function tachionDetail($indicator = null)
     // 	pr($indicator);exit();
     // 	pr($this->Flotas->find('all'));
     $idx_empresa = $_SESSION['Auth']['User']['id_empresa'];
     $year = date('Y');
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/sniffer_data'));
     $myShell = new SnifferDataShell(new Object());
     // 	  Select the method to call
     $Shell = $myShell->main($view = true, $debug = false);
     // 	  pr($Shell['Toneladas']);exit();
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $months = $myCalendar->months(true, false, $year);
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/flotas'));
     $fleet = new FlotasShell(new Object());
     $fleets = $fleet->fleets(true, false);
     // exit();
     App::import('Controller', 'Holiday');
     $Holiday = new HolidayController();
     $startDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime('0', '0', '0', date('n'), '01', date('Y')));
     // for CurrentMonth
     $endDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime('0', '0', '0', date('n'), date('t'), date('Y')));
     // for CurrentMonth
     $GoToWork = $Holiday->RetrieveHolidays($startDate, $endDate, $debug = true, $year = date('Y'));
     //       pr($GoToWork);
     $toneladas_labour_days = $Shell['Toneladas']['DailyReport']['report_day'];
     $kilometros_labour_days = $Shell['kms']['report_daily'];
     $ingresos_labour_days = $Shell['ingresos']['report_daily'];
     foreach ($toneladas_labour_days as $id_empresa => $areas) {
         foreach ($areas as $area_name => $meses) {
             foreach ($meses as $NombreMes => $fracciones) {
                 foreach ($fracciones as $NombreFraccion => $dias) {
                     if (!empty($dias)) {
                         foreach ($dias as $id_dia => $tons_value) {
                             if ($NombreMes == date('M')) {
                                 if (!empty($tons_value)) {
                                     $dias_toneladas[$id_empresa][$area_name][$NombreMes][$NombreFraccion][$id_dia] = $tons_value;
     foreach ($kilometros_labour_days as $id_empresa => $areas) {
         foreach ($areas as $area_name => $meses) {
             foreach ($meses as $NombreMes => $fracciones) {
                 foreach ($fracciones as $NombreFraccion => $dias) {
                     foreach ($dias as $id_dia => $kms_value) {
                         if ($NombreMes == date('M')) {
                             if (!empty($kms_value)) {
                                 $dias_kilometros[$id_empresa][$area_name][$NombreMes][$NombreFraccion][$id_dia] = $kms_value;
     foreach ($ingresos_labour_days as $id_empresa => $areas) {
         foreach ($areas as $area_name => $meses) {
             foreach ($meses as $NombreMes => $fracciones) {
                 foreach ($fracciones as $NombreFraccion => $dias) {
                     foreach ($dias as $id_dia => $ingresos_value) {
                         if ($NombreMes == date('M')) {
                             if (!empty($ingresos_value)) {
                                 $dias_ingresos[$id_empresa][$area_name][$NombreMes][$NombreFraccion][$id_dia] = $ingresos_value;
     $promedio['toneladas'] = $dias_toneladas;
     $promedio['kilometros'] = $dias_kilometros;
     $promedio['ingresos'] = $dias_ingresos;
     foreach ($promedio as $indicador => $dias_indicador) {
         foreach ($dias_indicador as $id_empresa => $area) {
             foreach ($area as $area_name => $meses) {
                 foreach ($meses as $meses_name => $fractiones) {
                     foreach ($fractiones as $fractiones_name => $days_pr) {
                         $acum_men = array_sum($days_pr);
                         // 		    pr($acum_men);
                         $dias_laborados = count($days_pr);
                         $projection[$indicador][$id_empresa][$area_name][$meses_name][$fractiones_name] = $acum_men / $dias_laborados * $GoToWork;
     if (!isset($indicator)) {
         $this->set('projection', $projection);
     } else {
         $this->set('projection', $projection[$indicator]);
     $this->set('months', $months);
     $today = null;
     // 	  exit();
예제 #2
 function RetrieveData($year = null, $fraction = null, $model = null, $criteria = null, $debug = null, $flotas = null)
     if (empty($year) or !isset($year)) {
         $year = date('Y');
         $mes = date('n');
     } else {
         if ($year < date('Y')) {
             $mes = '12';
         } elseif ($year > date('Y')) {
         } else {
             $mes = date('n');
     // 	var_dump($year);
     // 	var_dump($mes);
     // 	$year='2014';
     // 	exit();
     // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $calendar = $myCalendar->main($year, false);
     $fraction_for_day = $this->Fraccion->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'fraccion')));
     $reporte_diario = $criteria['kms'];
     foreach ($reporte_diario as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             foreach ($calendar['days'] as $month_name => $dia) {
                 foreach ($dia as $num_dia => $dia_detail) {
                     foreach ($fraction_for_day as $id_fraction => $fraction_desc) {
                         $dias[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_desc][$num_dia] = null;
     //      pr($dias);pr($reporte_diario);exit();
     // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
     $_append = $this->Empresas();
     $areas = $this->areas();
     $months = $this->months($return = true, $set = false, $year);
     // 	  var_dump($months);exit();
     $filter['area'] = true;
     // pr($months);
     $toneladas = $criteria['toneladas'];
     $kms = $criteria['kms'];
     $ingresos = $criteria['ingresos'];
     foreach ($areas as $key => $value) {
         foreach ($value as $idx => $areadist) {
             foreach ($months as $ky => $dat) {
                 foreach ($fraction as $llave => $dato) {
                     if ($dat['num'] <= $mes) {
                         $ConditionsToneladas[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['tonelaje'] . '.fecha_guia LIKE'] = "%" . $year . "-" . $dat['numeric'] . "%";
                         $ConditionsKms[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['kms'] . '.fecha_guia LIKE'] = "%" . $year . "-" . $dat['numeric'] . "%";
                         $ConditionsIngresos[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['ingresos'] . '.fecha_guia LIKE'] = "%" . $year . "-" . $dat['numeric'] . "%";
                         if ($filter['area'] == true) {
                             // Only check the area , will assume that 0 are all areas -- remenber that zero value is taken as false
                             $ConditionsToneladas[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['tonelaje'] . '.id_area'] = $idx;
                             $ConditionsKms[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['kms'] . '.id_area'] = $idx;
                             $ConditionsIngresos[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['ingresos'] . '.id_area'] = $idx;
                         if (isset($filter['flota'])) {
                             // is $filter['flota'] over there ??
