예제 #1
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->Permission = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'Permission', 'alias' => 'Permission'));
     $this->Aro = $this->Permission->Aro;
     $this->Aco = $this->Permission->Aco;
예제 #2
  * Constructor
  * @param array $options Optional load object properties.
 public function __construct($options = array())
     if (empty($options['name'])) {
         $this->name = preg_replace('/schema$/i', '', get_class($this));
     if (!empty($options['plugin'])) {
         $this->plugin = $options['plugin'];
     if (strtolower($this->name) === 'cake') {
         $this->name = 'App';
     if (empty($options['path'])) {
         $this->path = APP . 'Config' . DS . 'Schema';
     $options = array_merge(get_object_vars($this), $options);
예제 #3
  * Constructor.
  * @param array $config Array of configuration information for the datasource.
 public function __construct($config = array())
예제 #4
  * Constructor.
  * @param CakeRequest $request Request object for this controller. Can be null for testing,
  *  but expect that features that use the request parameters will not work.
  * @param CakeResponse $response Response object for this controller.
 public function __construct($request = null, $response = null)
     if ($this->name === null) {
         $this->name = substr(get_class($this), 0, -10);
     if (!$this->viewPath) {
         $this->viewPath = $this->name;
     $this->modelClass = Inflector::singularize($this->name);
     $this->modelKey = Inflector::underscore($this->modelClass);
     $this->Components = new ComponentCollection();
     $childMethods = get_class_methods($this);
     $parentMethods = get_class_methods('Controller');
     $this->methods = array_diff($childMethods, $parentMethods);
     if ($request instanceof CakeRequest) {
     if ($response instanceof CakeResponse) {
         $this->response = $response;
예제 #5
  * Constructor. Binds the model's database table to the object.
  * If `$id` is an array it can be used to pass several options into the model.
  * - `id`: The id to start the model on.
  * - `table`: The table to use for this model.
  * - `ds`: The connection name this model is connected to.
  * - `name`: The name of the model eg. Post.
  * - `alias`: The alias of the model, this is used for registering the instance in the `ClassRegistry`.
  *   eg. `ParentThread`
  * ### Overriding Model's __construct method.
  * When overriding Model::__construct() be careful to include and pass in all 3 of the
  * arguments to `parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);`
  * ### Dynamically creating models
  * You can dynamically create model instances using the $id array syntax.
  * ```
  * $Post = new Model(array('table' => 'posts', 'name' => 'Post', 'ds' => 'connection2'));
  * ```
  * Would create a model attached to the posts table on connection2. Dynamic model creation is useful
  * when you want a model object that contains no associations or attached behaviors.
  * @param bool|int|string|array $id Set this ID for this model on startup,
  * can also be an array of options, see above.
  * @param string $table Name of database table to use.
  * @param string $ds DataSource connection name.
 public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
     if (is_array($id)) {
         extract(array_merge(array('id' => $this->id, 'table' => $this->useTable, 'ds' => $this->useDbConfig, 'name' => $this->name, 'alias' => $this->alias, 'plugin' => $this->plugin), $id));
     if ($this->plugin === null) {
         $this->plugin = isset($plugin) ? $plugin : $this->plugin;
     if ($this->name === null) {
         $this->name = isset($name) ? $name : get_class($this);
     if ($this->alias === null) {
         $this->alias = isset($alias) ? $alias : $this->name;
     if ($this->primaryKey === null) {
         $this->primaryKey = 'id';
     ClassRegistry::addObject($this->alias, $this);
     $this->id = $id;
     if ($table === false) {
         $this->useTable = false;
     } elseif ($table) {
         $this->useTable = $table;
     if ($ds !== null) {
         $this->useDbConfig = $ds;
     if (is_subclass_of($this, 'AppModel')) {
         $merge = array('actsAs', 'findMethods');
         $parentClass = get_parent_class($this);
         if ($parentClass !== 'AppModel') {
             $this->_mergeVars($merge, $parentClass);
         $this->_mergeVars($merge, 'AppModel');
     $this->_mergeVars(array('findMethods'), 'Model');
     $this->Behaviors = new BehaviorCollection();
     if ($this->useTable !== false) {
         if ($this->useTable === null) {
             $this->useTable = Inflector::tableize($this->name);
         if (!$this->displayField) {
         $this->table = $this->useTable;
         $this->tableToModel[$this->table] = $this->alias;
     } elseif ($this->table === false) {
         $this->table = Inflector::tableize($this->name);
     if ($this->tablePrefix === null) {
     $this->Behaviors->init($this->alias, $this->actsAs);
예제 #6
  * Constructor
  * @param Controller $controller A controller object to pull View::_passedVars from.
 public function __construct(Controller $controller = null)
     if (is_object($controller)) {
         $count = count($this->_passedVars);
         for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
             $var = $this->_passedVars[$j];
             $this->{$var} = $controller->{$var};
         $this->_eventManager = $controller->getEventManager();
     if (empty($this->request) && !($this->request = Router::getRequest(true))) {
         $this->request = new CakeRequest(null, false);
         $this->request->base = '';
         $this->request->here = $this->request->webroot = '/';
     if (is_object($controller) && isset($controller->response)) {
         $this->response = $controller->response;
     } else {
         $this->response = new CakeResponse();
     $this->Helpers = new HelperCollection($this);
     $this->Blocks = new ViewBlock();