예제 #1
  * Print the HTML array for Items linked to a change
  * @param $change Change object
  * @return Nothing (display)
 static function showForChange(Change $change)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $instID = $change->fields['id'];
     if (!$change->can($instID, READ)) {
         return false;
     $canedit = $change->canEdit($instID);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `itemtype`\n                FROM `glpi_changes_items`\n                WHERE `glpi_changes_items`.`changes_id` = '{$instID}'\n                ORDER BY `itemtype`";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $number = $DB->numrows($result);
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div class='firstbloc'>";
         echo "<form name='changeitem_form{$rand}' id='changeitem_form{$rand}' method='post'\n                action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='2'>" . __('Add an item') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>";
         $types = array();
         foreach ($change->getAllTypesForHelpdesk() as $key => $val) {
             $types[] = $key;
         Dropdown::showSelectItemFromItemtypes(array('itemtypes' => $types, 'entity_restrict' => $change->fields['is_recursive'] ? getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $change->fields['entities_id']) : $change->fields['entities_id']));
         echo "</td><td class='center' width='30%'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='changes_id' value='{$instID}'>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     if ($canedit && $number) {
         Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $massiveactionparams = array('container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
     $header_begin = "<tr>";
     $header_top = '';
     $header_bottom = '';
     $header_end = '';
     if ($canedit && $number) {
         $header_top .= "<th width='10'>" . Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $header_top .= "</th>";
         $header_bottom .= "<th width='10'>" . Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $header_bottom .= "</th>";
     $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Type') . "</th>";
     $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>";
     $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
     $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Serial number') . "</th>";
     $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Inventory number') . "</th></tr>";
     echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
     $totalnb = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $number; $i++) {
         $itemtype = $DB->result($result, $i, "itemtype");
         if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype))) {
         if ($item->canView()) {
             $itemtable = getTableForItemType($itemtype);
             $query = "SELECT `{$itemtable}`.*,\n                             `glpi_changes_items`.`id` AS IDD,\n                             `glpi_entities`.`id` AS entity\n                      FROM `glpi_changes_items`,\n                           `{$itemtable}`";
             if ($itemtype != 'Entity') {
                 $query .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities`\n                                 ON (`{$itemtable}`.`entities_id`=`glpi_entities`.`id`) ";
             $query .= " WHERE `{$itemtable}`.`id` = `glpi_changes_items`.`items_id`\n                              AND `glpi_changes_items`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'\n                              AND `glpi_changes_items`.`changes_id` = '{$instID}'";
             if ($item->maybeTemplate()) {
                 $query .= " AND `{$itemtable}`.`is_template` = '0'";
             $query .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", $itemtable, '', '', $item->maybeRecursive()) . "\n                      ORDER BY `glpi_entities`.`completename`, `{$itemtable}`.`name`";
             $result_linked = $DB->query($query);
             $nb = $DB->numrows($result_linked);
             for ($prem = true; $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_linked); $prem = false) {
                 $link = $itemtype::getFormURLWithID($data['id']);
                 $linkname = $data["name"];
                 if ($_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"] || empty($data["name"])) {
                     $linkname = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $linkname, $data["id"]);
                 $name = "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . $linkname . "</a>";
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
                 if ($canedit) {
                     echo "<td width='10'>";
                     Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["IDD"]);
                     echo "</td>";
                 if ($prem) {
                     $itemname = $item->getTypeName($nb);
                     echo "<td class='center top' rowspan='{$nb}'>" . ($nb > 1 ? sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), $itemname, $nb) : $itemname) . "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='center'>";
                 echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $data['entity']) . "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='center" . (isset($data['is_deleted']) && $data['is_deleted'] ? " tab_bg_2_2'" : "'");
                 echo ">" . $name . "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='center'>" . (isset($data["serial"]) ? "" . $data["serial"] . "" : "-") . "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='center'>" . (isset($data["otherserial"]) ? "" . $data["otherserial"] . "" : "-") . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>";
             $totalnb += $nb;
     if ($number) {
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
     echo "</table>";
     if ($canedit && $number) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     echo "</div>";
예제 #2
    include '../inc/includes.php';
