/** * testSendgridSend method * * @return void */ public function testPostmarkSend() { $this->email->template('default', 'default'); $this->email->emailFormat('both'); $this->email->to(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Recipient')); $this->email->subject('Test email via SedGrid'); $this->email->addHeaders(array('X-Tag' => 'my tag')); $sendReturn = $this->email->send(); // $headers = $this->email->getHeaders(array('to')); // $this->assertEqual($sendReturn['To'], $headers['To']); // $this->assertEqual($sendReturn['ErrorCode'], 0); // $this->assertEqual($sendReturn['Message'], 'OK'); }
protected function _sendEmail() { App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $Email = new CakeEmail(); $Email->emailFormat('text')->template('new_user', 'default')->from(Configure::read('Site.email_from'))->replyTo($this->request->data['Contact']['email'])->subject('EU-GENIE Contact Form')->to(Configure::read('Site.email_to')); $Email->send(); }
public function main() { // ============================================================================================= // 各種情報を取得 // ============================================================================================= // 今年分の振込情報を取得 $year = date('Y'); $transfer_histories = $this->TTransferHistory->findTransferHistory($year); // 振込目標額を取得 $total_price = $this->MParameter->find('first', array('conditions' => array('parameter_name' => 'total_price'), 'fields' => array('parameter_value'))); $total_price = $total_price['MParameter']['parameter_value']; // 合計振込額を取得 $total_transfer_price = $this->TTransferHistory->find('first', array('conditions' => array('deleted' => 1), 'fields' => array('sum(transfer_price) as total_transfer_price'))); $total_transfer_price = $total_transfer_price[0]['total_transfer_price']; // 振込残高を取得 $remaining_price = $total_price - $total_transfer_price; // ============================================================================================= // メール送信処理 // ============================================================================================= $email = new CakeEmail('admin'); $email->to('*****@*****.**'); $email->subject($year . '年の振込情報'); $email->emailFormat('text'); $email->template('transfer_report'); $email->viewVars(array('total_price' => number_format($total_price), 'total_transfer_price' => number_format($total_transfer_price), 'remaining_price' => number_format($remaining_price), 'year' => $year, 'transfer_histories' => $transfer_histories)); $email->send(); }
protected function __resetPassword($username = '') { $this->loadModel('User'); $conditions = array('username' => $username); $options = array('conditions' => $conditions); $user = $this->User->find('first', $options); $message = 'El usuario no existe.'; if ($user) { $data['password'] = $this->strongPassword($username); $this->User->id = $user['User']['id']; $mensaje = 'No ha sido posible cambiar el password, intente de nuevo.'; if ($this->User->save($data)) { $email = new CakeEmail('default'); $email->template('change_password'); $email->emailFormat('text'); $email->from('*****@*****.**'); $email->to($username); $email->subject('Reinicio de credenciales gobscore.'); $email->viewVars(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $data['password'])); $message = 'El password ha sido cambiado con éxito. Ha ocurrido un ' . 'error en el envío de su nuevo password.'; if ($email->send()) { $message = 'Los datos de la institución y cuenta de ' . 'administrador han sido enviados correctamente'; } } } return $message; }
