public function refreshAllNumbers($courseId) { $chapters = Chapter::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('courseId' => intval($courseId)), array('order' => 'weight asc')); $count = count($chapters); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { //$chapters[$i]->update(array('number'=>$i+1)); $chapters[$i]->number = $i + 1; $chapters[$i]->save(); } }
/** * @param integer $book_id * @param integer $chap_id * @param bool $check_can_read * @throws CHttpException * @internal param string $class * @return Chapter */ protected function loadChapter($book_id, $chap_id, $check_can_read = true) { $book_id = (int) $book_id; $chap_id = (int) $chap_id; $chap = Chapter::model()->with("book.membership")->findByPk((int) $chap_id); if (!$chap) { throw new CHttpException(404, "Главы не существует. Возможно, она была удалена. <a href='/book/{$book_id}/'>Вернуться к оглавлению перевода</a>."); } if ($chap->book->id != $book_id) { $this->redirect($chap->book->getUrl($chap_id)); } // ac_read для всего перевода. Если нельзя в весь перевод, редиректим в оглавление перевода, пусть контроллер Book объясняет, почему да как. if (!$chap->book->can("read")) { $this->redirect($chap->book->url); } if ($chap->book->opts_get(Book::OPTS_BAN_COPYRIGHT)) { $chap->book->facecontrol = Book::FC_INVITE; foreach (Yii::app()->params["ac_areas"] as $ac => $title) { if ($chap->book->{$ac} == "a") { $chap->book->{$ac} = "g"; } } $reason = BookBanReason::model()->findByPk($chap->book->id); if (!$reason) { $reason = new BookBanReason(); } if (!$chap->book->can("read")) { throw new CHttpException(403, "Сожалеем, но этот перевод заблокирован по заявке правообладателей."); } } // ac_read для этой главы if ($check_can_read && !$chap->can("read")) { $msg = $chap->deniedWhy; $msg .= "<br /><br /><a href='{$chap->book->url}'>Вернуться к оглавлению</a>."; throw new CHttpException(403, $msg); } return $chap; }
/** * @param integer $book_id * @param integer $chap_id * @return Chapter * @throws CHttpException */ protected function loadChapter($book_id, $chap_id) { $book_id = (int) $book_id; $chap_id = (int) $chap_id; /** @var Chapter $chap */ $chap = Chapter::model()->with("book.membership")->findByPk($chap_id); if (!$chap) { throw new CHttpException(404, "Главы не существует. Возможно, она была удалена. <a href='/book/{$book_id}/'>Вернуться к оглавлению перевода</a>."); } if ($chap->book->id != $book_id) { $this->redirect($chap->book->getUrl($chap_id)); } // ac_read для всего перевода. Если нельзя в весь перевод, редиректим в оглавление перевода, пусть контроллер Book объясняет, почему да как. if (!$chap->book->can("read")) { $this->redirect($chap->book->url); } // ac_read для этой главы if (!$chap->can("read")) { $msg = $chap->deniedWhy; $msg .= "<br /><br /><a href='{$chap->book->url}'>Вернуться к оглавлению</a>."; throw new CHttpException(403, $msg); } return $chap; }
public function loadModel($id) { $model = Chapter::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public function refreshAllChapterIds($courseId) { $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('courseId' => intval($courseId)), array('order' => 'weight asc')); foreach ($lessons as $lesson) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = "id"; $criteria->condition = "courseId=:courseId and weight<:weight"; $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $courseId, ':weight' => $lesson->weight); $criteria->order = "weight desc"; $criteria->limit = 1; $chapter = Chapter::model()->find($criteria); if ($chapter) { $lesson->chapterId = $chapter->id; } else { $lesson->chapterId = 0; } $lesson->save(); } }
/** * Note: This test assumes default Yii::t() fallback behavior * @test */ public function furtherFallbackBehaviorTests() { $books = Book::model()->findAll(); $book = $books[0]; $this->assertEquals(2, count($books)); $fooText = "Lean on me"; Yii::app()->language = Yii::app()->sourceLanguage; $this->assertEquals($fooText, Yii::t('app', $fooText)); Yii::app()->language = 'ch'; $this->assertEquals($fooText, Yii::t('app', $fooText)); $chapter = new Chapter(); $chapter->_book_id = $book->id; $chapter->_title = $fooText; Yii::app()->language = 'en_us'; $this->assertEquals($fooText, $chapter->title); Yii::app()->language = 'de'; $this->assertEquals($fooText, $chapter->title); $saveResult = $chapter->save(); $this->assertTrue($saveResult); $chapters = Chapter::model()->findAll(); $chapter = $chapters[0]; $this->assertEquals(1, count($chapters)); $this->assertEquals($fooText, $chapter->title); $this->assertEquals($fooText, $chapter->title_de); $this->assertEquals($fooText, $chapter->title_ch); Yii::app()->language = 'ch'; $this->assertEquals($book->title_en_us, $book->title_ch); $this->assertEquals($book->title_pt, 'O Diabo Veste Prada'); $this->assertEquals($book->title_sv, 'Djävulen bär Prada'); $this->assertEquals($book->title_en_us, 'The Devil Wears Prada'); $this->assertEquals($book->title_en, 'The Devil Wears Prada'); }