$link = new Change_User();
$item = new Change();
Html::popHeader(__('Email followup'), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (isset($_POST["update"])) {
    $link->check($_POST["id"], UPDATE);
    echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
    echo "window.parent.location.reload();";
    echo "</script>";
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
        $link->check($_POST['id'], DELETE);
        Event::log($link->fields['changes_id'], "change", 4, "maintain", sprintf(__('%s deletes an actor'), $_SESSION["glpiname"]));
        if ($item->can($link->fields["changes_id"], READ)) {
            Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/change.form.php?id=" . $link->fields['changes_id']);
        Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('You have been redirected because you no longer have access to this item'), true, ERROR);
        Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/change.php");
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        } else {
예제 #3
  * Show tickets for a change
  * @param $change Change object
 static function showForChange(Change $change)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $ID = $change->getField('id');
     if (!$change->can($ID, READ)) {
         return false;
     $canedit = $change->canEdit($ID);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `glpi_changes_tickets`.`id` AS linkID,\n                                `glpi_tickets`.*\n                FROM `glpi_changes_tickets`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_tickets`\n                     ON (`glpi_changes_tickets`.`tickets_id` = `glpi_tickets`.`id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_changes_tickets`.`changes_id` = '{$ID}'\n                ORDER BY `glpi_tickets`.`name`";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $tickets = array();
     $used = array();
     if ($numrows = $DB->numrows($result)) {
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $tickets[$data['id']] = $data;
             $used[$data['id']] = $data['id'];
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div class='firstbloc'>";
         echo "<form name='changeticket_form{$rand}' id='changeticket_form{$rand}' method='post'\n                action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='2'>" . __('Add a ticket') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td class='right'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='changes_id' value='{$ID}'>";
         Ticket::dropdown(array('used' => $used, 'entity' => $change->getEntityID(), 'entity_sons' => $change->isRecursive()));
         echo "</td><td class='center'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     if ($canedit && $numrows) {
         Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $numrows, 'specific_actions' => array('purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), __CLASS__ . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'solveticket' => __('Solve tickets')), 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'extraparams' => array('changes_id' => $change->getID()), 'width' => 1000, 'height' => 500);
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
     echo "<tr class='noHover'><th colspan='12'>" . Ticket::getTypeName($numrows) . "</th>";
     echo "</tr>";
     if ($numrows) {
         Ticket::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         Session::initNavigateListItems('Ticket', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), $change->fields["name"]));
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($tickets as $data) {
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('Ticket', $data["id"]);
             Ticket::showShort($data['id'], array('followups' => false, 'row_num' => $i, 'type_for_massiveaction' => __CLASS__, 'id_for_massiveaction' => $data['linkID']));
         Ticket::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "</table>";
     if ($canedit && $numrows) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     echo "</div>";
예제 #4
  * Show problems for a change
  * @param $change Change object
 static function showForChange(Change $change)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $ID = $change->getField('id');
     if (!$change->can($ID, 'r')) {
         return false;
     $canedit = $change->can($ID, 'w');
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $showentities = Session::isMultiEntitiesMode();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `glpi_changes_problems`.`id` AS linkID,\n                                `glpi_problems`.*\n                FROM `glpi_changes_problems`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_problems`\n                     ON (`glpi_changes_problems`.`problems_id` = `glpi_problems`.`id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_changes_problems`.`changes_id` = '{$ID}'\n                ORDER BY `glpi_problems`.`name`";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $problems = array();
     $used = array();
     if ($numrows = $DB->numrows($result)) {
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $problems[$data['id']] = $data;
             $used[$data['id']] = $data['id'];
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div class='firstbloc'>";
         echo "<form name='changeproblem_form{$rand}' id='changeproblem_form{$rand}' method='post'\n                action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='2'>" . __('Add a problem') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='changes_id' value='{$ID}'>";
         Problem::dropdown(array('used' => $used, 'entity' => $change->getEntityID()));
         echo "</td><td class='center'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr></table>";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     if ($canedit && $numrows) {
         Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $numrows);
         Html::showMassiveActions(__CLASS__, $massiveactionparams);
