예제 #1
 private function buildXMLOrder($id_order)
     CertissimLogger::insertLog(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'construction du flux pour order ' . $id_order);
     $order = new Order($id_order);
     //gets back the delivery address
     $address_delivery = new Address((int) $order->id_address_delivery);
     //gets back the invoice address
     $address_invoice = new Address((int) $order->id_address_invoice);
     //gets back the customer
     $customer = new Customer((int) $order->id_customer);
     //initializatino of the XML root: <control>
     $xml_element_control = new CertissimControl();
     //gets the lang used in the order
     $id_lang = $order->id_lang;
     //sets the gender, depends on PS version
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         $gender = $customer->id_gender == 2 ? $this->l('Ms.') : $this->l('Mr.');
     } else {
         $customer_gender = new Gender($customer->id_gender);
         $lang_id = Language::getIdByIso('en');
         if (empty($lang_id)) {
             $lang_id = Language::getIdByIso('fr');
         CertissimLogger::insertLog(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, "id_gender = " . $customer->id_gender . ", gender name =" . $customer_gender->name[$lang_id]);
         $gender = $this->l($customer_gender->name[$lang_id]);
     //gets back the carrier used for this order
     $cart = new Cart($order->id_cart);
     $carrier = new Carrier((int) $cart->id_carrier);
     //initialization of the element <utilisateur type='facturation'...>
     $xml_element_invoice_customer = new CertissimUtilisateur('facturation', $gender, $address_invoice->lastname, $address_invoice->firstname, $address_invoice->company, $address_invoice->phone, $address_invoice->phone_mobile, null, $customer->email);
     //gets customer stats
     $customer_stats = $customer->getStats();
     //gets already existing orders for the customer
     $all_orders = Order::getCustomerOrders((int) $customer->id);
     //initialization of the element <siteconso>
     $xml_element_invoice_customer_stats = new CertissimSiteconso($customer_stats['total_orders'], $customer_stats['nb_orders'], $all_orders[count($all_orders) - 1]['date_add'], count($all_orders) > 1 ? $all_orders[1]['date_add'] : null);
     //gets back the invoice country
     $country = new Country((int) $address_invoice->id_country);
     //initialization of the element <adresse type="facturation" ...>
     $xml_element_invoice_address = new CertissimAdresse('facturation', $address_invoice->address1, $address_invoice->address2, $address_invoice->postcode, $address_invoice->city, $country->name[$id_lang]);
     //gets the used currency
     $currency = new Currency((int) $order->id_currency);
     if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
         $siteid = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_SITEID', null, null, $order->id_shop);
     } else {
         $siteid = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_SITEID');
     //initialize the element <infocommande>
     $xml_element_order_details = new CertissimInfocommande($siteid, $order->id, (string) $order->total_paid, self::getIpByOrder((int) $order->id), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $currency->iso_code);
     //gets the order products
     $products = $order->getProducts();
     //define the default product type (depends on PS version)
     if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
         $default_product_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop);
     } else {
         $default_product_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_TYPE');
     //initialization of the element <list ...>
     $xml_element_products_list = new CertissimProductList();
     //initialize the boolean that says if all the products in the order are downloadables
     $alldownloadables = true;
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         //check if the visited product is downloadable and update the boolean value
         $alldownloadables = $alldownloadables && strlen($product['download_hash']) > 0;
         //gets the main product category
         $product_categories = Product::getProductCategories((int) $product['product_id']);
         $product_category = array_pop($product_categories);
         //initilization of the element <produit ...>
         $xml_element_product = new CertissimXMLElement("<produit></produit>");
         //gets the product certissim category (depends on PS version)
         if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
             $product_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM' . $product_category . '_PRODUCT_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop);
         } else {
             $product_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM' . $product_category . '_PRODUCT_TYPE');
         //if a certissim category is set: the type attribute takes the product certissim type value
         if ($product_type) {
             $xml_element_product->addAttribute('type', Configuration::get('CERTISSIM' . $product_category . '_PRODUCT_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop));
         } else {
             //if certissim category not set: the type attribute takes the default value
             $xml_element_product->addAttribute('type', $default_product_type);
         //sets the product reference that will be inserted into the XML stream
         //uses the product name by default
         $product_ref = $product['product_name'];
         //prefers ean13 if defined
         if (!empty($product['product_ean13'])) {
             $product_ref = $product['product_ean13'];
         //prefers local reference if defined
         if (!empty($product['product_reference'])) {
             $product_ref = $product['product_reference'];
         //adds attributes ref, nb, prixunit, and sets the value of the element <product> with the product name
         $xml_element_product->addAttribute('ref', CertissimTools::normalizeString($product_ref));
         $xml_element_product->addAttribute('nb', $product['product_quantity']);
         $xml_element_product->addAttribute('prixunit', $product['total_price']);
         //adds the element <product> to the element <list>
     if ($alldownloadables) {
         $real_carrier_type = '5';
     } elseif (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
         //if selected carrier fianet type is defined, the type used will be the one got in the Configuration
         if (in_array(Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . (string) $carrier->id . '_CARRIER_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop), array_keys($this->_carrier_types))) {
             $real_carrier_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . (string) $carrier->id . '_CARRIER_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop);
             $real_carrier_speed = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . (string) $carrier->id . '_CARRIER_SPEED', null, null, $order->id_shop);
         } else {
             $real_carrier_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_DEFAULT_CARRIER_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop);
             $real_carrier_speed = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_DEFAULT_CARRIER_SPEED', null, null, $order->id_shop);
     } elseif (in_array(Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . (string) $carrier->id . '_CARRIER_TYPE'), array_keys($this->_carrier_types))) {