/** * Saves a lead into the leads table * @param array $data * @param string $type The lead type - usually the page type * @return boolean */ public function saveLead($data = array(), $type = null) { if (!$data || !$type) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid data or type')); } $data['Lead']['type'] = $type; $this->create(); $result = $this->save($data); if (!$result) { throw new LogicException(__('There was a problem, please review the errors below and try again.')); } $this->Setting = ClassRegistry::init('Setting'); $siteEmail = $this->Setting->get('siteEmail'); $siteName = $this->Setting->get('siteName'); $ccEmails = $this->Setting->get('siteEmailsCc'); if ($siteEmail) { App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $email = new CakeEmail(); $email->from(array($result['Lead']['email'] => $result['Lead']['name'])); $email->to($siteEmail); if ($ccEmails) { $email->cc($ccEmails); } $email->subject(__('%s - The %s form has been submitted', $siteName, $result['Lead']['type'])); $email->template('newLead'); $email->emailFormat('both'); $email->viewVars(array('lead' => $result, 'siteName' => $siteName)); $email->send(); } return true; }
public function main() { define('TIMEZONE', 'Asia/Bangkok'); date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $tomorrow = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + EVENT_REMIDER_TIMER); $optionCalendar = array('order' => array('from_date' => 'asc'), 'conditions' => array('from_date >=' => $now, 'to_date <=' => $tomorrow)); $events = $this->Calendar->find("all", $optionCalendar); foreach ($events as $key => $event) { $content = array(); $content["id"] = $event["Calendar"]["id"]; $content["name"] = $event["Calendar"]["name"]; $content["description"] = $event["Calendar"]["description"]; $content["from_date"] = $this->_formatDate($events[$key]["Calendar"]["from_date"], "d-m-Y H:i"); $content["to_date"] = $this->_formatDate($events[$key]["Calendar"]["to_date"], "d-m-Y H:i"); $id = $event["Calendar"]["id"]; $user = $this->UserModel->findById($event["Calendar"]["user_id"]); $content["receive_name"] = $user["UserModel"]["display_name"]; $Email = new CakeEmail('noreply'); $noreplyConf = $Email->config(); $Email->template('calendar_remider'); $Email->emailFormat('html'); $Email->viewVars(array('emailContent' => $content)); $Email->from($noreplyConf['from']); $Email->to($user["UserModel"]["user_email"]); $Email->subject(__('Calendar Reminder')); $Email->send(); } //echo EVENT_REMIDER_TIMER; }
/** * index method * * @return void */ public function index() { $this->Comment->recursive = 0; if (!empty($this->request->data)) { $this->Comment->create($this->request->data); if ($this->Comment->validates()) { if (!empty($this->request->data['Comment']['website'])) { $this->Session->setFlash(__("Your Mail us is reached."), 'notif', array('class' => "success", 'type' => 'ok-sign')); $this->request->data = array(); } else { $token = md5(time() . ' - ' . uniqid()); $this->Comment->create(array('name' => $this->request->data['Comment']['name'], 'mail' => $this->request->data['Comment']['mail'], 'content' => $this->request->data['Comment']['content'], 'token' => $token)); $this->Comment->save(); App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $CakeEmail = new CakeEmail('smtp'); // à changer par Default sur le site en ligne sinon smtp $CakeEmail->to(array('*****@*****.**')); $CakeEmail->from(array($this->request->data['Comment']["mail"] => "livre d or")); $CakeEmail->subject(__("Commentaire sur le livre d'or")); $CakeEmail->viewVars($this->request->data['Comment'] + array("name" => $this->Comment->name, "mail" => $this->Comment->mail, "content" => $this->Comment->content, 'token' => $token, 'id' => $this->Comment->id)); $CakeEmail->emailFormat('html'); $CakeEmail->template('commentaire'); $CakeEmail->send(); $this->Session->setFlash(__('The comment has been saved.'), 'notif', array('class' => "success", 'type' => 'ok-sign')); return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('The comment could not be saved. Please, try again.'), 'notif', array('class' => "danger", 'type' => 'info-sign')); } } $this->paginate = array('Comment' => array('limit' => 3, 'order' => array('Comment.created' => 'desc'))); $d['comments'] = $this->Paginate('Comment', array('Comment.online >= 1')); $this->set($d); }
