public function testNormalContract() { $chunk = new Chunk(100, 1); $chunk->begin(); $chunk->end(10); $this->assertInternalType('int', $chunk->getEstimatedSize()); }
/** * @param Diff $diff * @param array $lines */ private function parseFileDiff(Diff $diff, array $lines) { $chunks = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^@@\\s+-(?P<start>\\d+)(?:,\\s*(?P<startrange>\\d+))?\\s+\\+(?P<end>\\d+)(?:,\\s*(?P<endrange>\\d+))?\\s+@@/', $line, $match)) { $chunk = new Chunk($match['start'], isset($match['startrange']) ? max(1, $match['startrange']) : 1, $match['end'], isset($match['endrange']) ? max(1, $match['endrange']) : 1); $chunks[] = $chunk; $diffLines = array(); continue; } if (preg_match('/^(?P<type>[+ -])?(?P<line>.*)/', $line, $match)) { $type = Line::UNCHANGED; if ($match['type'] == '+') { $type = Line::ADDED; } elseif ($match['type'] == '-') { $type = Line::REMOVED; } $diffLines[] = new Line($type, $match['line']); if (isset($chunk)) { $chunk->setLines($diffLines); } } } $diff->setChunks($chunks); }
public function close() { if (!$this->closed) { $this->closed = true; unset($this->level->updateTiles[$this->id]); if ($this->chunk instanceof FullChunk) { $this->chunk->removeTile($this); } if (($level = $this->getLevel()) instanceof Level) { $level->removeTile($this); } $this->level = null; } }
static function checkNegaPosi($from, $to) { if ($from === "" || $to === "") { return false; } $chunks = Chunk::all(); $result = null; foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $_from = $chunk['from']; $_to = $chunk['to']; if (preg_match("/{$_from}/u", $from) && preg_match("/{$_to}/u", $to)) { $result = trim($chunk['nega_posi']); break; } } if ($result == null || $result == "non") { $result = "f"; } return $result; }
/** * @param Diff $diff * @param array $lines */ private function parseFileDiff(Diff $diff, array $lines) { $chunks = array(); while (count($lines)) { while (!preg_match('(^@@\\s+-(?P<start>\\d+)(?:,\\s*(?P<startrange>\\d+))?\\s+\\+(?P<end>\\d+)(?:,\\s*(?P<endrange>\\d+))?\\s+@@)', $last = array_shift($lines), $match)) { if ($last === null) { break 2; } } $chunk = new Chunk($match['start'], isset($match['startrange']) ? max(1, $match['startrange']) : 1, $match['end'], isset($match['endrange']) ? max(1, $match['endrange']) : 1); $diffLines = array(); $last = null; while (count($lines) && (preg_match('(^(?P<type>[+ -])?(?P<line>.*))', $last = array_shift($lines), $match) || strpos($last, '\\ No newline at end of file') === 0)) { if (count($match)) { $type = Line::UNCHANGED; if ($match['type'] == '+') { $type = Line::ADDED; } elseif ($match['type'] == '-') { $type = Line::REMOVED; } $diffLines[] = new Line($type, $match['line']); } } $chunk->setLines($diffLines); $chunks[] = $chunk; if ($last !== null) { array_unshift($lines, $last); } } $diff->setChunks($chunks); }
?> "> <h3><?php echo $p->getTitle(); ?> </h3> <time datetime="<?php echo $p->getVisibleFrom()->format('d M Y H:i'); ?> "></time> <p><?php echo $p->url(); ?> </p> <p><?php echo Chunk::get('text', 'standfirst', $p)->text(); ?> </p> </a> </li> </ol> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php echo trans('boomcms::dashboard.approvals.none'); ?> </p> <?php } ?>
/** * @param string $data */ public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct('VP8X', $data); var_dump($this->hasXmp()); var_dump($this->hasExif()); }
</div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide riddle"> <div class="slide_content"> <div class="question"> <h5>Riddle #1</h5> <h3>I become whiter while going dirtier. What am I?</h3> <a class="btn green_btn reveal_answer_btn">reveal answer</a> </div> <div class="answer"> <div id="chalk_container"> <img src="<?php echo Site::url(); ?> /public/assets/img/welcome/chalkboard.png" alt="" id="chalk_bg"/> <?php Chunk::get('chalk-answer'); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-button-prev"><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></i></div> <div class="swiper-button-next"><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></i></div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