                             if ($filter['flota'] == true) {
                                 // is breathing ?
                                 foreach ($TpoOp as $k => $val) {
                                     $ConditionsToneladas[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato]['OR'][$k][$model[$key]['tonelaje'] . '.id_tipo_operacion'] = $val;
                                     $ConditionsKms[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato]['OR'][$k][$model[$key]['kms'] . '.id_tipo_operacion'] = $val;
                                     $ConditionsIngresos[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato]['OR'][$k][$model[$key]['ingresos'] . '.id_tipo_operacion'] = $val;
                         // already have our answer
                         $ConditionsToneladas[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['tonelaje'] . '.id_fraccion'] = $llave;
                         $ConditionsKms[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['kms'] . '.id_fraccion'] = $llave;
                         $ConditionsIngresos[$key][trim($areadist)][$dat['short']][$dato][$model[$key]['ingresos'] . '.id_fraccion'] = $llave;
                     // End if to current month dat[num]
                     /** ALERT Scavenger
                     	 ** @var => Sniff in the Databases
                     	    @obj => Objetive Search for erroneous data in DB's only need one data to retrieve
                     // See what's happend
                     if ($dat['num'] > $mes) {
                         $ConditionsToneladasWarning[$key][trim($areadist)][date('M', mktime('0', '0', '0', $dat['numeric'], '01', $year))][$dato][$model[$key]['tonelaje'] . '.fecha_guia LIKE'] = "%" . $year . "-" . $dat['numeric'] . "%";
                         $ConditionsToneladasWarning[$key][trim($areadist)][date('M', mktime('0', '0', '0', $dat['numeric'], '01', $year))][$dato][$model[$key]['tonelaje'] . '.id_fraccion'] = $llave;
                         if ($filter['area'] == true) {
                             // Only check the area , will assume that 0 are all areas -- remenber that zero value is taken as false
                             $ConditionsToneladasWarning[$key][trim($areadist)][date('M', mktime('0', '0', '0', $dat['numeric'], '01', $year))][$dato][$model[$key]['tonelaje'] . '.id_area'] = $idx;
                 // End foreach fraction
             //end foreach of months
         // End seek of area distinction
     // End foreach areas with fleets
     //       pr($ConditionsToneladasWarning['1']['Orizaba']);exit();
     // pr($ConditionsToneladas);exit();
     /** ALERT => Get the data from databases firts Toneladas then Kms and last Ingresos
      ** @var => no vars yet
      ** @params => unknow parameter yet
      ** @var => Set Toneladas arrays
     // 	  pr($toneladas);
     $tons_sum = $report_warning = $report_day = $tonelaje = $toneladas;
     // 	  var_dump($ConditionsToneladas);
     foreach ($ConditionsToneladas as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $id_area => $mes) {
             // Retrieve data for each area
             foreach ($mes as $month_name => $fraction) {
                 // Retrieve data by month
                 foreach ($fraction as $fraction_name => $query) {
                     // And retrieve data for each fraction under month
                     $tonelaje[$id_empresa][trim($id_area)][$month_name][$fraction_name] = $this->{$model}[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']->find('all', array('conditions' => $query));
     // End of the world for conditions Die!! areas Die!! XD!!!
     //       pr($tonelaje);exit();
     $canceladas = $edicion = null;
     foreach ($tonelaje as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $mes) {
             if (isset($mes)) {
                 // fix for tonelaje
                 foreach ($mes as $month_name => $GetFractionData) {
                     foreach ($GetFractionData as $FractionName => $GetData) {
                         foreach ($GetData as $idx => $TonelajeCurrentData) {
                             $toneladas[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName] += $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['peso'];
                             /** @param => Set the tonelaje by day  **/
                             $day = substr($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2);
                             if (!isset($report_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day])) {
                                 $report_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day] = null;
                             $report_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day] += $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['peso'];
                             if (!isset($report_day_check[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day][trim($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['num_guia'])]['peso'])) {
                                 $report_day_check[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day][trim($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['num_guia'])]['peso'] = null;
                             $report_day_check[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day][trim($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['num_guia'])]['peso'] += $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['peso'];
                             $report_day_check[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day][trim($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['num_guia'])]['tipo_operacion'] = $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['id_tipo_operacion'];
                             $report_day_check[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day][trim($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['num_guia'])]['id_flota'] = $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['id_flota'];
                             $report_day_check[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day][trim($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['num_guia'])]['id_unidad'] = $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['id_unidad'];
                             /** @param => Check if peso is zero **/
                             if ($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['peso'] == '0') {
                                 if (!isset($report_warning[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day])) {
                                     $report_warning[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$day][] = $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['num_guia'];
                             // Marauder
                             /** @param => Check if tonelaje is overcharged  **/
                             if ($TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']]['peso'] > 60) {
                                 $ToneladasWarningData[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][] = $TonelajeCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['tonelaje']];
                             // 		  ByFleet
             // end filtering of !isset months
         //End foreach area => mes
     if ($debug) {
     } else {
         $DataTons['DetailData']['toneladas'] = $toneladas;
         $DataTons['DailyReport']['report_day'] = $report_day;
         if (isset($ToneladasWarningData)) {
             $DataTons['Warnings']['ToneladasWarningData'] = $ToneladasWarningData;
         $DataTons['Warnings']['report_warning'] = $report_warning;
         $DataTons['Warnings']['report_day_check_toneladas'] = $report_day_check;
     //   pr($DataTons);exit();
     foreach ($toneladas as $id_empresa => $area) {