public function individualMail($section, $arr = array()) { $this->autoRender = false; $contents = $this->Mail->findBySection($section); $content = $contents['Mail']['content']; foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { $content = str_replace("~~{$key}~~", $val, $content); } if (!empty($arr['TO_EMAIL']) && Validation::email($arr['TO_EMAIL'], true)) { $email = new CakeEmail(); $email->template('default'); $email->config('default'); $email->emailFormat('html')->to($arr['TO_EMAIL'])->subject($contents['Mail']['subject']); try { if ($email->send($content)) { return; } else { return; } } catch (Exception $e) { return; } } return; }
/** * Prepares the data array. * Adds headers and content * * @return void */ protected function _prepareData() { $this->_data = array(); if (count($this->_cakeEmail->cc()) > 0) { throw new CakeException('Postageapp transport does not support cc'); } if (count($this->_cakeEmail->bcc()) > 0) { throw new CakeException('Postageapp transport does not support bcc'); } if (count($this->_cakeEmail->sender()) > 0) { throw new CakeException('Postageapp transport does not support sender'); } $headers = $this->_cakeEmail->getHeaders(array('from', 'sender', 'replyTo', 'returnPath', 'to', 'subject')); $this->_data['recipients'] = $headers['To']; $map = array('From', 'Subject', 'Reply-To', 'X-Mailer', 'MIME-Version', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'); foreach ($map as $header) { if (!empty($headers[$header])) { $this->_addHeader($header, $headers[$header]); } } $emailFormat = $this->_cakeEmail->emailFormat(); if ($emailFormat == 'both' || $emailFormat == 'text') { $this->_data['content']['text/plain'] = $this->_cakeEmail->message('text'); } if ($emailFormat == 'both' || $emailFormat == 'html') { $this->_data['content']['text/html'] = $this->_cakeEmail->message('html'); } }
/** * add method * * @return void */ public function add() { $institucions = $this->User->Institucion->find('list'); if ($this->request->is('post')) { // Password $password = $this->strongPassword($this->request->data['User']['username']); $this->request->data['User']['password'] = $password; $this->request->data['User']['role'] = 'administrador'; $this->request->data['User']['active'] = true; $this->User->create(); if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) { // Envio de clave al usuario $email = new CakeEmail('default'); $email->template('administrador'); $email->emailFormat('text'); $email->from('*****@*****.**'); $email->to($this->request->data['User']['username']); $email->subject('Cuenta gobscore.'); $email->viewVars(array('name' => $this->request->data['User']['name'], 'institucion' => $institucions[$this->request->data['User']['institucion_id']], 'username' => $this->request->data['User']['username'], 'password' => $password)); if ($email->send()) { $mensaje = 'Los datos de la institución y cuenta de ' . 'administrador han sido enviados correctamente'; } $this->Session->setFlash($mensaje); return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('La información ha no sido almacenada. Por favor, trate de nuevo.')); } } $this->set(compact('institucions')); }
/** * permet de refaire un mot de passe oublié * @return [type] [description] **/ public function forgot() { $this->layout = "home"; if (!empty($this->request->data)) { $user = $this->User->findByMail($this->request->data['User']['mail'], array('id')); if (empty($user)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__("This email address is not associated with any account"), 'notif', array('class' => "danger", 'type' => 'info')); } else { $token = md5(uniqid() . time()); $this->User->id = $user['User']['id']; $this->User->saveField('token', $token); App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $cakeMail = new CakeEmail('smtp'); // à changer par default sur le site en ligne ou smtp en local $cakeMail->to($this->request->data['User']['mail']); $cakeMail->from(array('*****@*****.**' => "site ")); $cakeMail->subject(__('Password regeneration')); $cakeMail->template('forgot'); $cakeMail->viewVars(array('token' => $token, 'id' => $user['User']['id'])); $cakeMail->emailFormat('text'); $cakeMail->send(); $this->Session->setFlash(__("An email was sent to you with instructions to regenerate your password! Please check your span !!"), "notif", array('class' => 'info', 'type' => 'info')); } } }
