/** * Method to get content article data for the frontpage * * @since 1.5 */ function getList() { $where = array(); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); if (!empty($this->_list)) { return $this->_list; } // Initialize variables $db = $this->getDBO(); $filter = null; // Get some variables from the request // $sectionid = JRequest::getVar( 'sectionid', -1, '', 'int' ); // $redirect = $sectionid; // $option = JRequest::get( 'option' ); $filter_order = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('userelement.filter_order', 'filter_order', '', 'cmd'); $filter_order_Dir = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('userelement.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', '', 'word'); $limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int'); $limitstart = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('userelement.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int'); $search = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('userelement.search', 'search', '', 'string'); $search = JString::strtolower($search); if (!$filter_order) { $filter_order = 'tbl.product_id'; } $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $filter_order . ' ' . $filter_order_Dir; $all = 1; // Keyword filter if ($search) { $where[] = 'LOWER( tbl.product_id ) LIKE ' . $db->q('%' . $db->escape($search, true) . '%', false); $where[] = 'LOWER( tbl.product_name ) LIKE ' . $db->q('%' . $db->escape($search, true) . '%', false); } // Build the where clause of the query $where = count($where) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' OR ', $where) : ''; // Get the total number of records $query = 'SELECT COUNT(tbl.product_id)' . ' FROM #__citruscart_products AS tbl' . $where; $db->setQuery($query); $total = $db->loadResult(); // Create the pagination object jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); $this->_page = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit); // Get the products $query = 'SELECT tbl.*, pp.* ' . ' FROM #__citruscart_products AS tbl' . ' LEFT JOIN #__citruscart_productprices pp ON pp.product_id = tbl.product_id ' . $where . $order; $db->setQuery($query, $this->_page->limitstart, $this->_page->limit); $this->_list = $db->loadObjectList(); //currency formatting Citruscart::load('CitruscartHelperBase', 'helpers._base'); foreach ($this->_list as $item) { $item->product_price = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->product_price); } // If there is a db query error, throw a HTTP 500 and exit if ($db->getErrorNum()) { JError::raiseError(500, $db->stderr()); return false; } return $this->_list; }
</label></td> </tr> <tr> <th><a href="<?php echo $stats->link; ?> "><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_LIFETIME_SALES'); ?> </a></th> <td style="text-align: right;"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::number($stats->lifetime->num, $options_int); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: right;"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::number($stats->lifetime->average_daily, $options_decimal); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: right;"><label class="label label-warning"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($stats->lifetime->average, '', $options_decimal); ?> </label></td> <td style="text-align: right;"><label class="label label-success"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($stats->lifetime->amount, '', $options_decimal); ?> </label></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
?> <?php if ($this->defines->get('display_credits', '0') && (double) $this->userinfo->credits_total > (double) '0.00') { ?> <fieldset id="opc-credit-form"> <div id="opc-credit-validation"></div> <div id="credits_form"> <label for="apply_credit_amount"><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_STORE_CREDIT'); ?> </label> <div class="help-block"><?php echo sprintf(JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_YOU_HAVE_STORE_CREDIT'), CitruscartHelperBase::currency($this->userinfo->credits_total, $this->defines->get('default_currencyid', '1'))); ?> </div> <div class="input-append" id="opc-credit-input"> <input class="span2" type="text" id="apply_credit_amount" name="apply_credit_amount" /> <button id="opc-credit-button" class="btn" type="button"><?php echo JText::_("COM_CITRUSCART_APPLY_CREDIT_TO_ORDER"); ?> </button> </div> </div> <div id='opc-credits'></div> </fieldset> <?php
<div class='onDisplayProductAttributeOptions_wrapper'> <?php echo $this->onDisplayProductAttributeOptions; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_QUANTITY'); ?> <input type="text" name="quantity" value="1" size="10" /> <br/> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_BASE_PRICE'); ?> : <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($row->price); ?> <br/> <input type="submit" name="add_to_cart" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_ADD_TO_ORDER'); ?> " class="btn btn-success" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" id="task" value="addtocart" /> <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<?php echo $row->product_id; ?> " />