         // 	      pr($area);
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             foreach ($month as $month_name => $fracciones) {
                 $TotalByMonth[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name] = array_sum($fracciones);
                 foreach ($fracciones as $fraction_name => $data) {
                     if (!isset($TotalByFraction[$id_empresa][$area_name][$fraction_name])) {
                         $TotalByFraction[$id_empresa][$area_name][$fraction_name] = null;
                     $TotalByFraction[$id_empresa][$area_name][$fraction_name] += $data;
     if ($debug) {
     } else {
         $DataTons['totals']['TotalByMonth'] = $TotalByMonth;
         $DataTons['totals']['TotalByFraction'] = $TotalByFraction;
     foreach ($TotalByMonth as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $fracciones) {
             $TotalByYear[$id_empresa][$area_name] = array_sum($fracciones);
     if ($debug) {
     } else {
         $DataTons['totals']['TotalByYear'] = $TotalByYear;
     if (isset($DataTons)) {
         $Result['Toneladas'] = $DataTons;
     // 	pr($report_day_check_toneladas);
     // 	exit();
     // 	exit();
     /** WARNING => @firts reset the vars that you going to need like totals
     **  @Section Kms => Result['kms']
         @use => ConditionsKms
     // pr($ConditionsKms);exit();
     // KMS <---
     //       tonelaje = kilometros
     // 	 toneladas = kms
     // 	 tons_sum = kms_sum
     // 	 TonelajeCurrentData = KilometrosCurrentData
     $full = $kms_full = $kms_all = $kms_sum = $report_warning = $kilometros = $count_month = $kms;
     $report_day_all = $report_day_full = $report_day = $report_day_plus = $dias;
     /*$count_day_merge =*/
     $count_day_all = $count_day_full = $dias;
     $test = $query = $toneladas = null;
     foreach ($ConditionsKms as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $id_area => $mes) {
             // Retrieve data for each area
             foreach ($mes as $month_name => $fraction) {
                 // Retrieve data by month
                 foreach ($fraction as $fraction_name => $query) {
                     // And retrieve data for each fraction under month
                     $kilometros[$id_empresa][trim($id_area)][$month_name][$fraction_name] = $this->{$model}[$id_empresa]['kms']->find('all', array('conditions' => $query));
     // End of the world for conditions Die!! areas Die!! XD!!!
     // 		pr($kilometros['1']);
     // 		pr($ConditionsKms['1']);
     // 		var_dump($id_empresa);
     // 		exit();
     $canceladas = $edicion = null;
     foreach ($kilometros as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $mes) {
             foreach ($mes as $month_name => $GetFractionData) {
                 foreach ($GetFractionData as $FractionName => $GetData) {
                     foreach ($GetData as $idx => $KilometrosCurrentData) {
                         /** WARNING WARNING WARNING  @fix @kms from @detail ****/
                         // 		    issues for kms->sencillo are the same as for kms->full can have n->"cartas porte" for a onlyone dispatch so in consequence use the same logic for both and can use only one recurrence track for both otherside i use separates trackings just in case the need of know data of each of them
                         /** WARNING WARNING WARNING  @continue work form hir ****/
                         if ($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['id_configuracionviaje'] == '3') {
                             /** @param => Set kilometros by day full **/
                             /** NOTE if the fraction is others then use kms_real */
                             if (trim((string) $FractionName) === 'Granel' or trim((string) $FractionName) === 'Envasado' or trim((string) $FractionName) === 'Clinker') {
                                 $tripKms = 'kms_viaje';
                             } else {
                                 $tripKms = 'kms_real';
                             $kms_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] = $KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']][$tripKms];
                             /** WARNING*/
                             if (!isset($full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)])) {
                                 $full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] = null;
                             if (isset($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['num_guia'])) {
                                 $full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] = $KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['num_guia'];
                             foreach ($kms_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']] as $valueKms) {
                                 if (count($kms_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']]) > 1) {
                                     // NOTE ok then assuming this is happeng always how to know in which day add the --
                                     // NOTE counting travel and add the kilometers , in the total is ok but in the detail
                                     // NOTE we have the diferences in which day will put the data ???
                                     $counting = count($kms_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']]);
                                     // NOTE if pass still be > 1 then
                                     // 						$this->out('travel => '.$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje'].' month => '.$month_name.' Area => '.$area_name.' Sencillo and have => '.$counting.' records');
                             /** WARNING*/
                         } elseif ($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['id_configuracionviaje'] == '2' or $KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['id_configuracionviaje'] == '1') {
                             /** @param => Set kilometros by day kms_sencillo **/
                             /** NOTE if the fraction is others then use kms_real */
                             if (trim((string) $FractionName) === 'Granel' or trim((string) $FractionName) === 'Envasado' or trim((string) $FractionName) === 'Clinker') {
                                 $tripKms = 'kms_viaje';
                             } else {
                                 $tripKms = 'kms_real';
                             $kms_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] = $KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']][$tripKms];
                             /** WARNING*/
                             if (!isset($sencillo[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)])) {
                                 $sencillo[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] = null;
                             if (isset($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['num_guia'])) {
                                 $sencillo[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']][substr($KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] = $KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['num_guia'];
                             foreach ($kms_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']] as $valuesKms) {
                                 if (count($kms_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']]) > 1) {
                                     // NOTE ok then assuming this is happeng always how to know in which day add the --
                                     // NOTE counting travel and add the kilometers , in the total is ok but in the detail
                                     // NOTE we have the diferences in which day will put the data ???
