예제 #1
  * This is the same routine as the default month chart and is designed to give some debug information to the
  * user.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|string
 public function debugSummary()
     echo "<pre>\n";
     /** @var \Marauder\Helper\Chart\ChartHelperInterface $helper */
     $helper = App::make('Marauder\\Helper\\Chart\\ChartHelperInterface');
     $start = $helper->getStartDateForPeriod('month');
     $end = $helper->getEndDateForPeriod('month');
     $compareDateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
     $thermostats = $helper->getAllThermostats();
     /** @var Device $thermostat */
     foreach ($thermostats as $thermostat) {
         echo 'Thermostat #' . $thermostat->id . ' (' . $thermostat->name . '):' . "\n";
         // leafs and is_heating_on
         $city = City::findCity($thermostat->structure->postal_code, $thermostat->structure->country_code);
         $leafs = $helper->getLogEntriesInRange('has_leaf', $thermostat, $start, $end, 'month');
         $heating = $helper->getLogEntriesInRange('is_heating_on', $thermostat, $start, $end, 'month');
         $temperatures = $helper->getTemperaturesForCity($city, $start, $end, 'month');
         // also get summaries:
         $summarizedLeafs = $helper->getSummarizedValuesInRange('has_leaf', $thermostat, $start, $end, 'month');
         $summarizedHeating = $helper->getSummarizedValuesInRange('is_heating_on', $thermostat, $start, $end, 'month');
         while ($start <= $end) {
             $format = $start->format($compareDateFormat);
             // filter leafs:
             $leaf = $leafs->filter(function (LogEntry $entry) use($format) {
                 if ($entry->date == $format) {
                     return $entry;
             // filter summarized leafs:
             $summarizedLeaf = $summarizedLeafs->filter(function (SummaryEntry $entry) use($format) {
                 if ($entry->date == $format) {
                     return $entry;
             // filter heating:
             $heat = $heating->filter(function (LogEntry $entry) use($format) {
                 if ($entry->date == $format) {
                     return $entry;
             // filter summarized heating:
             $summarizedHeat = $summarizedHeating->filter(function (SummaryEntry $entry) use($format) {
                 if ($entry->date == $format) {
                     return $entry;
             // filter temperature:
             $temp = $temperatures->filter(function (Report $entry) use($format) {
                 if ($entry->date == $format) {
                     return $entry;
             $leafCount = 0;
             $heatingCount = 0;
             $temperature = null;
             $foundLeafInSummary = false;
             $foundHeatInSummary = false;
             if ($leaf->count() == 1) {
                 $leafCount = intval($leaf->first()->singleValue) / 12;
             } else {
                 if ($summarizedLeaf->count() == 1) {
                     $leafCount = intval($summarizedLeaf->first()->singleValue) / 60;
                     $foundLeafInSummary = true;
             if ($heat->count() == 1) {
                 $heatingCount = intval($heat->first()->singleValue) / 12;
             } else {
                 if ($summarizedHeat->count() == 1) {
                     $heatingCount = intval($summarizedHeat->first()->singleValue) / 60;
                     $foundHeatInSummary = true;
             if ($temp->count() == 1) {
                 $temperature = floatval($temp->first()->main_temp);
             echo 'Now at date ' . $format . ': [leaf: ' . round($leafCount, 1) . '], [' . round($heatingCount, 1) . '], [' . round($temperature, 1) . 'C]';
             if ($foundLeafInSummary) {
                 echo ' [leaf-summarized]';
             if ($foundHeatInSummary) {
                 echo ' [heat-summarized]';
             echo "\n";
         echo "\n";
예제 #2
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
  * @throws Exception
 public function rawWeatherTable()
     $title = 'Raw weather';
     $fields = Config::get('marauder.rawWeatherEntries');
     // all of the users log entries:
     $get = ['reports.id', 'reports.time'];
      * get the users cities:
     $structures = Auth::user()->structures()->get();
     $cities = [];
     /** @var Structure $structure */
     foreach ($structures as $structure) {
         $city = City::findCity($structure->postal_code, $structure->country_code);
         $cities[] = $city->id;
     $cities = array_unique($cities);
     $query = Report::whereIn('reports.city_id', $cities)->take(Config::get('marauder.weatherTableLimit'))->orderBy('time', 'DESC')->orderBy('reports.city_id', 'ASC');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $fieldName = str_replace('.', '_', $field);
         $get[] = $fieldName . '.value as ' . $fieldName;
     $result = $query->get($get);
     if ($result->count() > 0) {
         $result = $result->toArray();
     foreach ($result as $key => $entry) {
         foreach ($entry as $name => $value) {
             $result[$key][$name] = Format::format($name, $value);
     $ignore = [];
     return View::make('raw.table', compact('result', 'title', 'ignore'));
예제 #3
  * @param Device $device
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
 public function energyUseYear(Device $device)
     $chart = App::make('gchart');
     $chart->addColumn('Date', 'date');
     $chart->addColumn('Leaf time', 'number');
     $chart->addColumn('Heating', 'number');
     $chart->addColumn('Outside temperature', 'number');
     $city = City::findCity($device->structure->postal_code, $device->structure->country_code);
     $today = new Carbon();
     $lastMonth = clone $today;
     while ($lastMonth < $today) {
         // get is_heating_on and has_leaf for this day:
         $entry = $device->logEntries()->inMonth($lastMonth)->withLogValue('has_leaf')->withLogValue('is_heating_on')->first([DB::Raw('sum(has_leaf.value) / 12 as has_leaf'), DB::Raw('sum(is_heating_on.value) / 12 as is_heating_on')]);
         $heating = null;
         $leaftime = null;
         $outside = null;
         // if both are null, get data from summaries instead:
         if (!is_null($entry->has_leaf) && !is_null($entry->is_heating_on)) {
             $heating = floatval($entry->is_heating_on);
             $leaftime = floatval($entry->has_leaf);
         } else {
             // get summaries (or try at least):
             $entry = $device->summaryEntries()->inMonth($lastMonth)->withSummaryValue('has_leaf')->withSummaryValue('is_heating_on')->first([DB::Raw('sum(has_leaf.value) / 60 as has_leaf'), DB::Raw('sum(is_heating_on.value) / 60 as is_heating_on')]);
             $heating = is_null($entry->is_heating_on) ? null : floatval($entry->is_heating_on);
             $leaftime = is_null($entry->has_leaf) ? null : floatval($entry->has_leaf);
         // get weather for city:
         $report = $city->reports()->inMonth($lastMonth)->withReportValue('main.temp')->first([DB::Raw('avg(main_temp.value) as main_temp')]);
         if (!is_null($report)) {
             $outside = !is_null($report->main_temp) ? floatval($report->main_temp) : null;
         $chart->addRow(clone $lastMonth, $leaftime, $heating, $outside);
     return Response::json($chart->getData());