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # com_citruscart - citruscart # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # author Citruscart Team - Citruscart http://www.citruscart.com # copyright Copyright (C) 2014 - 2019 Citruscart.com All Rights Reserved. # @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL # Websites: http://citruscart.com # Technical Support: Forum - http://citruscart.com/forum/index.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /*Layout for displaying refreshed total amount.*/ JHTML::_('stylesheet', 'menu.css', 'media/citruscart/css/'); JHtml::_('script', 'media/citruscart/js/citruscart.js', false, false); JHTML::_('script', 'joomla.javascript.js', 'includes/js/'); Citruscart::load('CitruscartGrid', 'library.grid'); $state = $this->state; $order = $this->order; $items = $this->orderitems; echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($items);
echo $rate['tax']; ?> ,<?php echo $rate['extra']; ?> , '<?php echo $rate['code']; ?> ');" <?php echo $checked; ?> /> <?php echo $rate['name']; ?> ( <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($rate['total']); ?> )<br /> <br/> <?php } } else { ?> <div class="note"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_NO_SHIPPING_NOTE'); ?> </div> <?php } $setval = false;
<div id='applied_credit' style="display: none;"></div> <div class="reset"></div> <?php } ?> <div id="payment_info" class="address"> <h3><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_BILLING_INFORMATION'); ?> </h3> <strong><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_TOTAL_AMOUNT_DUE'); ?> </strong>:<span id='totalAmountDue'><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($this->order->order_total); ?> </span><br/> <?php if (!empty($this->showBilling)) { ?> <strong><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_BILLING_ADDRESS'); ?> </strong>:<br/> <?php echo $billing_info['first_name'] . " " . $billing_info['last_name'] . "<br/>"; echo $billing_info['address_1'] . ", "; echo $billing_info['address_2'] ? $billing_info['address_2'] . ", " : ""; echo $billing_info['city'] . ", "; echo $billing_info['zone_name'] . " ";
function getFilters() { $filters = array(); if (!empty($this->_filter_category) && !empty($this->category_current)) { $catObj = new stdClass(); $catObj->label = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_CATEGORY'); $catObj->value = $this->category_current->category_name; $catObj->link = $this->_link . '&filter_category='; $filters[] = $catObj; } if (!empty($this->_filter_price_from) || !empty($this->_filter_price_to)) { $priceObj = new stdClass(); $priceObj->label = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PRICE'); $priceObj->value = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($this->_filter_price_from) . ' - ' . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($this->_filter_price_to); $priceObj->link = $this->_link . '&filter_category=' . $this->_filter_category . '&filter_price_from=0&filter_price_to='; $filters[] = $priceObj; } if (!empty($this->_filter_attribute_set)) { $options = explode(',', $this->_filter_option_set); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $saveOptions = $session->get('options', array(), 'Citruscart_layered_nav'); $trackOpts = array(); $link = ''; $newOPT = array(); $listPAO = array(); $listPA = array(); if (isset($saveOptions[$this->_filter_category])) { foreach ($saveOptions[$this->_filter_category] as $saveOption) { if (in_array($saveOption->productattributeoption_id, $options)) { $listPAO[] = $saveOption->productattributeoption_id; $listPA[] = $saveOption->productattribute_id; $newOPT[$saveOption->productattributeoption_name]->istopa[] = $saveOption->productattribute_id; $newOPT[$saveOption->productattributeoption_name]->istopao[] = $saveOption->productattributeoption_id; } } } foreach ($options as $option) { if (empty($this->_options[$option])) { continue; } $combination = $this->_options[$option]->attributename . '::' . $this->_options[$option]->productattributeoption_name; if (!in_array($combination, $trackOpts)) { $trackOpts[] = $combination; $attriObj = new stdClass(); $attriObj->label = $this->_options[$option]->attributename; $attriObj->value = $this->_options[$option]->productattributeoption_name; //create option set $option_set = array_diff($listPAO, $newOPT[$attriObj->value]->istopao); //create attribute set $attribute_set = array_diff($listPA, $newOPT[$attriObj->value]->istopa); $attriObj->link = $this->_link . '&filter_category=' . $this->_filter_category . '&filter_attribute_set=' . implode(',', $attribute_set) . '&filter_option_set=' . implode(',', $option_set); $filters[] = $attriObj; } } } if ($this->_filter_rating && $this->_params->get('filter_rating')) { $ratingObj = new stdClass(); $ratingObj->label = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_RATING'); $ratingObj->value = CitruscartHelperProduct::getRatingImage((double) $this->_filter_rating) . ' ' . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_AND_UP'); $ratingObj->link = $this->_link . '&filter_category=' . $this->_filter_category . '&filter_rating=0'; $filters[] = $ratingObj; } if ($this->_multi_mode) { if (!empty($this->_filter_manufacturer_set)) { $brandSet = explode(',', $this->_filter_manufacturer_set); foreach ($brandSet as $brand) { $brandObj = new stdClass(); $brandObj->label = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_MANUFACTURER'); $brandObj->value = $this->brands[$brand]; $brandObj->link = $this->_link . '&filter_category=' . $this->_filter_category . '&filter_manufacturer_set=' . implode(',', array_diff($brandSet, array($brand))); $filters[] = $brandObj; } } } else { if (!empty($this->_filter_manufacturer)) { $brandObj = new stdClass(); $brandObj->label = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_MANUFACTURER'); $brandObj->value = $this->brands[$this->_filter_manufacturer]; $brandObj->link = $this->_link . '&filter_category=' . $this->_filter_category . '&filter_manufacturer='; $filters[] = $brandObj; } } return $filters; }
<div class="reset"></div> <?php if ($display_credits && isset($this->userinfo)) { ?> <?php if ($this->userinfo->credits_total > '0.00') { ?> <!-- STORE CREDITS --> <div id="credits_area" class="address"> <div id="credits_form"> <h3><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_STORE_CREDIT'); ?> </h3> <div id="credit_help"><?php echo sprintf(JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_YOU_HAVE_STORE_CREDIT'), CitruscartHelperBase::currency($this->userinfo->credits_total)); ?> </div> <div id="credit_message"></div> <input type="text" name="apply_credit_amount" id="apply_credit_amount" value="" /> <input type="button" name="credit_submit" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_APPLY_CREDIT_TO_ORDER'); ?> " onClick="CitruscartAddCredit( document.adminForm );"/> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div id='applied_credit' style="display: none;"></div> <div class="reset"></div>
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # com_citruscart # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # author Citruscart Team - Citruscart http://www.citruscart.com # copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Citruscart.com All Rights Reserved. # @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL # Websites: http://citruscart.com # Technical Support: Forum - http://citruscart.com/forum/index.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'media/citruscart/css/citruscart.css'); Citruscart::load('CitruscartHelperBase', 'helpers._base'); jimport('joomla.html'); ?> <?php $rates = array(); foreach ($vars->rates as $rate) { $r = new JObject(); $r->value = $rate->shipping_rate_id; $r->text = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($rate->shipping_rate_price, $vars->order->currency_id); $rates[] = $r; } ?> <div class="shipping_rates"> <?php echo JHTML::_('select.radiolist', $rates, 'shipping_rate', array()); ?> </div>
<?php if (strlen($item->manufacturer_name)) { echo $item->manufacturer_name; } else { echo ' - ' . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_NO_MANUFACTURER') . ' - '; } ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php echo $item->count_items; ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->price_total); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 1 - $k; ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (!count($items)) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="10" align="center">
</h4> <ul id="citruscart_browse_pricerange"> <?php foreach ($priceRanges as $priceRange) { ?> <?php if ($priceRange->total > 0) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_($priceRange->link); ?> "> <span class="refinementLink"> <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($priceRange->price_from) . ' - ' . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($priceRange->price_to); ?> </span> </a> <span class="narrowValue"> (<?php echo $priceRange->total; ?> ) </span> </li> <?php } ?> <?php }
<td class="dashboard_profits_data float-shadow"><h3><?php echo CitruscartSelect::range($state->stats_interval, 'stats_interval', $attribs); ?> </h3></td> <?php } else { ?> <td class="dashboard_profits_data float-shadow"><h3><?php echo CitruscartSelect::range($state->stats_interval, 'stats_interval', $attribs, null, true); ?> </h3></td> <?php } ?> <td class="dashboard_profits_data float-shadow"><h1><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($this->sum); ?> </h1></td> <td class="dashboard_profits_data float-shadow"><h1><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::number($this->total, array('num_decimals' => '0')); ?> </h1></td> <td class="dashboard_profits_data"><h1><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::number($this->orderedItems, array('num_decimals' => '0')); ?> </h1></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="section">
} ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?> "> <?php echo JText::_($item->credittype_name); ?> </a> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <h2 class="badge badge-success"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->credit_amount); ?> </h2> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php echo JHTML::_('date', $item->created_date, $date_format); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php echo CitruscartGrid::boolean($item->credit_enabled); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php