                                     $counting = count($kms_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje']]);
                                     // 						$this->out('travel => '.$KilometrosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['kms']]['no_viaje'].' month => '.$month_name.' Area => '.$area_name.' Sencillo and have => '.$counting.' records');
                             /** WARNING*/
     // 	  pr($kilometros);
     // 	  exit();
     // 	  pr($kms_day_full['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']);
     // 	  pr($kms_day_all['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']);
     // 	  exit();
     // 	  pr($full);
     // 	  pr($sencillo);
     // 	  exit();
     // 	  pr(count($kms_day_all['1']['Orizaba']['Nov']['Granel']));
     // 	  exit();
     foreach ($kms_day_full as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             foreach ($month as $month_name => $fractions_data) {
                 foreach ($fractions_data as $fraction_name => $viaje) {
                     if ($viaje !== null) {
                         // fix for empty fractions_data like Envasado ProductosVarios etc
                         foreach ($viaje as $no_viaje => $kms_viaje_full) {
                             foreach ($kms_viaje_full as $day_kms => $kms_value) {
                                 if (!isset($report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])) {
                                     $report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 $report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] += $kms_value;
                                 if (!isset($count_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])) {
                                     $count_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 $count_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] += 1;
                                 // 					if($no_viaje == '8211'){
                                 // 						pr($no_viaje);
                                 // 					}
                                 // // // // // // // @make detail
                                 // 				  if(!isset($count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])){
                                 // 					$count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 // 				  }
                                 // 					$count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms][] = $no_viaje;
                                 // // // // // // // @make detail
                                 /** WARNING*/
                                 if (!isset($count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])) {
                                     $count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 $count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms][$no_viaje] = $full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$no_viaje][$day_kms];
                                 /** WARNING*/
     // end $kms_sum
     foreach ($kms_day_all as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             foreach ($month as $month_name => $fractions_data) {
                 foreach ($fractions_data as $fraction_name => $viaje) {
                     if ($viaje !== null) {
                         // fix for empty fractions_data like Envasado ProductosVarios etc
                         foreach ($viaje as $no_viaje => $kms_viaje_all) {
                             foreach ($kms_viaje_all as $day_kms => $kms_value) {
                                 if (!isset($report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])) {
                                     // 			if var not exists then build it
                                     $report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 $report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] += $kms_value;
                                 if (!isset($count_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])) {
                                     // 			if var not exists then build it
                                     $count_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 $count_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] += 1;
                                 // // // // // // // // // detail of counting
                                 // 				  if(!isset($count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])){
                                 // 					$count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 // 				  }
                                 // 					$count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms][] = $no_viaje;
                                 // // // // // // // // //
                                 /** WARNING*/
                                 if (!isset($count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms])) {
                                     $count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms] = null;
                                 $count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$day_kms][$no_viaje] = $sencillo[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$no_viaje][$day_kms];
                                 /** WARNING*/
     // end $kms_sum
     // 	pr($kms_day_all);
     // 	pr($kms_day_full);
     // // 	pr($count_day_full);
     // // 	pr($count_day_all);
     // 	pr($count_day_full_detail);
     // 	pr($count_day_all_detail);
     // // // 	exit();
     // 	pr($counting_day_full_detail);
     // 	pr($counting_day_all_detail);
     // 	unset($count_day_full_detail);
     // 	unset($count_day_all_detail);
     // 	$count_day_all_detail = $count_day_full_detail = null;
     // 	$count_day_full_detail = $counting_day_full_detail;
     // 	$count_day_all_detail = $counting_day_all_detail;
     // 	pr($kms_day_full['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']);
     // 	pr($kms_day_all['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']);
     // 		pr($count_day_full_detail['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']);
     // 		pr($count_day_all_detail['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']);
     // 	pr($count_day_full['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']['Granel']);
     // 	pr($count_day_all['1']['Tijuana']['Mar']['Granel']);
     // 	exit();
     // // 	exit();
     foreach ($report_day as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             foreach ($month as $month_name => $fractions_data) {
                 // 		if(!isset($kms_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name])){
                 // 		      $kms_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name] = null;
                 // 		  }
                 foreach ($fractions_data as $fraction_name => $month_days) {
                     foreach ($month_days as $dia_kms => $value_kms) {
                         if (!empty($report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]) or !empty($report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                             $report_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = $report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] + $report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms];
                             // NOTE if one day you need made changes for otros
                             // NOTE and now that day comes to live jajajaja NOTE
                             if (trim((string) $fraction_name) === 'Granel' or trim((string) $fraction_name) === 'Envasado' or trim((string) $fraction_name) === 'Clinker') {
                                 $report_day_plus[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = ($report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] + $report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]) * 2;
                             } else {
                                 $report_day_plus[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = $report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] + $report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms];
                         if (!empty($count_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]) or !empty($count_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                             //counting trips
                             if (!isset($count_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                                 $count_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = null;
                             $count_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = $count_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] + $count_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms];
                              * @first ask if is an array or exists but this is implicit right!!! on not ?
