require "../vendor/autoload.php";
$client = new \ClearBooks\Client('demo');
// the paypal bank account
$paypalBankAccount = 7502004;
// the paypal entity id
$paypalEntityId = 12;
// the amount received by paypal
$received = 1150;
// the sales invoice id to apply the payment to
$salesInvoiceId = 189;
// fetch the original invoice
$invoiceQuery = new \ClearBooks\InvoiceQuery();
$invoiceQuery->id[] = $salesInvoiceId;
$invoiceQuery->ledger = 'sales';
$invoiceQuery->status = 'approved';
$invoices = $client->listInvoices($invoiceQuery);
if (!$invoices) {
    throw new \Exception('Invoice not found');
$invoice = $invoices[0];
// calculate the invoice total
$total = 0;
array_walk($invoice->items, function ($item) use(&$total) {
    /** @var $item \Clearbooks_Soap_1_0_item */
    $total += $item->unitPrice + $item->vat;
// the paypal fee is the amount received minus the invoice total (1150 - 1200 = -50)
$fee = $received - $total;
// create an invoice for the paypal fee
$invoice = new \ClearBooks\Invoice();
$invoice->creditTerms = 0;