?> </th> </tr> <?php } } } break; case 4: // All in One Line if ($row->order_tax) { ?> <tr> <th colspan="2" style="text-align: right;"> <?php if (!empty($this->show_tax)) { echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PRODUCT_TAX_INCLUDED') . ":"; } else { echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PRODUCT_TAX') . ":"; } ?> </th> <th style="text-align: right;"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($row->order_tax); ?> </th> </tr> <?php } break; }
public function deleteCartItem() { $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $response = new stdClass(); $response->html = ''; $response->error = false; $user = JFactory::getUser(); $model = $this->getModel('carts'); $table = $model->getTable(); $id = $input->getInt('cartitem_id'); $keys = array('user_id' => $user->id, 'cart_id' => $id); $table->load($keys); if (!empty($table->cart_id)) { if ($table->delete()) { $response->html = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_CARTITEM_DELETED'); } else { $response->html = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_DELETE_FAILED'); $response->error = true; } } else { $response->html = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_INVALID_REQUEST'); $response->error = true; } // we deleted the item so we have to recalculate the subtotal $response->subtotal = 0; if ($response->error == false) { $show_tax = $this->defines->get('display_prices_with_tax'); $model = $this->getModel($this->get('suffix')); $this->_setModelState(); $items = $model->getList(); Citruscart::load('CitruscartHelperUser', 'helpers.user'); Citruscart::load('CitruscartHelperTax', 'helpers.tax'); if ($show_tax) { $taxes = CitruscartHelperTax::calculateTax($items, 2); } foreach ($items as $item) { if ($show_tax) { $item->product_price += $taxes->product_taxes[$item->product_id]; } $response->subtotal += $item->product_price * $item->product_qty; } $response->subtotal = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($response->subtotal); } echo json_encode($response); return; }
?> <br/> • <?php echo $item->email . ' [ ' . $item->user_username . ' ]'; ?> <br/> <?php } ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php $currency = !empty($item->currency) ? $item->currency : ''; ?> <label class="label label-warning"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->orderpayment_amount, $currency); ?> </label> <?php if (!empty($item->commissions)) { ?> <br/> <?php JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); ?> <a href="index.php?option=com_amigos&view=commissions&filter_orderid=<?php echo $item->order_id; ?> " target="_blank"> <img src='<?php echo JURI::root(true);
?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php if ($display_credits) { ?> <tr> <th style="width: 100px;"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_AVAILABLE_STORE_CREDIT'); ?> </th> <td> <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($this->userinfo->credits_total); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php $modules = JModuleHelper::getModules("citruscart_dashboard_main"); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module'); $attribs = array(); $attribs['style'] = 'xhtml';
/** * Displays a product category * * (non-PHPdoc) * @see Citruscart/admin/CitruscartController#display($cachable) */ function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false) { $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $input->set('view', $this->get('suffix')); $input->set('search', false); $view = $this->getView($this->get('suffix'), JFactory::getDocument()->getType()); $model = $this->getModel($this->get('suffix')); $state = $this->_setModelState(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $ns = $app->getName() . '::' . 'com.citruscart.products.state.' . $this->itemid; $session->set($ns, $state); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $ns_general = $app->getName() . '::' . 'com.citruscart.products.state'; $session->set($ns_general, $state); // get the category we're looking at $filter_category = $model->getState('filter_category', $input->getString('filter_category')); JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_citruscart/models'); $cmodel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Categories', 'CitruscartModel'); $cat = $cmodel->getTable(); $cat->load($filter_category); // set the title based on the selected category $title = empty($cat->category_name) ? JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_ALL_CATEGORIES') : JText::_($cat->category_name); $level = !empty($filter_category) ? $filter_category : '1'; // breadcrumb support $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway = $app->getPathway(); // does this item have its own itemid? if so, let joomla handle the breadcrumb, // otherwise, help it out a little bit $category_itemid = $this->router->category($filter_category, true); if (!