                             if (isset($count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]) and is_array($count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]) and (isset($count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]) and is_array($count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]))) {
                                 if (!isset($count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                                     $count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = null;
                                 $count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = array_merge_recursive($count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms], $count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms]);
                             } else {
                                 //hir goes the else
                                 if (isset($count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                                     if (!isset($count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                                         $count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = null;
                                     $count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = $count_day_full_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms];
                                 if (isset($count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                                     if (!isset($count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms])) {
                                         $count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = null;
                                     $count_day_merge[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms] = $count_day_all_detail[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name][$dia_kms];
                         //End if not empty
     // 	pr($count_day_full_detail);exit();
     // 	pr($count_day_all_detail);exit();
     // 	pr($count_day_merge);
     // exit();
     // $log = $this->Model->getDataSource()->getLog(false, false);
     // debug($log);
     // 	pr($report_day);exit();//for operations this is the correct param
     // 	pr($report_day_all);pr($report_day_full); // this is for DailyReport()
     foreach ($report_day_full as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             foreach ($month as $month_name => $fractions_data) {
                 if (!isset($kms_sum[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name])) {
                     $kms_sum[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name] = null;
                 foreach ($fractions_data as $fraction_name => $viaje) {
                     if (!isset($kms_sum[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name])) {
                         $kms_sum[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name] = null;
                     // NOTE if one day you need made changes for otros
                     // NOTE and now that day comes to live jajajaja NOTE
                     if (trim((string) $fraction_name) === 'Granel' or trim((string) $fraction_name) === 'Envasado' or trim((string) $fraction_name) === 'Clinker') {
                         $kms_sum[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name] += (array_sum($report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name]) + array_sum($report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name])) * 2;
                     } else {
                         $kms_sum[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name] += array_sum($report_day_full[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name]) + array_sum($report_day_all[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name]);
                     // NOTE if one day you need made changes for otros
                     // NOTE and now that day comes to live jajajaja NOTE
                     if (isset($count_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name])) {
                         // 			  $count_month[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name] = null;
                         $count_month[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name] = array_sum($count_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name]);
                         if (!isset($count_year[$id_empresa][$area_name][$fraction_name])) {
                             $count_year[$id_empresa][$area_name][$fraction_name] = null;
                         $count_year[$id_empresa][$area_name][$fraction_name] += array_sum($count_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$fraction_name]);
     // 	pr($count_day);exit();
     // 	pr($count_month);
     // 	exit();
     // 	pr($kms_sum);exit(); // this is for fraction report by month
     foreach ($kms_sum as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             foreach ($month as $month_name => $fractions_data) {
                 foreach ($fractions_data as $fraction => $value) {
                     if (!isset($kms_monthly[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name])) {
                         $kms_monthly[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name] = null;
                     $kms_monthly[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name] += $value;
                 if (isset($count_month[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name])) {
                     $count_month_no_fraction[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name] = array_sum($count_month[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name]);
     // 	pr($kms_monthly); // totals by month
     // 	exit();
     // yearly report
     // 	pr($count_year);exit();
     foreach ($kms_monthly as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $month) {
             $kms_yearly[$id_empresa][$area_name] = array_sum($month);
             if (!isset($count_year_no_fraction[$id_empresa][$area_name])) {
                 $count_year_no_fraction[$id_empresa][$area_name] = null;
             if (isset($count_year[$id_empresa][$area_name])) {
                 $count_year_no_fraction[$id_empresa][$area_name] = array_sum($count_year[$id_empresa][$area_name]);
     // 	pr($count_year_no_fraction);exit();
     // 	pr($kms_yearly); // Totals by Year
     foreach ($kms_yearly as $id_empresa => $area_name) {
         $kms_full_year[$id_empresa] = array_sum($area_name);
     $kms_detail = array();
     $kms_detail['report_day_all'] = $report_day_all;
     $kms_detail['report_day_full'] = $report_day_full;
     $kms_detail['report_daily'] = $report_day;
     $kms_detail['report_daily_plus'] = $report_day_plus;
     $kms_detail['kms_month_by_fraction'] = $kms_sum;
     $kms_detail['total_kms_monthly'] = $kms_monthly;
     $kms_detail['total_kms_yearly'] = $kms_yearly;
     $kms_detail['full_total_kms_yearly'] = $kms_full_year;
     //Counting trips...
     $kms_detail['count']['count_day_all'] = $count_day_all;
     //count all "sencillos" by empresa,area,month,fraction and day
     $kms_detail['count']['count_day_full'] = $count_day_full;
     // same as before but is for "full"
     $kms_detail['count']['count_day'] = $count_day;
     // sum of both count's before and classified by day
     $kms_detail['count']['count_month'] = $count_month;
     // the sum counting by id_empresa, area, month and fraction
     $kms_detail['count']['count_month_no_fraction'] = $count_month_no_fraction;
     //same as before with out fraction
     $kms_detail['count']['count_year'] = $count_year;
     //sum of all the months by area yearly by fraction
     $kms_detail['count']['count_year_no_fraction'] = $count_year_no_fraction;
     //sum of all the months by area yearly without fraction
     $kms_detail['count']['count_day_merge'] = $count_day_merge;
     // 	pr($kms_detail['count']);
     // 	exit();
     $Result['kms'] = $kms_detail;
     if ($debug) {
     /** WARNING => @firts reset the vars that you going to need like totals
     **  @Section Ingresos => Result['ingresos']
         @use => ConditionsIngresos
     //INGRESOS <---
     $report_warning = $ingresos;
     $report_day_all = $report_day_full = $report_day = $dias;
     $test = $query = null;
     foreach ($ConditionsIngresos as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $id_area => $mes) {
             // Retrieve data for each area
             foreach ($mes as $month_name => $fraction) {
                 // Retrieve data by month
                 foreach ($fraction as $fraction_name => $query) {
                     // And retrieve data for each fraction under month
                     $ingresos[$id_empresa][trim($id_area)][$month_name][$fraction_name] = $this->{$model}[$id_empresa]['ingresos']->find('all', array('conditions' => $query));
     // End of the world for conditions Die!! areas Die!! XD!!!