public function getIndex() { // 酒のレビューを取得。現在はサンプルのレビューを使用。 $reviews = Review::where('item_id', 41)->take(4)->get(); $last_result = array(); /*----------------------------------------- * 形態素解析, 係受け構文解析 *---------------------------------------*/ foreach ($reviews as $review) { $params = array('type' => 'chunk', 'text' => $review->content); $yahoo_result = YahooApi::fetch($params); if ($yahoo_result === false) { continue; } $last_result = Chunk::getChunks($yahoo_result, $review->content, $review, $last_result, $review->is_bought); } /*----------------------------------------- * 類義語検索 *---------------------------------------*/ foreach ($last_result as $key => $value) { $s = explode(',', $value['info']); // 名詞が形容詞にかかっている場合 if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $s[2]) && preg_match('/.*?(形容|動詞)/u', $s[6])) { $adje = explode('-', $s[6]); // 品詞 $pos = explode('-', $s[5]); // 単語 $_adje = explode('-', $s[2]); // 品詞 $_pos = explode('-', $s[1]); // 単語 // for ($i = 0; $i < count($_adje); $i++) { // $syno = null; // if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $_adje[$i]) && count($_adje) > 1) { // if ($_adje[0] == '名詞' && $_adje[1] == '助動詞') { // $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($_pos[$i]); // $_ll_result = array(); // if ($syno) { // $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; // $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; // $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; // $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; // } // } // } // } for ($i = 0; $i < count($adje); $i++) { $syno = null; if (preg_match('/^(形容|動詞)/u', $adje[$i], $match)) { // 形容詞が含まれていれば if ($match[0] == '形容') { $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); if ($syno && $syno->text == '無い') { for ($j = 0; $j < count($_adje); $j++) { if ($_adje[$j] == '名詞') { $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($_pos[$i]); } } } } else { if ($match[0] == '動詞') { $_syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); if ($_syno && isset($pos[1])) { if (in_array($pos[0] . $pos[1], explode(',', $_syno->synonym))) { $syno = $_syno; } } } } if (!isset($syno)) { break; } $_ll_result = array(); // もし同じような形容詞があれば1つにまとめていく if ($syno) { $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; } } } } else { if (preg_match('/.*?(副詞)/u', $s[2]) && preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $s[6])) { $adje = explode('-', $s[6]); // 品詞 $pos = explode('-', $s[5]); // 単語 $_adje = explode('-', $s[2]); // 品詞 $_pos = explode('-', $s[1]); // 単語 for ($i = 0; $i < count($adje); $i++) { $syno = null; if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $adje[$i])) { $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); $_ll_result = array(); if ($syno) { $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; } } } } } } echo '<pre>'; var_dump($ll_result); echo '</pre>'; }
<?php require 'config.php'; session_name($_CONFIG["session_name"]); session_start(); require 'users.php'; require 'class.php'; $timeconfig = $_CONFIG['default_timezone']; $timezone = strlen($timeconfig) > 0 ? $timeconfig : "UTC"; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $chunk = new Chunk(); $encodeExplorer = new EncodeExplorer(); if (isset($_SESSION['lang'])) { $lang = $_SESSION['lang']; } else { $lang = SetUp::getConfig("lang"); } require "translations/" . $lang . ".php"; $gateKeeper = new GateKeeper(); if ($gateKeeper->isAccessAllowed() && $gateKeeper->isAllowed('upload_enable')) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { if ($_GET['resumableChunkNumber'] == 1) { $firstChunk = true; } else { $firstChunk = false; } $resumabledata = $chunk->setupFilename($_GET['resumableFilename'], $_GET['resumableIdentifier']); $resumableFilename = $resumabledata['filename']; $extension = $resumabledata['extension']; $basename = $resumabledata['basename']; $fullfilepath = $_GET['loc'] . $resumableFilename;
protected function unserializeChunk($data) { return Chunk::fromBinary($data, $this->levelProvider); }