$category_itemid) { $category_itemid = $input->getInt('Itemid'); $items = Citruscart::getClass("CitruscartHelperCategory", 'helpers.category')->getPathName($filter_category, 'array'); if (!empty($items)) { // add the categories to the pathway Citruscart::getClass("CitruscartHelperPathway", 'helpers.pathway')->insertCategories($items, $category_itemid); } // add the item being viewed to the pathway $pathway_values = $pathway->getPathway(); $pathway_names = Citruscart::getClass("CitruscartHelperBase", 'helpers._base')->getColumn($pathway_values, 'name'); $pathway_links = Citruscart::getClass("CitruscartHelperBase", 'helpers._base')->getColumn($pathway_values, 'link'); $cat_url = "index.php?Itemid={$category_itemid}"; if (!in_array($cat->category_name, $pathway_names)) { $pathway->addItem($title); } } $cat->itemid = $category_itemid; // get the category's sub categories $cmodel->setState('filter_level', $level); $cmodel->setState('filter_enabled', '1'); $cmodel->setState('order', 'tbl.lft'); $cmodel->setState('direction', 'ASC'); if ($citems = $cmodel->getList()) { foreach ($citems as $item) { $item->itemid_string = null; $item->itemid = Citruscart::getClass("CitruscartHelperRoute", 'helpers.route')->category($item->category_id, true); if (!empty($item->itemid)) { $item->itemid_string = "&Itemid=" . $item->itemid; } } } $this->_list = true; // if you want to display a slightly differen add-to-cart area for list view, check this boolean // get the products to be displayed in this category if ($items = $model->getList()) { $input->set('page', 'category'); // for "getCartButton" $this->display_cartbutton = Citruscart::getInstance()->get('display_category_cartbuttons', '1'); foreach ($items as $item) { $item->itemid_string = null; $item->itemid = (int) Citruscart::getClass("CitruscartHelperRoute", 'helpers.route')->product($item->product_id, null, true); if (!empty($item->itemid)) { $item->itemid_string = "&Itemid=" . $item->itemid; } } } if ($model->getState('filter_price_from') > '0' || $model->getState('filter_price_to') > '0') { $url = "index.php?option=com_citruscart&view=products&filter_category={$filter_category}&filter_price_from=&filter_price_to="; $from = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($model->getState('filter_price_from')); $to = $model->getState('filter_price_to') > 0 ? CitruscartHelperBase::currency($model->getState('filter_price_to')) : JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_MAXIMUM_PRICE'); $view->assign('remove_pricefilter_url', $url); $view->assign('pricefilter_applied', true); $view->assign('filterprice_from', $from); $view->assign('filterprice_to', $to); } if (Citruscart::getInstance()->get('enable_product_compare', '1')) { Citruscart::load("CitruscartHelperProductCompare", 'helpers.productcompare'); $compareitems = CitruscartHelperProductCompare::getComparedProducts(); $view->assign('compareitems', $compareitems); } $view->assign('level', $level); $view->assign('title', $title); $view->assign('cat', $cat); $view->assign('citems', $citems); $view->assign('items', $items); $view->set('_doTask', true); $view->setModel($model, true); // add the media/templates folder as a valid path for templates $view->addTemplatePath(Citruscart::getPath('categories_templates')); // but add back the template overrides folder to give it priority $template_overrides = JPATH_BASE . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_citruscart/' . $view->getName(); $view->addTemplatePath($template_overrides); // using a helper file, we determine the category's layout $layout = Citruscart::getClass('CitruscartHelperCategory', 'helpers.category')->getLayout($cat->category_id); $view->setLayout($layout); $view->display(); $this->footer(); return; }
<?php } ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center; vertical-valign: top;"> <input name="quantity[<?php echo $item->product_id; ?> ]" value="<?php echo $item->orderitem_quantity; ?> " style="width: 30px;" type="text" /> </td> <td style="text-align: right; vertical-valign: top;"> <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->orderitem_final_price); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i = $i + 1; $k = 1 - $k; ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (empty($items)) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="5" align="center">
echo $item->shipping_address_2 ? $item->shipping_address_2 . ", " : ""; echo $item->shipping_city . ", "; echo $item->shipping_zone_name . " "; echo $item->shipping_postal_code . " "; echo $item->shipping_country_name; } ?> <?php if (!empty($item->order_number)) { echo "<br/><b>" . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_ORDER_NUMBER') . "</b>: " . $item->order_number; } ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <label class="label label-warning"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->order_total, $item->currency); ?> </label> <?php if (!empty($item->commissions)) { ?> <br/> <?php JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); ?> <a href="index.php?option=com_amigos&view=commissions&filter_orderid=<?php echo $item->order_id; ?> " target="_blank"> <img src='<?php echo JURI::root(true);