     //       pr($ingresos);exit();
     // 	 pr($model);
     //       exit();
     $canceladas = $edicion = null;
     foreach ($ingresos as $id_empresa => $area) {
         foreach ($area as $area_name => $mes) {
             foreach ($mes as $month_name => $GetFractionData) {
                 foreach ($GetFractionData as $FractionName => $GetData) {
                     foreach ($GetData as $idx => $IngresosCurrentData) {
                         // 		  pr($IngresosCurrentData);
                         /** @param => Set ingresos by day full **/
                         if (!isset($ingresos_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][substr($IngresosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['ingresos']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)])) {
                             $ingresos_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][substr($IngresosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['ingresos']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] = null;
                         $ingresos_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][substr($IngresosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['ingresos']]['fecha_guia'], 8, 2)] += $IngresosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['ingresos']]['subtotal'];
                         // 				  pr($ingresos_day[$id_empresa][$area_name][$month_name][$FractionName][substr($IngresosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['ingresos']]['fecha_guia'],8,2)]);
                         // 				  pr($IngresosCurrentData[$model[$id_empresa]['ingresos']]['subtotal']);
     // 	pr($ingresos_day);exit();
     foreach ($ingresos_day as $id_empresa => $Areas) {
         foreach ($Areas as $AreasName => $months_) {
             foreach ($months_ as $months_Name => $fractions_) {
                 foreach ($fractions_ as $fractions_Name => $fractionValue) {
                     $ingresos_by_month[$id_empresa][$AreasName][$months_Name][$fractions_Name] = array_sum($fractionValue);
     $ingresos_detail = array();
     $ingresos_detail['report_daily'] = $ingresos_day;
     $ingresos_detail['ingresos_month_by_fraction'] = $ingresos_sum = null;
     // pending
     $ingresos_detail['total_ingresos_monthly'] = $ingresos_by_month;
     // Done
     // 	$ingresos_detail['totalIngresosByMonth'] =$ingresos_by_month ;// Done
     $ingresos_detail['total_ingresos_yearly'] = $ingresos_yearly = null;
     // pending
     $Result['ingresos'] = $ingresos_detail;
     // 	pr($this->fleets(true,false));
     // 	exit();
     return $Result;
 function week()
     // 	  pr($this->data);
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $calendar = $myCalendar->main($year = date('Y'), false);
     $fraction = $this->Fraccion->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'fraccion')));
     // 	    pr($fraction);
     foreach ($calendar['days'] as $month => $dia) {
         foreach ($dia as $num_dia => $dia_detail) {
             foreach ($fraction as $id_fraction => $fraction_desc) {
                 $dias[$month][$fraction_desc][$num_dia] = null;
         // 		pr($dia);
예제 #4
 function operations($year = null)
     if (empty($year)) {
         $year = date('Y');
     $tipoOperacion = null;
     $operations = $this->dbOp();
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $calendar = $myCalendar->main($year, false);
     $months = $calendar['months'];
     $fraction = $this->Fraccion->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'fraccion')));
     // 		pr($fraction);
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/sniffer_data'));
     $myShell = new SnifferDataShell(new Object());
     // 	Select the method to call
     $Shell = $myShell->main($view = true, $debug = false, $year);
     $coverOps['Toneladas']['days'] = $Shell['Toneladas']['DailyReport']['report_day'];
     $coverOps['Toneladas']['months'] = $Shell['Toneladas']['DetailData']['toneladas'];
     $coverOps['kms']['days'] = $Shell['kms']['report_daily_plus'];
     $coverOps['kms']['months'] = $Shell['kms']['kms_month_by_fraction'];
     $coverOps['ingresos']['days'] = $Shell['ingresos']['report_daily'];
     $coverOps['ingresos']['months'] = $Shell['ingresos']['total_ingresos_monthly'];
      * TODO this don't have a db is a add like a pluging
     $coverOps['Viajes']['days'] = $Shell['kms']['count']['count_day'];
     $coverOps['Viajes']['months'] = $Shell['kms']['count']['count_month'];
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_day'] = $count_day; // sum of both count's before and classified by day
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_month'] = $count_month; // the sum counting by id_empresa, area, month and fraction
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_month_no_fraction'] = $count_month_no_fraction; //same as before with out fraction
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_year'] = $count_year ; //sum of all the months by area yearly by fraction
     // 	$kms_detail['count']['count_year_no_fraction'] = $count_year_no_fraction;//sum of all the months by area yearly
     foreach ($operations as $idOp => $opName) {
         $tipoOperacion = $idOp;
         if (in_array($operations[$tipoOperacion], $operations) == true) {
             $Operacion = $coverOps[$operations[$tipoOperacion]]['days'];
             $monthOperacion = $coverOps[$operations[$tipoOperacion]]['months'];
         // Building databases
         foreach ($Operacion as $id_empresa => $areas) {
             foreach ($areas as $areaName => $Months) {
                 foreach ($Months as $monthName => $Fractions) {
                     foreach ($Fractions as $fractionName => $DaysOperacion) {
                         if (isset($DaysOperacion)) {
                             foreach ($DaysOperacion as $day => $operacion) {
                                 if (!empty($operacion)) {
                                     foreach ($months as $numMonth => $monthData) {
                                         foreach ($monthData as $description => $monthContent) {
                                             if ($monthData['short'] == $monthName) {
                                                 $numMes = $monthData['num'];