public function actionProgress($id, $userId = 0) { $course = $this->loadModel($id); if (!$userId) { $userId = Yii::app()->user->id; } $user = UserInfo::model()->findByPk($userId); if (!$user) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = "courseId=:courseId and status=:status and chapterId=0"; $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $course->id, ':status' => Lesson::STATUS_PUBLIC); $criteria->order = "weight asc"; $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll($criteria); $criteria->condition = "courseId=:courseId"; $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $course->id); $chapters = Chapter::model()->findAll($criteria); $lessonsAndChapters = array_merge($lessons, $chapters); usort($lessonsAndChapters, array(new LessonSorter(), 'sortByWeight')); if ($userId) { $member = CourseMember::model()->findByAttributes(array('courseId' => $course->id, 'userId' => $userId)); } else { $member = new CourseMember(); } $lessonTotalCount = $course->lessonCount; $lessonLearnedCount = LessonLearn::model()->lessonCount($userId, $course->id); $nextLesson = LessonLearn::model()->nextLesson($course->id, $userId); $this->render('progress', array('lessonsAndChapters' => $lessonsAndChapters, 'course' => $course, 'member' => $member, 'lessonTotalCount' => $lessonTotalCount, 'lessonLearnedCount' => $lessonLearnedCount, 'user' => $user, 'percent' => $lessonTotalCount > 0 ? 100 * $lessonLearnedCount / $lessonTotalCount : 0, 'nextLesson' => $nextLesson)); }
public function actionOrder($courseId) { $course = $this->loadCourse($courseId); if (isset($_POST['order'])) { // $course->orderLessons($_POST['order']); $ids = explode(",", $_POST['order']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { if (DxdUtil::startWith($ids[$i], 'lesson-')) { $id = substr($ids[$i], 7); $lesson = Lesson::model()->findbyPk($id); $lesson->updateByPk($id, array("weight" => $i + 1)); } else { $id = substr($ids[$i], 8); $chapter = Chapter::model()->findbyPk($id); $chapter->updateByPk($id, array("weight" => $i + 1)); } } Chapter::model()->refreshAllNumbers($courseId); Lesson::model()->refreshAllNumbers($courseId); Lesson::model()->refreshAllChapterIds($courseId); Yii::app()->end(); } }
public function actionBookmark_set() { if (!is_array($_POST["B"])) { throw new CHttpException(500, "Неверный запрос."); } // Есть ли уже такая закладка? $bookmark = Bookmark::model()->findByAttributes(array("user_id" => Yii::app()->user->id, "typ" => substr($_POST["B"]["typ"], 0, 1), "obj_id" => (int) $_POST["B"]["obj_id"])); if (!$bookmark) { $bookmark = new Bookmark(); $bookmark->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; } $bookmark->setAttributes($_POST["B"]); if ($bookmark->typ == "o") { $orig = Orig::model()->with("")->findByPk($bookmark->obj_id); if (!$orig) { throw new CHttpException(404, "Фрагмент оригинала удалён."); } $bookmark->url = $orig->url; } elseif ($bookmark->typ == "c") { $chap = Chapter::model()->with("book")->findByPk($bookmark->obj_id); if (!$chap) { throw new CHttpException(404, "Глава удалена"); } $bookmark->url = $chap->url; } elseif ($bookmark->typ == "b") { $book = Book::model()->findByPk($bookmark->obj_id); if (!$book) { throw new CHttpException(404, "Глава удалена"); } $bookmark->url = $book->url; } else { throw new CHttpException(500, "Неверный запрос. Если вам интересны грязные подробности, то я не знаю, что такое тип закладки '{$bookmark->typ}'."); } if ($bookmark->isNewRecord) { $bookmark->ord = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT MAX(ord) FROM bookmarks WHERE typ = :typ AND user_id = :user_id")->queryScalar(array(":typ" => $bookmark->typ, ":user_id" => Yii::app()->user->id)) + 1; } if (!$bookmark->save()) { throw new CHttpException(500, $bookmark->getErrorsString()); } $json = array("id" => $bookmark->id, "title" => $bookmark->title); echo json_encode($json); }