(<?php echo $item->recurring_payments . " " . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PAYMENTS'); ?> , <?php echo $item->recurring_period_interval . " " . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PERIOD_UNIT_' . $item->recurring_period_unit) . " " . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PERIODS'); ?> ) <?php if ($item->recurring_trial) { ?> <br/> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_TRIAL_PERIOD_PRICE'); ?> : <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->recurring_trial_price); ?> (<?php echo "1 " . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PAYMENT'); ?> , <?php echo $item->recurring_trial_period_interval . " " . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PERIOD_UNIT_' . $item->recurring_period_unit) . " " . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PERIOD'); ?> ) <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
/** * Get the price range based on the Highest and lowest prices * @return array */ function getPriceRange() { // Check the registry to see if our Citruscart class has been overridden if (!class_exists('Citruscart')) { JLoader::register("Citruscart", JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/com_citruscart/defines.php"); } // load the config class Citruscart::load('Citruscart', 'defines'); JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_citruscart/tables'); JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_citruscart/models'); $ranges = array(); $link = ''; // get the model $model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Products', 'CitruscartModel'); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $ns = $app->getName() . '::' . 'com.citruscart.model.' . $model->getTable()->get('_suffix'); //check if we are in the manufacturer view $view = JRequest::getWord('view'); if ($view == 'manufacturers') { //get the current manufacturer $filter_manufacturer = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($ns . '.manufacturer', 'filter_manufacturer', '', 'int'); if (empty($filter_manufacturer)) { return ''; } $model->setState('filter_manufacturer', $filter_manufacturer); //create link to be concatinated $link = '&view=manufacturers&layout=products&task=products&filter_manufacturer=' . $filter_manufacturer; } else { //get the current category $filter_category = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($ns . '.category', 'filter_category', '', 'int'); if (empty($filter_category)) { return ''; } $model->setState('filter_category', $filter_category); //create link to be concatinated $link = '&filter_category=' . $filter_category; } //set the direction of the price $model->setState('order', 'price'); $model->setState('direction', 'DESC'); //get items $items = $model->getList(); //check if we dont have product in the category if (empty($items)) { $ranges[$link] = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_NO_AVAILABLE_PRODUCT'); return $ranges; } //get the highest price $priceHigh = abs($items['0']->price); //get the lowest price $priceLow = count($items) == 1 ? 0 : abs($items[count($items) - 1]->price); $range = (abs($priceHigh) - abs($priceLow)) / 4; //rounding $roundRange = $this->_priceRound($range, $this->params->get('round_digit'), true); $roundPriceLow = $this->_priceRound($priceLow, $this->params->get('round_digit')); $upperPrice = $this->params->get('filter_upper_limit'); //load the helper base class Citruscart::load('CitruscartHelperBase', 'helpers._base'); $ranges[$link . '&filter_price_from=' . $roundPriceLow . '&filter_price_to=' . $roundRange] = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($roundPriceLow) . ' - ' . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($roundRange); $ranges[$link . '&filter_price_from=' . $roundRange . '&filter_price_to=' . $roundRange * 2] = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($roundRange) . ' - ' . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($roundRange * 2); $ranges[$link . '&filter_price_from=' . $roundRange * 2 . '&filter_price_to=' . $roundRange * 3] = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($roundRange * 2) . ' - ' . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($roundRange * 3); $ranges[$link . '&filter_price_from=' . $roundRange * 3 . '&filter_price_to=' . $upperPrice] = CitruscartHelperBase::currency($roundRange * 3) . ' - ' . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($upperPrice); $ranges[$link . '&filter_price_from=' . $upperPrice] = JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_MORE_THAN_') . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($upperPrice); return $ranges; }
public function setShippingMethod() { $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $this->setFormat(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $response = $this->getResponseObject(); $post = $input->getArray($_POST); $errorMessage = ''; if (empty($post['shipping_plugin'])) { $errorMessage = '<ul class="text-error">'; $errorMessage .= "<li>" . JText::_("COM_CITRUSCART_PLEASE_SELECT_SHIPPING_METHOD") . "</li>"; $errorMessage .= '</ul>'; $response->goto_section = 'shipping-method'; $response->summary->html = $errorMessage; echo json_encode($response); return; } $value = $post['shipping_plugin']; $parts = explode('.', $value); $plugin = $parts[0]; $key = $parts[1]; $shippingRates = unserialize($session->get('citruscart.opc.shippingRates')); $currency = Citruscart::getInstance()->get('default_currencyid', 1); $rate = !empty($shippingRates[$key]) ? $shippingRates[$key] : null; $summary = $rate ? $rate['name'] . " (" . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($rate['total'], $currency) . ")" : null; $requireShipping = unserialize($session->get('citruscart.opc.requireShipping')); if ($requireShipping && empty($rate)) { $response->goto_section = 'shipping-method'; $response->summary->id = 'opc-shipping-method-validation'; $response->summary->html = JText::_("COM_CITRUSCART_INVALID_SHIPPING_RATE"); } else { $response->goto_section = 'payment'; $response->summary->html = $summary; $session->set('citruscart.opc.shippingMethod', serialize($rate)); } echo json_encode($response); }