/** * Queries and returns archive data using a set of archive IDs. * * @param array $archiveIds The IDs of the archives to get data from. * @param array $recordNames The names of the data to retrieve (ie, nb_visits, nb_actions, etc.) * @param string $archiveDataType The archive data type (either, 'blob' or 'numeric'). * @param int|null|string $idSubtable null if the root blob should be loaded, an integer if a subtable should be * loaded and 'all' if all subtables should be loaded. * @throws Exception * @return array */ public function getArchiveData($archiveIds, $recordNames, $archiveDataType, $idSubtable) { $chunk = new Chunk(); // create the SQL to select archive data $loadAllSubtables = $idSubtable == Archive::ID_SUBTABLE_LOAD_ALL_SUBTABLES; if ($loadAllSubtables) { $name = reset($recordNames); // select blobs w/ name like "$name_[0-9]+" w/o using RLIKE $nameEnd = strlen($name) + 1; $nameEndAppendix = $nameEnd + 1; $appendix = $chunk->getAppendix(); $lenAppendix = strlen($appendix); $checkForChunkBlob = "SUBSTRING(name FROM {$nameEnd} FOR {$lenAppendix}) = '{$appendix}'"; $checkForSubtableId = "(SUBSTRING(name FROM {$nameEndAppendix} FOR 1) >= '0'\n AND SUBSTRING(name FROM {$nameEndAppendix} FOR 1) <= '9')"; $whereNameIs = "(name = ? OR (name LIKE ? AND ( {$checkForChunkBlob} OR {$checkForSubtableId} ) ))"; $bind = array($name, $name . '%'); } else { if ($idSubtable === null) { // select root table or specific record names $bind = array_values($recordNames); } else { // select a subtable id $bind = array(); foreach ($recordNames as $recordName) { // to be backwards compatibe we need to look for the exact idSubtable blob and for the chunk // that stores the subtables (a chunk stores many blobs in one blob) $bind[] = $chunk->getRecordNameForTableId($recordName, $idSubtable); $bind[] = ArchiveSelector::appendIdSubtable($recordName, $idSubtable); } } $inNames = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($bind); $whereNameIs = "name IN ({$inNames})"; } $getValuesSql = "SELECT %s, name, idsite, date1, date2, ts_archived\n FROM %s\n WHERE idarchive IN (%s)\n AND " . $whereNameIs; // get data from every table we're querying $rows = array(); foreach ($archiveIds as $period => $ids) { if (empty($ids)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected: id archive not found for period '{$period}' '"); } // $period = "2009-01-04,2009-01-04", $date = Date::factory(substr($period, 0, 10)); $isNumeric = $archiveDataType == 'numeric'; if ($isNumeric) { $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($date); } else { $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($date); } $valueCol = $this->prepareForBinary($table); $sql = sprintf($getValuesSql, $valueCol, $table, implode(',', $ids)); $dataRows = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, $bind); $dataRows = $this->binaryOutput($dataRows, true); foreach ($dataRows as $row) { if ($isNumeric) { $rows[] = $row; } else { $row['value'] = $this->uncompress($row['value']); if ($chunk->isRecordNameAChunk($row['name'])) { $this->moveChunkRowToRows($rows, $row, $chunk, $loadAllSubtables, $idSubtable); } else { $rows[] = $row; } } } } return $rows; }
<footer class="container"> <div class="pull-left"><?php echo Chunk::get('footer-links'); ?> </div> <div class="pull-right"><?php Action::run('theme_footer'); echo Site::powered(); ?> </div> </footer> <?php echo Snippet::get('google-analytics'); ?> </body> </html>
/** * Exports designer project */ public function export($info) { $chunk = new Chunk(); if (!$chunk->save($info)) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 400 Bad Request', true, 400); return array(); } if ($chunk->last()) { ProviderLog::start('export'); ProviderLog::start('export:json_decode'); $content = json_decode($chunk->complete(), true); ProviderLog::end('export:json_decode'); $this->_exportTheme($content); ProviderLog::end('export'); return array('result' => 'done', 'log' => ProviderLog::getLog()); } return array('result' => 'processed'); }
public function ajaxProcessFsoZip() { try { $chunk = new Chunk(); if (!$chunk->save($this->_getChunkInfo())) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 400 Bad Request', true, 400); return array(); } if (!$chunk->last()) { return array('result' => 'processed'); } $data = json_decode($chunk->complete(), true); if (!isset($data['fso'])) { throw new Exception('Empty fso'); } $designer = $this->getDesignerObj(); $response = $designer->zipFso($data); die(Tools::jsonEncode($response)); } catch (PermissionsException $e) { die($this->_exceptionResponse($e)); } }
