public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); ActiveRecordModel::executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ClonedStore'); $this->usd = ActiveRecordModel::getNewInstance('Currency'); $this->usd->setID('ZZZ'); $this->usd->save(ActiveRecord::PERFORM_INSERT); @unlink(ClonedStoreUpdater::getTimestampFile()); @unlink(ClonedStoreUpdater::getIDFile()); // create stores for ($k = 0; $k <= 0; $k++) { $this->stores[$k] = ClonedStore::getNewInstance(); $this->stores[$k]->domain->set($k); $this->stores[$k]->save(); echo $this->stores[$k]->lastImport->get(); } // create categories $root = Category::getRootNode(); for ($k = 0; $k <= 5; $k++) { $this->categories[] = $this->createCategory($root, $k); } $this->categories['1.1'] = $this->createCategory($this->categories[1], '1.1'); $this->categories['1.2'] = $this->createCategory($this->categories[1], '1.2'); $this->categories['1.2.1'] = $this->createCategory($this->categories['1.2'], '1.2.1'); $this->categories['1.2.2'] = $this->createCategory($this->categories['1.2'], '1.2.2'); usleep(1500000); }
public function add() { $clonedStore = ClonedStore::getNewInstance(); $clonedStore->domain->set($this->translate('')); $clonedStore->save(); return new JSONResponse($clonedStore->toArray()); }
public function executeTextReplaceInSnapshot(ClonedStore $store) { $replace = array(); $f = select(eq(f('ClonedStoreRule.type'), ClonedStoreRule::TYPE_TEXT)); $f->setOrder(f('ClonedStoreRule.ID')); foreach ($store->getRelatedRecordSet('ClonedStoreRule', $f) as $rule) { list($entity, $field) = explode('.', $rule->field->get()); $ruleData = $rule->toArray(); $ruleData['entity'] = $entity; $ruleData['field'] = $field; $replace[$entity][] = $ruleData; } echo '<span style="font-size: 2px;">'; foreach ($replace as $table => $rules) { echo '<!--'; var_dump($rules); echo '-->'; flush(); //exit; $this->flush($table); $this->flush($rules); if ('specField' == $table) { $table = 'SpecificationStringValue'; } $extraFields = ''; if (in_array($table, array('SpecificationStringValue', 'Product'))) { foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getDataBySQL('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecField') as $field) { $extraFields .= ',(SELECT SpecificationStringValue.value FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecificationStringValue WHERE productID=Product.ID AND SpecificationStringValue.specFieldID=' . $field['ID'] . ') AS field_' . $field['handle']; } } foreach (array('name', 'longDescription', 'shortDescription') as $parentField) { $extraFields .= ', IF(Product.parentID IS NOT NULL, ParentProduct.' . $parentField . ', Product.' . $parentField . ') AS ' . $parentField; } if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) { $sql = 'SELECT Product.*, Product.ID AS productID, Product.parentID AS parentProductID, SpecField.ID AS specFieldID, (SELECT value FROM SpecificationStringValue WHERE SpecificationStringValue.productID=Product.ID AND SpecificationStringValue.specFieldID=SpecField.ID) AS value, (SELECT productID FROM SpecificationStringValue WHERE SpecificationStringValue.productID=Product.ID AND SpecificationStringValue.specFieldID=SpecField.ID) AS fieldValueExists' . $extraFields . ' FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product INNER JOIN ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecField LEFT JOIN ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product AS ParentProduct ON (Product.parentID=ParentProduct.ID)'; //$sql = 'SELECT *' . $extraFields . ' FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecField LEFT JOIN ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' LEFT JOIN Product ON productID=Product.ID'; } else { if ('Product' == $table) { $sql = 'SELECT Product.*' . $extraFields . ' FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' LEFT JOIN Product AS ParentProduct ON (Product.parentID=ParentProduct.ID)'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table; } } $offset = 0; $batch = 5000; $modified = array(); do { $select = $sql . ' LIMIT ' . $batch * $offset . ',' . $batch; $offset++; $rows = ActiveRecordModel::getDataBySQL($select); foreach ($rows as $row) { $original = $row; $id = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if (@unserialize($val)) { $data = unserialize($val); $value = array_shift($data); } else { $value = $val; } $values[$key] = $value; } if (!empty($modified[$values['ID']])) { $values = array_merge($values, $modified[$values['ID']]); } $hasQuery = false; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $f = $rule['field']; $identifier = $f; // var_dump($f); if ($rule['query']) { $productID = 'SpecificationStringValue' == $table ? $original['productID'] : $original['ID']; $count = ActiveRecordModel::getDataBySQL('SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product WHERE ID=' . $productID . ' AND ' . $rule['query']); $count = array_pop($count); if (!$count['cnt']) { continue; } $hasQuery = true; } if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) { if ($row['specFieldID'] != $f) { continue; } else { $f = 'value'; } if ($rule['field']) { try { $spFld = SpecField::getInstanceByID($rule['field'], true); if ($spFld) { $identifier = 'field_' . $spFld->handle->get(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $identifier = ''; } } } if (@unserialize($row[$f])) { $data = unserialize($row[$f]); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = $this->replace($rule, $value, $values); $values[$identifier] = $data[$key]; $modified[$values['ID']][$identifier] = $data[$key]; } $row[$f] = serialize($data); } else { $row[$f] = $this->replace($rule, $row[$f], $values); $values[$identifier] = $row[$f]; $modified[$values['ID']][$identifier] = $row[$f]; if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) { $row[$f] = serialize(array('en' => $row[$f])); } } } $row = array_diff($row, $original); if (!$row) { continue; } foreach ($row as $field => $value) { $value = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'"; if (substr($field, 0, 6) != 'field_') { $row[$field] = $field . '=' . $value; } else { unset($row[$field]); } } foreach ($original as $field => $value) { if (strpos($field, 'ID') !== false && $value) { $value = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'"; $id[] = $field . '=' . $value; } } if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) { $exists = $original['fieldValueExists']; $row = array('value' => $row['value']); $id = array('productID' => 'productID=' . $original['productID'], 'specFieldID' => 'specFieldID=' . $original['specFieldID']); $row = array_merge($row, $id); if ($exists) { $query = 'UPDATE ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $row) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $id); } else { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $row); } if (17 == $original['specFieldID']) { //echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</pre>' . '<Br /><Br />'; } try { ActiveRecordModel::executeUpdate($query); } catch (Exception $e) { echo '<div style="color:red;">' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</div><Br /><Br />'; } } else { $query = 'UPDATE ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $row) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $id); ActiveRecordModel::executeUpdate($query); } echo '. '; flush(); } } while ($rows); } echo '</span>'; }