/** * Wenn es sich um einen POST-Request handelt, wird eine Rundmail mit den übergebenen Daten versendet. * * @author aloeser * @return void */ public function index() { if ($this->request->is('POST')) { $conditions = array('User.mail !=' => '', 'User.admin != ' => 2); if (!$this->request->data['Mail']['sendToAll']) { $conditions['User.leave_date'] = null; } $activeUsersWithEmail = $this->User->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions)); $receivers = array(); foreach ($activeUsersWithEmail as $user) { array_push($receivers, $user['User']['mail']); } $senderMail = '*****@*****.**'; $senderName = 'Humboldt Cafeteria'; $EMail = new CakeEmail(); $EMail->from(array($senderMail => $senderName)); $EMail->bcc($receivers); $EMail->subject($this->request->data['Mail']['subject']); $EMail->config('web'); $EMail->template('default'); $EMail->emailFormat('html'); $EMail->viewVars(array('senderName' => $senderName, 'senderMail' => $senderMail, 'content' => $this->request->data['Mail']['content'], 'subject' => $this->request->data['Mail']['subject'], 'allowReply' => $this->request->data['Mail']['allowReply'])); if ($EMail->send()) { $this->Session->setFlash('Die Rundmail wurde erfolgreich abgeschickt.', 'alert-box', array('class' => 'alert-success')); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } else { $this->Session->setFlash('Beim Senden ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.', 'alert-box', array('class' => 'alert-error')); } } $this->set('actions', array()); }
public function contact() { $this->loadModel('Contact'); if ($this->request->is('post')) { $this->Contact->set($this->request->data); if ($this->Contact->validates()) { App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); if ($this->request->data['Contact']['subject'] == '') { $this->request->data['Contact']['subject'] = 'Contact'; } $Email = new CakeEmail('smtp'); $Email->viewVars(array('mailData' => $this->request->data)); $Email->template('contact', 'default'); $Email->emailFormat('html'); $Email->from(array($this->request->data['Contact']['mail'] => $this->request->data['Contact']['name'])); $Email->to('*****@*****.**'); $Email->subject($this->request->data['Contact']['subject']); $Email->attachments(array('logo.png' => array('file' => WWW_ROOT . '/img/icons/logo.png', 'mimetype' => 'image/png', 'contentId' => 'logo'))); $Email->send(); $this->Flash->success(__('Votre mail a bien été envoyé.')); return $this->redirect($this->referer()); } else { $this->Session->write('errors.Contact', $this->Contact->validationErrors); $this->Session->write('data', $this->request->data); $this->Session->write('flash', 'Le mail n’a pas pu être envoyé. Veuillez réessayer SVP.'); return $this->redirect($this->referer()); } } }
public function sendEmail($to = NULL, $subject = NULL, $data = NULL, $template = NULL, $format = 'text', $cc = NULL, $bcc = NULL) { $Email = new CakeEmail(); $Email->from(array(Configure::read('Email_From_Email') => Configure::read('Email_From_Name'))); //$Email->config(Configure::read('TRANSPORT')); $Email->config('default'); $Email->template($template); if ($to != NULL) { $Email->to($to); } if ($cc != NULL) { $Email->cc($cc); } if ($bcc != NULL) { $Email->bcc($bcc); } $Email->subject($subject); $Email->viewVars($data); $Email->emailFormat($format); if ($Email->send()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function email_referrer($receiver = null, $invite_total = null, $code = null) { $share_link = FULL_BASE_URL . '/invite/' . $code; //For our coming soon incentive, we were increasing peoples call rates by 10 cents for every person that joined the site from their link //so the funciton below simply calculates their new rate. //add in your own function if you want $total_referrals = $invite_total; $current_rate = 2.5 + $invite_total * 0.1; if ($current_rate > 3.5) { $current_rate = 3.5; } $message = 'Nice work! <br /><br /> One of your friends just joined Amplifyd. Your new caller rate is now $' . $current_rate . '0/per call. <br /><br /> Because of you, our public voice just got stronger and louder. <br /><br /> Keep it up, here\'s your unique invite link again: <br /> <a href="' . $share_link . '" >' . $share_link . '</a> <br /><br /> '; $email = new CakeEmail('sendgrid'); $email->emailFormat('html'); $email->to($receiver); $email->subject('A Friend Just Joined'); $email->send($message); }