<?php Citruscart::load('CitruscartHelperShipping', 'helpers.shipping'); ?> <span style="float: right;">[<?php echo CitruscartUrl::popup("index.php?option=com_citruscart&controller=shippingmethods&task=setrates&id=" . $item->shipping_method_id . "&tmpl=component", "Set Rates"); ?> ]</span> <?php if ($shipping_method_type = CitruscartHelperShipping::getType($item->shipping_method_type)) { echo "<b>" . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_TYPE') . "</b>: " . $shipping_method_type->title; } if ($item->subtotal_minimum > '0') { echo "<br/><b>" . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_MINIMUM_ORDER_REQUIRED') . "</b>: " . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->subtotal_minimum); } if ($item->subtotal_maximum > '-1') { echo "<br/><b>" . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_SHIPPING_METHODS_SUBTOTAL_MAX') . "</b>: " . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->subtotal_maximum); } ?> </div> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php echo $item->tax_class_name; ?> </td> <td style="text-align: center;"> <?php echo CitruscartGrid::enable($item->shipping_method_enabled, $i, 'shipping_method_enabled.'); ?> </td> </tr>
?> </span> </span> <span class="left38 right"> <span class="inner"> <?php if (!empty($this->showShipping)) { echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($order->order_shipping, $order->currency); } ?> </span> </span> <span class="left62"> <span class="inner"> <?php if (!empty($this->showShipping) && $display_shipping_tax && $order->order_shipping_tax) { echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_SHIPPING_TAX') . ":"; } ?> </span> </span> <span class="left38 right"> <span class="inner"> <?php if (!empty($this->showShipping) && $display_shipping_tax && $order->order_shipping_tax) { echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency((double) $order->order_shipping_tax, $order->currency); } ?> </span> </span>
<td colspan="2"> <input style="float: right;" type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_UPDATE_QUANTITIES'); ?> " name="update" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" style="font-weight: bold;"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_SUBTOTAL'); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: right;"> <span id="totalAmountDue"><?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($subtotal); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5" style="white-space: nowrap;"> <b><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_TAX_AND_SHIPPING_TOTALS'); ?> </b> <br/> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_CALCULATED_DURING_CHECKOUT_PROCESS'); ?> </td>
echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($row->order_credit, $row->currency); ?> </th> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <th colspan="2" style="font-size: 120%; text-align: right;"> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_TOTAL'); ?> </th> <th style="font-size: 120%; text-align: right;"> <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($row->order_total, $row->currency); ?> </th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </fieldset> </div> <?php // fire plugin event here to enable extending the form JDispatcher::getInstance()->trigger('onAfterDisplayOrderViewOrderItems', array($row)); ?> </td> <td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: top;">
?> ) <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_PRICE'); ?> : <?php echo CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->product_price); ?> <?php } ?> <br/> <?php echo CitruscartHelperProduct::getRatingImage($item->product_rating); ?> <br/> <?php if (!empty($this->onDisplayCartItem) && !empty($this->onDisplayCartItem[$i])) { ?> <div class='onDisplayCartItem_wrapper_<?php echo $i;
echo $item->order_id; ?> <input type="hidden" name="cid[]" value="<?php echo $item->order_id; ?> "/> </td> <td> <?php echo JHTML::_('date', $item->created_date, Citruscart::getInstance()->get('date_format')); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: left;"> <?php echo "<b>" . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_ORDER_ID') . "</b>: " . $item->order_id . "<br>"; echo "<b>" . JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_ORDER_AMOUNT') . "</b>: " . CitruscartHelperBase::currency($item->order_total) . "<br>"; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $item->user_name . ' [ ' . $item->user_id . ' ]'; ?> • <?php echo $item->email . ' [ ' . $item->user_username . ' ]'; ?> <br/> <b><?php echo JText::_('COM_CITRUSCART_SHIP_TO'); ?> </b>: <?php