         $real_carrier_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . (string) $carrier->id . '_CARRIER_TYPE');
         $real_carrier_speed = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . (string) $carrier->id . '_CARRIER_SPEED');
     } else {
         $real_carrier_type = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_DEFAULT_CARRIER_TYPE');
         $real_carrier_speed = Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_DEFAULT_CARRIER_SPEED');
     switch ($real_carrier_type) {
         //if the order is to be delivered at home: element <utilisateur type="livraison"...> has to be added
         case '4':
             //initialization of the element <utilisateur type="livraison" ...>
             $xml_element_delivery_customer = new CertissimUtilisateur('livraison', $customer->id_gender == 2 ? $this->l('Miss') : $this->l('Mister'), $address_delivery->lastname, $address_delivery->firstname, $address_delivery->company, $address_delivery->phone, $address_delivery->phone_mobile, null, $customer->email);
             //gets back the delivery country
             $country = new Country((int) $address_delivery->id_country);
             //initialization of the element <adresse type="livraison" ...>
             $xml_element_delivery_address = new CertissimAdresse('livraison', $address_delivery->address1, $address_delivery->address2, $address_delivery->postcode, $address_delivery->city, $country->name[$id_lang], null);
             $xml_pointrelais = null;
             //if delivery mode is downloadable
         //if delivery mode is downloadable
         case '5':
             $xml_pointrelais = null;
             //if delivery mode is socolissimo
         //if delivery mode is socolissimo
         case '6':
             $socolissimoinfo = $this->getSoColissimoInfo($id_order);
             $socolissimo_installed_module = Module::getInstanceByName('socolissimo');
             if ($socolissimoinfo != false) {
                 foreach ($socolissimoinfo as $info) {
                     //get socolissimo informations
                     $delivery_mode = $info['delivery_mode'];
                     $firstname = $info['prfirstname'];
                     $name = $info['prname'];
                     $mobile_phone = $info['cephonenumber'];
                     $company_name = $info['cecompanyname'];
                     $email = $info['ceemail'];
                     $address1 = $info['pradress1'];
                     $address2 = $info['pradress2'];
                     $address3 = $info['pradress3'];
                     $address4 = $info['pradress4'];
                     $zipcode = $info['przipcode'];
                     $city = $info['prtown'];
                     //data is retrieved differently and depending on the version of the module
                     if ($socolissimo_installed_module->version < '2.8') {
                         $address2 = $address1;
                         $address1 = $name;
                         $country = 'FR';
                     } else {
                         $country = $info['cecountry'];
                 //if delivery mode is DOM or RDV, <adresse type="livraison" ...> and <utilisateur type="livraison" ...> added
                 if ($delivery_mode == 'DOM' || $delivery_mode == 'RDV') {
                     $xml_element_delivery_customer = new CertissimUtilisateur('livraison', $customer->id_gender == 2 ? $this->l('Miss') : $this->l('Mister'), $name, $firstname, $company_name, null, $mobile_phone, null, $email);
                     $xml_element_delivery_address = new CertissimAdresse('livraison', $address3, $address4, $zipcode, $city, $country, null);
                     $real_carrier_type = 4;
                     $xml_pointrelais = null;
                 } else {
                     //<pointrelais> added if delivery mode is not BPR, A2P or CIT
                     $adressepointrelais = new CertissimXMLElement('<adresse></adresse>');
                     $xml_pointrelais = new CertissimPointrelais(null, $address1, $adressepointrelais);
                     $real_carrier_type = 2;
             } else {
                 CertissimLogger::insertLog(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, "Flux incorrect : Module SoColissimo non installé ou non activé");
             //if delivery mode is store pick up
             if ($real_carrier_type == 1) {
                 //get shop information
                 $address1 = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR1');
                 $address2 = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR2');
                 $zipcode = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CODE');
                 $city = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CITY');
                 $country = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY');
                 $shop_name = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME');
             } else {
                 //gt delivery information
                 $address1 = $address_delivery->address1;
                 $address2 = $address_delivery->address2;
                 $zipcode = $address_delivery->postcode;
                 $city = $address_delivery->city;
                 $country = $country->name[$id_lang];
                 $shop_name = null;
             $adressepointrelais = new CertissimXMLElement('<adresse></adresse>');
             $xml_pointrelais = new CertissimPointrelais(null, $shop_name, $adressepointrelais);
     //initialization of the element <transport>
     $xml_element_carrier = new CertissimTransport($real_carrier_type, $alldownloadables ? 'Téléchargement' : Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($carrier->name), $alldownloadables ? '1' : $real_carrier_speed, $xml_pointrelais);
     //find the id of the payment module used (depends on the PS version)
     if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5') {
         $id_payment_module = PaymentModule::getModuleIdByName($order->module);
     } else {
         $payment_module = Module::getInstanceByName($order->module);
         $id_payment_module = $payment_module->id;
     //initialization of the element <paiement>
     if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
         $payment_type = $this->_payment_types[Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . $id_payment_module . '_PAYMENT_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop)];
     } else {
         $payment_type = $this->_payment_types[Configuration::get('CERTISSIM_' . $id_payment_module . '_PAYMENT_TYPE')];
     $xml_element_payment = new CertissimPaiement($payment_type);
     //initialization of the element <stack>
     $stack = new CertissimXMLElement("<stack></stack>");
     //agregates each elements in a main stream
     if (isset($xml_element_delivery_customer)) {
     if (isset($xml_element_delivery_address)) {
     //add CDATA sections to protect against encoding issues
     //add the <control> element into <stack>
     CertissimLogger::insertLog(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, "---- flux généré pour commande {$id_order} ----");
     CertissimLogger::insertLog(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, $xml_element_control->getXML());
     CertissimLogger::insertLog(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, "---------------------------------------");
     return $stack;