// Image #ezImage(image,[padding],[width],[resize],[justification],[array border]); #$pdf->addPngFromFile($pathvars["fileroot"]."/images/net/wappen.png",20,780,70); #$pdf->addPngFromFile($pathvars["fileroot"]."/images/net/auge.png",500,780,70); $pdf->addPngFromFile($pathvars["fileroot"] . "/images/net/kleines-wappen.png", 30, 780, 46); $pdf->addPngFromFile($pathvars["fileroot"] . "/images/net/auge.png", 300, 780, 70); // eine linie $pdf->line(20, 770, 560, 770); $pdf->addText(120, 790, '20', '<b>Vermessungsamt</b>'); $pdf->addText(380, 790, '20', '<i>Friedberg</i>'); // seiten nummern $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(300, 20, 12, '', '', 1); // hier geht es los $pdf->ezSetDy(-60); // spaltenweise ausgabe an $pdf->ezColumnsStart(array("num" => 2, "gap" => 20)); // wichtig: damit der die ausgabe am spaltenbeginn steht #$pdf->ezSetDy(10); // Textblock #$pdf->ezText($text,10,array( "justification" => "full" )); // "leading"=>20, "spacing"=>1 // Tabellen $data = array(array('num' => 1, 'name' => 'gandalf', 'type' => 'wizard'), array('num' => 2, 'name' => 'bilbo', 'type' => 'hobbit', 'url' => 'http://www.ros.co. nz/pdf/'), array('num' => 3, 'name' => 'frodo', 'type' => 'hobbit'), array('num' => 4, 'name' => 'saruman', 'type' => 'bad dude', 'url' => 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdf-php'), array('num' => 5, 'name' => 'sauron', 'type' => 'really bad dude')); for ($i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++) { $pdf->ezTable($data, '', '', array("fontSize" => 9, "width" => 260)); } // umbruch $pdf->ezSetDy(-10); // Textblock #$pdf->ezText($text,10,array( "justification" => "full" )); // "leading"=>20, "spacing"=>1 // spaltenweise ausgabe aus $pdf->ezColumnsStop();
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