/** * Send comfirmation email whit unique code */ public function send_mail() { $user = $this->Session->read('Auth'); if (isset($user)) { if ($user['User']['active'] == 0) { $uniqueId = uniqid("", TRUE); if ($this->saveSendComfirmation($user, $uniqueId)) { App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $email = new CakeEmail('gmail'); $link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->webroot . "email/activate_account/" . $user['User']['id'] . '-' . $uniqueId; $email->from('*****@*****.**'); $email->to($user['User']['email']); $email->subject('Mail Confirmation'); $email->emailFormat('html'); $email->template('signup'); $email->viewVars(array('username' => $user['User']['full_name'], 'link' => $link)); $this->Session->setFlash(__('Email comfirmation has been sent'), 'flash/success'); $email->send(); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Could not send email.'), 'flash/error'); } } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Your email is already comfirmed.'), 'flash/error'); } } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('You are not login.'), 'flash/error'); } $this->redirect('/'); }
public function sendEmail() { App::import('Model', 'Setting'); $setting_model = new Setting(); $setting = $setting_model->find('first', array('fields' => 'email_contact')); $email_contact = empty($setting['Setting']['email_contact']) ? '' : $setting['Setting']['email_contact']; if (!empty($this->data['Contato'])) { $contato = $this->data['Contato']; App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $Email = new CakeEmail(); $Email->config('smtp'); $Email->template('contato', null); $Email->viewVars(array('contato' => $contato)); $Email->to($email_contact); $Email->emailFormat('html'); $Email->subject("Cartório NET - Contato: " . $contato['subject']); $success = false; try { if ($Email->send()) { $success = true; } else { $success = false; } } catch (Exception $e) { // pr($e);die; $success = false; } return $success; } return false; }
public function send() { if ($this->request->is('post')) { // Check security token if (empty($this->request->data['Feedback']['token']) || $this->request->data['Feedback']['token'] != '!pilule$') { throw new NotFoundException(); } // Send feedback via email $Email = new CakeEmail(); if (!empty($this->request->data['Feedback']['name']) && !empty($this->request->data['Feedback']['email'])) { $Email->replyTo(array($this->request->data['Feedback']['email'] => $this->request->data['Feedback']['name'])); } $Email->from('*****@*****.**'); $Email->to('*****@*****.**'); $Email->config('postmark'); $Email->subject('Pilule - Commentaires'); $Email->template('feedback'); $Email->emailFormat('html'); $Email->viewVars(array('message' => $this->request->data)); if ($Email->send()) { return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode(array('status' => true)))); } else { return new CakeResponse(array('body' => json_encode(array('status' => false)))); } } elseif ($this->request->is('ajax')) { $this->layout = 'ajax'; $this->render('modals/form'); } }
/** * Build message * * @return array */ private function __buildMessage() { // Message $message = array(); // From $message['From'] = $this->_headers['From']; // To $message['To'] = $this->_headers['To']; // Cc $message['Cc'] = $this->_headers['Cc']; // Bcc $message['Bcc'] = $this->_headers['Bcc']; // ReplyTo $message['ReplyTo'] = $this->_headers['Reply-To']; // Subject $message['Subject'] = iconv_mime_decode($this->_headers['Subject']); // Tag if (isset($this->_headers['Tag'])) { $message['Tag'] = $this->_headers['Tag']; } // HtmlBody if ($this->_cakeEmail->emailFormat() === 'html' || $this->_cakeEmail->emailFormat() === 'both') { $message['HtmlBody'] = $this->_cakeEmail->message('html'); } // TextBody if ($this->_cakeEmail->emailFormat() === 'text' || $this->_cakeEmail->emailFormat() === 'both') { $message['TextBody'] = $this->_cakeEmail->message('text'); } // Attachments $message['Attachments'] = $this->__buildAttachments(); return $message; }
