<?php $_SESSION['direct_to_emp'] = "review_cv/"; include_once 'sessioninc.php'; destroy_my_session(); $id = $_GET['id']; if (!isset($id) || empty($id)) { redirect_to(BASE_URL . "employer/account/"); } $username = $session->get_username(); $user_id = $session->get_user_id(); $country_code = DEFAULT_COUNTRY; $cv_setting = new CVSetting(); $employee_id = $_GET['u']; $cv_setting->id = $id; $cv_setting->fk_employee_id = $employee_id; $already_view = $cv_setting->already_view_cv($user_id, $id); if (!$already_view) { $employer = new Employer(); $employer->username = $username; $total_cv = $employer->total_cv(); define('TEMP_TOTAL_CV', $total_cv); if (FREE_SITE == "N") { if ($total_cv <= 0) { $session->message("<div class='error'>" . format_lang('error', 'cv_zero') . "</div>"); redirect_to(BASE_URL . "employer/credits/"); die; } } $employer->update_cvs(); $cv_setting->save_cv_view($user_id, 7);
$country_code = DEFAULT_COUNTRY; $employer = Employer::find_by_id($user_id); $total_cv = $employer->total_cv(); define('TEMP_TOTAL_CV', $total_cv); if (FREE_SITE == "N") { if ($total_cv <= 0) { $session->message("<div class='error'>" . format_lang('error', 'cv_zero') . "</div>"); redirect_to(BASE_URL . "employer/credits/"); die; } } $id = $_GET['id']; $smarty->assign('id', $id); $employee_id = $_GET['u']; $smarty->assign('employee_id', $employee_id); $cv_setting = new CVSetting(); $cv_setting->id = $cv_id = $id; $cv_setting->fk_employee_id = $employee_id; /** update cv views */ $cv_setting->update_no_views(); $cv_details = $cv_setting->cv_review_by_employer(); $cv_status = $cv_details->cv_status; $smarty->assign('cv_status', $cv_status); if (empty($cv_details->year_experience) || $cv_details->year_experience == 0) { $cv_details->year_experience = 0; } $experiences = Experience::find_by_id($cv_details->year_experience); $exper = !empty($experiences) ? $experiences->experience_name : format_lang('none'); $smarty->assign('exper', $exper); $educations = Education::find_by_id($cv_details->highest_education); $educ = !empty($educations) ? $educations->education_name : format_lang('none');
$location = $file_path . $file_name; //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".strip_tags(stripcslashes($orginal_name) ) . " "); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $orginal_name . "\""); // use 'attachment' to force a download header("Content-length: " . $file_size); header("Content-type: " . $file_type); readfile($location); die; break; default: //if no cv has been upload then take them to add new cv screen if ($total_max_cv <= 0 && $action != "add") { redirect_to(BASE_URL . "curriculum_vitae/add/"); } //list of cover letter $my_cvs = CVSetting::employee_find_all($user_id); //$my_cls = CovingLetter::employee_find_all($user_id); if (is_array($my_cvs) and !empty($my_cvs)) { $cv_t = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($my_cvs as $my_cv) { if ($my_cv->is_defult == 'Y') { //$letter = empty($_POST['txt_letter']) ? $my_letter->cl_text : safe_output( $_POST['txt_letter'] ); } $cv_t[$i]["id"] = $my_cv->id; $cv_t[$i]["fk_employee_id"] = $my_cv->fk_employee_id; $cv_t[$i]["cv_title"] = $my_cv->cv_title; $cv_t[$i]["cv_status"] = $my_cv->cv_status; $cv_t[$i]["no_views"] = $my_cv->no_views; $cv_t[$i]["created_at"] = strftime(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($my_cv->created_at)); $cv_t[$i]["modified_at"] = strftime(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($my_cv->modified_at));