<div class="col-xs-12"> <?php Action::run('theme_pre_content'); ?> </div> </div><div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="monstra-blog-post"> <?php echo Blog::getPost(); ?> </div> <small class="monstra-blog-date"><?php echo Blog::getPostDate('d M Y'); ?> / <?php echo Blog::getPostAuthor(); ?> </small> </div> </div><div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <?php Action::run('theme_post_content'); ?> </div> </div></div> </div> <?php Chunk::get('footer');
public function make() { $params = Input::all(); $id = $params['item-id']; // 決定表作成時はmax_execution_timeの制限を外す set_time_limit(3000); // TODO: ファイル作成する部分。ファイル以外で実現したい //$file_name = 'drh.dat'; $file_name = $id . '.dat'; $fp = fopen('assets/dat/' . $file_name, 'w'); // 酒のレビューを取得。現在はサンプルのレビューを使用。 $reviews = Review::where('item_id', $id)->get(); $last_result = array(); /*----------------------------------------- * 形態素解析, 係受け構文解析 *---------------------------------------*/ foreach ($reviews as $review) { $params = array('type' => 'chunk', 'text' => $review->content); $yahoo_result = YahooApi::fetch($params); if ($yahoo_result === false) { continue; } $last_result = Chunk::getChunks($yahoo_result, $review->content, $review, $last_result, $review->is_bought); } /*----------------------------------------- * 類義語検索 *---------------------------------------*/ foreach ($last_result as $key => $value) { $s = explode(',', $value['info']); // 名詞が形容詞にかかっている場合 if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $s[2]) && preg_match('/.*?(形容|動詞)/u', $s[6])) { $adje = explode('-', $s[6]); // 品詞 $pos = explode('-', $s[5]); // 単語 $_adje = explode('-', $s[2]); // 品詞 $_pos = explode('-', $s[1]); // 単語 for ($i = 0; $i < count($_adje); $i++) { $syno = null; if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $_adje[$i]) && count($_adje) > 1) { if ($_adje[0] == '名詞' && $_adje[1] == '助動詞') { $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($_pos[$i]); } $_ll_result = array(); if ($syno) { $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($adje); $i++) { $syno = null; if (preg_match('/^(形容|動詞)/u', $adje[$i], $match)) { // 形容詞が含まれていれば if ($match[0] == '形容') { $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); if ($syno && $syno->text == '無い') { for ($j = 0; $j < count($_adje); $j++) { if ($_adje[$j] == '名詞') { $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($_pos[$i]); } } } } else { if ($match[0] == '動詞') { $_syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); if ($_syno && isset($pos[1])) { if (in_array($pos[0] . $pos[1], explode(',', $_syno->synonym))) { $syno = $_syno; } } } } if (!isset($syno)) { break; } $_ll_result = array(); // もし同じような形容詞があれば1つにまとめていく if ($syno) { $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; } } } // for ($i = 0; $i < count($adje); $i++) { // if (preg_match('/.*?(形容)/u', $adje[$i], $match)) { // 形容詞が含まれていれば // $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); // $_ll_result = array(); // // もし同じような形容詞があれば1つにまとめていく // if ($syno) { // $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; // $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; // $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; // $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; // } // } // } } else { if (preg_match('/.*?(副詞)/u', $s[2]) && preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $s[6])) { $adje = explode('-', $s[6]); // 品詞 $pos = explode('-', $s[5]); // 単語 $_adje = explode('-', $s[2]); // 品詞 $_pos = explode('-', $s[1]); // 単語 for ($i = 0; $i < count($adje); $i++) { $syno = null; if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $adje[$i])) { $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); $_ll_result = array(); if ($syno) { $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; } } } } } } // foreach ($last_result as $key => $value) { // $s = explode(',', $value['info']); // // 名詞が形容詞にかかっている場合 // if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $s[2]) && preg_match('/.*?(形容)/u', $s[6])) { // $adje = explode('-', $s[6]); // 品詞 // $pos = explode('-', $s[5]); // 単語 // $_adje = explode('-', $s[2]); // 品詞 // $_pos = explode('-', $s[1]); // 単語 // for ($i = 0; $i < count($_adje); $i++) { // if (preg_match('/.*?