예제 #1
 /** Sets the default {@link Caller}.
  * @param	string	$caller	A Caller class name. (Required)
  * @access	public
 public function setDefaultCaller($class)
     if (get_parent_class($class) == 'Caller') {
         self::$default = $class;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Class '" . $class . "' does not extend 'Caller'!");
예제 #2
 /** Get the most popular tracks on last.fm by country.
  * @param	string	country		A country name, as defined by the ISO 3166-1 country names standard. (Required)
  * @param	string	location	A metro name, to fetch the charts for (must be within the country specified). (Optional)
  * @return	array				An array of Track objects.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function getTopTracks($country, $location = null)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('geo.getTopTracks', array('country' => $country, 'location' => $location));
     $tracks = array();
     foreach ($xml->children() as $track) {
         $tracks[] = Track::fromSimpleXMLElement($track);
     return $tracks;
예제 #3
 /** Get a Tasteometer score from two inputs, along with a list of shared artists. If the input is a User or a Myspace URL, some additional information is returned.
  * @param	integer	$type1	A Tasteometer comparison type. (Required)
  * @param	integer	$type2	A Tasteometer comparison type. (Required)
  * @param	mixed	$value1	A last.fm username, an array of artist names or a myspace profile URL. (Required)
  * @param	mixed	$value2	A last.fm username, an array of artist names or a myspace profile URL. (Required)
  * @param	integer	$limit	How many shared artists to display (default = 5). (Optional)
  * @return	array			An array containing comparison results, input information and shared artists.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function compare($type1, $type2, $value1, $value2, $limit = null)
     /* Handle arrays of artist names. */
     if (is_array($value1)) {
         $value1 = implode(',', $value1);
     if (is_array($value2)) {
         $value2 = implode(',', $value2);
     /* API call. */
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('tasteometer.compare', array('type1' => $type1, 'type2' => $type2, 'value1' => $value1, 'value2' => $value2, 'limit' => $limit));
     /* Get shared artists. */
     $artists = array();
     foreach ($xml->result->artists->children() as $artist) {
         $artists[] = Artist::fromSimpleXMLElement($artist);
     /* Get input information. */
     $inputs = array();
     foreach ($xml->input->children() as $input) {
         $inputs[] = User::fromSimpleXMLElement($input);
     return array('score' => Util::toFloat($xml->result->score), 'input' => $inputs, 'artists' => $artists);
예제 #4
 /** A paginated list of all the tracks in a user's library, with play counts and tag counts.
  * @param	string	$user	The user whose library you want to fetch. (Required)
  * @param	integer	$limit	Limit the amount of tracks returned (maximum/default is 50). (Optional)
  * @param	integer	$page	The page number you wish to scan to. (Optional)
  * @return	PaginatedResult	A PaginatedResult object.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function getTracks($user, $limit, $page)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('library.getTracks', array('user' => $user, 'limit' => $limit, 'page' => $page));
     $tracks = array();
     foreach ($xml->children() as $track) {
         $tracks[] = Track::fromSimpleXMLElement($track);
     $perPage = Util::toInteger($xml['perPage']);
     return new PaginatedResult(Util::toInteger($xml['totalPages']) * $perPage, (Util::toInteger($xml['page']) - 1) * $perPage, $perPage, $tracks);
예제 #5
 /** Get a track chart for a group, for a given date range. If no date range is supplied, it will return the most recent album chart for this group.
  * @param	string	$group	The last.fm group name to fetch the charts of. (Required)
  * @param	integer	$from	The date at which the chart should start from. See {@link de.felixbruns.lastfm.Group#getWeeklyChartList Group::getWeeklyChartList} for more. (Optional)
  * @param	integer	$to		The date at which the chart should end on. See {@link de.felixbruns.lastfm.Group#getWeeklyChartList Group::getWeeklyChartList} for more. (Optional)
  * @return	array			An array of Track objects.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function getWeeklyTrackChart($group, $from = null, $to = null)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('group.getWeeklyTrackChart', array('group' => $group, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to));
     $tracks = array();
     foreach ($xml->children() as $track) {
         $tracks[] = Track::fromSimpleXMLElement($track);
     return $tracks;
예제 #6
 /** Get a track playlist for streaming. INOFFICIAL.
  * @param	string	$artist	An artist name. (Required)
  * @param	string	$track	A track name. (Required)
  * @return	mixed			A Playlist object.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function getPlaylist($artist, $track)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('track.getPlayerMenu', array('artist' => $artist, 'track' => $track));
     return Playlist::fetch(Util::toString($xml->playlist->url), true, true);
예제 #7
파일: init.php 프로젝트: Jonty/Blobble

require_once 'lib/php-last.fm-api/src/lastfm.api.php';
require_once 'lib/session.class.php';
require_once 'lib/scrobbler.class.php';
$oSession = new Session();
$oCall = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller();
예제 #8
 /** Get an event playlist for streaming.. INOFFICIAL.