                                     foreach ($fraction as $id_fraction => $fractionDescription) {
                                         if ($fractionDescription == $fractionName) {
                                             $numFraction = $id_fraction;
                                     $day = str_pad((int) $day, '2', "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                                     $operacionesDiarias['Operacion'][] = array('id_empresa' => $id_empresa, 'area' => $areaName, 'year' => $year, 'day' => $day, 'operacion' => $operacion, 'tipoOperacion' => $tipoOperacion, 'month' => $monthName, 'numMes' => $numMes, 'id_fraction' => $numFraction, 'fraccion' => $fractionName);
                         // if isset($DaysToneladas)
         //next go for mensual toneladas
         // Reset the vars to reuse;
         $areas = $areaName = $monthName = $dataOperacion = $numMes = null;
         foreach ($monthOperacion as $id_empresa => $areas) {
             // in this case the Area is under Empresa
             foreach ($areas as $areaName => $month) {
                 foreach ($month as $monthName => $dataOperacion) {
                     foreach ($dataOperacion as $fractionName => $dataOperacionValue) {
                         if (isset($dataOperacionValue) and !empty($dataOperacionValue)) {
                             foreach ($months as $numMonth => $monthData) {
                                 foreach ($monthData as $description => $monthContent) {
                                     if ($monthData['short'] == $monthName) {
                                         $numMes = $monthData['num'];
                             foreach ($fraction as $id_fraction => $fractionDescription) {
                                 if ($fractionDescription == $fractionName) {
                                     $numFraction = $id_fraction;
                             $operacionesMensuales['OperacionMensual'][] = array('id_empresa' => $id_empresa, 'area' => $areaName, 'year' => $year, 'operacion' => $dataOperacionValue, 'tipoOperacion' => $tipoOperacion, 'month' => $monthName, 'numMes' => $numMes, 'id_fraction' => $numFraction, 'fraccion' => $fractionName);
     //End of each operations
     $conditionsDaily['Operacion.year'] = $year;
     $this->idCheck($conditionsDaily, $operations[$tipoOperacion], $frecuency = 'Diaria', $data = $operacionesDiarias['Operacion'], $model = 'Operacion', $useTable = 'operacion', $system = false);
     $conditions['OperacionMensual.year'] = $year;
     $this->idCheck($conditions, $operations[$tipoOperacion], $frecuency = 'Mensual', $data = $operacionesMensuales['OperacionMensual'], $model = 'OperacionMensual', $useTable = 'operacionMensual', $system = false);
예제 #5
 function grapBuild($id_empresa = null, $concepto = null, $area_name = null, $fracciones_name = null, $month_name = null, $grapColor = null, $operacion = null, $dateParam = null, $year = null)
     // 		    build the data for ImagesShell
     // 		$operacion = array('1'=>'0');
     // 		$month_name = '';
     $EmpConditions[''] = '1';
     // Check if the area is alive
     $empresas = $this->Empresas->find('list', array('fields' => array('id_empresa', 'empresa'), array('conditions' => $EmpConditions)));
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     // 	  $calendar = $myCalendar->main($year=date('Y'),false);
     $month = $myCalendar->months(true, false, $year);
     //   		$url= '/tmp/images/';
     $url = "../../app/webroot/img/thumbs/daily/";
     $this->autoRender = false;
     // i don't remember why is this but do it
     App::import('Vendor', 'pData', array('file' => 'pcharts' . DS . 'class' . DS . 'pData.class.php'));
     App::import('Vendor', 'pDraw', array('file' => 'pcharts' . DS . 'class' . DS . 'pDraw.class.php'));
     App::import('Vendor', 'pImage', array('file' => 'pcharts' . DS . 'class' . DS . 'pImage.class.php'));
     $fontFolder = '..' . DS . '..' . DS . 'vendors' . DS . 'pcharts' . DS . 'fonts' . DS;
     $maxValue = max($operacion);
     /* Create and populate the pData object */
     $MyData = new pData();
     // 		$MyData->addPoints($report_day,"Temperature");
     $MyData->addPoints($operacion, $concepto);
     // 		$MyData->setSerieDrawable($concepto,TRUE);
     $MyData->setAxisName(0, $concepto);
     // 		$MyData->addPoints(array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"),"Labels");
     $MyData->addPoints($dateParam, "dateParam");
     $MyData->setSerieDescription("dateParam", "Dias");
     // 		$MyData->drawAll();
     /* Create the per bar palette */
     $Palette = array("0" => array("R" => 188, "G" => 224, "B" => 46, "Alpha" => 80), "1" => array("R" => 143, "G" => 189, "B" => 216, "Alpha" => 80), "2" => array("R" => 239, "G" => 210, "B" => 121, "Alpha" => 80), "3" => array("R" => 122, "G" => 224, "B" => 146, "Alpha" => 80), "4" => array("R" => 224, "G" => 100, "B" => 46, "Alpha" => 80), "5" => array("R" => 46, "G" => 151, "B" => 224, "Alpha" => 80), "6" => array("R" => 137, "G" => 154, "B" => 173, "Alpha" => 80), "7" => array("R" => 76, "G" => 136, "B" => 190, "Alpha" => 80), "8" => array("R" => 229, "G" => 11, "B" => 11, "Alpha" => 80));
     // 		$MyData->normalize(100,"%");
     $xLenght = "220";
     /* Create the pChart object */
     $myPicture = new pImage(700, $xLenght, $MyData, TRUE);
     /* Draw serie 1 in red with a 80% opacity */
     $MyData->setPalette(array($concepto), $Palette[$grapColor]);
     $Settings = array("R" => 200, "G" => 200, "B" => 200, "StartR" => 250, "StartG" => 250, "StartB" => 250, "EndR" => 255, "EndG" => 255, "EndB" => 255, "Alpha" => 0);
     $Settings = array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "StartR" => 255, "StartG" => 255, "StartB" => 255, "EndR" => 255, "EndG" => 255, "EndB" => 255, "Alpha" => 0);
     $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(0, 0, 700, $xLenght + 10, $Settings);
     /* Overlay with a gradient */
     $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0, 0, 700, $xLenght + 10, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $Settings);
     /* Write the chart title */
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => $fontFolder . "Forgotte.ttf", "FontSize" => 10));