(名詞)/u', $_adje[$i])) { // $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($_pos[$i]); // $_ll_result = array(); // if ($syno) { // $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; // $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; // $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; // $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; // } // } // } // for ($i = 0; $i < count($adje); $i++) { // if (preg_match('/.*?(形容)/u', $adje[$i])) { // 形容詞が含まれていれば // $syno = Thesaurus::checkThesaurus($pos[$i]); // $_ll_result = array(); // // もし同じような形容詞があれば1つにまとめていく // if ($syno) { // $_ll_result['text'] = $syno['text']; // $_ll_result['rayer'] = $syno['rayer']; // $_ll_result['info'] = $value['info']; // $ll_result[trim($syno['text'])][] = $_ll_result; // } // } // } // } // } /*----------------------------------------- * 感性ワードの出現率を検索する *---------------------------------------*/ $all_review_count = $this->review_gestion->where('item_id', '=', $id)->count(); // 全レビュー件数 foreach ($ll_result as $key => $value) { $review_count = count($ll_result[$key]); $review_percents[$key] = $review_count / $all_review_count; } // $all_review_count = 0; // 採用したレビュー件数 // foreach ($ll_result as $key => $value) { // $review_counts[$key] = count($ll_result[$key]); // $all_review_count += count($ll_result[$key]); // } // foreach ($review_counts as $key => $review_count) { // $review_percents[$key] = $review_count/$all_review_count; // } // 形を整える foreach ($review_percents as $key => $review_percent) { $review_percents[$key] = substr($review_percent * 100, 0, 4); } /*----------------------------------------- * 決定表を作成する *---------------------------------------*/ $drh = Dr::getDRH($ll_result); /*----------------------------------------- * 属性値を出力する *---------------------------------------*/ //属性値を出力する echo "#ATTRS" . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, "#ATTRS" . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへの書き込み foreach ($drh['attrs'] as $key => $val) { fwrite($fp, $key . " " . $val . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み echo $key . " " . $val . PHP_EOL; } fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み echo PHP_EOL; /*----------------------------------------- * 付加情報の出力 *---------------------------------------*/ $si = 1; echo "#INFOATTRS" . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, "#INFOATTRS" . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み foreach ($drh['drh'] as $key => $val) { echo $si . " " . $key; fwrite($fp, $si . " " . $key); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み foreach ($val as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'drc') { echo " " . $v; fwrite($fp, " " . $v); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み } else { if (isset($v['text'])) { echo " " . $k . ":" . implode(',', $v['text']); fwrite($fp, " " . $k . ":" . implode(',', $v['text'])); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み } else { echo " " . "*"; fwrite($fp, " " . "*"); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み } } } echo PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み $si++; } echo PHP_EOL; /*----------------------------------------- * 決定表の出力 *---------------------------------------*/ echo "#DRH" . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, "#DRH" . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み $si = 1; foreach ($drh['drh'] as $key => $val) { echo $si; fwrite($fp, $si); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み $_sample = array(); foreach ($val as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'drc') { echo " " . $v; fwrite($fp, " " . $v); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み $dc[] = $v; } else { echo " " . $k . $v['atr']; fwrite($fp, " " . $k . $v['atr']); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み $_sample[] = $k . $v['atr']; } } $sample[] = $_sample; echo PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み $si++; } echo PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み /*----------------------------------------- * 決定ルールの算出 *---------------------------------------*/ $MODE = "un_appro"; //un_appro:下近似, up_appro:上近似 Dr::setData($sample, $dc); /*(下/上)近似を求める//--------------------------------*/ $appro = array(); switch ($MODE) { case "un_appro": $appro = Dr::calUNAppro(); break; case "up_appro": break; } /*//下近似を求める-------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------- * 決定行列の作成 *---------------------------------------*/ $d_matrix = Dr::getDecisionMatrix($appro, $sample, $dc); //決定行列からDR算出 //注意:決定行列から算出したDRは矛盾を含む $drs = Dr::calDR($d_matrix); /*----------------------------------------- * CI値の算出の作成 *---------------------------------------*/ $ci = Dr::getCI($drs); /*----------------------------------------- * 結果の出力 *---------------------------------------*/ echo "#DR" . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, "#DR" . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み foreach ($ci as $key => $val) { echo "DC:" . $key . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, "DC:" . $key . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み foreach ($val as $k => $v) { echo $k . " CI=" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v['ci']) . " " . "[" . implode(',', $v['sample']) . "]" . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, $k . " CI=" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v['ci']) . " " . "[" . implode(',', $v['sample']) . "]" . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み } echo PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み } /*----------------------------------------- * 共起頻度・強度算出 *---------------------------------------*/ $cmat = Match::calMatchCoef($drh['drh']); echo "#MATCHING" . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, "#MATCHING" . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み foreach ($cmat as $key => $val) { echo "DC:" . $key . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, "DC:" . $key . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み foreach ($val as $k => $v) { echo $k . " j:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["jaccard"]) . " d:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["daice"]) . " c:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["cosine"]) . " s:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["simpson"]) . " kl:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["kl"]) . PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, $k . " j:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["jaccard"]) . " d:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["daice"]) . " c:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["cosine"]) . " s:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["simpson"]) . " kl:" . sprintf("%0.4f", $v["kl"]) . PHP_EOL); } echo PHP_EOL; fwrite($fp, PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み } /*----------------------------------------- * 感性ワードの出現率の出力(Relative Frequency) *---------------------------------------*/ fwrite($fp, "#RF" . PHP_EOL); // TODO: ファイルへ書き込み foreach ($review_percents as $key => $review_percent) { fwrite($fp, $key . " " . $review_percent . PHP_EOL); } }
<div class="grid swiper-wrapper"> <?php Chunk::get('gallery-nescafe-headstart'); ?> <?php Chunk::get('gallery-maggi'); ?> <?php Chunk::get('gallery-actwild'); ?> <?php Chunk::get('gallery-beneful'); ?> <?php Chunk::get('gallery-lumanetix'); ?> <?php Chunk::get('gallery-carnation'); ?> <?php Chunk::get('gallery-uncletobys'); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
private function writeChunk(Chunk $chunk) { $binary = $chunk->toBinary(true); $index = LevelDB::chunkIndex($chunk->getX(), $chunk->getZ()); $this->db->put($index . self::ENTRY_TERRAIN, substr($binary, 8, -1)); $this->db->put($index . self::ENTRY_FLAGS, substr($binary, -1)); $this->db->put($index . self::ENTRY_VERSION, ""); }
public function getEmptyChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ) { return Chunk::getEmptyChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ, $this); }
</button> <?php } ?> <?php echo view('boomcms::editor.toolbar.view-live-button'); ?> </div> <?php if ($version->getChunkType() === 'text') { ?> <?php $chunk = Chunk::findById($version->getChunkType(), $version->getChunkId()); $previousChunk = Chunk::find($version->getChunkType(), $chunk->slotname, $previous); $previousText = $previousChunk ? $previousChunk->site_text : ''; ?> <script type="text/template" id="b-history-diff" data-slotname="<?php echo $chunk->slotname; ?> " data-type="<?php echo $version->getChunkType(); ?> " > <?php