예제 #1
 public function init()
     // Here we define query conditions.
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->limit = 2;
     $criteria->condition = '`status` = 1';
     //$criteria->order = '`position` ASC';
     $items = CmsPages::model()->findAll($criteria);
     //echo "items"."<pre>";print_r($items);die;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $this->items[] = array('label' => $item->title, 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl("user/pages", array('id' => $item->id)));
     // footer
     /* $criteria1 = new CDbCriteria;
             $criteria1->condition = '`status` = 1';
             //$criteria->order = '`position` ASC';
             $footeritems = CmsPages::model()->findAll($criteria1);
             //echo "items"."<pre>";print_r($footeritems);die;
             foreach ($footeritems as $footer)
                 $this->items[] = array('label'=>$footer->title, 'url'=>Yii::app()->createUrl("user/pages",array('id'=>$footer->id)));
예제 #2
 public function actionAjaxCmsDeactivate()
     $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
     $rec = CmsPages::model()->findByPk($id);
     $status = $rec->status;
     //echo $status;die;
     if ($status == 1) {
         $rec->status = 0;
     } else {
         $rec->status = 1;
예제 #3
 public function actionContact()
     $model = new ContactForm();
     if (isset($_POST['ContactForm'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['ContactForm'];
         if ($model->validate()) {
             $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans';
             $body = $this->renderPartial('contactEmail', array('model' => $model), true);
             //echo "<pre>";print_r($body);die;
             Yii::app()->mailer->send($model->email, $subject, $body);
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "Successfully send your message.");
         } else {
             $errors = $model->getErrors();
             //echo var_dump($errors);
     $links = CmsPages::model()->findAll();
     Yii::app()->params['MyArray'] = $links;
     $this->render('contact', array('model' => $model));
예제 #4
 public function actionThanks($param1)
     $res = CustomerBooking::model()->findByPk($param1);
     //echo "<pre>";print_r($res);die;
     $links = CmsPages::model()->findAll();
     Yii::app()->params['MyArray'] = $links;
     $this->render('thanks', array('detail' => $res));
예제 #5
 public function actionChnagequotesDashboardSpeciUser()
     //$id      =$_REQUEST['id'];
     $admin = new ParticularPrice();
     $adnl = new AdditionalParticularPrice();
     $price = new ParticularPrice();
     $loggedId = Yii::app()->session['loggedId'];
     $providerId = CompanyRequest::model()->findByPk(array('id' => $id));
     $bookId = $providerId['booking_id'];
     $bookingrec = Booking::model()->findByPk(array('id' => $bookId));
     //echo "<pre>";print_r($bookingrec);die;
     $servicetype = $bookingrec['service_type_id'];
     $provId = $bookingrec['service_id'];
     // echo $bookingId;die;
     $priceAdmin = PriceAdmin::model()->find(array('condition' => 'service_id=:service_id AND service_type_id=:service_type_id', 'params' => array(':service_id' => $provId, ':service_type_id' => $servicetype)));
     $addPriceDetl = AdditionalServicePrice::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'service_id=:service_id', 'params' => array(':service_id' => $provId)));
     $particularRec = ParticularPrice::model()->find(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id'])));
     /*code to save the particular quote*/
     if (isset($_REQUEST['ParticularPrice'])) {
         $partiRecord = ParticularPrice::model()->find(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id'])));
         if (!empty($partiRecord)) {
             //echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die;
             $priceParticular = ParticularPrice::model()->find(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id'])));
             foreach ($_REQUEST['ParticularPrice'] as $k => $p) {
                 if ($k == "bedroom") {
                     $modifiedKey = "Bedrooms";
                 } else {
                     if ($k == "bathroom") {
                         $modifiedKey = "Bathrooms";
                     } else {
                         if ($k == "property") {
                             $modifiedKey = "Property";
                         } else {
                             if ($k == "desk") {
                                 $modifiedKey = "Desk";
                 $firstArrayVal = $_REQUEST['noBedBathDesk'][$modifiedKey];
                 $newAr[] = $firstArrayVal * $p;
                 $priceParticular->{$k} = $p;
                 // $k++;
             $result = array_sum($newAr);
             $priceParticular->particular_price = $result;
             /*chnage the details for additional particular prices*/
             $additionalPartiPrice = AdditionalParticularPrice::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'booking_id=:booking_id', 'params' => array(':booking_id' => $_REQUEST['booking_id'])));
             //echo "<pre>";print_r($additionalPartiPrice);die;
             if (!empty($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'])) {
                 //echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die;
                 /* foreach($additionalPartiPrice as $key=>$edit)
                 				              	  //echo "<pre>";print_r($edit);
                 				              	       foreach($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k=>$adnlprice)
                 						                  //echo "<pre>";print_r($adnlprice);      
                 						                     $edit->price                =$adnlprice;
                 						                  // $sum = 0;
                 						                  foreach($_REQUEST['adnl'] as $tot)
                 						                      $arr[] =$tot*$adnlprice;
                 						                      $res =array_sum($arr);
                 				              } */