public function contact() { $this->setTitle('Liên hệ'); if ($this->request->is('post')) { $this->loadModel('Contact'); $save_data = array('Contact' => array('name' => $this->request->data('name'), 'address' => $this->request->data('address'), 'phone' => $this->request->data('phone'), 'email' => $this->request->data('email'), 'title' => 'Liên hệ : ' . $this->request->data('name'), 'descriptions' => $this->request->data('message'))); if ($this->Contact->save($save_data)) { $Email = new CakeEmail('smtp'); $Email->emailFormat('text')->subject($save_data['Contact']['title']); $this->loadModel('Setting'); $mail_lists = $this->Setting->getCacheSetting('mail_receiver'); $mail_lists = explode(';', $mail_lists['emails']['value']); $mail_lists = array_filter($mail_lists); // $mail_lists = Configure::read('mail_receiver'); if ($mail_lists) { $Email->to($mail_lists); $content = "\nNgười gửi : {$save_data['Contact']['name']} \n\nSố điện thoại : {$save_data['Contact']['phone']} \n\nEmail : {$save_data['Contact']['email']} \n\nĐịa chỉ : {$save_data['Contact']['address']} \n\nNội dung liên hệ : {$save_data['Contact']['descriptions']}\n\n\n\n "; $Email->send($content); } echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok', 'messages' => array('Cảm ơn bạn đã quan tâm đến BIOWAY-HITECH <br>Chúng tôi sẽ liên lạc lại bạn trong thời gian sớm nhất'))); die; } else { echo 'ng'; die; } } }
function RecoverPassword($username) { $response = array('status' => false, 'message' => 'Ocurrió un error'); $this->Behaviors->attach('Containable'); if ($user = $this->find('first', array('conditions' => array('UsuarioInterno.username' => $username), 'contain' => array('Empresa')))) { $this->id = $user['UsuarioInterno']['id']; $token = md5($user['UsuarioInterno']['id'] . $user['UsuarioInterno']['username'] . date('d-m-Y')); if ($this->saveField('token', $token)) { App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $url = Router::url(array('controller' => 'empresas', 'action' => 'cambiar_clave', $token), true); $Email = new CakeEmail(); $Email->template('password'); $Email->from(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Xperiencia Laboral')); $Email->to($user['UsuarioInterno']['email']); $Email->subject('Recuperacion contraseña Xperiencia Laboral'); $Email->viewVars(array('nombre' => $user['UsuarioInterno']['nombre'] . ' ' . $user['UsuarioInterno']['apellido'], 'url' => $url)); $Email->emailFormat('html'); if ($Email->send()) { $response['message'] = 'Un link para reestablecer tu contraseña ha sido enviado a tu email ' . $user['UsuarioInterno']['email']; $response['status'] = true; } else { $response['message'] = 'Ocurrio un error al intentar enviar el mail'; } } } else { $response['message'] = 'El email ingresado no corresponde a un usuario existente'; } return $response; }
public function add() { //新規会員登録 if ($this->request->is('post')) { $this->User->set($this->data); if ($this->User->validates()) { // status => 0, regist_code => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx を $this->data に入れる $uuid = md5(uniqid()); $data = $this->data; $data['User']['regist_code'] = $uuid; $this->User->save($data); $email = new CakeEmail('gmail'); // インスタンス化 $email->from(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Sender')); // 送信元 $email->to('*****@*****.**'); // 送信先 $email->subject('twitter課題テスト'); // メールタイトル $email->emailFormat('html'); // フォーマット $email->template('mailsendtest'); // テンプレートファイル $email->viewVars(array('registurl' => 'http://dev.elites.com/elites/twitter/users/registcomplete/', 'regist_code' => $uuid)); $email->send(''); // メール送信 $this->redirect(array('contoller' => 'users', 'action' => 'sendmailcomplete')); } } }
function email_adminOut($task = null, $message) { $email = new CakeEmail('sendgrid'); $email->emailFormat('html'); $email->to(Configure::read('Admin.admin_email')); $email->subject('[' . $task . '] shell completion status'); $email->send($message); }
