예제 #1

// Require the Chargify.php file.
require_once 'Chargify-PHP-Client/lib/Chargify.php';
 * Create a ChargifyProduct object in test mode.
$test = TRUE;
$product = new ChargifyProduct(NULL, $test);
 * Get details about all products available through your Chargify site.
$products = $product->getAllProducts();
echo '<h2>Array of all product objects</h2>';
 * Get the first product based by ID. Will fail if there are no products.
$product_x = new ChargifyProduct(NULL, $test);
$product_x->id = $products[0]->id;
echo '<h2>Single product object by ID</h2>';
 * Get the first product based by handle. Will fail if there are no products.
$product_y = new ChargifyProduct(NULL, $test);
$product_y->handle = $products[0]->handle;
echo '<h2>Single product object by handle</h2>';