public function showWellcome() { if (Cas::isAuthenticated() == false) { Auth::logout(); return View::make('wellcome'); } if (Auth::check() == true) { $sgrUser = new sgrUser(Auth::user()); return Redirect::to($sgrUser->home()); } return View::make('wellcome'); }
/** * // logout sso | logout SGR */ public function doLogout() { if (Cas::isAuthenticated()) { Cas::logout(); } else { Auth::logout(); return View::make('wellcome'); } }
}); App::after(function ($request, $response) { // }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication Filters |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following filters are used to verify that the user of the current | session is logged into this application. The "basic" filter easily | integrates HTTP Basic authentication for quick, simple checking. | */ Route::filter('auth', function () { if (!Cas::isAuthenticated() || !Auth::check()) { if (Request::ajax()) { return Response::make('Necesitas iniciar sesión de nuevo. Por favor, recarga la página', 401); } else { return Redirect::to(route('wellcome')); } } }); //Comprueba si la petición se realizó por ajax Route::filter('ajax_check', function () { if (!Request::ajax()) { return Redirect::to(route('wellcome')); } }); //Comprobar si el usuario autentivcado tiene privilegios para realizar la acción requerida Route::filter('capacidad', function ($ruta, $peticion, $capacidad, $redirect) {