatainsert'])) { if (!isset($options['xml'])) { throw new exception("xmldatainsert needs xml parameter defined"); } $mode = dbsteward::MODE_XML_DATA_INSERT; } elseif (isset($options["xmlsort"])) { $mode = dbsteward::MODE_XML_SORT; } elseif (isset($options["xmlconvert"])) { $mode = dbsteward::MODE_XML_CONVERT; } elseif (isset($options['xml']) && count($options['xml']) > 0) { $mode = dbsteward::MODE_BUILD; } elseif (isset($options['newxml']) && count($options['newxml']) > 0) { $mode = dbsteward::MODE_DIFF; } elseif (isset($options["dbschemadump"])) { if (strlen($dbhost) === FALSE) { throw new exception("dbschemadump error: dbhost not specified"); } elseif (strlen($dbname) === FALSE) { throw new exception("dbschemadump error: dbname not specified"); } elseif (strlen($dbuser) === FALSE) { throw new exception("dbschemadump error: dbuser not specified"); } elseif ($output_file === FALSE) { throw new exception("dbschemadump error: outputfile not specified"); } $mode = dbsteward::MODE_EXTRACT; } elseif (isset($options['dbdatadiff'])) { if (strlen($dbhost) === FALSE) { throw new exception("dbdatadiff error: dbhost not specified"); } elseif (strlen($dbname) === FALSE) { throw new exception("dbdatadiff error: dbname not specified"); } elseif (strlen($dbuser) === FALSE) { throw new exception("dbdatadiff error: dbuser not specified"); } $mode = dbsteward::MODE_DB_DATA_DIFF; } elseif (isset($options["oldsql"]) || isset($options["newsql"])) { if ($output_file === FALSE) { throw new exception("sql diff error: you must specify an outputfile for this mode"); } $mode = dbsteward::MODE_SQL_DIFF; } elseif (isset($options["slonikconvert"])) { $mode = dbsteward::MODE_SLONIK_CONVERT; } elseif (isset($options["slonycompare"])) { $mode = dbsteward::MODE_SLONY_COMPARE; } elseif (isset($options["slonydiffold"])) { $mode = dbsteward::MODE_SLONY_DIFF; } elseif (isset($options["slonyidin"])) { // check to make sure output is not same as input if (isset($options["slonyidout"])) { if (strcmp($options["slonyidin"], $options["slonyidout"]) == 0) { throw new exception("slonyidin and slonyidout file paths should not be the same"); } } $mode = dbsteward::MODE_XML_SLONY_ID; } ///// File output location specificity if (isset($options['outputdir'])) { if (strlen($options['outputdir']) == 0) { throw new exception("outputdir is blank, must specify a value for this option"); } if (!is_dir($options['outputdir'])) { throw new exception("outputdir is not a directory; this must be a writable directory"); } dbsteward::$file_output_directory = $options['outputdir']; } if (isset($options['outputfileprefix'])) { if (strlen($options['outputfileprefix']) == 0) { throw new exception("outputfileprefix is blank, must specify a value for this option"); } dbsteward::$file_output_prefix = $options['outputfileprefix']; } ///// For the appropriate modes, composite the input XML ///// and figure out the SQL format of it $force_sql_format = FALSE; if (isset($options['sqlformat'])) { $force_sql_format = $options['sqlformat']; } $target_sql_format = FALSE; switch ($mode) { case dbsteward::MODE_BUILD: $files = (array) $options['xml']; $target_sql_format = xml_parser::get_sql_format($files); break; case dbsteward::MODE_DIFF: $old_files = (array) $options['oldxml']; $new_files = (array) $options['newxml']; $old_target = xml_parser::get_sql_format($old_files); $new_target = xml_parser::get_sql_format($new_files); // prefer the new sql_format $target_sql_format = $new_target ?: $old_target; break; } $xml_collect_data_addendums = 0; if (isset($options["xmlcollectdataaddendums"]) && $options["xmlcollectdataaddendums"] > 0) { $xml_collect_data_addendums = (int) $options["xmlcollectdataaddendums"]; if ($mode != dbsteward::MODE_BUILD) { throw new Exception("--xmlcollectdataaddendums is only supported for fresh builds"); } if ($xml_collect_data_addendums > count($files)) { throw new Exception("Cannot collect more data addendums then files provided"); } } // announce our defined version before doing any configuration announcements or tasks dbsteward::notice("DBSteward Version " . self::VERSION); ///// set the global SQL format $sql_format = dbsteward::reconcile_sql_format($target_sql_format, $force_sql_format); dbsteward::notice("Using sqlformat={$sql_format}"); dbsteward::set_sql_format($sql_format); if (is_null($dbport)) { $dbport = dbsteward::define_sql_format_default_values($sql_format, $options); } // user-specified overrides for identifier quoting if (isset($options["quoteschemanames"])) { dbsteward::$quote_schema_names = TRUE; } if (isset($options["quotetablenames"])) { dbsteward::$quote_table_names = TRUE; } if (isset($options["quotecolumnnames"])) { dbsteward::$quote_column_names = TRUE; } if (isset($options["quoteallnames"])) { dbsteward::$quote_all_names = TRUE; } if (isset($options["quoteillegalnames"])) { dbsteward::$quote_illegal_identifiers = TRUE; } if (isset($options["quotereservednames"])) { dbsteward::$quote_reserved_identifiers = TRUE; } switch ($mode) { case dbsteward::MODE_XML_DATA_INSERT: dbsteward::xml_data_insert($options['xml'], $options['xmldatainsert']); break; case dbsteward::MODE_XML_SORT: dbsteward::xml_sort($options['xmlsort']); break; case dbsteward::MODE_XML_CONVERT: dbsteward::xml_convert($options['xmlconvert']); break; case dbsteward::MODE_XML_SLONY_ID: dbsteward::info("Compositing XML file for Slony ID processing.."); $files = (array) $options['slonyidin']; $db_doc = xml_parser::xml_composite($files); dbsteward::info("XML files " . implode(' ', $files) . " composited"); $output_prefix = dbsteward::calculate_file_output_prefix($files); $composite_file = $output_prefix . '_composite.xml'; $db_doc = xml_parser::sql_format_convert($db_doc); xml_parser::vendor_parse($db_doc); dbsteward::notice("Saving composite as " . $composite_file); xml_parser::save_doc($composite_file, $db_doc); dbsteward::notice("Slony ID numbering any missing attributes"); dbsteward::info("slonyidstartvalue = " . dbsteward::$slonyid_start_value); dbsteward::info("slonyidsetvalue = " . dbsteward::$slonyid_set_value); $slonyid_doc = xml_parser::slonyid_number($db_doc); $slonyid_numbered_file = $output_prefix . '_slonyid_numbered.xml'; // if specified, use output file value instead of auto suffix if (isset($options["slonyidout"])) { $slonyid_numbered_file = $options["slonyidout"]; } dbsteward::notice("Saving Slony ID numbered XML as " . $slonyid_numbered_file); xml_parser::save_doc($slonyid_numbered_file, $slonyid_doc); break; case dbsteward::MODE_BUILD: dbsteward::info("Compositing XML files.."); $addendums_doc = NULL; if ($xml_collect_data_addendums > 0) { dbsteward::info("Collecting {$xml_collect_data_addendums} data addendums"); } $db_doc = xml_parser::xml_composite($files, $xml_collect_data_addendums, $addendums_doc); if (isset($options['pgdataxml']) && count($options['pgdataxml'])) { $pg_data_files = (array) $options['pgdataxml']; dbsteward::info("Compositing pgdata XML files on top of XML composite.."); xml_parser::xml_composite_pgdata($db_doc, $pg_data_files); dbsteward::info("postgres data XML files [" . implode(' ', $pg_data_files) . "] composited."); } dbsteward::info("XML files " . implode(' ', $files) . " composited"); $output_prefix = dbsteward::calculate_file_output_prefix($files); $composite_file = $output_prefix . '_composite.xml'; $db_doc = xml_parser::sql_format_convert($db_doc); xml_parser::vendor_parse($db_doc); dbsteward::notice("Saving composite as " . $composite_file); xml_parser::save_doc($composite_file, $db_doc); if ($addendums_doc !== NULL) { $addendums_file = $output_prefix . '_addendums.xml'; dbsteward::notice("Saving addendums as {$addendums_file}"); xml_parser::save_doc($addendums_file, $addendums_doc); } format::build($output_prefix, $db_doc); break; case dbsteward::MODE_DIFF: dbsteward::info("Compositing old XML files.."); $old_db_doc = xml_parser::xml_composite($old_files); dbsteward::info("Old XML files " . implode(' ', $old_files) . " composited"); dbsteward::info("Compositing new XML files.."); $new_db_doc = xml_parser::xml_composite($new_files); if (isset($options['pgdataxml']) && count($options['pgdataxml'])) { $pg_data_files = (array) $options['pgdataxml']; dbsteward::info("Compositing pgdata XML files on top of new XML composite.."); xml_parser::xml_composite_pgdata($new_db_doc, $pg_data_files); dbsteward::info("postgres data XML files [" . implode(' ', $pg_data_files) . "] composited"); } dbsteward::info("New XML files " . implode(' ', $new_files) . " composited"); $old_output_prefix = dbsteward::calculate_file_output_prefix($old_files); $old_composite_file = $old_output_prefix . '_composite.xml'; $old_db_doc = xml_parser::sql_format_convert($old_db_doc); xml_parser::vendor_parse($old_db_doc); dbsteward::notice("Saving oldxml composite as " . $old_composite_file); xml_parser::save_doc($old_composite_file, $old_db_doc); $new_output_prefix = dbsteward::calculate_file_output_prefix($new_files); $new_composite_file = $new_output_prefix . '_composite.xml'; $new_db_doc = xml_parser::sql_format_convert($new_db_doc); xml_parser::vendor_parse($new_db_doc); dbsteward::notice("Saving newxml composite as " . $new_composite_file); xml_parser::save_doc($new_composite_file, $new_db_doc); format::build_upgrade($old_output_prefix, $old_composite_file, $old_db_doc, $old_files, $new_output_prefix, $new_composite_file, $new_db_doc, $new_files); break; case dbsteward::MODE_EXTRACT: $output = format::extract_schema($dbhost, $dbport, $dbname, $dbuser, $this->cli_dbpassword); dbsteward::notice("Saving extracted database schema to " . $output_file); if (!file_put_contents($output_file, $output)) { throw new exception("Failed to save extracted database schema to " . $output_file); } break; case dbsteward::MODE_DB_DATA_DIFF: // dbdatadiff files are defined with --dbdatadiff not --xml $dbdatadiff_files = (array) $options['dbdatadiff']; dbsteward::info("Compositing XML files.."); $addendums_doc = NULL; if ($xml_collect_data_addendums > 0) { dbsteward::info("Collecting {$xml_collect_data_addendums} data addendums"); } $db_doc = xml_parser::xml_composite($dbdatadiff_files, $xml_collect_data_addendums, $addendums_doc); if (isset($options['pgdataxml']) && count($options['pgdataxml'])) { $pg_data_files = (array) $options['pgdataxml']; dbsteward::info("Compositing pgdata XML files on top of XML composite.."); xml_parser::xml_composite_pgdata($db_doc, $pg_data_files); dbsteward::info("postgres data XML files [" . implode(' ', $pg_data_files) . "] composited."); } dbsteward::info("XML files " . implode(' ', $dbdatadiff_files) . " composited"); $output_prefix = dbsteward::calculate_file_output_prefix($dbdatadiff_files); $composite_file = $output_prefix . '_composite.xml'; $db_doc = xml_parser::sql_format_convert($db_doc); xml_parser::vendor_parse($db_doc); dbsteward::notice("Saving composite as " . $composite_file); xml_parser::save_doc($composite_file, $db_doc); $output = format::compare_db_data($db_doc, $dbhost, $dbport, $dbname, $dbuser, $this->cli_dbpassword); if (!file_put_contents($output_file, $output)) { throw new exception("Failed to save extracted database schema to " . $output_file); } break; case dbsteward::MODE_SQL_DIFF: format::sql_diff($options["oldsql"], $options["newsql"], $output_file); break; case dbsteward::MODE_SLONIK_CONVERT: $output = slony1_slonik::convert($options["slonikconvert"]); if ($output_file !== FALSE) { dbsteward::notice("Saving slonikconvert output to " . $output_file); if (!file_put_contents($output, $output_file)) { throw new exception("Failed to save slonikconvert output to " . $output_file); } } else { echo $output; } break; case dbsteward::MODE_SLONY_COMPARE: pgsql8::slony_compare($options["slonycompare"]); break; case dbsteward::MODE_SLONY_DIFF: pgsql8::slony_diff($options["slonydiffold"], $options["slonydiffnew"]); break; case dbsteward::MODE_UNKNOWN: default: throw new Exception("No operation specified!"); } }
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php require_once './lib/Colors/Exception.php'; require_once './lib/Colors/InvalidArgumentException.php'; require_once './lib/Colors/Color.php'; $c = new \Colors\Color(); // highlight('green') === bg('green') === bg_green() // white() === fg('white') echo $c('Hello World!')->white()->bold()->highlight('green') . PHP_EOL; // using some magic echo $c('Hello World!')->white->bold->bg_green . PHP_EOL; // create your own theme $c->setTheme(array('welcome' => array('white', 'bg_green'), 'bye' => 'blue')); echo $c('Hello World!')->welcome->bold . PHP_EOL; echo $c('Bye!')->bye . PHP_EOL; // use style tags $text = <<<EOF 1 : <welcome>Hello <bold>World!</bold></welcome> 2 : <bye>Bye!</bye> EOF; echo $c($text)->colorize() . PHP_EOL; // use standard API $message = $c->apply('bold', $c->white('Hello World!')); echo $message . PHP_EOL; echo $c->clean($message) . PHP_EOL;