                 foreach ($additionalPartiPrice as $key => $edit) {
                     foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k => $adnlprice) {
                         $edit->price = $adnlprice;
                         $total = array();
                         foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $key => $adnlpr) {
                             $total[] = $adnlpr * $_REQUEST['adnl'][$key];
                             //echo "<pre>";print_r($total);
                         $sum1 = array_sum($total);
                         $edit->total_price = $sum1 + $result;
             /* mail to customer*/
             $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans';
             $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $partiRecord), true);
             Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body);
             /*mail to company */
             $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans';
             $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $partiRecord), true);
             Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body);
         } else {
             $price->customer_id = $_REQUEST['customer_id'];
             $price->service_id = $loggedId;
             $price->booking_id = $_REQUEST['booking_id'];
             $price->date = date('Y-m-d');
             foreach ($_REQUEST['ParticularPrice'] as $k => $p) {
                 if ($k == "bedroom") {
                     $modifiedKey = "Bedrooms";
                 } else {
                     if ($k == "bathroom") {
                         $modifiedKey = "Bathrooms";
                     } else {
                         if ($k == "property") {
                             $modifiedKey = "Property";
                         } else {
                             if ($k == "desk") {
                                 $modifiedKey = "Desk";
                 $firstArrayVal = $_REQUEST['noBedBathDesk'][$modifiedKey];
                 $newAr[] = $firstArrayVal * $p;
                 $price->{$k} = $p;
                 // $k++;
             $result = array_sum($newAr);
             $price->particular_price = $result;
             if (!empty($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'])) {
                 /*   foreach($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k=>$adnlprice)
                 					                  $adnl    =new AdditionalParticularPrice; 
                 					                  $adnl->service_id           =$loggedId;
                 					                  $adnl->customer_id          =$_REQUEST['customer_id'];
                 					                  $adnl->booking_id           =$_REQUEST['booking_id']; 
                 					                  $adnl->date                 =date('Y-m-d'); 
                 					                  $adnl->price                =$adnlprice;
                 					                  // $sum = 0;
                 					                  foreach($_REQUEST['adnl'] as $tot)
                 					                      $arr[] =$tot*$adnlprice;
                 					                      $res =array_sum($arr);
                 					              } */
                 //$total = array();
                 foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $k => $adnlprice) {
                     $adnl = new AdditionalParticularPrice();
                     $adnl->service_id = $loggedId;
                     $adnl->customer_id = $_REQUEST['customer_id'];
                     $adnl->booking_id = $_REQUEST['booking_id'];
                     $adnl->date = date('Y-m-d');
                     $adnl->additional_service_id = $k;
                     $adnl->price = $adnlprice;
                     $total = array();
                     foreach ($_REQUEST['AdditionalParticularPrice'] as $key => $adnlpr) {
                         $total[] = $adnlpr * $_REQUEST['adnl'][$key];
                         //echo "<pre>";print_r($total);
                     $sum1 = array_sum($total);
                     $adnl->total_price = $sum1 + $result;
             /* mail to customer*/
             $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans';
             $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $particularRec), true);
             Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body);
             /*mail to company */
             $subject = 'Welcome to Wow Cleans';
             $body = $this->renderPartial('chnagequoteparticularCustomerEmail', array('model' => $particularRec), true);
             Yii::app()->mailer->send($partiRecord->customer['email'], $subject, $body);
         // echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die;
     $links = CmsPages::model()->findAll();
     Yii::app()->params['MyArray'] = $links;
     $this->render('chnagequotesDashboardSpeciUser', array('bookingrec' => $bookingrec, 'priceAdmin' => $priceAdmin, 'admin' => $admin, 'addPriceDetl' => $addPriceDetl, 'adnl' => $adnl, 'particularRec' => $particularRec));
예제 #6
 public function actionCmsEdit($id)
     Yii::app()->theme = 'back';
     $model = new CmsPages();
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die;
     $cmsedit = CmsPages::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $id));
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($_REQUEST);die;
     if (isset($_POST['CmsPages'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['CmsPages'];
         if ($model->validate()) {
             $res = CMSPages::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $id));
             $title = $_REQUEST['CmsPages']['title'];
             $meta = $_REQUEST['CmsPages']['meta_title'];
             $desc = $_REQUEST['CmsPages']['desc'];
             $res->title = $title;
             $res->meta_title = $meta;
             $res->desc = $desc;
             if ($res->save()) {
         } else {
             $errors = $model->getErrors();
     $this->render('cmsedit', array('edit' => $cmsedit, 'model' => $model));