public function testCount() { authorizeFromEnv(); $validQueries = array(array('count' => 'true'), array('count' => true)); foreach ($validQueries as $query) { $resp = CleverStudent::all($query); $this->assertEquals($resp['count'] > 0, true); } }
public function testCanPaginateWithFirstAndLastIDsOfCollection() { authorizeFromEnv(); $students = CleverStudent::all(array("limit" => 2)); $page_1_handle = array('oldest' => $students[0], 'newest' => end($students)); reset($students); # Request two students occuring after our last request $students_page_2 = CleverStudent::all(array("limit" => 2, "starting_after" => $page_1_handle['newest'])); $this->assertInternalType('array', $students_page_2); $page_2_handle = array('oldest' => $students_page_2[0], 'newest' => end($students_page_2)); reset($students_page_2); # Request the first two students again, or the ones before our last request $students_page_1_again = CleverStudent::all(array("limit" => 2, "ending_before" => $page_2_handle['oldest'])); $this->assertInternalType('array', $students_page_1_again); for ($i = 0; $i < count($students_page_1_again); $i++) { $this->assertEquals($students_page_1_again[$i], $students[$i]); } $this->assertEquals($students, $students_page_1_again); }
/** * @expectedException UndefinedEndpointException */ public function testUndefinedSecondLevel() { $students = CleverStudent::all(array('limit' => 1)); $student = $students[0]; $objs = $student->eventz(); }
public static function init() { self::$secondLevelEndpoints = array('sections' => array(), 'school' => array(), 'district' => array(), 'teachers' => array(), 'contacts' => array(), 'events' => array()); }