  * @param	integer	$event	An event ID. (Required)
  * @return	mixed			A Playlist object.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function getPlaylist($event)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('event.getPlayerMenu', array('event' => $event));
     return Playlist::fetch(Util::toString($xml->playlist->url), true, true);
예제 #9
 /** Search for a tag by name. Returns matches sorted by relevance.
  * @param	string	$tag	The tag name in question. (Required)
  * @param	integer	$limit	Limit the number of tags returned at one time. Default (maximum) is 30. (Optional)
  * @param	integer	$page	Scan into the results by specifying a page number. Defaults to first page. (Optional)
  * @return	array			An array of Tag objects.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function search($tag, $limit = null, $page = null)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('tag.search', array('tag' => $tag, 'limit' => $limit, 'page' => $page));
     $tags = array();
     foreach ($xml->tagmatches->children() as $tag) {
         $tags[] = Tag::fromSimpleXMLElement($tag);
     return $tags;
예제 #10
 /** Fetch XSPF playlists using a last.fm playlist url.
  * @param string  $playlist A lastfm protocol playlist url ('lastfm://playlist/...'). (Required)
  * @param string  $streaming  Weather to fetch a playlist for streaming. (Optional)
  * @param string  $fod    Weather to fetch a playlist with free on demand tracks. (Optional)
  * @param Session $session  A session obtained by {@link de.felixbruns.lastfm.Auth#getSession Auth::getSession} or {@link de.felixbruns.lastfm.Auth#getMobileSession Auth::getMobileSession}. (Optional)
  * @return  Playlist      A Playlist object.
  * @static
  * @access  public
  * @throws  Error
 public static function fetch($playlist, $streaming = null, $fod = null, $session = null)
     if ($session == null) {
         $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('playlist.fetch', array_filter(array('playlistURL' => $playlist, 'streaming' => $streaming, 'fod' => $fod)));
     } else {
         $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('playlist.fetch', array_filter(array('playlistURL' => $playlist, 'streaming' => $streaming, 'fod' => $fod, 'sk' => $session->getKey())));
     return Playlist::fromSimpleXMLElement($xml);
예제 #11
 /** Search for a venue by venue name .
  * @param	string	$venue		The venue name you would like to search for. (Required)
  * @param	integer	$limit		The number of results to fetch per page. Defaults to 50. (Optional)
  * @param	integer	$page		The results page you would like to fetch. (Optional)
  * @param	string	$country	Filter your results by country. Expressed as an ISO 3166-2 code. (Optional)
  * @return	PaginatedResult		A PaginatedResult object.
  * @see		PaginatedResult
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function search($venue, $limit = null, $page = null, $country = null)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->call('venue.search', array('venue' => $venue, 'limit' => $limit, 'page' => $page, 'country' => $country));
     $venues = array();
     foreach ($xml->venuematches->children() as $venue) {
         $venues[] = Venue::fromSimpleXMLElement($venue);
     $opensearch = $xml->children('http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/');
     return new PaginatedResult(Util::toInteger($opensearch->totalResults), Util::toInteger($opensearch->startIndex), Util::toInteger($opensearch->itemsPerPage), $venues);
예제 #12
  * Get a list of a radio's playlists on last.fm.
  * @param string $session sk (Required) : A session key generated by authenticating a user via the authentication protocol. 
  * @param float $speed_multiplier speed_multiplier (Optional) : The rate at which to provide the stream (supported multipliers are 1.0 and 2.0) 
  * @param int $bitrate bitrate (Optional) : What bitrate to stream content at, in kbps (supported bitrates are 64 and 128)
  * @param bool $discovery discovery (Optional) : Whether to request last.fm content with discovery mode switched on.
  * @param bool $rtp rtp (Optional) : Whether the user is scrobbling or not during this radio session (helps content generation)
  * @static
  * @access  public
  * @throws  Error
  * @return Playlist
 public static function getPlaylists(Session $session, $speed_multiplier = null, $bitrate = null, $discovery = null, $rtp = null)
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->signedCall('radio.getPlaylist', array('discovery' => $discovery, 'rtp' => $rtp, 'speed_multiplier' => $speed_multiplier, 'bitrate' => $bitrate), $session);
     return Playlist::fromSimpleXMLElement($xml);
예제 #13
 /** Used by our flash embeds (on trusted domains) to use a site session cookie to seed a ws session without requiring a password. Uses the site cookie so must be accessed over a *.last.fm domain.
  * @return	Session	A Session object.
  * @static
  * @access	public
  * @throws	Error
 public static function getWebSession()
     $xml = CallerFactory::getDefaultCaller()->signedCall('auth.getWebSession');
     return Session::fromSimpleXMLElement($xml);