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
     echo "<tr>";
     if ($canedit && $numrows) {
         echo "<th width='10'>" . Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand) . "</th>";
     echo "<th>" . _n('Problem', 'Problems', 2) . "</th>";
     if ($showentities) {
         echo "<th>" . __('Entity') . "</th>";
     echo "</tr>";
     $used = array();
     if ($numrows) {
         Session::initNavigateListItems('Problem', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), $change->fields["name"]));
         foreach ($problems as $data) {
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('Problem', $data["id"]);
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<td width='10'>";
                 Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $data["linkID"]);
                 echo "</td>";
             echo "<td><a href='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL('Problem') . "?id=" . $data['id'] . "'>" . $data["name"] . "</a></td>";
             if ($showentities) {
                 echo "<td>" . Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $data["entities_id"]) . "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
     echo "</table>";
     if ($canedit && $numrows) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
         Html::showMassiveActions(__CLASS__, $massiveactionparams);
     echo "</div>";
  * Show projects for a change
  * @param $change Change object
 static function showForChange(Change $change)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $ID = $change->getField('id');
     if (!$change->can($ID, READ)) {
         return false;
     $canedit = $change->canEdit($ID);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $showentities = Session::isMultiEntitiesMode();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `glpi_changes_projects`.`id` AS linkID,\n                                `glpi_projects`.*\n                FROM `glpi_changes_projects`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_projects`\n                     ON (`glpi_changes_projects`.`projects_id` = `glpi_projects`.`id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_changes_projects`.`changes_id` = '{$ID}'\n                ORDER BY `glpi_projects`.`name`";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $projects = array();
     $used = array();
     if ($numrows = $DB->numrows($result)) {
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $projects[$data['id']] = $data;
             $used[$data['id']] = $data['id'];
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div class='firstbloc'>";
         echo "<form name='changeproject_form{$rand}' id='changeproject_form{$rand}' method='post'\n                action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='2'>" . __('Add a project') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='changes_id' value='{$ID}'>";
         Project::dropdown(array('used' => $used, 'entity' => $change->getEntityID()));
         echo "</td><td class='center'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr></table>";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     if ($canedit && $numrows) {
         Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $numrows, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov table-striped table-hover'>";
     echo "<tr class='noHover'><th colspan='12'>" . Project::getTypeName($numrows) . "</th></tr>";
     if ($numrows) {
         Project::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
         Session::initNavigateListItems('Project', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Change::getTypeName(1), $change->fields["name"]));
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($projects as $data) {
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('Project', $data["id"]);
             Project::showShort($data['id'], array('row_num' => $i, 'type_for_massiveaction' => __CLASS__, 'id_for_massiveaction' => $data['linkID']));
         Project::commonListHeader(Search::HTML_OUTPUT, 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
     echo "</table>";
     if ($canedit && $numrows) {
         $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     echo "</div>";
예제 #6
     $change->delete($_POST, 1);
     Event::log($_POST["id"], "change", 4, "maintain", sprintf(__('%s purges an item'), $_SESSION["glpiname"]));
 } else {
     if (isset($_POST["update"])) {
         $change->check($_POST["id"], 'w');
         Event::log($_POST["id"], "change", 4, "maintain", sprintf(__('%s updates an item'), $_SESSION["glpiname"]));
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['delete_user'])) {
             $change_user = new Change_User();
             $change_user->check($_POST['id'], 'd');
             Event::log($_POST['changes_id'], "change", 4, "maintain", sprintf(__('%s deletes an actor'), $_SESSION["glpiname"]));
             if ($change->can($_POST["id"], 'r')) {
                 Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/change.form.php?id=" . $_POST["changes_id"]);
             Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('You have been redirected because you no longer have access to this item'), true, ERROR);
             Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/change.php");
         } else {
             if (isset($_POST['delete_group'])) {
                 $change_group = new Change_Group();
                 $change_group->check($_POST['id'], 'd');
                 Event::log($_POST['changes_id'], "change", 4, "maintain", sprintf(__('%s deletes an actor'), $_SESSION["glpiname"]));
                 if ($change->can($_POST["id"], 'r')) {
                     Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/change.form.php?id=" . $_POST["changes_id"]);
                 Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('You have been redirected because you no longer have access to this item'), true, ERROR);
                 Html::redirect($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/change.php");