     /* Draw some thresholds */
     // 		$myPicture->setShadow(FALSE);
     // 		$myPicture->drawThreshold(-40,array("WriteCaption"=>TRUE,"R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Ticks"=>4));
     // 		$myPicture->drawThreshold($maxValue,array("WriteCaption"=>TRUE,"R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Ticks"=>4));
     //TODO->Define if mensual or annual
     if (isset($month_name) and isset($area_name)) {
         if (trim($area_name) === 'Tijuana') {
             $area = 'Mexicali';
         } else {
             $area = $area_name;
         $myPicture->drawText(350, 30, ucfirst($concepto) . "-" . $area . "-" . $month[$month_name]['spanish'] . "-" . $year, array("FontSize" => 14, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
     if (!isset($month_name) and !isset($area_name)) {
         $myPicture->drawText(350, 30, ucfirst($concepto) . "-" . $empresas[$id_empresa] . "-" . $year, array("FontSize" => 14, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
     if (!isset($month_name) and isset($area_name)) {
         if (trim($area_name) === 'Tijuana') {
             $area = 'Mexicali';
         } else {
             $area = $area_name;
         $myPicture->drawText(350, 30, ucfirst($concepto) . "-" . $area . "-" . $year, array("FontSize" => 14, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
     if (isset($month_name) and !isset($area_name)) {
         $myPicture->drawText(350, 30, ucfirst($concepto) . "-" . $empresas[$id_empresa] . "-" . $month[$month_name]['spanish'] . "-" . $year, array("FontSize" => 14, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
     /* Define the 2nd chart area */
     $myPicture->setGraphArea(60, 35, 660, 200);
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => $fontFolder . "pf_arma_five.ttf", "FontSize" => 6));
     /* Draw the scale */
     $scaleSettings = array("DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "CycleBackground" => TRUE, "GridR" => 0, "GridG" => 0, "GridB" => 0, "GridAlpha" => 10, "RemoveXAxis" => FALSE, "Mode" => SCALE_MODE_ADDALL_START0, "DrawArrows" => TRUE, "ArrowSize" => 6);
     $myPicture->drawBarChart(array("DisplayPos" => LABEL_POS_INSIDE, "DisplayValues" => FALSE, "Rounded" => FALSE, "Surrounding" => 15, "InnerSurrounding" => 15));
     //TODO->Define if mensual or annual
     if (isset($month_name) and isset($area_name)) {
         $myPicture->autoOutput($url . "{$concepto}" . "_" . "{$area_name}" . "_" . "{$month_name}" . "_" . $year . ".png");
     if (!isset($month_name) and !isset($area_name)) {
         $myPicture->autoOutput($url . $concepto . "_" . strtolower($empresas[$id_empresa]) . "_" . $year . ".png");
     if (!isset($month_name) and isset($area_name)) {
         $myPicture->autoOutput($url . "{$concepto}" . "_" . $area_name . "_" . $year . ".png");
     if (isset($month_name) and !isset($area_name)) {
         $myPicture->autoOutput($url . $concepto . "_" . strtolower($empresas[$id_empresa]) . "_" . $month_name . "_" . $year . ".png");
 /** @function index()
  * 	  @arg <null>
  ** @param var_returned => <print the firts page >
  *  @package scriptaculous
  *  @function => no,bridge for pass vars
  ** @use => App::Import = false
  ** @set => retrieve old data and get new data for export and update the db
  *  @div => null
 function index($get = null)
     // print data and retrieve data for update the db
     // 		pr($_SESSION);
     // 		exit();
     // 		if(isset($_SESSION['data'])){
     // 		  pr($_SESSION['data']);
     // // 		  exit();
     // 		}
     // 		set permissions
     // >> Add month Specifications
     // >> Add month Specifications
     $this->set('st_egresos', true);
     if ($_SESSION['Auth']['User']['level'] == '0') {
         $this->set('status', false);
     } else {
         $this->set('status', true);
     // 		unset($_SESSION['anexo']);
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lastDate'])) {
         $Date['year'] = date('Y');
         $Date['month'] = date('m');
         $Date['day'] = date('d');
         $Date['week'] = date('W');
         // 		  $this->set('Date',$Date);
     } else {
         // 		  $this->set('Date',.'-'..'-'.);
         $Date['year'] = $_SESSION['lastDate']['year'];
         $Date['month'] = $_SESSION['lastDate']['month'];
         $Date['day'] = $_SESSION['lastDate']['day'];
         $Date['week'] = $_SESSION['lastDate']['week'];
         // 		  $this->set('Date',$Date);
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $calendar = $myCalendar->main($year = date('Y'), false);
     // 		  $this->set('month',$calendar['months'][$Date['month']]['spanish']); // set the monthName to the view
     $Date['mes'] = $calendar['months'][(int) $Date['month']]['spanish'];
     if (isset($get)) {
         return $Date;
     } else {
         $this->set('Date', $Date);
         // 			$this->set('AnX',$this->getAnexos());
         $this->set('saldo', $this->GetSaldo());
         if (!isset($_SESSION['Getdata']['flujo'])) {
             $this->set('estimate', $this->GetCurrentWeek());
         } else {
             $this->set('estimate', $_SESSION['Getdata']);
예제 #7
 function monthWeeks($year = null)
     $_SESSION['viewConfig'] = null;
     $_SESSION['viewConfig']['width'] = '320';
     $_SESSION['viewConfig']['height'] = '80';
     $_SESSION['viewConfig']['fontSize'] = '180';
     $_SESSION['viewConfig']['fontSizeTitle'] = '110';
     App::Import('Shell', 'Shell');
     App::Import('Vendor', array('shells/calendar'));
     $myCalendar = new CalendarShell(new Object());
     $calendar = $myCalendar->main($year, false);
     $_SESSION['calendar']['months'] = $calendar['months'];
     foreach ($calendar['days'] as $month => $dia) {
         foreach ($dia as $num_dia => $dia_detail) {
             $stats[$month][$dia_detail['week']] = $dia_detail['month'];
             $daysWeek[$month][$dia_detail['week']] = $num_dia;
     // 			pr($stats);
     foreach ($stats as $month => $weekMonth) {
         foreach ($weekMonth as $week => $monthNum) {
             $weeksMonth[$week][$monthNum] = $month;
     $_SESSION['weeksMonth'] = $weeksMonth;
     $_SESSION['calAcumulado'] = $stats;
     $_SESSION['daysWeek'] = $daysWeek;
     return $weeksMonth;