/** * testPostmarkSend method * * @return void */ public function testPostmarkSend() { $this->email->config('postmark'); $this->email->template('default', 'default'); $this->email->emailFormat('html'); $this->email->from(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Your Name')); $this->email->to(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Recipient')); $this->email->cc(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Recipient')); $this->email->bcc(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Recipient')); $this->email->subject('Test Postmark'); $this->email->addHeaders(array('Tag' => 'my tag')); $this->email->attachments(array('cake.icon.png' => array('file' => WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . 'cake.icon.png'))); $sendReturn = $this->email->send(); $headers = $this->email->getHeaders(array('to')); $this->assertEqual($sendReturn['To'], $headers['To']); $this->assertEqual($sendReturn['ErrorCode'], 0); $this->assertEqual($sendReturn['Message'], 'OK'); }
private function _sendEmail($arr = array()) { $sender = Configure::read('Settings.Accounting.accounting_email') == '' ? '*****@*****.**' : Configure::read('Settings.Accounting.accounting_email'); $email_options = array('sender' => array($sender => PAGE_NAME), 'from' => array($sender => PAGE_NAME), 'to' => array($sender), 'subject' => __('Ratecard change information'), 'viewVars' => array('content' => ''), 'template' => 'default', 'layout' => 'default'); $options = array_merge($email_options, $arr); $email = new CakeEmail($options); $email->emailFormat('html'); return $email->send(); }
function _sendEmail($arr = array()) { $sender = Configure::read('Settings.Accounting.accounting_email'); $email_options = array('sender' => array($sender => PAGE_NAME), 'from' => array($sender => PAGE_NAME), 'to' => array($sender), 'subject' => __('New account has been created on ' . PAGE_NAME), 'viewVars' => array('content' => ''), 'template' => 'default', 'layout' => 'default'); $options = array_merge($email_options, $arr); $email = new CakeEmail($options); $email->emailFormat('html'); $email->send(); }
private function send_mail($recipient = null, $username = null, $id = null, $password = null) { $link = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'activate', $id . '-' . md5($password)); App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $email = new CakeEmail('gmail'); $email->from('*****@*****.**')->to($recipient)->subject('Mail Confirmation'); $email->emailFormat('html')->template('activation')->viewVars(array('username' => $username, 'link' => $link)); $email->send(); }
public function send_mail($receiver = null, $name = null, $pass = null) { $message = 'Hi,' . $name . ', Your Password is: ' . $pass; App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email'); $email = new CakeEmail('gmail'); $email->from(array('*****@*****.**' => 'CakePHP Quick Start')); $email->emailFormat('both'); $email->to($receiver); $email->subject('Password retrieval'); $email->send($message); }
private function sendEmail($emailAddress, $comment, $wasUserMentioned) { $email = new CakeEmail(); $email->from(array(Configure::read("Email.SenderAddress") => Configure::read("Email.SenderName"))); $email->to($emailAddress); $email->template('new_comment'); $email->emailFormat('html'); $email->helpers(array('Html')); $email->subject("[Truckr] " . $comment['Post']['title']); $email->viewVars(array('comment' => $comment, 'urlRoot' => Configure::read("Email.UrlRoot"), 'userWasMentioned' => $wasUserMentioned)); $email->send(); }
public function send() { $Email = new CakeEmail(); $Email->config('gmail'); $Email->template('notification', 'default1'); $Email->emailFormat('html'); $Email->from(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Columbia English Libary')); $Email->to('*****@*****.**'); $Email->subject('Columbia English Libary Notification'); $Email->viewVars(array('user_name' => 'Leo', 'content_lines' => 'Test Cakephp Email!')); $Email->send(); }