} if ($file['size'] > $_POST['MAX_CV_FILESIZE']) { $error[] = format_lang('error', 'cv_upload_size'); } if ($file['error'] == 0) { $ext = end(explode(".", basename($file['name']))); $ext = strtolower($ext); $allowed_exe = split(",", ALLOWED_FILETYPES_DOC); if (!in_array($ext, $allowed_exe)) { $error[] = format_lang('error', 'file_not_allowed') . " " . basename($file['name']); } } } else { $user_id = $session->get_user_id(); $_SESSION['apply']['cv_selected'] = $cv_selected = $_POST['txt_existed_cv']; $cv_setting = new CVSetting(); $cv_setting->id = $cv_selected; $cv_setting->fk_employee_id = $user_id; $cv_info = $cv_setting->cv_review_by_employee(); $cv = array(); $cv['name'] = $cv_info->cv_title; $target = $cv_info->cv_file_path . $cv_info->cv_file_name; $cv['tmp_name'] = $target; $cv['type'] = $cv_info->cv_file_type; $cv['size'] = $cv_info->cv_file_size; } } //end if (!$session->get_job_seeker() && ENABLE_SPAM_APPLY_JOB && ENABLE_SPAM_APPLY_JOB == 'Y') { if (strtolower($_POST['spam_code']) != strtolower($_SESSION['spam_code']) || (!isset($_SESSION['spam_code']) || $_SESSION['spam_code'] == NULL)) { $error[] = get_lang('error', 'spam_wrong_word');
<?php $_SESSION['direct_to'] = BASE_URL . "curriculum_vitae/"; include_once 'sessioninc.php'; $username = $session->get_username(); $user_id = $session->get_user_id(); $country_code = DEFAULT_COUNTRY; $cv_setting = new CVSetting(); $_SESSION['resume']['id'] = $cv_setting->id = $cv_id = $id; $cv_setting->fk_employee_id = $user_id; $experiences = Experience::find_all(); if (is_array($experiences) and !empty($experiences)) { $experience_t = array(); foreach ($experiences as $experience) { $experience_t[$experience->id] = $experience->experience_name; } $smarty->assign('experience', $experience_t); } $educations = Education::find_all(); if (is_array($educations) and !empty($educations)) { $education_t = array(); foreach ($educations as $education) { $education_t[$education->id] = $education->education_name; } $smarty->assign('education', $education_t); } $categories = Category::find_all(); if (is_array($categories) and !empty($categories)) { $category_t = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $category_t[$category->id] = $category->cat_name;
<?php $_SESSION['direct_to'] = BASE_URL . "curriculum_vitae/"; include_once 'sessioninc.php'; destroy_my_session(); $username = $session->get_username(); $user_id = $session->get_user_id(); $country_code = DEFAULT_COUNTRY; $cv_setting = new CVSetting(); //$cv_setting->id = $cv_id = $id; $_SESSION['resume']['id'] = $cv_setting->id = $cv_id = $id; $cv_setting->fk_employee_id = $user_id; $cv_details = $cv_setting->cv_review_by_employee(); if (!$cv_details && !is_array($cv_details)) { $session->message("<div class='error'>" . format_lang('errormsg', 00) . "</div>"); redirect_to(BASE_URL . 'curriculum_vitae/'); exit; } if ($cv_details->modified_at == '' || empty($cv_details->modified_at)) { //$session->message("<div class='error'>CV has not been modified</div>"); redirect_to(BASE_URL . 'curriculum_vitae/resume/' . $id . '/change/'); exit; } $cv_status = strtolower($cv_details->cv_status); $smarty->assign('cv_status', $cv_status); $ye = empty($cv_details->year_experience) ? 0 : $cv_details->year_experience; $experiences = Experience::find_by_id($ye); $exper = !empty($experiences) ? $experiences->experience_name : format_lang('none'); $smarty->assign('exper', $exper); $he = empty($cv_details->highest_education) ? 0 : $cv_details->highest_education; $educations = Education::find_by_id($he);