
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
require '../ChargeOverAPI.php';
//This url should be specific to your ChargeOver instance
$url = 'http://dev.chargeover.com/api/v3';
//$url = 'https://YOUR-INSTANCE-NAME.chargeover.com/api/v3';
$authmode = ChargeOverAPI::AUTHMODE_HTTP_BASIC;
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
$API = new ChargeOverAPI($url, $authmode, $username, $password);
$Invoice = new ChargeOverAPI_Object_Invoice();
$LineItem = new ChargeOverAPI_Object_LineItem();
$LineItem->setDescrip('Test of a description goes here.');
$LineItem = clone $LineItem;
$resp = $API->create($Invoice);
 * Example of creating an invoice, and then paying it using an ACH/eCheck payment
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
require '../ChargeOverAPI.php';
//This url should be specific to your ChargeOver instance
$url = 'http://dev.chargeover.com/api/v3';
//$url = 'https://YOUR-INSTANCE-NAME.chargeover.com/api/v3';
// Your ChargeOver API credentials
$authmode = ChargeOverAPI::AUTHMODE_HTTP_BASIC;
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
$API = new ChargeOverAPI($url, $authmode, $username, $password);
$Invoice = new ChargeOverAPI_Object_Invoice();
$LineItem = new ChargeOverAPI_Object_LineItem();
$LineItem->setDescrip('Test of a description goes here.');
// Create the invoice
$resp = $API->create($Invoice);
if (!$API->isError($resp)) {
    $invoice_id = $resp->response->id;
    print 'Created new invoice # ' . $invoice_id . '... now let\'s try to pay for it!' . "\n";
    // Now that we've created the invoice, let's try to immediately pay for it
    //	using an ACH debit/eCheck.
    // Create the credit card object
    $Ach = new ChargeOverAPI_Object_Ach(array('number' => '1234 1234 1234', 'name' => 'Keith Palmer', 'routing' => '072403004', 'type' => ChargeOverAPI_Object_Ach::TYPE_CHECKING));